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Although maternal contingent responses to their infant's facial expressions of emotions is thought to play an important role in the socialization of emotions, available data are still scarce and often inconsistent To further investigate how mothers' contingent facial expressions might influence infant emotional development, we undertook to study mother‐infant dyads in four episodes of face‐to‐face interaction during the first year. Mothers' facial expressions were strongly related to their infant's facial expressions of emotions, most of their contingent responses being produced within one second following infants' facial expressions Specific patterns of responses were also found. The impact of maternal contingent responding on infants' expressive development was also examined.  相似文献   

Nous rapportons dans cet article des données nouvelles sur les comportements d'escalade et de descente d'un escalier hélicoïdal par 12 enfants, dans un local spécialement aménagé. Âgés entre 17 et 21 mois au début de la recherche, ils ont été répartis en deux groupes: pour l'un, la première marche était triangulaire; pour l'autre, quadrangulaire. Les měmes enfants ont été étudiés entre 23 et 27 mois dans les měmes conditions et selon le měme protocole, mais avec une inversion de la configuration de la première marche. On observe que: (1) dès la classe d'âges de 17 à 21 mois, les enfants des deux groupes privilégient le pied droit pour attaquer la première marche, avec le plus souvent alternance des deux pieds sans diminution du pas et sans arrět; (2) la configuration de la première marche joue un rôle significatif dans la fréquence de choix du pied d'attaque en début d'escalade et en fin de descente; (3) les comportements en fin d'escalade et en début de descente apparaissent influencés par la configuration du sommet de l'escalier et par la configuration de la première marche d'escalade; (4) entre 23 et 27 mois, l'influence des facteurs de développement est particulièrement nette en début d'escalade et en fin de descente; (5) les comportements en fin d'escalade et en début de descente apparaissent influencés par une combinaison de facteurs de développement, de la configuration du sommet de l'escalier, des expériences individuelles au début de l'escalade et des expériences individuelles au cours de la première partie de l'étude.  相似文献   

Cette recherche s'inspire à la fois des travaux portant sur l'émergence de la communication intentionnelle et des études phonologiques des vocalisations prélangagières. Elle vise à cerner la valeur communicative des vocalisations au cours de leur développement, ainsi qu'à vérifier si le nourrisson utilise un type particulier de vocalisations (prélangagier ou non langagier) pour communiquer avec autrui. Vingt-quatre nourrissons ont été observés à 6, 9, 12, et 15 mois, dans le cadre de tâches de demande. Les résultats révèlent que le nourrisson utilise davantage son canal vocal avec l'âge, et qu'il dirige de plus en plus ses vocalisations vers autrui. Il ne semble toutefois pas employer préférentiellement un type particulier de vocalisations selon qu'il communique avec autrui ou non.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to test a knowledge-based simulation model, elaborated in a previous longitudinal research in order to explain reading errors produced by first-grade children. This model relies on two assumptions: (1) in the beginning of the grapho-phonological acquisition, the child tries to extract, from the series of letters which forms a word, graphic patterns corresponding to an oral syllable; (2) these patterns are stored either in an ordered representation or in a non-ordered representation. Permutation errors, often pointed out in this phase of reading acquisition, would then be the mark of a non-ordered representation of the graphic patterns. Two experiments were proposed to new first-grade children, in the middle of the school year. In experiment 1, they had to detect an oral syllable in written pseudo-words in which the first trigram did or did not correspond to the legal order. In experiment 2, they had to read aloud trisyllabic pseudo-words in which the first trigram was presented in four different orders. Reading errors correspond to the predictions our model allows. Moreover, the absence of correlation between the two tasks suggests that the knowledge activated depends on the type of activity.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the intensity of facial emotional prototypes influences the process of their categorization in children and young adults. Two facial prototypes, one of happiness and one of disgust, including action units of three different intensities, were shown to 30 children and 30 adults who were submitted to a categorization task. As predicted, categorization accuracy was found to increase, in general, as a function of the intensity of action units. Adults were better than children but only for the categorization of disgust when the action unit intensity was weak. The happiness prototype was better categorized than the disgust prototype, and two types of errors were clearly more frequent than the others in the categorization of the disgust prototype: disgust/anger and disgust/sadness. The results are discussed in relation to the regulative processes involved in the socialization of emotion.  相似文献   

