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采用量性调查和质性访谈结合的方法,对肿瘤科护士灵性照护认知和灵性照顾能力现状,以及他们之间的相关性进行研究和探讨,结果显示肿瘤科护士的灵性照顾能力总分为(69.74±15.31)分,灵性照护认知得分为(174.99±24.95)分,灵性照顾能力和灵性照护认知得分之间呈正相关(r=0.307,P<0.001),说明肿瘤科灵性照顾能力和灵性照护认知有待进一步提升,可通过干预或培训提升肿瘤科护士的灵性照护认知,从而提高其灵性照顾能力。  相似文献   

Elderly persons living in long term care facilities are often separated from or have no pastoral care sources. Spiritual care by chaplains was not available in any of the six nursing homes in Wausau, Wisconsin. Twelve Lutheran congregations in the area worked out a plan to provide the necessary pastoral care. The congregations formed a coordinating agency, Greater Wausau Christian Services, Inc. Through the services of one staff person, the director, who enlisted the lay and pastoral resources of the participating congregations, pastoral care was provided. Worship led by the pastors, meaningful visits made by trained and supervised lay people, and the availability of a trained chaplain became a reality for nearly seven hundred residents in the six long term care facilities.  相似文献   


This article has a double agenda. In the first section, it identifies and selectively surveys nine areas that have figured prominently in recent scholarship on aging and the elderly in the New Testament. In the second section, it identifies areas for future research. Particularly emphasized is the challenge of exploring the relationship between the New Testament material and the Greco-Roman world. In order to do this, it is necessary to identify attitudes, roles, and practices that surround aging and the elderly in that cultural context. Some resources and questions that may serve as starting points for further research are indicated.  相似文献   


Two studies investigated the effects of being forgotten on the target of memory. In Study 1, undergraduate women (N = 96) who had completed a lab session two days prior, were randomly assigned to be remembered, forgotten, complimented, or to a control group. In the absence of effects on mood or social self-esteem, being forgotten resulted in lower meaning in life. In Study 2, participants (N = 47) who had completed a group exercise were informed two days later that no one remembered them, that everyone remembered them, or that no one wanted to work with them. Being forgotten led to lower meaning in life than being remembered but did not differ from being excluded. Being forgotten may be considered a type of incipient ostracism that influences meaning in life but not mood or state social self-esteem.  相似文献   

Job opportunities for psychology for the next decade are being influenced by ongoing shifts in our economic system and resultant general employment practices. As with many burgeoning fields, psychology is experiencing increasing diversification into subspecialities. Professionals in other fields are acquiring supplementary degrees in psychology to heighten their psychological knowledge and professional/organization skills. Thus, psychology is beginning to be viewed, like the MBA, as an important professional degree for many fields, not just mental health or teaching. Training programs are reflecting these diversification trends. Further, as professional applications at the doctoral level expand, there is increasing need for the master's-level technical competence to support the increasing specialities at the doctoral level. These changes represent the creative response of a young and vigorous profession to the challenges of changing market dynamics.  相似文献   

The study examines the literature on poverty and HIV/AIDS in an effort to explore the various psychological resources available for affected individuals. Poverty is an increased risk for HIV and AIDS for a majority of the citizens of sub-Saharan Africa, and also lowered their subjective well-being. Furthermore, research evidence revealed that the relationship between poverty and subjective well-being is mediated by the intervention of such psychological variables as locus of control, self esteem, depression and coping strategies among others. Psychological resources for positive well-being that could ameliorate the potentially devastating combined effects of HIV and poverty are suggested.  相似文献   

Fifty mothers and 48 fathers of soon-to-be-independent children were interviewed to determine how agentic and communal generative themes would be reflected in parenting, occupation, volunteer work, and leisure activities. Mothers reported more communal themes (F5, 83 = 2.32, p <.05). Correlations between generativity and well-being resulted in a negative relationship for mothers in parenting communal generative acts (r = –.41, p = .007) and total generative acts (r = –.3, p = .05) as assessed by the interview. Negative correlations also emerged between mothers' well-being and communal generative acts from the Generative Behavior Checklist, (r = –.33, p = .02).  相似文献   

