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Gender Roles and Sexual Behavior Among Young Women   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lucke JC 《Sex roles》1998,39(3-4):273-297
This study investigates the hypothesis thatnon-traditional gender role attitudes andmasculine gender role traits or datingbehaviors are associated with unsafe sexual behaviorssuch as having a high number of sexual partners, the non-use ofcondoms and the use of alcohol or drugs before or duringintercourse. A self-report survey was completed by 400sexually active Australian women aged between 16 and 24 who attended two metropolitan FamilyPlanning clinics in Queensland, Australia. The findingsshow partial support for the hypothesis. Women with ahigher level of 'masculine' personality traits and egalitarian gender role attitudes were morelikely to have multiple partners and to use alcohol ordrugs with their most recent non-steady partner. Themultivariate relationships between gender roles and sexual behaviors are not as extensive as wouldbe proposed by gender role theory and previousresearch.  相似文献   

The authors investigated gender differences in psychological problems in the career decision making (CDM) process of young adults. Specifically, problems with decision anxiety, life-goal awareness, luck-fate orientation, authority orientation, and secondary gain motivation were investigated. Methodology involved administering the Career Decision Diagnostic Assessment (CDDA) instrument to 1,006 college students from four universities. Results indicated no gender differences in global levels of problems in CDM. Women reported more problems with life-goal awareness and authority orientation than did men. Men reported more problems with secondary gain motivations than did women. The results are discussed in terms of implications for gender-differentiated career counseling.  相似文献   


Two predictions were evaluated: first, that given minimal information about an infant, individuals would use sex-related cues (i.e., clothing) to categorize, evaluate, and make attributions about the infant, and second, that gender schematic individuals would be more likely than gender aschematic individuals to use such sex-related cues. On the basis of the Bem Sex Role Inventory, American college students were classified as either gender schematic (masculine or feminine) or gender aschematic (undifferentiated or androgynous). The students categorized, evaluated, and made trait attributions about an infant dressed in male, female, or ambiguous clothing. Both gender schematic and gender aschematic individuals relied on sex-related cues in their perceptions of the infant.  相似文献   

Forty-four depressed and non-depressed mothers participated in a videotaped interaction with their own infant and then rated the videotape using the Infant Stereotyping Scale and the Interaction Rating Scale. In addition, one half of the mothers rated a videotape of an unfamiliar infant who was labelled psychologically ‘depressed’ and the other half rated a videotape of the same infant with no label given. Both the depressed and non-depressed mothers rated the ‘depressed’ labelled infant more negatively than the non-labelled infant on the attributes of physical potency, cognitive competence, sociability and difficult behaviour. Physical appearance was the only rating that was not biased by the ‘depressed’ label. Mothers' ratings of their own infants were more positive than their ratings of the non-labelled stimulus infant. Depressed mothers did not see their infants more negatively except on one rating. They rated the physical appearance of their own infant more negatively than non-depressed mothers.  相似文献   

12个月婴儿能否表征母语的音位语义特性(phonological specificity)是资源有限理论和表征不连续理论争议的焦点。本研究通过跨通道注视偏好范式(IPLP),对熟悉词进行正确命名和声调错读2种任务,发现不论任务以何种先后顺序呈现,12个月中国婴儿都在正确命名时出现命名效应,在声调错读时出现错读效应。这表明12个月中国婴儿能表征普通话声调的语义特性,资源有限理论适用于声调。  相似文献   

Little is known about how and what genetic risk information parents communicate to their children and even less is known about what children hear and remember. To address this void, we explored how genetic risk information was learned, what information was given and who primarily provided information to adolescent girls and young adult women in families with fragile X syndrome. We explored three levels of risk knowledge: learning that fragile X syndrome was an inherited disorder, that they could be a carrier, and for those who had been tested, actual carrier status. These data were collected as part of a study that also explored adolescent self concept and age preferences about when to inform about genetic risk. Those findings have been presented separately. The purpose of this paper is to present the communication data. Using a multi-group cross-sectional design this study focused on girls ages 14–25 years from families previously diagnosed with fragile X syndrome, 1) who knew they were carriers (n = 20), 2) noncarriers (n = 18), or 3) at-risk to be carriers (n = 15). For all three stages of information the majority of the study participants were informed by a family member. We identified three different communication styles: open, sought information, and indirect. The content of the remembered conversations varied based on the stage of genetic risk information being disclosed as well as the girls’ knowledge of her own carrier status. Girls who had been tested and knew their actual carrier status were more likely to report an open communication pattern than girls who knew only that they were at-risk.  相似文献   

