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Two experiments explored a new procedure to implicitly induce phonological false memories in young and older people. On the study tasks, half of the words were formed from half of the letters in the alphabet, whereas the remaining words were formed from all the letters in the alphabet. On the recognition tests, there were three types of non-studied new words: critical lures formed from the same half of the letters as the studied words; distractors formed from the other half of the letters not used, and distractors formed from all the letters in the alphabet. In both experiments, the results showed that, in both young and older people, critical lures produced more false recognitions than distractors composed of all the letters in the alphabet, which, in turn, produced more false alarms than distractors composed of the letters not used during the study. These results support the predictions of the activation/monitoring models, which assume that false memories are partly due to activation spreading from items (semantically or phonologically) related to the critical words.  相似文献   

采用改造的图片命名启动范式考察非平衡中-英双语者在言语产生中非目标语言的语音激活范围。实验1探讨在准备用汉语命名图片后,英语词汇的语音激活。结果发现,英语语音一致词的命名反应快于语音相关词和语音无关词,且语音相关词的命名反应快于语音无关词,说明在一语的产生过程中,二语对等词和相关词的语音都得到了激活。实验2探讨在准备用英语命名图片后,汉语词汇的语音激活。结果发现,汉语语音一致词的命名反应快于语音相关词和语音无关词,而语音相关词与语音无关词之间的命名反应没有显著差异,说明在二语的产生过程中,只有一语对等词的语音得到了激活。总结果表明,非平衡中-英双语者使用目标语言时,非目标语言的语音也可以得到激活,并且激活范围可能受非目标语言熟练水平的影响。  相似文献   

运用跨语言即时启动和延时启动范式,要求被试完成生物属性的语义判断任务,研究语言理解转换中非目标语言影响目标语言语义理解的时间进程。实验1非目标语言为英文,目标语言为中文,结果表明,无论是即时启动(t = -0.423, p = 0.676),还是延时启动(t = -0.82, p = 0.419),语义相关组与语义无关组都无显著差异。实验2非目标语言为中文,目标语言为英文,结果表明,在即时启动条件下,语义相关组显著快于语义无关组(t = -3.05, p = 0.006),但延时条件下语义相关组与语义无关组无显著差异(t = -0.63, p = 0.536)。综合两个实验结果表明,晚期熟练双语者在双语语言理解转换过程中语义的即时启动影响存在不对称性,语义相关的非目标语言中文对目标语言英文语义理解起促进作用;但是语义启动效应没有得到延时体现。  相似文献   

言语产生中的韵律生成   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先描述了韵律生成的相关模型。然后以研究的问题为着眼点,回顾了言语产生中韵律生成的相关研究。发现大多数研究结果都证明,在单词产生过程中,存在一个独立于音段内容的抽象韵律结构,其中包含了词的重音模式和音节数量等信息;在短语和句子产生过程中,韵律结构和停顿模式都不是完全决定于句法结构,而具有相对的独立性;句子韵律产生的最佳单位是韵律词。语言学韵律产生的脑区激活呈左侧化趋势。  相似文献   

大量的研究表明心理理论和语言之间存在着密切的关系,但具体关系如何,一直存在争议。文章介绍了心理理论和语言关系的新近研究,着重阐述了目前关于二者关系的两种观点: (1)心理理论和语言发展之间不仅是早期揭示的一般相关关系,而是可能存在着因果关系——或以语言为因,或以心理理论为因;(2)心理理论和语言都受第三种因素影响,如执行功能和生长环境,但这些因素是究竟如何影响心理理论和语言发展的,还需深入探讨。文章最后对该领域今后的研究提出了新的见解和思路,包括对不同语言能力间的比较研究,对二者关系的跨文化研究和毕生取向研究等  相似文献   