This present study examined the relationship between interpersonal affects, personality, psychological distress, attachment and marital adjustment. More specifically, we hypothesized that the inclusion of a direct subjective evaluation of interpersonal affects would add to our understanding of marital adjustment, even when other variables (personality, psychological distress, attachment) are being taken into account. The sample included 204 heterosexual French Canadian married or cohabiting couples. Results showed that women experienced more feelings of insecurity, unfairness, depreciation and powerlessness than men. Also, individuals who were less satisfied with their marriage reported more feelings of insecurity, unfairness, depreciation and powerlessness.  相似文献   

Notre étude, menée auprès d'une population de 60 jeunes femmes deman-deuses d'emploi, s'applique plus particulièrement à mettre à jour d'une part, les variations des sentiments de contrôle au cours du chômage et d'autre part, les incidences de cellesci sur la réceptivité des individus aux informations relatives à l'emploi issues d'un organisme spécialisé (l'ANPE). Globalement, les résultats permettent d'observer un affaiblissement des sentiments de contrôle en fonction de la durée du chômage. Ils montrent que la réceptivité et la sensibilité des sujets à telle ou telle information est en relation avec le type de formation antérieure suivie par ces sujets. Les résultats ouvrent la voie á de nouvelles investigations qui prennent en compte les variations des attributions (norme d'internalité' et locus of control ) non plus seulement dans un domaine d'activites particulières (professionnelles) mais dans le échanges de ce domaine avec d'autres. Car, dans ces échanges se révèlent des ressources et des contraintes que les sujets traitent et utilisent pour affronter les problèmes posés par le chômage dans leurs multiples sphères d'activités.  相似文献   

Cette recherche vise à définir le rôle du milieu culturel dans la substitution d'un outil par un autre instrument dans trois tâches techniques quotidiennes: découpage, dévissage, clouage. Trois catégories de sujets (n = 180) d'âge préscolaire (milieu: gitan, technicien, “favorisé”) ont été testées dans deux conditions expérimentales de substitution: (1) les sujets ont à choisir un instrument adéquat parmi les substituts (11 objets proposés) socialement marqués par leur usage courant; (2) les sujets sont invités à remplacer l'outil manquant par un objet non investi de significations sociales particulières. Les résultats montrent une supériorité générale du milieu gitan dans les deux conditions expérimentales; surtout dans la mesure où le substitut proposé ne se trouve pas investi par les valeurs culturelles propres au mode de vie du groupe social.  相似文献   

The present study aims to validate the effects of second language learning on children's linguistic awareness. More particularly, we examine whether bilingual background improves the ability to manipulate morpho‐syntactic structure. We postulate that children who received a precocious learning of two languages (French‐German) may develop enhanced awareness and control of syntactic structure since they need an appropriate syntactic repertoire in each language. In return, these children will gain access to the written language with more ease. Our results show an advantage for the children who attended bilingual classes since kindergarten: they were better at grammatical judgement and correction tasks and word recognition.  相似文献   

Relative deprivation (RD) theory usually distinguishes between interpersonal and intergroup comparisons, but neglects intrapersonal comparisons. This research reveals that the comparisons between the actual and the future selves lead to relative gratification (RG) feelings which in turn are related to self‐esteem. A first study (N = 581) confirms that intrapersonal RG positively contributes to self‐esteem. A second study, involving students with a disability (n = 31) and without (n = 50), reveals that if disabled students exhibit a higher level of self‐esteem than nondisabled ones, this preservation is only explained by intrapersonal RG. Finally, intergroup RD and intrapersonal RG are two distinct predictors of militancy in favour of disabled people These results testify to the importance of differentiating comparison levels.  相似文献   

The study presented in this article concerns the functioning of representational mechanisms in social thought. More specifically, its objective is to identify the role of variables covering psychosocial involvement and systems of belief within social representations. At the interface between the individual and the group, these variables are considered here because of their status as explanatory variables of social thought. By analyzing the representation of human rights, we hypothesize that the level of involvement and the type of beliefs developed toward the state (concepts of a democratic state versus a safe state) impact on the expression of this representation and the standpoints it creates. The survey was conducted by questionnaire with a student population (315 participants). The main results, which are consistent with our hypotheses, provide evidence of an influence of the variables tested on the expressiveness of the representation of human rights. On the one hand, they reveal how an involvement developed in this subject and the social beliefs attached to the role of the state come to particularize the meaning of this representation, especially concerning its principles of equality. On the other hand, the results demonstrate the activity of ideological processes – political in content – which intervene in the realization of the representation. Through these processes, the results show a stronger influence of social beliefs than of psychosocial involvement on the representation studied.  相似文献   