Conflicting theoretical approaches yield divergent predictions about the effects of telephones versus computer-mediated communication (CMC) in the persistence or dissipation of pre-interaction expectancies. Moreover, different theoretical orientations and their underlying assumptions often invoke different methodologies, which can bias the results of research. The current studies articulate and assess rival hypotheses from alternative theoretical paradigms to uncover how CMC and vocal communication affect interpersonal impressions. Methodological issues in past CMC research are evaluated that limit the generalizability of previous findings in the area. Experiments employing alternative assumptions and methods indicate that CMC is functionally equivalent to vocal communication in its ability to ameliorate expectancies and that in some cases it can be superior in transmitting positive impressions.  相似文献   

The subjects for this study were 16, non-pathological, four-person families, each with a child three or four years old and a child six or seven. Half the children were male and half female. The interactions studied involved both parents with one child and then with the other. The content of each remark was studied through a system of language-usage categories. This analysis indicated that older children sent and received a wider variety of messages than younger children did. Also, female children received a higher ratio of positive feedback to negative feedback from parents than males did. Who talks to whom, and who talks the most were also studied. These measures showed the formation of strong same-sex coalitions between parent and child. A number of the findings support a general systems interpretation of family interaction.  相似文献   

Tang CS  Cheung FM 《Sex roles》1997,36(11-12):837-849
This study investigated the criteria chosen by male and female Chinese public servants (clinical psychologists, social workers, police officers, physicians, nurses, teachers, and lawyers) in Hong Kong to classify and define violence against women. Data were gathered via questionnaires completed by 2589 (686 male) public servants from 10,476 polled (response rate 24.7%). The questionnaires included a 14-item check-list of various behaviors constituting violence against women and a 10-item check-list of criteria that could be used to categorize behavior as violence against women. It was found that for this population, use of physical force and lack of consent were the main determinants of violence against women. Only half of respondents considered murder a form of violence against women, the rest categorized it as a crime that was "not merely violence." Most respondents defined sexual harassment, rape, and unwanted physical contact as forms of violence against women. The female public servants were more likely to define behaviors as violence against women and to use more criteria to define violence against women. Public servants who worked with the law enforcement and legal system were more likely than others to choose narrow definitions and rigid criteria.  相似文献   

At 8 to 11 months of age, infants are more successful in negotiating opaque relative to transparent barriers. However, 7-month-old infants have more difficulty with opaque barriers relative to semitransparent barriers. Here, 8-month-old infants spent more time in ineffective direct reaches with more the transparent barriers (Experiments 1 & 2) and were faster with the fully opaque barrier (Experiment 2). This demonstration of the graded effects of transparency confirms the working memory and/or response inhibition demands of the object retrieval task.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(3):205-218
Mouthing and grasping objects are two common behaviors observed in young infants, although little is known about the relations between these activities. Data from two previously published experiments on 4- to 8-month-old infants (N = 133) are further analyzed to investigate if: (a) variation in object size and shape influences whether objects are mouthed after being picked up, and (b) infants modify their grip configurations in order to mouth objects as opposed to performing other prehensile actions. The results showed that larger objects increased the propensity of young infants to mouth objects; object size also contributed to differentiating the grip configuration according to the intent of the action. The findings suggest that infants as young as 4 months perceive that object properties afford different actions and differentiate grip configurations to realize specific task goals.  相似文献   

Although sport access for females has greatly improved, certain behaviors continue to be considered more or less appropriate for females depending upon how compatible they are with biologically or socially constructed female characteristics. However, young women who have grown up playing sports and continue participation at the college level have constructed meanings about being a young woman and an athlete. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed to investigate how seven gymnasts and seven softball players competing in NCAA Division I athletics view and contend with a “female/athlete paradox.” These women recognized preferred femininity and at times constructed images based on this notion. However, they also embraced their athleticism and felt at ease choosing not to perform femininity in some contexts.  相似文献   

Projection of own characteristics onto an in-group, internalization of in-group characteristics into self-conceptions, and the implications of these two processes for one type of cognitive performance among women (spatial skill) were examined. Focus on gender or self and expected method of performance evaluation (male-female comparison or individual comparison [IC]) were varied before high- and low-self-esteem (SE) women completed a spatial performance test. The manipulations and the SE grouping factor interacted to influence spatial skill scores significantly. The results are interpreted as indicating situationally induced self- and group stereotype influences on manifest spatial skill.  相似文献   

Leeb  Rebecca T.  Rejskind  F. Gillian 《Sex roles》2004,50(1-2):1-14
The purpose of this study was to examine the origins of gender differences in mutual gaze between infants and unfamiliar adults, using a prospective longitudinal design. Infant gaze behavior was measured twice: 13–112-hr and 13–18-weeks postpartum. Gender differences were found at Visit 2 due to an increase in girls' gaze behavior. Girls also made more eye contact in female–female dyads and in the second interaction over the first. Boys' behavior remained unchanged over time. The data provide evidence for gender differences in mutual gaze in a younger sample and wider context than previously demonstrated. Results are discussed in the context of social learning (i.e., Martin & Fabes, 2001, theory of “singular polarization”) and psychobiological theories of gender development.  相似文献   

