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La signification quantitative de la sous-utilisation des qualifications immigrées peut être évaluée, quoique sans précision, dans l'analyse humain-capitale de revenus. Les déficits de revenus des immigrés peuvent surgir de: (a) la qualité immigrée inférieure de compétence, (b) sous-utilisation des qualifications immigrées, et (c) injustices de salaire pour des immigrés faisant la même chose fonctionnent les Canadiens indigènesoutenus. Conformé aux nombreuses études, données des micro-données 1996 de recensement prouvent que la sous-utilisation des qualifications immigrées est significative, cependant moins ainsi que le salaire inégal dans des métiers. En 1996 dollars, tout le déficit immigré annuel de revenus de chacune des trois sources était 15,0 milliards, dont15,0 milliards, dont 2,4 milliards ont été liés à la sous-utilisation de compétence, et 12,6 milliards ont été liés à linjustice de salaire. La discussion considère des ajustements à ces évaluations, tenant compte des difficultés mesurant les niveaux de compétence des métiers et de la qualité immigrée de compétence. < /div > < div classbstract» < a namebs2» < /a > The quantitative significance of the underutilization of immigrant skills may be assessed, albeit imprecisely, in human-capital earnings analysis. Earnings deficits of immigrants may arise from: (a) lower immigrant skill quality, (b) underutilization of immigrant skills, and (c) pay inequities for immigrants doing the same work native-born Canadians. Consistent with numerous studies, data from the 1996 census micro-data show that underutilization of immigrant skills is significant, though less so than unequal pay within occupations. In 1996 dollars, the total annual immigrant earnings deficit from all three sources was12,6 milliards ont été liés à l'injustice de salaire. La discussion considère des ajustements à ces évaluations, tenant compte des difficultés mesurant les niveaux de compétence des métiers et de la qualité immigrée de compétence.  相似文献   

A first-order theory T{{\mathcal T}} has the Independence Property provided T   \vdash (Q)(FT F1 ú. . .úFn){{{\mathcal T} \, \, \vdash (Q)(\Phi \Rightarrow {\Phi_1} \vee.\,.\,.\vee {\Phi_n})}} implies T   \vdash (Q)(FT Fi){{{\mathcal T} \, \, \vdash (Q)(\Phi \Rightarrow {\Phi_i})}} for some i whenever F,F1, . . . ,Fn{{\Phi,\Phi_1,\,.\,.\,.\,,\Phi_n}} are formulae of a suitable type and (Q) is any quantifier sequence. Variants of this property have been noticed for some time in logic programming and in linear programming.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate a logic for modelling individual and collective acceptances that is called acceptance logic. The logic has formulae of the form AG:x j{\rm A}_{G:x} \varphi reading ‘if the agents in the set of agents G identify themselves with institution x then they together accept that j{\varphi} ’. We extend acceptance logic by two kinds of dynamic modal operators. The first kind are public announcements of the form x!y{x!\psi}, meaning that the agents learn that y{\psi} is the case in context x. Formulae of the form [x!y]j{[x!\psi]\varphi} mean that j{\varphi} is the case after every possible occurrence of the event x!ψ. Semantically, public announcements diminish the space of possible worlds accepted by agents and sets of agents. The announcement of ψ in context x makes all \lnoty{\lnot\psi} -worlds inaccessible to the agents in such context. In this logic, if the set of accessible worlds of G in context x is empty, then the agents in G are not functioning as members of x, they do not identify themselves with x. In such a situation the agents in G may have the possibility to join x. To model this we introduce here a second kind of dynamic modal operator of acceptance shifting of the form G:x-y{G:x\uparrow\psi}. The latter means that the agents in G shift (change) their acceptances in order to accept ψ in context x. Semantically, they make ψ-worlds accessible to G in the context x, which means that, after such operation, G is functioning as member of x (unless there are no ψ-worlds). We show that the resulting logic has a complete axiomatization in terms of reduction axioms for both dynamic operators. In the paper we also show how the logic of acceptance and its dynamic extension can be used to model some interesting aspects of judgement aggregation. In particular, we apply our logic of acceptance to a classical scenario in judgment aggregation, the so-called ‘doctrinal paradox’ or ‘discursive dilemma’ (Pettit, Philosophical Issues 11:268–299, 2001; Kornhauser and Sager, Yale Law Journal 96:82–117, 1986).  相似文献   