We proposed that the condition truth be understood as the result of a decision about the values taken on by the conditions for fulfilment of the act of referencing in a mental model. Our cognitive model of propositional truth attribution (Baudet, Jhean-Larose, & Legros, 1994) is built on the assumption that the truth value of a proposition is determined by the ability of that proposition to fit into the theory of the field to which it refers. The experimental results proved to be compatible with the proposed model. They validate the first phase of our model: the selection of incoherent subset of truth candidates. This selection is operated thanks to the attribution of plausibility value. This value is determined by explicit index of the pledging of the sender as for the truth of proposals contained in the text sentences. According to these results, the epistemic modalisers of the type “I know” and the type “I believe”, commit the transmitter in different ways as to the truth of propositions. They determine degrees of plausibility and relative coherence between assertions and the mental model in operation. The main function of the enunciation operators such as “I know” in a text, is:

The goal of this study was to identify protective and risk factors linked to substance use during adolescence. A sample of 1000 subjects participated in a four‐wave data collection. Results showed that precocious substance use is likely to be persistent. Moreover, school inadaptation, lack of parental supervision and positive self‐perception in relationships with peers have been identified as risk factors predictive of cigarette, alcohol and drug use. Protective factors were associated with high moral qualities and negative reaction to mother's use of cigarettes and alcohol. Findings are discussed in terms of developmental trajectories which might lead to substance use and abuse through adult life.  相似文献   

Cet article porte sur la perspective future (PF) et rapporte les résultats d'une enquête auprès de 351 personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie fonctionnelle vivant chez elles ou en résidence pour personnes âgées. Les aspirations, buts ou projets, éléments constitutifs de la PF, sont recueillis au moyen de la technique des phrases à compléter. Les réponses sont classées selon leur contenu et leur extension temporelle. L'exploration du contenu révèle que la santé constitue la préoccupation principale des personnes âgées et que les aspirations à l'actualisation de soi de même que les motivations à caractère altruiste diminuent avec la perte d'autonomie. L'extension de la PF n'est pas affectée par les deux types d'habitation considérés dans cette recherche, mais elle subit une réduction avec la baisse de l'autonomie fonctionnelle.  相似文献   

A partir d'une enquête auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de chefs de foyers monoparentaux québécois, le présent article étudie les interrelations entre les problèmes de santé vécus par les membres de l'unité familiale, la mobilisation des ressources d'assistance et la perception qu'ont les parents gardiens du réseau de la santé, ainsi que de l'aide étatique qui leur est dispensée. La mésentente parentale au moment de la rupture est associée aux problèmes psychologiques vécus par le parent gardien et les enfants, et pourrait engendrer des problèmes pour lesquels les parents ne trouvent pas réponse dans les réseaux formels d'assistance. Les parents qui ont peu bénéficié de l'aide des réseaux informels se montrent plus critiques vis-à-vis de l'assistance de l'État. Des comparaisons sont effectuées selon le sexe et la langue d'usage du parent gardien.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to show that the analysis of pragmatic aspects of communication can allow to locate communicative dysfunctions before the diagnosis of autism is established. The identification of these dysfunctions can be done retrospectively through the analysis of the first gestures and early words. Home movies from children having autism and control ones are collected when they were one, two and three-years old. Data analysis takes into account both forms of communicative gestures and words and functions. Differences between the two groups as a less variety of functions used by children having autism and a fall in their results after the age of two are discussed as possible indicators for an early detection of autism.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the development of working memory's components and their relationships. Phonological loop's, visuospatial sketchpad's and central executive's efficiencies were assessed by simple and complex span tasks and executive tasks with verbal and visuospatial material. The analyses were performed on 64 second-grade and 55 fifth-grade children's data. Developmental performances improvement was examined according to tasks and material. Analyses of variance revealed performances improvement according to age and type of material (verbal > non verbal) for the slave system tasks and for a part of central executive's tasks. Correlation analysis and exploratory factorial analysis suggested that slave systems would become progressively more specific and that central executive's efficiency would be dependent on this specialization.  相似文献   

A number of studies have investigated marital violence, its definition, expression, and treatment outcome. Few studies, however, have studied anger in marital relationships. The current study evaluates the link between anger and dyadic adjustment. The sample consists of 220 couples from normal and clinical populations. Results suggest that both spouses' anger is closely linked. Measures of anger intensity, the personality traits it reflects, and the anger expressed by a partner explained an important part of his or her marital distress and, to a lesser extent, the distress of the other partner. Theoretical and clinical implications based on these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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