Memory Processing of a Serial List By Young Infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serial list learning is thought to be beyond the capabilities of infants before the end of their 1st year. In separate experiments with 3- and 6-month-olds, we studied infants' memory for a serial list using a modified serial probe recognition procedure that was originally developed for monkeys and a precuing procedure that was previously used with human adults. Infants were trained with a three-item list. One day later, they were precued with one list member and tested for recognition of another. When the precue specified valid order information, infants of both ages recognized the test item; when the precue specified invalid order information, infants of neither age did. These findings reveal that even very young infants can learn and remember the order of items on a serial list.  相似文献   

A selective overview of work in the field from 1970 to 1985 is presented. Sex comparisons are presented as an extensive research area needing theory-based empiricism. In another major area, gender belief systems, important progress has been made in studying the effects of stereotypes on subsequent behavior. Methodological critiques and advances are discussed. Two sources of research are highlighted: women's experience and theory. Examples are given of research advances stemming from women's experience and a case study is provided of the value of personal experience to the researcher. Theories focusing on individual differences are critiqued. Theory focusing on situational factors such as power and status are highlighted. Sherif s (1982) delineation of the self-system is presented as a major integrated theory. Directions for future work are provided focusing on inclusion of women of color, lesbians, and women from all social strata to understand the varieties of women's experience. A move to knowledge that is “gendered” rather than female-centered is proposed.  相似文献   

In order to understand the experience and identity development of Black adolescents and young women, it is important to understand the intersection of race and gender, or gendered racial identity development. The study sought to unpack aspects of social identity particularly gendered racial identity from the phenomenological perspective of participants. This study included dyadic focus groups of 17 African American young women between the ages of 15?C21. Participants were asked about meaning and salience of gendered racial identity. Results suggest that gendered racial identity had greater salience for the participants as compared to the separate constructs of racial or gender identity. The participants identified with negative stereotypes and images of African American women, issues of colorism and standards of beauty. They also emphasized the importance of self-determination. Furthermore, when asked directly about the meaning of race and gender in their lives participants indicated that race and gender simultaneously influenced their perceptions of themselves. The findings that emerge from this study further the discourse regarding limitations that may occur when using single identity factor models to understand identity development among ethnic minority youth. Implications for prevention programs and areas for future research are included.  相似文献   

Main and interaction effects of Ego Identity Status/Type (Bennion & Adams, 1986), Gender-Role Orientation (Bem, 1981a), and Adult Attachment Style (Feeney, Noller, & Hanrahan, 1994) on Depression (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) and Anxiety (Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988) were examined. Participants included adults 18 years and older from a midwestern U.S. university. Multivariate analysis revealed significant interactions between ego identity status and gender-role orientation only for participants with an insecure attachment style. A significant main effect for attachment style revealed that secure individuals were less anxious and depressed than insecure individuals. The influence of gender (rather than gender role) is explored. The influence of ethnicity on levels of depression and anxiety for various ego identity statuses and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared adult women with childhood ADHD to adult women without childhood ADHD and to adult men with childhood ADHD. The participants, all from a larger longitudinal study, included 30 women and 30 men (approximately age 23 to 24) with childhood ADHD, and 27 women without ADHD. Women with childhood ADHD were matched to comparison women on age, ethnicity, and parental education, and to men with childhood ADHD on age, ethnicity, and IQ. Self- and parent-reports of internalizing, interpersonal, academic, and job impairment, as well as substance use and delinquency indicated group differences on measures of self-esteem, interpersonal and vocational functioning, as well as substance use. Follow-up planned comparison tests revealed that almost all of these differences emerged by diagnostic status, and not by gender. This study adds to research on the negative adult outcomes of ADHD and demonstrates that the outcomes of men and women with childhood ADHD are relatively similar.  相似文献   

The Integration of Body Movement and Attention in Young Infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The normal development of adaptive behavior in humans depends on the integration of visual attention and body movement, yet little is known about the initial state of movement-attention coupling at the beginning of postnatal life. We studied 1- and 3-month-old infants during extended periods of visual exploration and found that spontaneous shifts of gaze are preceded by rapid changes in general body movement. The results reveal a tight link between motor activation and overt attention on a time scale of seconds or less. This link undergoes substantial developmental change in the first few weeks after birth. During that time, phasic motor activation may play a key role in visual exploration by helping to unlock gaze when the environment is unchanging.  相似文献   

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