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Retirement Community living sponsored by groups of churches or related, in any direct sense, to a purpose that is called Christian, should, in very specific ways, demonstrate that faith in Christ is an integral part of resident life.

An organization, within the retirement community of Holly Hall in Houston, Texas, seeks to fulfill that requirement by a deliberate commitment to what is called Christian Life Emphasis. It involves a variety of bonding rituals and a ministry of resident to resident that enables spiritual awareness to permeate the continuum of care.  相似文献   

Using the Revised Youth Purpose Survey (Bundick et al., 2006 Bundick, M, Andrews, M, Jones, A, Mariano, JM, Bronk, KC and Damon, W. 2006. Revised youth purpose survey, Stanford, CA: Unpublished instrument, Stanford Center on Adolescence.  [Google Scholar]), the Trait Hope Scale (Snyder et al., 1991 Snyder, CR. 2003. March). Measuring hope in children. Paper presented at the Child Trends Indicators of Positive Development Conference. 2003, Washington, DC.  [Google Scholar]), and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985 Diener, E, Emmons, RA, Larsen, RJ and Griffin, S. 1985. The Satisfaction With Life Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49: 7175. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the present study examined the relationship among purpose, hope, and life satisfaction among 153 adolescents, 237 emerging adults, and 416 adults (N = 806). Results of this cross-sectional study revealed that having identified a purpose in life was associated with greater life satisfaction at these three stages of life. However, searching for a purpose was only associated with increased life satisfaction during adolescence and emerging adulthood. Additionally, aspects of hope mediated the relationship between purpose and life satisfaction at all three stages of life. Implications of these results for effectively fostering purpose are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between faith, life purpose, and well-being, and the potential mediational effects of life purpose between faith and well-being. One hundred and three male and female college students completed a life purpose measure designed for the current study, the General Life Purpose Scale, as well as the Perceived Wellness Scale (Adams, T.B. (1995). The conceptualization and measurement of wellness (Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1995). Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(6–B), 3111) and the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire (Plante, T.G., & Boccaccini, M.T. (1997). The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. Pastoral Psychology, 45, 375–387). Results indicated that life purpose significantly mediated the relationship between faith and well-being. The importance of these findings for clinicians and educators is discussed.  相似文献   

Psychological theories prioritize developing enduring sources of meaning in life. As such, unstable meaning should be detrimental to well-being. Two daily experience sampling studies were conducted to test this hypothesis. Across the studies, people with greater instability of daily meaning reported lower daily levels of meaning in life, and lower global levels of life satisfaction, positive affect, social connectedness and relationship satisfaction, along with higher global levels of negative affect and depression. In addition, instability of meaning interacted with average daily levels of meaning to account for significant variance in meaning in life scores. Relative to people with more stable meaning, people with unstable meaning tended to score near the middle of the distribution of well-being, whether they reported high or low levels of daily meaning. Results are discussed with an eye toward a better understanding of meaning in life and developing interventions to stabilize and maximize well-being.  相似文献   

Shortfalls of widely used measures of meaning in life are described. Their use results in biased correlations and restriction of the complexity inherent in experiences of meaning. To qualify results, the Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe) is employed. It offers separate scales to measure a positive and a negative dimension of meaning: meaningfulness–a fundamental sense of meaning and belonging, and crisis of meaning–the evaluation of life as frustratingly empty and lacking meaning. Both intercorrelate moderately (?.38/?.35). Additionally, the SoMe assesses 26 sources of meaning. Based on a representative sample, relationships between meaningfulness, crisis of meaning, and sources of meaning with demographics are reported (Study 1). In Study 2, SoMe scales are correlated with positive (mood, satisfaction with life) and negative (neuroticism, anxiety, depression) indicators of well-being. SEM reveals that meaningfulness predicts positive well-being, but is not predictive of negative well-being. Crisis of meaning is a strong predictor for both positive and negative well-being.  相似文献   

Meaning in life is thought to be important to well-being throughout the human life span. We assessed the structure, levels, and correlates of the presence of meaning in life, and the search for meaning, within four life stage groups: emerging adulthood, young adulthood, middle-age adulthood, and older adulthood. Results from a sample of Internet users (N = 8756) demonstrated the structural invariance of the meaning measure used across life stages. Those at later life stages generally reported a greater presence of meaning in their lives, whereas those at earlier life stages reported higher levels of searching for meaning. Correlations revealed that the presence of meaning has similar relations to well-being across life stages, whereas searching for meaning is more strongly associated with well-being deficits at later life stages.  相似文献   