Population studies indicate that trauma exposure is ubiquitous and has a significant impact on health. Trauma‐informed practice seeks to address the health consequences of trauma through integrative responses that incorporate an understanding of the effects of trauma, the multiple pathways to recovery, and the potential for re‐traumatization. Current trauma‐informed practice considers trauma exposure an individual clinical problem rather than a societal problem with population health consequences. Population health refers to the aggregated health status of individuals who share some characteristic, such as trauma exposure, and includes the study of determinants that shape the distribution of health outcomes in specific populations. In this paper, we describe a population health perspective for trauma‐informed practice that complements the current clinical perspective, and then discuss implications of that perspective for programs, systems, and policies. We summarize essential concepts about trauma over the life course and describe principles of population health science relevant to trauma‐informed practice. We then discuss implications of these principles by identifying four priorities for trauma‐informed practice from a population health perspective: (a) adopting trauma‐informed policies to prevent trauma exposure and to foster resilience in the aftermath of trauma; (b) infusing trauma‐informed practice into everyday activities so it is a routine part of interpersonal transactions; (c) incorporating trauma‐informed practices into existing service systems; and (d) adapting existing treatments to incorporate trauma‐informed principles for population health impact.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in self-reported dispositional forgiveness types among older male prison inmates who experienced parental separation/divorce earlier in life. Participants included a sample of N = 261 incarcerated men, aged 45 and older, residing in state-managed prisons in Oklahoma. IBM/SPSS 22.0 was used to examine mean differences across forgiveness of self, situation, and others. Significant mean differences were evident only for forgiveness of situation. In particular, significant differences emerged relative to depressive affect F (1, 192) = 19.90, p < .001, and social support F (1, 192) = 18.64, p < .001. After controlling for age, race, religiosity, depression, social support, perceived health, crime type, and parental separation/divorce, one significant interaction (crime type X parental separation/divorce) emerged, F (1, 192) = 4.42, p < .05. It appears that the disposition to forgive the situation among older prison inmates depends on criminal offender type as well as whether the older inmate experienced parental dissolution earlier in life. Implications for pastoral counseling programing and forgiveness therapy treatment for older male prison inmates who experienced parental separation/divorce earlier in life are discussed.  相似文献   

Issues and risks for pastoral care and counseling from the perspective of old age (here, ages 75 to 100) include identification of old age as a problem and its association with death in a death-denying culture. Two elements are fundamental: existential experiential deficits between the old and their younger caregivers (e.g., age cohort experiences, health status, gender, culture, privilege, etc.); and boundary issues that push the old, and pastoral care, to the edge of experience, where choices must be made between creativity and negativity (e.g., moving to dependent living, disability, etc.). Loss of doing (versus being) as a viable option is a major edge experience. The resulting sense of emptiness carries with it the potential for a sacramental awareness in which absence of doing becomes an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.  相似文献   

General System Theory is used to examine the structure and activity of human services organizations for conditions which support the introduction of selected narrative ideas in a systemic approach to mental health services. The inquiry includes examination of the influence of larger systems (such as managed care companies and regulatory bodies) on such introduction.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web (WWW) was 20 years old last year. Enormous amounts of information about stuttering are now available to anyone who can access the Internet. Compared to 20 years ago, people who stutter and their families can now make more informed choices about speech-language interventions, from a distance. Blogs and chat rooms provide opportunities for people who stutter to share their experiences from a distance and to support one another. New technologies are also being adopted into speech-language pathology practice and service delivery. Telehealth is an exciting development as it means that treatment can now be made available to many rural and remotely located people who previously did not have access to it. Possible future technological developments for speech-language pathology practice include Internet based treatments and the use of Virtual Reality. Having speech and CBT treatments for stuttering available on the Internet would greatly increase their accessibility. Second Life also has exciting possibilities for people who stutter.Educational objectives: The reader will (1) explain how people who stutter and their families can get information about stuttering from the World Wide Web, (2) discuss how new technologies have been applied in speech-language pathology practice, and (3) summarize the principles and practice of telehealth delivery of services for people who stutter and their families.  相似文献   