Explanations of the nature of thought and the methods of study underlying such explanations were explored from the viewpoints of introspective psychology, methodological behaviorism, and radical behaviorism. Empirical support for the radical behaviorists' interpretation of thought as covert operant behavior was examined. An experimental method was developed which attempted to analyze the functional properties of responsereinforcement connections in the environment inside our skins. Verbal reports of the thought behaviors of a group of graduate students in educational psychology were examined and coded in terms of B. F. Skinner's verbal operant categories. The reported thought units were coded in relation to the environmental contexts in which they were reported, and in relation to the environmental contexts in which the thoughts had actually occurred. Major differences in the verbal operant codings, and in the interrater reliabilities of such codings were discovered depending upon the particular environmental context utilized. Results obtained by scoring the reported thought units in relation to the environments in which the thoughts actually occurred were congruent with the paradigm of operant behavior.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that learning an alphabetic written language influences aspects of the auditory-verbal language system. In this study, we examined whether literacy influences the notion of words as phonological units independent of lexical semantics in literate and illiterate subjects. Subjects had to decide which item in a word- or pseudoword pair was phonologically longest. By manipulating the relationship between referent size and phonological length in three word conditions (congruent, neutral, and incongruent) we could examine to what extent subjects focused on form rather than meaning of the stimulus material. Moreover, the pseudoword condition allowed us to examine global phonological awareness independent of lexical semantics. The results showed that literate performed significantly better than illiterate subjects in the neutral and incongruent word conditions as well as in the pseudoword condition. The illiterate group performed least well in the incongruent condition and significantly better in the pseudoword condition compared to the neutral and incongruent word conditions and suggest that performance on phonological word length comparisons is dependent on literacy. In addition, the results show that the illiterate participants are able to perceive and process phonological length, albeit less well than the literate subjects, when no semantic interference is present. In conclusion, the present results confirm and extend the finding that illiterate subjects are biased towards semantic-conceptual-pragmatic types of cognitive processing.  相似文献   

The aim of the present fMRI study was to localize brain areas that were uniquely activated for phonological versus spatial working memory. Previous studies have reported inconsistent results, most likely because of methodological heterogeneity varying both stimuli and instructions in the same study. Here, identical consonant-vowel-consonant non-words were visually presented to the subjects in a 2-back paradigm under two different instructions; the subjects either had to memorize the non-words per se or their location. The results give evidence for a hemispheric organization of working memory, with dominance for processing of phonological information in the left hemisphere and frontal cortex, and spatial information in the right hemisphere and parietal cortex. The results also reflect a certain overlap between the neuronal network for working memory and processing of verbal and spatial material. These findings are discussed with regard to processing specificity and the extent that activated areas also may reflect perceptual processes.  相似文献   

曲折  丁玉珑 《心理学报》2010,42(2):193-199
应用DRM范式, 研究单个汉字语音关联对错误记忆的影响。实验一中, 学习阶段呈现的各字表汉字与未呈现的诱饵字具有相同音节。再认测试发现, 被试对诱饵字产生了明显的错误再认。实验二发现, 当各学习字表内的汉字拥有相同声母或相同韵母时, 被试对相应的两种诱饵字也能产生明显的错误再认, 并且其效应与音节相同时基本一样。这些结果说明, 汉字的语音关联可以诱发错误记忆现象, 但其效应并不随语音相似度的增加而增加。研究提示, 错误记忆可以来源于较低层次的基于知觉的加工; 中文语音网络虽然易于激活, 但激活程度有限。  相似文献   

董奇  薛贵  金真  曾亚伟 《心理学报》2004,36(4):448-454
研究采用功能磁共振成像技术考察语言经验在塑造大脑激活模式中的作用。12名只有很少英语学习经验因而熟练程度很低的小学儿童参与了实验。结果发现,在视觉呈现的押韵判断任务中,英文任务和中文任务共同激活了左侧额下回负责语音加工的脑区。更重要的是,虽然英文任务更难,也更多地激活了双侧的顶叶区域,但是它在额叶诱发的激活强度显著低于中文。这个结果进一步说明第二语言的语音皮层表征是随着学习经验的增加而逐渐发展起来的。  相似文献   

方小萍  刘友谊 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1940-1951
大量研究表明左侧额叶和颞叶的多个脑区与句法加工有关, 已有的理论模型分别从不同的角度对句法加工的脑机制进行了解释。通过文献比较与分析发现, 对句法加工的操作定义、实验任务、被试个体差异以及语言差异等均可能导致研究结果出现差异。在将来的研究中, 可以通过跨语言、多任务比较, 不同层面的句法加工的操作, 在方法上将个体功能定位分析与传统的组分析相结合, 以及从神经网络的角度来更准确和全面地揭示句法加工的脑机制。  相似文献   

采取DRM范式,要求被试判断词表项目的字形结构或音调,从而间接学习词表,考察了关联性、不同编码方式和测验情境(测验次数、测验词颜色两个变量)对真实和错误记忆的影响。实验发现:(1)随着关联性的增加,未学词的错误再认率也增加,说明关联性是引发错误记忆的必要条件;(2)字形判断比字音判断下的错误再认率要高,说明汉字中形—义联结可能比音—义联结更加紧密;(3)测验情境对真实和错误记忆影响并不相同,表明两者虽然同源,但具有完全不同的机制。  相似文献   