This research used longitudinal data from the German Socio‐Economic Panel Study (SOEP) to examine whether religious attendance buffers the impact of unemployment on life satisfaction. Fixed effects models following 5,446 individuals up to three years after the transition to unemployment yielded two central findings. First, higher frequency of religious attendance was associated with smaller drops in life satisfaction. Second, only those who attended religious services on a weekly basis adapted to unemployment. These results suggest that religious attendance on a weekly basis can mitigate the psychological impact of unemployment.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between sense of divine involvement and sense of meaning in life. Then it proceeds to assess how this association varies by religious tradition. Using a random and national sample from the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey, this study finds that sense of divine involvement is associated with greater odds of having a sense of meaning in life. In addition, religious affiliation modifies this association. Specifically, the positive association between sense of divine involvement and the odds of having a sense of meaning in life is observed only among evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants, and Catholics, but not among other religionists and religious nones. I discuss how the results make contributions to knowledge about the link between religious beliefs, religious tradition, and mental health.  相似文献   


This article summarizes quantitative findings and presents two illustrative case studies showing how religious dwelling and spiritual seeking evolve over the adult life course and relate to psychosocial functioning in late adulthood. The data come from the Institute of Human Development (IHD) longitudinal study of men and women. Religious dwellers tend to emphasize traditional forms of religious behavior whereas spiritual seekers emphasize innovative religious practices. In the IHD study, the religious involvement of the dwellers tended to be highly stable over the life course whereas spirituality gained in salience in the second half of adulthood. In late adulthood, religious dwelling was associated with maintaining close and warm relations with others and communal involvement, and during times of adversity, religiousness served as a buffer against the loss of life satisfaction. Spiritual seeking was associated with an emphasis on personal growth, creativity, and acquiring new knowledge. Spiritual growth was particularly characteristic of introspective individuals who in early adulthood experienced stressful life events.  相似文献   

生命意义的内涵、测量及功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究者通常用目的和含义来定义生命意义,或者把它定义为多维度的结构。认知、动机和情感是被提及最多的生命意义的组成维度。动机和认知维度得到了较多研究者的认可,而情感维度存在较大争议。生命意义是幸福不可或缺的元素,它能够影响许多与幸福有关的变量。目前的研究对生命意义的动机维度(生命意义寻求)及如何获得和提高生命意义研究较少,今后的研究可针对这两方面开展。  相似文献   

运用元分析的方法来探讨生命意义与主观幸福感的关系。纳入了符合元分析标准的文献45篇,共51个独立样本,总样本量为27291。元分析结果表明:生命意义与主观幸福感(r=0.505,p0.001),生活满意度(r=0.395,p0.001)和积极情感(r=0.325,p0.001)呈显著正相关,而与消极情感(r=-0.195,p0.1)呈显著负相关。生命意义与主观幸福感的关系受到性别和被试群体的调节,如性别能显著正向调节二者的关系。结果表明,生命意义能有效预测主观幸福感。  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in meaning in life, many have voiced their concern over the conceptual refinement of the construct itself. Researchers seem to have two main ways to understand what meaning in life means: coherence and purpose, with a third way, significance, gaining increasing attention. Coherence means a sense of comprehensibility and one’s life making sense. Purpose means a sense of core goals, aims, and direction in life. Significance is about a sense of life’s inherent value and having a life worth living. Although some researchers have already noted this trichotomy, the present article provides the first comprehensible theoretical overview that aims to define and pinpoint the differences and connections between these three facets of meaning. By arguing that the time is ripe to move from indiscriminate understanding of meaning into looking at these three facets separately, the article points toward a new future for research on meaning in life.  相似文献   

为了解中小学、幼儿园教师职业倦怠的现状,探讨主观幸福感和人生意义在职业倦怠对心理生活质量影响的中介作用机制,采用“中小学教师职业倦怠问卷”“心理生活质量评价问卷”“主观幸福感量表”和“人生意义感量表”对广东省581名中小学和幼儿园教师实施调查。结果表明:(1)中小幼教师职业倦怠、主观幸福感、人生意义和心理生活质量两两间存在显著的相关关系;(2)中小幼教师职业倦怠能显著负向预测心理生活质量和主观幸福感; 主观幸福感能显著正向预测心理生活质量、人生意义; 人生意义能显著正向预测心理生活质量;(3)主观幸福感与人生意义在职业倦怠对中小幼教师心理生活质量影响间的链式中介作用成立。  相似文献   

