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The purpose of the current study was to determine if smoking on high-school property was associated with increased risk for other substance use among U.S. adolescents. Secondary analyses were carried out with data from the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS, N = 15,503). Only adolescents who reported smoking at least one cigarette in the last 30 days were selected for analyses (n = 2531, 44% female). Alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use was assessed among participants. Binary logistic regression analysis was carried out to examine the relationship between smoking on school property (yes versus no) with each of the substance use variables. Adolescent smokers who reported smoking on school property were significantly more likely to report substance use across all substances examined compared to smokers who did not smoke on campus. For example, campus smokers were 3.91 times more likely to use marijuana in their lifetime and 3.85 times more likely to have used crack or cocaine in their lifetime compared to smokers who did not smoke on campus. Health care providers who provide services to adolescents should screen for smoking on school property to help identify adolescents at increased risk for substance use.  相似文献   

A systematic review of peer-reviewed, empirical literature published between 1990 and 2006 was undertaken to determine whether existing research could provide evidence, and a deeper understanding of the relationship between dropping out of high school and the use of substances such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis/marijuana and other illicit drugs. Forty-six articles were reviewed. The review describes the heterogeneity of theoretical frameworks employed, as well as the limited ability of any one to adequately explain the relationship between high school dropout and substance use. A refinement of the many confounding and mediating variables into coherent conceptual categories would aid more robust theory building and theory integration. In spite of differences in dropout definitions and diverse measures of substance use across studies, the main findings point to a largely consistent relationship between dropping out of high school and substance use. However, socially disadvantaged and poor persons, dropouts, and drug users are over-represented in some of the loss to follow-up groups in longitudinal studies surveyed. More rigorous mechanisms to retain participants in longitudinal studies should be employed. Suggestions for future research include comparisons between urban and rural populations, employing qualitative research methods, and research in developing countries, which have the least favourable school outcomes and a dearth of research on high school dropout.
Loraine TownsendEmail:

Research regarding prevention strategies for Hispanic youth stress the importance of family interventions because of the particular importance of family as a protective factor within the Hispanic community. Starting in 1995, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention conducted the National Cross-Site Evaluation of High Risk Youth Programs, a 5-year drug and alcohol prevention study with a sample of approximately 10,500 youth, including nearly 3,000 Hispanic youth. Youth were surveyed regarding their alcohol use patterns and risk and protective factors, with several measures of family relationships, including family connectedness, family supervision, and parental attitudes toward their child's alcohol use. Analyses indicate that family factors are highly linked to alcohol use among Hispanics, particularly among Hispanic females. Longitudinal growth curve analyses indicate that improving the connections that young Hispanic females have to their parents can have positive long-term effects on delaying or reducing their alcohol use. This evaluation was conducted under the direction of Dr. Soledad Sambrano, Ph.D. of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention under contract #2777-95-5002 with EMT Associates, Inc. and ORC Macro. The views expressed herein represent the opinions and analyses of the individual authors and may not necessarily reflect the opinions, official policy, or position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, or the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.  相似文献   

选取西南某省工读学校的193名工读学生参加问卷调查,拟考察工读生的物质滥用行为特点,并初步探索影响工读生物质滥用行为的关键因素以及各关键因素的相对影响力。结果发现:(1)工读生中存在较严重的每日吸烟(49%)、大量饮酒(41%)和毒品使用行为(41%),女生的毒品使用行为约是男生的两倍(74%vs.35%);(2)父母物质滥用行为与态度、同伴物质滥用行为与态度、同伴压力、抵制效能感是影响工读生出现物质滥用行为的关键影响因素;(3)在工读生物质滥用行为影响因素的关系模型中,父母诸因素可以显著地预测同伴诸因素,同时,父母和同伴特点又通过影响工读生的抵制效能感,间接地预测工读生的三种物质滥用行为。其中,父母诸因素对工读生的物质滥用行为和抵制效能感的预测力大于同伴的作用。  相似文献   

Parental and peer influences on adolescent substance use have been well demonstrated. However, limited research has examined how parental and peer influences vary across school contexts. This study used a multilevel approach to examine the effects of school substance use norms and school racial composition in predicting adolescent substance use (a composite measure of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use) and in moderating parental and peer influences on adolescent substance use. A total of 14,346 adolescents from 34 schools in a mid‐western county completed surveys electronically at school. Analyses were conducted using hierarchical linear modeling. Results indicated that school‐level disapproval against substance use and percentage of minority students at school were negatively associated with adolescent substance use. School‐level disapproval moderated the association between peer substance use and adolescent substance use, with the association being stronger when school‐level disapproval was lower. School racial composition moderated the influence of parental disapproval and peer substance use on adolescent substance use. Specifically, both the association between parental disapproval and adolescent substance use and the association between peer substance use and adolescent substance use were weaker for adolescents who attended schools with higher percentages of minority students. Findings highlighted the importance of considering the role of school contexts, in conjunction with parental and peer influences, in understanding adolescent substance use.  相似文献   