Sans résuméCours prononcé par Nietzsche à Bâle en 1872. Ces notes de Nietzsche font partie desPhilologica des éditions Kröner 1912–1913 (vol. XVIII) et Musarion 1922 (Vorlesungen 1872–1876).  相似文献   

After defining, for each many-sorted signature Σ = (S, Σ), the category Ter(Σ), of generalized terms for Σ (which is the dual of the Kleisli category for \mathbb TS{\mathbb {T}_{\bf \Sigma}}, the monad in Set S determined by the adjunction TS \dashv GS{{\bf T}_{\bf \Sigma} \dashv {\rm G}_{\bf \Sigma}} from Set S to Alg(Σ), the category of Σ-algebras), we assign, to a signature morphism d from Σ to Λ, the functor dà{{\bf d}_\diamond} from Ter(Σ) to Ter(Λ). Once defined the mappings that assign, respectively, to a many-sorted signature the corresponding category of generalized terms and to a signature morphism the functor between the associated categories of generalized terms, we state that both mappings are actually the components of a pseudo-functor Ter from Sig to the 2-category Cat. Next we prove that there is a functor TrΣ, of realization of generalized terms as term operations, from Alg(Σ) × Ter(Σ) to Set, that simultaneously formalizes the procedure of realization of generalized terms and its naturalness (by taking into account the variation of the algebras through the homomorphisms between them). We remark that from this fact we will get the invariance of the relation of satisfaction under signature change. Moreover, we prove that, for each signature morphism d from Σ to Λ, there exists a natural isomorphism θ d from the functor TrL °(Id ×dà){{{\rm Tr}^{\bf {\bf \Lambda}} \circ ({\rm Id} \times {\bf d}_\diamond)}} to the functor TrS °(d* ×Id){{\rm Tr}^{\bf \Sigma} \circ ({\bf d}^* \times {\rm Id})}, both from the category Alg(Λ) × Ter(Σ) to the category Set, where d* is the value at d of the arrow mapping of a contravariant functor Alg from Sig to Cat, that shows the invariant character of the procedure of realization of generalized terms under signature change. Finally, we construct the many-sorted term institution by combining adequately the above components (and, in a derived way, the many-sorted specification institution), but for a strict generalization of the standard notion of institution.  相似文献   

Immigrant Youth: Acculturation, Identity, and Adaptation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cet article présente plusieurs des principaux résultats d’une grande étude internationale sur l’acculturation et l’adaptation de jeunes immigrés (âgés de 13 à 18 ans) qui se sont implantés dans treize pays (N = 5,366); il y est adjoint un échantillon de jeunes nationaux (N = 2,631). La recherche s’appuyait sur trois questions centrales: comment les jeunes migrants gèrent‐ils le processus d’acculturation? Comment parviennent‐ils à s’adapter? Et y a‐t‐il un lien manifeste entre la forme d’acculturation et le succès de l’adaptation? L’analyse en clusters déboucha sur quatre profils d’acculturation: intégrateur, ethnique, national et diffus. L’analyse factorielle de cinq variables d’adaptation mit en évidence deux types d’adaptation: psychologique et socioculturel. Il existe une forte relation entre la façon dont les jeunes s’acculturent et leur adaptation: ceux qui présentent un profil intégrateur bénéficient des meilleurs indicateurs d’adaptations psychologique et socioculturelle alors que ceux souffrant d’un profil diffus ont les pires. Entre les deux, le profil ethnique présente une adaptation psychologique relativement bonne et une adaptation socioculturelle plutôt pauvre, tandis que le profil national a une adaptation psychologique relativement pauvre et une adaptation socioculturelle légèrement négative. Cette configuration de résultats fut en grande partie retrouvée à travers une modélisation en équation structurelle. Les conséquences pour l’implantation des jeunes immigrés sont claires: ils devraient être encouragés à préserver l’appartenance à leur culture d’origine tout en établissant des liens étroits avec la société d’accueil. This paper reports some of the main findings from a large international study of the acculturation and adaptation of immigrant youth (aged 13 to 18 years) who are settled in 13 societies (N= 5,366), as well as a sample of national youth (N= 2,631). The study was guided by three core questions: How do immigrant youth deal with the process of acculturation? How well do they adapt? Are there important relationships between how they acculturate and how well they adapt? Cluster analysis produced four distinct acculturation profiles: integration, ethnic, national, and diffuse. Factor analysis of five adaptation variables revealed two distinct forms of adaptation: psychological and sociocultural. There were substantial relationships between how youth acculturate and how well they adapt: those with an integration profile had the best psychological and sociocultural adaptation outcomes, while those with a diffuse profile had the worst; in between, those with an ethnic profile had moderately good psychological adaptation but poorer sociocultural adaptation, while those with a national profile had moderately poor psychological adaptation, and slightly negative sociocultural adaptation. This pattern of results was largely replicated using structural equation modeling. Implications for the settlement of immigrant youth are clear: youth should be encouraged to retain both a sense of their own heritage cultural identity, while establishing close ties with the larger national society.  相似文献   

