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The purpose of this study was to investigate the separate impact of each of thirteen therapist beliefs that, presented collectively, were previously found to have a significantly negative impact on prospective clients' attitudes toward managed care psychotherapy (Pomerantz, 2000). Participants in this study initially completed a brief questionnaire measuring their willingness to enter psychotherapy and their expectations regarding psychotherapy under managed care. Participants subsequently completed the same brief questionnaire again after being instructed to imagine seeing a hypothetical psychologist and being presented with the psychologist's supposed beliefs regarding managed care (which were actually derived from survey data by Murphy et al., 1998). Results suggest that almost every discrete therapist belief had a significantly negative impact on participants' attitudes toward managed care psychotherapy. Several specific therapist beliefs produced particularly salient negative effects. Implications regarding ethics and informed consent are discussed.  相似文献   


In this article the experience of managed care is over-viewed from the perspective of existential marital therapy. It is concluded that managed care disrupts the experiential nature of participation between couple and therapist, dilutes the authentic nature of the treatment relationship, decreases the importance of subjectivity, disturbs the discovery of meaning and purpose in marital life and deters existential communication.  相似文献   

Collaborative care map construction is proposed as an alternative reference to the clinical practice of treatment planning. This reframe is intended to highlight the importance of client–therapist collaboration in “mapping out” care. Six therapist postures or practices are presented and discussed that promote client involvement: (a) speaking tentatively, (b) revisiting role induction, (c) inviting client preferences, (d) determining direction, (e) wondering aloud, and (f) checking for clarity and soliciting feedback. Suggestions are provided for employing these postures within the time constraints and external controls of managed care entities.  相似文献   

The authors studied psychotherapeutic practices commonly used in managed care settings and the theories and rhetorical strategies that justify them to speculate about if or how they are beginning to influence societywide understandings about the proper way of being human at the turn of the millennium. The practices--and effects--of managed care regulations on the self are interpreted by studying how the patient, the therapist, and the therapeutic relationship come to light in managed care settings. These categories are then used to speculate about the configuration of the newly emerging, 21st-century self. By extending hermeneutic concerns about instrumentalism and technicism, the authors suggest a new way of thinking about psychotherapy modeled less on positivist science and more on moral discourse. Finally, given this more hermeneutic understanding of psychotherapy, the authors speculate about alternative conceptions and arrangements of care.  相似文献   

The challenge of group treatment with ego impaired children is to provide a situation in which their maladaptive efforts to organize volatile affects and impulses can be tolerated and structured. This article addresses the process of culture building in group and how it can provide a cohesive structure for affective expression that is acceptable and tolerable to the defensive, resistant child. In particular, the author will argue that it is through the sense of normality and commonality engendered by indigenous peer culture that the members initially develop a structure and language for affiliation, play, and mutual identification. By facilitating the cohesion of indigenous peer culture, the therapist creates a sufficient holding environment to begin a dialogue involving both verbal and nonverbal communication. For children who are difficult to engage in discussion, let alone treatment, this dialogue is the essential process for creating a corrective emotional experience. Through a concise case study, the author describes the process by which the children's efforts to express and create their own culture are cultivated, managed, and understood.  相似文献   

This article presents a model for understanding development within children's psychotherapy groups. It is proposed that two complementary cultures exist within children's groups, one, indigenous peer culture, strictly of the children's making and the other, therapeutic group culture, created by the therapist in collaboration with group members. The therapist is wise to approach indigenous peer culture as an ethnographer might a native culture, with an emphasis on observation and seeking understanding rather than on intervention. The therapist can use the indigenous peer culture to speak to the children in their own language and eventually to engage them in collaboratively building a meaning system that is uniquely designed to address their psychotherapeutic needs. The article defines these concepts, develops them theoretically, and illustrates them clinically.  相似文献   

The challenge of group treatment with ego impaired children is to provide a situation in which their maladaptive efforts to organize volatile affects and impulses can be tolerated and structured. This article addresses the process of culture building in group and how it can provide a cohesive structure for affective expression that is acceptable and tolerable to the defensive, resistant child. In particular, the author will argue that it is through the sense of normality and commonality engendered by indigenous peer culture that the members initially develop a structure and language for affiliation, play, and mutual identification. By facilitating the cohesion of indigenous peer culture, the therapist creates a sufficient holding environment to begin a dialogue involving both verbal and nonverbal communication. For children who are difficult to engage in discussion, let alone treatment, this dialogue is the essential process for creating a corrective emotional experience. Through a concise case study, the author describes the process by which the children's efforts to express and create their own culture are cultivated, managed, and understood.  相似文献   

