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组织文化的变革及其领导策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
组织环境的剧变与企业战略的调整使得组织文化的变革成为人们日益关注的问题。领导在组织文化变革过程中具有重要的作用与地位。组织文化变革受替代框架的可行性、成员对于当前框架的承诺水平以及框架的流动性的影响。针对组织变革的过程与影响因素,文章提出了组织文化变革的领导机制与策略。  相似文献   

韩雪亮 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1248-1255
作为组织实施变革的前奏,组织变革准备包括:(1)组织本身处于变革就绪待发状态,和(2)组织成员在情感及认知上能够接受和容忍组织即将实施变革的程度。文章通过对组织变革准备相关概念、内容结构和测量、前因和后果的梳理,整合出一个新的分析框架。研究指出:未来在深化现有研究的同时,宜多采用跨层次的视角探讨相关构念在不同层面上的影响机制,结合具体变革情境开发有针对性的测量工具,弥补现有研究不足、指导企业实践。  相似文献   

王重鸣  李凯 《应用心理学》2011,17(2):99-107
在快速发展的全球化和知识经济背景下,各类组织急需通过变革创新来适应动态环境和开拓发展。本研究使用基于多案例的实验学习技术,研究与检验了公司组织变革的关键特征和人力资源策略与变革策略,特别关注了组织学习的关键作用。基于110项组织变革案例情节的内容分析,本研究验证了变革的四项主要特征:风险创新性、动态整合性、网络互动性和文化多样性。组织变革过程的有效人力资源策略包括培训发展、招聘配置和绩效薪酬。统计分析结果表明,组织绩效受到多重因素影响和组织学习的中介效应,而组织学习各个维度中,实验尝试学习的效应最显著。组织学习促进了两种变革策略的效能期望,即文化学习策略和团队协同策略。  相似文献   

在组织中进行变革是一项困难但重要的工作。本文作者通过对组织中变革类型的分析和对组织在变革中的学习活动的讨论,提出了一种新的促进组织变革和学习的管理措施——策略规划。这种措施要求组织成员展望未来并采取必要的步骤以实现这个未来。作者认为这是一种在组织中实现变革的有用工具,同时也指出这项活动必须和广泛的参与相联系。  相似文献   

管理心理学的现状与发展趋势   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
时勘  卢嘉 《应用心理学》2001,7(2):52-56
本文在综合分析了国内外管理心理学发展概况的基础上认为,在适应经济全球化和企业不断变革的情况下,组织变革、领导行为、激励机制和组织文化是管理心理学的研究新热点,管理心理学的发展趋势是重视组织层面的变革研究,强调对人力资源的系统开发,研究领域不断拓展,更加关注国家目标.并提出了管理心理学研究的近期目标和中长期发展目标的建议.  相似文献   

从人格特质角度看管理人员应付组织变革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人们常常从宏观角度看待组织变革,但证据和经验均显示,组织管理个人的个性特质对组织变革有着不同的反应,从而亦对组织变勒带来程度不等的影响。因此,以个体为主对象的人格心理学在组织变革中发挥着重要作用。研究揭示,能够成功应对组织变革的管理人员应具有这样的人格特质:他们的自我认识和自我评价是积极、正面的,对世界保持一种开放的心态,对新鲜事物及其所蕴函养的风险有足够的容纳和忍受能力,并且勇于承担责任,使自  相似文献   

个体导向取代系统导向逐步成为组织变革研究的新焦点, 变革公平为个体导向研究提供了新的视角。变革公平反映了人们对组织变革事件推进过程公平性的认知。变革公平受到变革事件属性、变革领导、个体人格和个体的社会支持方面因素的制约, 并影响了员工对变革、组织以及工作的反应。变革公平的未来研究应着重本土化研究、前因变量和调节变量的探索以及开展纵向研究。  相似文献   