Research suggests that quieting the ego (reducing excessive self-focus) can foster well-being. Two exploratory qualitative studies were carried out to investigate the features of ego-quieting group activities. Romanian (N = 140) and Japanese participants (N = 99) read a definition of “self-detachment” and answered several open-ended questions asking them to describe a group situation in which they had experienced a similar state. Thematic analysis showed numerous similarities between the responses of the two samples, as well as cultural-specific features. Participants recalled moments of enjoyment in the company of friends, or challenging group work. For the Romanian sample, the experience was characterized by present-oriented attention, valuing others, positivity, disinhibition and altered perceptions, while for the Japanese sample, valuing others, stress relief, matching challenge and skill and merging self with exterior world were its prevalent features. Both samples identified similar eliciting factors (individual receptiveness, acceptant group, captivating activity, appropriate environment) and similar consequences of the experience (increased closeness, relaxation and self-development). While supporting the existing literature on the importance of communal activities in reducing self-focus and promoting individual well-being, the paper provides new in-depth insights into participants’ subjective experiences and the cultural specifics of positive group activities.  相似文献   

In ancient Chinese thoughts, de is a comparatively complicated idea. Most of the researchers translated it directly into “virtue”, but this translation is not accurate for our understanding of the idea of “de” in pre-Qin times. Generally speaking, in Pre-Qin times, the idea of “de” underwent three developmental periods. The first is the de of Heaven, the de of ancestors; the second the de of system; and the third the de of spirit and moral conducts. In a long period of history, the idea of “de” never cast off the influence of tian Dao (the way of Heaven). It was in Western Zhou Dynasty that the idea of “de” shook off the dense fog of the mandate of Heaven. However, it was the thinkers in Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States who made contributions to bring it deep into people’s mind. The ancient Chinese thoughts were mainly concerned with people’s recognition and development of their own abilities, with people’s seeking harmony and balance between human-beings and nature, and with people’s seeking harmonious and balanced human relations. The development of the idea of “de” played a very important role in this context. __________ Translated from Zhongguo Shehui Kexue 中国社会科学 (China Social Sciences), 2005(4) by Lei Yongqiang  相似文献   

This article examines the issue of skill utilization among highly skilled immigrants in Canada from an organizational perspective. It argues that bringing insights from organizational sociology more strongly into discussions of skill utilization—which tend to focus on returns to immigrant capital (human, social, cultural) or employer discrimination—would provide greater understanding of how, when and the extent to which each one of these factors matters for immigrant hiring within a particular employment sector. In order to illustrate this point, it draws on empirical material from 20 interviews with hiring managers at information and communication technology (ICT) companies in the Greater Toronto Area to show that there is organizational-level variation among firms in three key aspects of hiring that are relevant to discussions of immigrant skill utilization: definitions of ‘skills’, notions of ‘cultural fit’ and screening processes. The article concludes by pointing to avenues for further study and considering implications for settlement policy.  相似文献   