Addressing the unique needs of youth transitioning to adulthood has long been viewed as a priority in implementation of systems of care (SOCs) and wraparound. Developmental research and "practice-based evidence" suggest that there are differences between transitioning youth and their younger peers in family environment and wraparound team processes. Although these differences are thought to have significant implications for wraparound practice, few studies have examined them empirically. The present research involves two studies examining differences across several age cohorts (i.e., 10–12, 13, 14, 15, 16–17 year-olds) ranging from early adolescent to transitioning youth in: (1) caregiver perceptions of role-related strain and family environment quality, and (2) facilitator, caregiver, and youth perceptions of wraparound processes. In Study #1, older age was associated with higher levels of caregiver strain. In Study #2, age was associated with differences between youth and other team members' perceptions of wraparound processes, such that older youth perceived teams as less cohesive than others on their teams. These findings suggest that transitioning youth and their families merit special consideration in wraparound implementation and underscore the importance of considering the perceptions of transitioning youth in system change and practice improvement efforts (192 words).  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop a conceptual framework for the near-death experience (NDE), reflecting its nature and meaning for the patient and the critical care nurse. The study used naturalistic inquiry to examine the question: What is the nature and meaning of an NDE and how has it influenced the individual's view of the self, the future, and feelings and beliefs about life and death? The NDE Scale (Greyson, 1983) was used with patients and semi-structured interview guides were used with both nurses and patients to explore the NDE from a comprehensive perspective. An NDE was defined as the report of “unusual” recollections associated with a period of unconsciousness during either serious illness or injury, or resuscitation from a cardiac or respiratory arrest. The sample included 12 patients who experienced an NDE and 19 nurses who cared for patients who experienced NDEs. This study highlighted the emotional aspects of the NDE. Patients described how the NDE transformed their lives and nurses reported how their experiences with patients changed them personally and professionally.  相似文献   

Systematic observational studies of the chaplain's role and function in the secular health‐care setting are few. With an episode‐based diary recorded on handheld digital tablets, palliative care chaplains at a large urban hospital with a diverse patient population recorded details of patient visits in near‐real time. Cluster analysis revealed groups of activities we called "doing" and "being," and conversation topics of "practical matters" and "ultimate concerns”; chaplains were most satisfied with visits that involved all of these. Chaplains offer patients and families a space to express significant concerns; however, visits with spiritual or religious activities or topics were relatively rare. Broad quality of life concerns are central to the evolving professional role of chaplains in the secular setting of the modern hospital.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web (WWW) was 20 years old last year. Enormous amounts of information about stuttering are now available to anyone who can access the Internet. Compared to 20 years ago, people who stutter and their families can now make more informed choices about speech-language interventions, from a distance. Blogs and chat rooms provide opportunities for people who stutter to share their experiences from a distance and to support one another. New technologies are also being adopted into speech-language pathology practice and service delivery. Telehealth is an exciting development as it means that treatment can now be made available to many rural and remotely located people who previously did not have access to it. Possible future technological developments for speech-language pathology practice include Internet based treatments and the use of Virtual Reality. Having speech and CBT treatments for stuttering available on the Internet would greatly increase their accessibility. Second Life also has exciting possibilities for people who stutter.Educational objectives: The reader will (1) explain how people who stutter and their families can get information about stuttering from the World Wide Web, (2) discuss how new technologies have been applied in speech-language pathology practice, and (3) summarize the principles and practice of telehealth delivery of services for people who stutter and their families.  相似文献   

Aim: This research article contributes to the debate on the value and limitation of the use of spiritual strategies, like prayer, in counselling (Foskett & Lynch, 2001) by disseminating the insights that were gained from a qualitative study of mainstream counsellors whose work includes prayer. Method: Participants were 19 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)‐accredited and Churches Ministerial Counselling Service (CMCS)‐approved counsellors who use prayer in their practice. They were interviewed, and the data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results: The data reveal that counsellors who use prayer are aware that ethical problems may be encountered: if prayer changes the way that the counsellor is perceived; when using prayer with issues of psychopathology; if the counsellor uses prayer to impose faith on a client; when being professionally held to account; if prayer is used for avoidance or as a defence; if prayer is used to enhance the counsellor's power; if prayer is not part of the client's agenda; if prayer is used routinely; if prayer cannot be challenged; if there is a cultural pressure to pray; and if the prayer method is not matched to the client – but that their concern over potential ethical issues is not of sufficient strength to override their therapeutic use of prayer if facilitated with due care.  相似文献   





This article considers how older Christians (aged over 70) exercise worship in an environment of shared ministry. Specifically, the Local Shared Ministry Units (LSMU) model of worship within the Auckland Diocese of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Polynesia (Auckland Diocese). A collective case study approach was used, and individual members of four LSMUs were interviewed with the resulting comments treated as a collective case study. The findings indicate these older adults are still seeking faith formation, do not regard themselves as fully formed spiritually, and use personal prayer in particular to enhance and nourish their faith growth.  相似文献   

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