戴云  田晓明  李锐 《心理科学》2023,(3):704-711
基于社会学习理论,研究考察了领导主动变革行为影响团队绩效的内在机制和边界条件。通过对110个团队领导和380名团队成员两阶段配对问卷调查,研究发现:(1)领导主动变革行为依次通过团队主动变革价值信念和团队主动变革行为对团队绩效产生正向影响;(2)环境不确定性正向调节领导主动变革行为与团队主动变革价值信念之间的关系,进而增强了领导主动变革行为通过团队主动变革价值信念和团队主动变革行为对团队绩效产生的正向影响。研究结果有助于推进团队层面的主动变革行为研究,同时对组织变革创新的管理实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

骆元静  杜旌 《心理科学进展》2016,24(12):1819-1828
非正式信息是变革前信息沟通的重要组成部分, 对变革决策和执行有潜在的影响。围绕组织变革前非正式信息开展以下研究:(1)探究组织变革前非正式信息的内涵和结构; (2)基于心理因应和认知重构机制, 探索员工获取非正式信息之后, 其变革认知和情感的动态调整过程; (3)研究潜在的组织变革决策→非正式信息反馈→再决策过程, 即变革领导者通过获得员工变革认知和情感的反馈, 进行渐进决策优化的过程。研究结果能丰富变革沟通理论和指导我国变革实践。  相似文献   

人们常常从宏观角度看待组织变革,但证据和经验均显示,组织管理者个人的个性特质对组织变革有着不同的反应,从而亦对组织变革带来程度不等的影响。因此,以个体为主要对象的人格心理学在组织变革中发挥着重要作用。研究揭示,能够成功应对组织变革的管理人员应具有这样的人格特质他们的自我认识和自我评价是积极、正面的,对世界保持一种开放的心态,对新鲜事物及其所蕴涵着的风险有足够的容纳和忍受能力。并且勇于承担责任,使自己的思想影响周围的人,从而进一步提升组织效能,以适应环境的新变化。  相似文献   

Mixed-orientation couples (MOC) are under-represented in the literature. Often when sexual minorities disclose their sexual orientation it is a stressful experience for their spouse who progresses through stages and experiences both negative and supportive responses as they address disclosure-related issues. Participants completed an online survey and then repeated the same process a year later to measure changes in forgiveness and experience. Forgiveness was shown to play a role in how spouses progress through the post-disclosure stages. In addition, forward movement was seen in both forgiveness and stages over the course of one year. Implications for therapy with MOC are discussed.  相似文献   

Personality scales on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II) for 195 psychiatric inpatients (93 men and 102 women) in a public facility were cluster analyzed to develop an empirical subtyping according to personality traits. Subjects also completed the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Methods of Coping Scale (MOC), and the Level of Expressed Emotion Scale (LEE). The five personality subtypes that emerged were consistent across two clustering methods (K-means and complete linkage). Subtypes members differed on subscales of the BSI, MOC, and LEE. Results support the relevance of personality traits and disorders in assessing psychopathology in psychiatric patients. Results also support the relevance of subtyping these patients according to MCMI-II results.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and evaluation of a multi-item scale for analyzing the genetic counseling process, the Manchester Observation Code (MOC) for genetic counseling. The instrument is specific to the field of genetic counseling and is designed for analysis of the communication between counselor and client. Coding is done directly from videotaped sessions. Because communication is the means by which genetic counseling is accomplished, the method measures four relevant components of communication: (1) grammatical form, (2) purpose, (3) subject, and (4) cue source. The instrument enables an observer to code the counselor's statements into these four components. Three videotaped sessions were used to measure interrater reliability, or the consistency of rating for each of the four communication domains using this method. Three videotaped sessions were also used to measure test-retest reliability, or the consistency of the designed method from one time to another. A total of 21 videotaped sessions were tested using the method. A statistical measure of reliability established consistency of the designed method; Cohen's kappa yielded 0.7 for interrater reliability and 0.79 for test-retest reliability. These findings suggest this instrument may be used to identify important elements of the genetic counseling process.  相似文献   