En el presente trabajo de investigación nos interesamos por dar a conocer las características psicométricas y estructurales de una nueva escala de evaluación de estrategias de aprendizaje escolar, así como también por el tipo de relación que mantiene este constructo con otras variables o correlatos importantes en el funcionamiento cognitivo como son los procesos de atribución, el autoconcepto y la motivación académica La muestra de sujetos, en base a la cual se realiza el estudio, está compuesta por 371 alumnos/as de 5°, 6°, 7° y 8° de E.G.B., pertenecientes a colegios públicos de la zona central del Principado de Asturias, de los cuales 192 son chicos y 179 son chicas. Su nivel socioeconómico es medio y pertenecen a una zona industrial. Los resultados obtenidos indican que (a) la escala LASSI es moderadamente fiable y con una estructura factorial que pudiera variar con la edad de los sujetos, (b) que existen diferencias entre niños y niñas en algunas de las dimensiones estratégicas así como también respecto a la edad de los mismos y (c) las estrategias de aprendizaje se encuentran notablemente relacionadas con los procesos atribucionales, el autoconcepto, las metas de estudio y el rendimiento de los alumnos. En el último punto del trabajo, en primer lugar, advertimos de la naturaleza exploratoria y provisionalidad de los datos obtenidos así como de la neceidad de la realización de otras investigaciones con el fin de disipar ciertas discrepancias y, en segundo lugar, interpretamos los resultados de nuestro trabajo contextualiz ándolos dentro de las actuales teorías metacognitiv as de la instrucción.  相似文献   

The study explores and describes Beyers Naudé's (1915–2004) spiritual wellness across his lifespan. Naudé's life history was uncovered through the systematic collection and analyses of life history materials. Data were interpreted applying the Wheel of Wellness model (WoW) by Sweeney and Witmer (1991 Sweeney, T. J., & Witmer, J. M. (1991). Beyond social interest: Striving toward optimum health and wellness. Journal of Individual Psychology, 47(4), 527540. Retrieved from http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/journals/jip.html [Google Scholar], 1992). Findings suggest that spirituality, as the major life task of the WoW, characterised Naudé's earlier years and also epitomised his later years. Underlying life-span and life-space influences included important life-forces such as the roles of the community, religion, government and politics in his life. Hope and optimism embodied Naudé's belief about promoting and preserving human dignity, human rights and respect for life.  相似文献   

The Rokeach Value Survey was used to measure the value orientations of a large sample of 927 Chinese university students in Hong Kong. Based on their ranking of 18 terminal and 18 instrumental values, it was found that the students tended to put greater emphases on personal and competency oriented values. Specifically, the four most important terminal values were true friendship, happiness, self-respect, and wisdom; and the four least important terminal values were social recognition, a comfortable life, salvation, and pleasure. The four most important instrumental values included responsible, courageous, intellectual, and capable; and the four least important instrumental values included imaginative, polite, obedient, and clean. Male students tended to be more concerned with personal, accomplishment, and competency related values; whereas female students were more attracted to family, moral, and more intrinsic kinds of values. This study also provided evidence on the validity of the Rokeach Value Survey measure. It was shown that the values in the Rokeach measure correlated significantly with similar values in Scott's Personal Values Scale, another value measure with multi-item rating scales. L'Echelle des valeurs de Rokeach a été utilisée pour déterminer les orientations de valeur d'un vaste échantillon de 927 étudiants universitaires chinois de Hong Kong. En se basant sur leur mise en rangs de 18 valeurs terminales et de 18 valeurs instrumentales, il a été observé que les étudiants avaient tendance à mettre plus d'emphase sur les valeurs personnelles et les valeurs d'orientation vers la compétence. Plus particulièrement, les quatre valeurs terminales les plus importantes étaient la véritable amitié, le bonheur, le respect de soi, et la sagesse; les quatre valeurs terminales les moins importantes étaient la reconnaissance sociale, une vie confortable, le salut et le plaisir. Les quatre valeurs instrumentales les plus importantes étaient définies par les termes responsable, courageux, intellectuel et capable; les quatre valeurs instrumentales les moins importantes étaient définies par les termes imaginatif, poli, obéissant et propre. Les étudiants mâles avaient tendance à être davantage concernés par les valeurs reliées à la personne, à l'accomplissement et à la compétence; par ailleurs, les étudiantes étaient davantage attirées par la famille, la moralité et par des valeurs de nature plus intrinsèque. Cette étude a également constitué une épreuve expérimentalle de la validité des mesures provenant de l'Echelle des valeurs de Rokeach. Il a été démontré que les valeurs mesurées par l'Echelle de Rokeach étaient significativement corretees avec les valeurs semblables de l'Echelle des valeurs personnelles de Scott, une autre façon de mesurer des valeurs en utilisant des modalités d'évaluation comprenant plusieurs items.  相似文献   