采取职业使命感量表、人生意义感量表、学业满意度量表和生活满意度量表对679名免费师范生进行调查,考察免费师范生的职业使命感与其学业满意度和生活满意度的关系,以及人生意义感在其关系中的作用。结果表明:(1)师范生的职业使命感不存在性别和年级差异。(2)师范生的职业使命感对其人生意义体验、学业满意度和生活满意度均存在显著的预测作用。(3)人生意义体验在职业使命感与学业满意度之间起显著的部分中介作用;人生意义体验也在职业使命感与生活满意度之间起显著的部分中介作用。(4)人生意义寻求在职业使命感与学业满意度、生活满意度之间的调节作用未得到支持;人生意义寻求在人生意义体验与学业满意度、生活满意度之间的调节作用也未得到支持,这可能体现了中西文化的差异。  相似文献   

George Kaufman 《Zygon》1997,32(2):175-188
This article sketches what is required of a world picture (religious or nonreligious) that is intended to provide orientation in the world for ongoing human life today. How do we move from conceptions and theories prominent in the modern sciences—such as cosmic and biological evolution—to an overall picture or cosmology which can orient us for the effective address of today's deepest human problems? A biohistoricalconception of the human is proposed in answer to this question.  相似文献   

基于存在主义心理学理论,本研究采用人际交往能力问卷、孤独感量表和生命意义量表对福建省三所大学的1476名大一和大二学生进行调查,考察人际交往能力与生命意义的关系,以及孤独感的中介作用和年级的调节作用。结果表明:(1)交往能力和孤独感存在显著的性别差异。男生的交往能力显著高于女生,孤独感显著低于女生;(2)交往能力与孤独感呈显著负相关,与拥有意义和追寻意义均呈显著正相关,而孤独感与它们均呈显著负相关;(3)孤独感在交往能力与拥有生命意义之间的中介作用受到年级的调节。与大二学生相比,大一新生孤独感的中介效应更大。研究结果在一定程度上揭示了交往能力对生命意义的作用过程,为针对性提升大学新生生命意义提供方向指导和实证依据。  相似文献   

基于存在主义心理学理论,本研究采用人际交往能力问卷、孤独感量表和生命意义量表对福建省三所大学的1476名大一和大二学生进行调查,考察人际交往能力与生命意义的关系,以及孤独感的中介作用和年级的调节作用。结果表明:(1)交往能力和孤独感存在显著的性别差异。男生的交往能力显著高于女生,孤独感显著低于女生;(2)交往能力与孤独感呈显著负相关,与拥有意义和追寻意义均呈显著正相关,而孤独感与它们均呈显著负相关;(3)孤独感在交往能力与拥有生命意义之间的中介作用受到年级的调节。与大二学生相比,大一新生孤独感的中介效应更大。研究结果在一定程度上揭示了交往能力对生命意义的作用过程,为针对性提升大学新生生命意义提供方向指导和实证依据。  相似文献   

以283名高中学生为被试,通过问卷调查的方式,探讨了亲子依恋对高中生生命意义感的影响,以及同伴依恋和时间洞察力在亲子依恋与生命意义感间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)亲子依恋、同伴依恋、时间洞察力与生命意义感两两间存在显著正相关;(2)同伴依恋与时间洞察力在亲子依恋与生命意义感之间起中介作用。即亲子依恋既可以直接影响高中生生命意义感,也可以通过时间洞察力和同伴依恋的中介作用间接影响高中生生命意义感。本研究揭示了亲子依恋与高中生生命意义感的关系及其作用机制,拓展了生命意义感的影响因素,为高中生生命教育提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

为探究留守中学生拒绝敏感性、生命意义感、自我污名与病理性网络使用之间的关系,采用青少年拒绝敏感性自陈问卷、生命意义感量表中文修订版、留守儿童自我污名自陈问卷,以及青少年病理性互联网使用量表,对803名留守中学生进行调查。结果发现:拒绝敏感性既可直接正向预测,也可经拥有意义感、自我污名以及二者的链式中介作用间接正向预测留守中学生的病理性网络使用行为。研究结果可为解释留守中学生病理性网络使用问题的成因及教育干预提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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