A neural network model of global motion segmentation by visual cortex is described. Called the motion boundary contour system (BCS), the model clarifies how ambiguous local movements on a complex moving shape are actively reorganized into a coherent global motion signal, Unlike many previous researchers, we analyze how a coherent motion signal is imparted to all regions of a moving figure, not only to regions at which unambiguous motion signals exist. The model hereby suggests a solution to the global aperture problem. The motion BCS describes how preprocessing of motion signals by a motion oriented contrast (MOC) filter is joined to long-range cooperative grouping mechanisms in a motion cooperative-competitive (MOCC) loop to control phenomena such as motion capture. The motion BCS is computed in parallel with the static BCS of Grossberg and Mingolla (1985a, 1985b, 1987). Homologous properties of the motion BCS and the static BCS, specialized to process motion directions and static orientations, respectively, support a unified explanation of many data about static form perception and motion form perception that have heretofore been unexplained or treated separately. Predictions about microscopic computational differences of the parallel cortical streams V1 → MT and V1 → V2 → MT are made— notably, the magnocellular thick stripe and parvocellular interstripe streams. It is shown how the motion BCS can compute motion directions that may be synthesized from multiple orientations with opposite directions of contrast. Interactions of model simple cells, complex cells, hyper-complex cells, and bipole cells are described, with special emphasis given to new functional roles in direction disambiguation for endstopping at multiple processing stages and to the dynamic interplay of spatially short-range and long-range interactions.  相似文献   

Four studies test the proposition that when people look back to past selves as a means of gauging current status, the visual perspective they assume determines the kind of information that they consider in making their judgments of change. In this way, visual perspective, coupled with the kind of change for which people are looking, determines how much change is perceived. The studies demonstrate that in the first-person perspective, experiential information is weighted more heavily than content information, whereas in the third-person perspective, the converse is true. In addition, the effects of perceived change on behavior are revealed, such that greater perceived positive change is associated with behaviors that are congruent with that change, whereas greater perceived negative change is associated with behaviors that are incongruent with that change. Theoretical implications, as well as implications for behavioral interventions, are discussed.  相似文献   

Two metamodels, termed Model S and Model V, are proposed for definition, measurement, and generalization of quantitative causal effects. The effect is defined as a part change in score in Model S and as a part change in variance in Model V. Two additional changes, total and remainder change, are defined. The latter is due to all other factors or variables than the cause, while total change is the sum of remainder and effect change. Furthermore, it is shown how contrafactual concepts, which imply that some parts of the study situation are supposed to be otherwise, enter into the metamodels. Casual effects are defined and measured in terms of non-contrafactual concepts, except that statistical induction includes contrafactual as well as non-contrafactual inferences. Non-statistical generalization involves both kinds of inferences. Contrafactual definitions are considered inadequate, and a contrafactual interpretation of statistical adjustment is unnecessary and should be replaced by a non-contrafactual one.  相似文献   

The problem of clinician resistance to automated systems in mental health care delivery settings is discussed. It is argued that this resistance is a natural part of the change process, an indicator of an inadequate change strategy. The theory of change is briefly reviewed. Previous efforts to install automated systems in mental health care delivery settings are discussed in terms of change theory. Suggestions for incorporating the technology of change into the implementation process are proposed.  相似文献   

Our ability to survive in a world beset by looming global perils depends ultimately on our collective will to harness our intellects and change our behaviors. In order to respond appropriately, people must first believe that serious problems exist, that there are potential solutions, and that they have a role to play in finding and implementing them. Without such beliefs, individual change is unlikely. In order to promote belief change, it is important to understand how beliefs are learned, what their functions are, and why they are so often resistant to change. These issues are discussed in this article, along with the role that social dilemmas play in inhibiting individually prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

Inquiry into the nature and process of change is fundamental to the domains of counseling and psychotherapy. Particularly relevant to counselors is an understanding of the distinction between first- and second-order change. This article clarifies the distinction and suggests a relationship between these two types of change and Mahoney's (1988) recent metatheoretical contrast between rationalist and constructivist approaches to counseling. Specifically, it is proposed that rationalist approaches are guided by first-order assumptions about change whereas constructivist approaches are based on second-order principles and processes. Within this context, a number of implications for the counseling practitioner are discussed.  相似文献   

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