Comparaison d'échantillons appariés d'étudiants japonais et américains (niveau lycée et collège universitaire) relativement aux six valeurs que mesure L'inventaire Survey of Personal Values. On a d'abord testé la comparabilité des “valeurs” dans la langue originale de L'inventaire et dans la traduction japonaise: L'analyse factorielle des items traduits et les corrélations calculées entre L'inventaire en japonais et un choix d'échelles japonaises de personnalité donnent des garanties à cet égard. Chez les étudiants japonais des deux sexes et des deux niveaux scolaires, on trouve des moyennes plus faibles pour ce qui est de L'orientation pratique de L'esprit, la réussite et la variété, et des moyennes plus élevées pour L'ordre et L'orientation vers un but. Ainsi, les Japonais accordent moins d'importance aux considérations matérialistes (réussite individuelle, changement ou diversité) mais ils donnent plus de valeur à un mode de vie organisé et routinier et au fait de chercher systématiquement à réaliser des buts bien définis. Les résul-tats de la présente recherche recoupant des recherches antérieures, font apparaître une grande ressemblance entre les deux pays, dans la structure de la personnalité.  相似文献   

Specified meet contraction is the operation ?\div defined by the identity K ?p = K   ~  f(p)K \div p = K \,{\sim}\, f(p) where ∼ is full meet contraction and f is a sentential selector, a function from sentences to sentences. With suitable conditions on the sentential selector, specified meet contraction coincides with the partial meet contractions that yield a finite-based contraction outcome if the original belief set is finite-based. In terms of cognitive realism, specified meet contraction has an advantage over partial meet contraction in that the selection mechanism operates on sentences rather than on temporary infinite structures (remainders) that are cognitively inaccessible. Specified meet contraction provides a versatile framework in which other types of contraction, such as severe withdrawal and base-generated contraction, can be expressed with suitably chosen properties of the sentential selector.  相似文献   

A scaled difference test statistic [(T)\tilde]d\tilde{T}{}_{d} that can be computed from standard software of structural equation models (SEM) by hand calculations was proposed in Satorra and Bentler (Psychometrika 66:507–514, 2001). The statistic [(T)\tilde]d\tilde{T}_{d} is asymptotically equivalent to the scaled difference test statistic [`(T)]d\bar{T}_{d} introduced in Satorra (Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis: A Festschrift for Heinz Neudecker, pp. 233–247, 2000), which requires more involved computations beyond standard output of SEM software. The test statistic [(T)\tilde]d\tilde{T}_{d} has been widely used in practice, but in some applications it is negative due to negativity of its associated scaling correction. Using the implicit function theorem, this note develops an improved scaling correction leading to a new scaled difference statistic [`(T)]d\bar{T}_{d} that avoids negative chi-square values.  相似文献   