This study examined the link between childhood sexual abuse and adolescent substance use among girls, and evaluated depressive self-concept and behavioral under-control (BUC) as pathways to substance use for sexually abused girls. Participants (n = 150) were drawn from a longitudinal study of the impact of domestic violence on the lives of women and children. Structural equation modeling revealed that girls childhood sexual abuse was associated prospectively with their later substance use. This relationship persisted when age, co-occurring forms of child abuse (physical, exposure to domestic violence), childhood depression and aggression, family income, maternal substance use, and parenting practices were controlled. Behavioral under-control mediated the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and later substance use, but depressive self-concept did not. Implications, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the efficacy of a brief bystander bullying intervention on reducing alcohol use among high school students (N = 61). As hypothesized, high‐risk drinkers in the intervention group reported reduced drinking compared with control students at a 30‐day follow‐up.  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of home brewed alcoholic beverages among adolescents in high schools in a rural community in South Africa. There is much concern about alcohol misuse among young people and very little information exists on alcohol produced by the informal liquor industry in South Africa. A total of 1600 high school students participated in the study. The prevalence rates for past year use of home brewed alcohol was 22.2%. There was association between home brewed alcohol use and correlates such as “lived in city”; “raised by both parents”; “repeating school year”; “poor scholastic progress”; “absenteeism” “getting into trouble”, “arguing with parents/friends”; “neglecting homework”; and “recreation/leisure”. The prevalence rates for home brewed alcoholic beverages use in this rural schools calls for more research that focuses on home brews which could lead to the development of appropriate health promotion intervention in schools.  相似文献   

Although there is a great need for substance abuse services among the homeless, many homeless individuals do not use those services. This study examined barriers and supports related to service use. Participants recognized a need for treatment and significant barriers to accessing care.  相似文献   

In considering the influences of microsystems on adolescent substance use, familial and peer contexts have received the most extensive attention in the research literature. School and neighborhood settings, however, are other developmental contexts that may exert specific influences on adolescent substance use. In many instances, school settings are organized to provide educational services to students who share similar educational abilities and behavioral repertoires. The resulting segregation of students into these settings may result in different school norms for substance use. Similarly, neighborhood resources, including models for substance use and drug sales involvement, may play an important role in adolescent substance use. We briefly review literature examining contextual influences on adolescent substance use, and present results from two preliminary studies examining the contribution of school and neighborhood context to adolescent substance use. In the first investigation, we examine the impact of familial, peer, and school contexts on adolescent substance use. Respondents were 283 students (ages 13 to 18) from regular and special education classrooms in six schools. Although peer and parental contexts were important predictors of substance use, school norms for drug use accounted for variance in adolescent use beyond that explained by peer and parental norms. Data from a second study of 114 adolescents (mean age = 15) examines neighborhood contributions to adolescent substance use. In this sample, neighborhood indices did not contribute to our understanding of adolescent substance use. Implications for prevention are presented.  相似文献   

We tested a hypothesis about the usefulness of attachment theory in aiding our understanding of substance use and related problem behaviors among a high-risk group of women. The data were from an ongoing longitudinal study of pregnant and parenting adolescents, and were collected via interview at 5.5 and 6 years postpartum (n = 232). At enrollment, the respondents were an average age of 16. Using regressing analysis (OLS and logistic), differences in attachment security were found to be related to substance use and related problem behaviors and attachment differences in behavior were found to be partially mediated by psychological distress.  相似文献   

对来自山东日照市两所普通高中1~3年级的689名学生进行问卷调查,考察感觉寻求、同伴压力(包括烟酒使用同伴压力与其他同伴压力)对高中生烟酒使用的影响,以及同伴压力的调节作用。结果表明:(1)感觉寻求、烟酒使用同伴压力对高中生烟酒使用有正向预测作用,其他同伴压力也能显著预测其饮酒行为。(2)烟酒共用同伴压力调节感觉寻求和高中生烟酒共用间的关系,只有在高烟酒共用同伴压力下感觉寻求才会显著预测烟酒共用;饮酒同伴压力也调节感觉寻求和高中生饮酒间的关系,只有在高饮酒同伴压力下高感觉寻求者才会有较多饮酒行为;其他同伴压力无此调节作用。(3)吸烟同伴压力不能调节感觉寻求和高中生吸烟间的关系。  相似文献   