This article presents a model for understanding development within children's psychotherapy groups. It is proposed that two complementary cultures exist within children's groups, one, indigenous peer culture, strictly of the children's making and the other, therapeutic group culture, created by the therapist in collaboration with group members. The therapist is wise to approach indigenous peer culture as an ethnographer might a native culture, with an emphasis on observation and seeking understanding rather than on intervention. The therapist can use the indigenous peer culture to speak to the children in their own language and eventually to engage them in collaboratively building a meaning system that is uniquely designed to address their psychotherapeutic needs. The article defines these concepts, develops them theoretically, and illustrates them clinically.  相似文献   

Death is inevitable and yet in US culture the discussion of death is somewhat taboo. Marriage and Family therapists are trained in the implications of grief and loss for clients who lose loved ones and yet examination of the impact of therapist mortality on clients is lacking in the clinical literature. This article examines ways that private practice therapists can both protect their client’s confidentiality and mitigate the impact of therapist sudden death on their clients with planning and forethought. In addition, the factors influencing the lack of empirical research on this topic is discussed in the context of social mores on death and how therapists’ own denial of mortality may impact their ability to connect with clients through the pain of grief and loss. Recommendations are made for therapists to evaluate their own attitudes towards mortality and develop a plan for client care in the event of their death.  相似文献   

Recent malpractice cases reflect increased liability for psychotherapists working with possible adult victims of childhood sexual abuse. These cases have related to recovery of past memory of abuse and the fashion in which the therapist managed the recovery and treatment. Ways in which therapists may harm clients by omission and commission are explored. The emerging lack of clarity between investigative and therapeutic interviews is discussed. False memory is considered in relationship to malpractice liability, standards of care, and attempts to preserve potential evidence. The author proposes written informed consent and investigative interviewing procedures for working with potential memory recovery cases. Formats for general informed consent to psychotherapy for patient record keeping of newly emergent material are appended.  相似文献   

There has been a shift of healing authority in our culture from priestly practitioners to scientific and medical practitioners. As part of this change the care and healing of stressed or broken families is now seen as the responsibility of the family therapist. A consequence of this has been some role confusion on the part of the clergy and therapists. A comparison of the symbolic complex of belief and value systems used in MacGregor's team-family method of family therapy and Joseph Haroutunian's theology of the church shows four striking similarities. The implications of these similarities for the continued confusion or clarity of the roles of priest and therapist are noted.Rev. Fitchett is Chaplain-Supervisor and Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Health, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, 1753 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60612.  相似文献   

The role played by socio-cultural factors in psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the vantage point of both the client and the therapist is elucidated. The position conferred upon culture throughout the history of psychoanalysis from classical to contemporary perspectives is briefly reviewed with special reference to the practice of psychoanalysis in India. A case study having relevance to the present theme is discussed where ignorance of factors salient to Indian culture adversely affected the outcome. Attention is given to internal and external pressures that prompted the therapist to take the stand. It is argued that the therapist may tread the difficult path between cultural universalism and cultural relativism rather than committing to either of them in order to do justice to psychoanalytical clinical work.  相似文献   

Major issues in contemporary family therapy in the United States are described. Issues from outside the field impacting family therapy include health care reform, family 'values', multiple forms of 'family', and the growing aging population. Issues within the field include the challenge of social construction theory, the decline of the expert, the feminist critique, sensitivity to culture, rediscovering individuals within families, focus on strengths and resources, a both–and attitude toward collaboration with other professionals, emphasis upon the person of the therapist, and convergence of 'schools' of family therapy. Therapists in the United States are also opening up the private process of therapy through reflecting teams, including clients in therapist thinking, multi-family groups, and through psychoeducational groups. Finally, attempts to bridge the gap between research and practice are analyzed.  相似文献   

A Christian analysis of the moral conflicts that exist among physicians and health care institutions requires a detailed treatment of the ethical issues in managed care. To be viable, managed care, as with any system of health care, must be economically sound and morally defensible. While managed care is per se a morally neutral concept, as it is currently practiced in the United States, it is morally dubious at best, and in many instances is antithetical to a Catholic Christian ethics of health care. The moral status of any system of managed care ought to be judged with respect to its congruence with Gospel teachings about the care of the sick, Papal Encyclicals, and the documents of the Second Vatican Council. In this essay, I look at the important conceptual or definitional issues of managed care, assess these concerns over against the source and content of a Catholic ethic of health care, and outline the necessary moral requirements of any licit system of health care.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used an audio-analog design to test whether exposing bilingual participants to a therapist who invited a bilingual client to switch languages in a psychotherapy session would have a positive effect on participants’ perceptions of the therapist. We also explored whether participants’ sense of belonging to their ethnic group and to the larger US culture would enhance or attenuate this effect. Sixty-three bilingual Latino/a university students listened to one of two recordings of a simulated psychotherapy session with a bilingual Latina therapist and client. In one recording, the therapist invited the client to switch from English to Spanish when the client had trouble expressing complicated feelings; in the other, the therapist did not invite the client to switch. When listening, participants were asked to imagine themselves in the role of client and to rate the credibility and multicultural competence of the therapist, and the emotional bond they would anticipate with her. Contrary to expectation, only participants who expressed a greater sense of belonging to US culture rated the therapist who invited the client to switch as being more multiculturally competent. We discuss how these findings contribute to the literature on language switching and bilingualism in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