In linear multiple regression, “enhancement” is said to occur when R 2=br>rr, where b is a p×1 vector of standardized regression coefficients and r is a p×1 vector of correlations between a criterion y and a set of standardized regressors, x. When p=1 then br and enhancement cannot occur. When p=2, for all full-rank R xxI, R xx=E[xx′]=V Λ V′ (where V Λ V′ denotes the eigen decomposition of R xx; λ 1>λ 2), the set B1:={bi:R2=biri=riri;0 < R2 £ 1}\boldsymbol{B}_{1}:=\{\boldsymbol{b}_{i}:R^{2}=\boldsymbol{b}_{i}'\boldsymbol{r}_{i}=\boldsymbol{r}_{i}'\boldsymbol{r}_{i};0R2 £ 1;R2lpriri < R2}0p≥3 (and λ 1>λ 2>⋯>λ p ), both sets contain an uncountably infinite number of vectors. Geometrical arguments demonstrate that B 1 occurs at the intersection of two hyper-ellipsoids in ℝ p . Equations are provided for populating the sets B 1 and B 2 and for demonstrating that maximum enhancement occurs when b is collinear with the eigenvector that is associated with λ p (the smallest eigenvalue of the predictor correlation matrix). These equations are used to illustrate the logic and the underlying geometry of enhancement in population, multiple-regression models. R code for simulating population regression models that exhibit enhancement of any degree and any number of predictors is included in Appendices A and B.  相似文献   


Este trabajo trata la adquisición de habilidades en el periodo sensoriomotor desde un marco teórico vigotskiano. Intentamos ver cómo la díada cuidador principal-bebé puede ser la matriz en la que también el desarrollo de las habilidades se produce; elegimos la habilidad de rodeo manual con barrera transparente (Kaye, 1977) en una situación de interacción adulto-bebé, a los 5 meses y a los 9 meses, en 15 díadas. Construimos un sistema de categorías observacional para codificar la conducta infantil y adulta, de cara a analizar: a) los avances en el periodo longitudinal estudiado; b) la microgénesis (Wertsch y Hickmann, 1987): los avances en el transcurso de toda la sesión, en cada edad estudiada; c) las intervenciones del adulto; d) la propia construcción de la habilidad de rodeo. Encontramos que el papel de adulto (cuidador principal del bebé en nuestro caso) es responsable de avances en el transcurso de la sesión, aunque con ciertas limitaciones debidas al intentar verificar esta eficacia observando una sesión de interacción y con una única tarea (en cada uno de los dos momentos evolutivos estudiados) en unas edades en las que el paisaje epigenético nos impone una mayor constricción que covaría con la menor maniobrabi- lidad de los agentes externos de cambio. Al contrastar las dos edades, el bebé de 9 meses aprovecha más la ayuda del adulto durante la fase de actuación conjunta, presenta más éxitos antes de la ayuda recibida y mayor avance en la habilidad, que a los 5 meses. Los cuidadores detectan esta mayor destreza, como muestran sus intervenciones en cada edad El concepto de “marco” es algo bastante amplio y genérico, y depende de la habilidad que se está “cociendo” en ese momento evolutivo, y de la situación propuesta; en todo caso, destacamos el papel facilitador del adulto (Lockman y McHale, 1989).  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(2):161-179
We propose that future rifle marksmanship research be framed within a phases-of-skill-development model (Ackerman, 1987 Ackerman, P. L. (1987). Individual differences in skill learning: An integration of psychometric and information processing perspectives. Psychological Bulletin, 102, 327.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1992 Ackerman, P. L. (1992). Predicting individual differences in complex skill acquisition: Dynamics of ability determinants. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 598614.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Anderson, 1982 Anderson, J. R. (1982). Acquisition of cognitive skill. Psychological Review, 89, 369406.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Fitts & Posner, 1967 Fitts, P. M., & Posner, M. I. (1967). Human performance. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. [Google Scholar]). Prior research on predicting shooting performance suggests a deceptively complex task sensitive to variations in the individual, equipment, and environment. We argue that rifle marksmanship research should be framed around perceptual-motor, cognitive, affective, equipment, and environmental variables. Although it is unlikely that equipment and environment can be controlled, much can be learned—with training implications—about how perceptual-motor, cognitive, and affective variables relate to shooting performance. The phases-of-skill-development model is silent on affective variables but suggests that cognitive factors will be most sensitive to individuals learning how to shoot, and perceptual-motor variables most sensitive to individuals who already know how to shoot. Identification of where trainees are in their skill development could lead to more efficient and targeted training and decreased training costs.  相似文献   

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