Strength of religious faith (SRF) is rarely studied as a protective factor against substance use and misuse in sports. Herein, we studied the potential buffering effect of the complex socio-educational, sports, and religiousness factors in the protection against substance use and misuse, including cigarettes, analgesics, appetite suppressants, potential doping behavior, and binge drinking. The sample of subjects included 40 high-class female athletes (22–26 years of age). Using a strictly anonymous questionnaire, we investigated different social, educational, and sports factors (including SRF measured by the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire) in relation to substance use and misuse. Following the calculation of simple correlations, multiple regression analysis revealed that in combination with low sports experience, SRF has a significant buffering effect against binge alcohol drinking and consumption of appetite suppressants. The data are discussed in comparison with previous findings and theoretical background. Future studies should study the topic while observing samples of recreational and competitive athletes of both genders.  相似文献   

Colleges are often substance‐saturated environments, creating challenges for students trying to maintain recovery from substance use disorders. Using phenomenological method, this study sought to enhance understanding of the experiences of college students in recovery. Findings include 6 main themes that describe the experiences of participants, and implications for professional counselors are delineated from these findings.  相似文献   

Although the neighborhood microsystem is recognized as an important domain for adolescent development, relative to the family and peer contexts, neighborhood factors have been understudied in relation to adolescent substance abuse. In addition, recent research suggests that risk factors for adolescent substance use may differ for African Americans when compared to Caucasian youth. This study investigated the association between perceived neighborhood disorganization and later substance use, as well as possible mediators of that association, among a community sample of urban African American adolescents. Perceptions of neighborhood disorganization (i.e., violence/safety and drug activity) in grade 7 were associated with increased tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use in grade 9. For females, this association was mediated by attitudes about drug use and perceptions of drug harmfulness. Findings highlight the importance of neighborhood contextual variables for African American substance use. Implications and directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Previous research found associations between experiencing specific posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters and use of specific substances among combat veterans, women exposed to domestic violence, and an inpatient sample; however, research has not utilized a college sample when considering this association. This study assessed trauma history, PTSD symptoms, alcohol use, and nonexperimental use of depressants, stimulants, opioids, cannabinoids, hallucinogens, inhalants, and steroids in college students. Results indicate unique associations between the PTSD symptom cluster of reexperiencing and use of depressants, avoidance/numbing with use of depressants and opiates, and hyperarousal with use of opiates. Further, the individual subclusters of behavioral avoidance and emotional numbing were associated with use of depressants and avoidance was associated with hallucinogen use. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

采用压力性生活事件量表、感恩问卷、基本心理需要量表、毒品使用问卷对585名工读生进行调查,分析了工读生毒品使用情况,以及压力性生活事件、感恩、基本心理需要满足与工读生毒品使用的关系。结果显示:(1)工读生的毒品使用行为严重,41.7%的工读生曾使用过毒品;(2)基本心理需要满足在压力性生活事件与毒品使用之间具有完全中介作用;(3)感恩调节了压力性生活事件通过基本心理需要满足对毒品使用的中介过程;(4)感恩与工读生的毒品使用显著负相关。研究结论对青少年毒品使用的预防干预有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

This study examined drinking motives as predictors of alcohol‐related consequences among student athletes and nonathletes. Results indicated that the highest level of alcohol‐related consequences was reported by student athletes with high levels of both coping and conformity motives.  相似文献   

This study examined the differences in mental health and substance use by gender and across education levels of 634 American Indians from 4 eastern tribes. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that men self‐rated significantly better mental health but binge drank and used illicit drugs more often compared with women. Participants with a post–high school degree had significantly better mental health than those without a high school diploma. As education increased, cigarette smoking significantly decreased. Implications for culturally appropriate interventions are discussed. Este estudio examinó las diferencias en salud mental y abuso de sustancias entre distintos sexos y niveles de educación de 634 indios americanos de 4 tribus del este. El análisis multivariante de la varianza indicó que los hombres autoevaluaron su salud mental como significativamente mejor, pero consumían alcohol en exceso y usaban drogas ilícitas con más frecuencia que las mujeres. Los participantes con un grado superior a la enseñanza secundaria tenían una salud mental significativamente mejor que aquellos que no terminaron la enseñanza secundaria. A niveles educativos mayores, la incidencia de fumadores disminuyó significativamente. Se discuten implicaciones para intervenciones culturalmente apropiadas.  相似文献   

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