Compromised retrieval of autobiographical memory (ABM) is well established in neurodegenerative disorders. The recounting of autobiographical events is inextricably linked to linguistic knowledge, yet no study to date has investigated whether tense use during autobiographical narration is disrupted in dementia syndromes. This study investigated the incidence of correct past tense use during ABM narration in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD,= 10) and semantic dementia (SD, n = 10) in comparison with healthy older Controls (n = 10). Autobiographical narratives were analysed for episodic content (internal/external) and classified according to tense use (past/present). Across both patient groups, use of the past tense was significantly compromised relative to Controls, with increased levels of off‐target present tense verbs observed. Voxel‐based morphometry analyses based on structural MRI revealed differential associations between past tense use and regions of grey matter intensity in the brain. Bilateral temporal cortices were implicated in the SD group, whereas frontal, lateral, and medial temporal regions including the right hippocampus emerged in AD. This preliminary study provides the first demonstration of the disruption of specific linguistic constructs during autobiographical narration in AD and SD. Future studies are warranted to clarify at what point in the disease trajectory such deficits in tense use emerge, and whether these deficits are a product or contributing factor in memory disruption in these syndromes.  相似文献   

孙文梅  刘海伦 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1388-1392
研究运用DRM范式,以具有语音关联的汉语双字词为材料,采用2(语音类型)×3(词语类型)被试内实验设计,考察汉语双字词语音关联对错误记忆的影响。结果表明:(1)被试对诱饵词的错误再认率显著高于对填充词的错误再认率,说明汉语双字词语音关联能够诱发错误记忆;(2)双字词表与单字词表引发的语音关联性错误记忆效应相当,小于语义及字形关联的错误记忆效应;(3)尾音关联词表中词语再认率高于首音关联词表。  相似文献   

Recent developments in computerized scoring via semantic distance have provided automated assessments of verbal creativity. Here, we extend past work, applying computational linguistic approaches to characterize salient features of creative text. We hypothesize that, in addition to semantic diversity, the degree to which a story includes perceptual details, thus transporting the reader to another time and place, would be predictive of creativity. Additionally, we explore the use of generative language models to supplement human data collection and examine the extent to which machine-generated stories can mimic human creativity. We collect 600 short stories from human participants and GPT-3, subsequently randomized and assessed on their creative quality. Results indicate that the presence of perceptual details, in conjunction with semantic diversity, is highly predictive of creativity. These results were replicated in an independent sample of stories (n = 120) generated by GPT-4. We do not observe a significant difference between human and AI-generated stories in terms of creativity ratings, and we also observe positive correlations between human and AI assessments of creativity. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究采用基于语义关联的DRM范式,通过改变测试词语的字体来探究语义痕迹和物理线索对错误记忆的影响。结果表明,语义关联产生的要义痕迹依然是错误记忆产生的重要因素,而对物理线索的操作则使真实记忆和错误记忆发生了分离,在字体改变的条件下,被试的错误记忆更加严重。  相似文献   

章玉祉  张积家 《心理学报》2014,46(9):1232-1241
采用启动条件下的词汇命名和图片命名范式, 探讨在汉语言语产生中词长效应的产生机制, 考察概念激活、词条提取和语音编码对词长效应的影响。实验1和实验2表明, 词条提取过程并不影响在词汇命名中的词长效应, 支持多词素词整词通达表征的理论。实验3显示, 概念激活和语音编码共同影响在图片命名中的词长效应, 被试对长词的命名时间显著地长于对短词的命名时间, 对下属水平概念的词汇提取显著地慢于对基本水平概念的词汇提取。研究结果支持多词素词语音编码的序列性和基本水平类别优先习得的观点。  相似文献   

言语学习引起的脑功能和结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章系统介绍了言语学习引起的脑功能和结构可塑性变化研究的最新进展,例如:第二语言的词汇——语义学习引起的脑功能变化主要受熟练程度的影响,而句法学习引起的脑功能变化主要受获得年龄的影响;实验室言语训练可以引起语言加工相关区域激活增强或减弱,以及出现新的激活区域;第二语言学习导致了左侧顶下皮层灰质密度增加。此外,文章还总结了言语学习的脑成像研究中常用的实验范式,并提出了有待于进一步解决的关键问题  相似文献   

运动、语言和学习:小脑的功能磁共振成像研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对小脑功能的认识在过去的100年里经历了缓慢而稳定的发展。在最近20年,随着活体神经影像技术尤其是功能磁共振成像(fMRI)的出现,这一领域取得了更加显著的进展。文章简要总结了我们最近关于小脑的fMRI研究,考察了该结构在运动、语言和学习任务中的作用;并通过回顾相关文献,讨论了这些研究的理论意义。小脑的功能本质似乎是一般性的而非通道特异的,动态的而非静态的,联系的而非孤立的。作者提出,研究小脑与大脑之间的相互作用和合作机制将是小脑研究领域的新的生长点  相似文献   

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