In its response to pressures to rationalize health care resource allocation, the American health care system has embraced managed care without concurrent comprehensive health care reform, either in the form of the centralized tax-based systems found in Europe and Canada or that of the Clinton reform plan. What survives is managed care without managed competition, employer mandates, or universal access. Two problems inherent in the incentive structure of managed care plans developed in the absence of comprehensive health care reform work against the public interest. First, sacrifices in terms of medical innovation and quality of care may not be offset by greater equity in the distribution of health care. Second, such managed care plans fail to address the need for long-term accountability.  相似文献   

For counseling settings, research suggests that softness, personalization, and order might affect the experience and the perceived expertness, trustworthiness, and social attractiveness of the therapist. This article discusses exploratory studies on college students' perception of the counseling office environment and whether the likely client experience was associated with the softness/personalization and order of the office. As stimuli, the studies used 30 color photographs of psychotherapists' offices viewed from the client's perspective. After obtaining ratings of the characteristics of each office, we obtained ratings from different groups of students of the quality of care and comfort expected in each office (Study 1) and how qualified, bold, and friendly the therapist in the office would be (Study 2). Additional studies examined the likelihood of choosing a therapist based on the office, and the first thought or feeling that came to mind about the office, the therapist, and the patient experience. There were strong correlations in response between groups (by whether they had experienced therapy; their level in school; their gender; and their major, location, and school size). The quality of care, comfort, therapist boldness, qualifications of the therapist, and the likelihood that one would choose a therapist based on the office improved with increases in the office's softness/personalization and order. Friendliness improved with increases in softness/personalization. The office choices, open-ended responses, and reported reasons for the ratings confirmed the importance of softness (comfort) and order. Research should test longer term exposure and behavior.  相似文献   

In this rich paper the analysand Annabelle is sent by her analyst to the dance therapist who reports in great detail how Annabelle manages to throw off and—to a certain extent—integrate not only her own life-long misunderstanding but also those of her parents. The reason for Annabelle's referral was straightforward: the analysis had ground to a halt. Words no longer reached her. The reader is reminded of the emotive-relational-motor clusters described in Chazan's and Shahar-Levy's papers. Body image distortions and space misperceptions curtailed this patient's ability to function. When she began to bring her distress to her analytic dance therapy sessions, she could not associate verbally but made use of props her therapist had in store. As she slowly progressed toward true symbolization and expression, her therapist found herself embroiled countertransferentially. The patient's long-suffering mother was remembered as someone who would, or could, only give partial information about the family's history. The father had been a Nazi and was now blamed for all the suffering the family had lo endure. This fact resonated both with Annabelle's analyst and the dance therapist who managed to take a long look at their own family's records during that troubled time.  相似文献   

How does one maintain an ethical practice while facing the requirements and limits of a health care system that is dominated by managed care? Psychologists are increasingly raising such questions about ethical issues when working in or contracting with managed care organizations. The authors review the process involved in ethical decision making and problem solving and focus on 4 areas in which ethical dilemmas most commonly arise in a managed care context: informed consent, confidentiality, abandonment, and utilization management-utilization review. The need for sustained and organized advocacy efforts to ensure patient access to quality health care is discussed, as is the impact of managed care's competitive marketplace on professional relationships. Hypothetical examples of typical dilemmas psychologists face in the current practice environment are provided to illustrate systematic ethical decision making.  相似文献   


This clinical report highlights some of the processes arising in a therapy group of persons with persistent and chronic psychiatric illnesses as they cope with the stress of their long–standing therapist’s impending retirement. Members were initially disbelieving that the therapist would leave and were also concerned about their future care, particularly in terms of medications. Gradually they were more able to experience their feelings of loss and their genuine caring for the therapist and the group, using higher level defenses and increasing their ability to tolerate strong affects. They became increasingly able to demonstrate empathy, notably in their ability to consider the therapist’s emotions. The clinical material also illustrates the therapist’s personal involvement, countertransferences and expressions of concern.  相似文献   

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