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个人—组织匹配的研究现状与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
个人—组织匹配主要探讨个人和组织之间的相容性以及实现这种相容性的前提和结果。个人与组织可能以附助或补偿的方式形成匹配。尽管在操作指标的选择上,研究者们没有达成共识,但他们的研究结论都同样体现了个人—组织匹配在员工的组织进入、工作态度、离职意向、工作压力、亲社会行为、工作绩效和组织文化培训等方面的管理价值。展望该领域的进一步研究,自我报告的研究方法以及高水平匹配的益处是令人质疑的,匹配的评估指标也亟待明确。  相似文献   

人-组织匹配研究的新进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张兴国  许百华 《心理科学》2005,28(4):1004-1006
本文概述了国外关于人-组织匹配研究的最新发展。人-组织匹配简称P-O匹配,它强调组织成员的个人特征与组织特征之问的相容性。P-O匹配不仅使组织能更好地吸引、选拔和留住高素质人才。而且也有利于提高员工工作绩效和满意感。  相似文献   

Work ethic has been underrepresented in work commitment studies, compared to other work commitment facets such as job involvement, career commitment, and organizational commitment. Using exploratory factor analysis on an overall sample of 543 participants, this study identified a four-dimension work ethic concept. The four dimensions found were hard work, nonleisure, independence, and asceticism. Various subsample analyses further supported this four-factor structure. Results and limitations of the study, including the potential incorporation of a shortened 12-item work ethic scale into a more general work commitment measure, are discussed.  相似文献   

In response to theory and research suggesting that positive individual and organizational outcomes are associated with person-organization fit, there is growing interest in the use of personnel selection practices to achieve fit between individuals and organizations. Research is needed to confirm the value of assessing applicant-organization fit in the selection process and to test alternative approaches for measuring the match between applicants and organizations. This article provides guidance for future research on the assessment of applicant-organization fit. Criteria for assessing applicant-organization fit are indentified and four techniques for assessing fit are then evaluated in the light of these criteria. In addition, the article identifies issues that should be addressed in future research on applicant-organization fit.  相似文献   

主动性人格与工作绩效:个体-组织匹配的调节作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
温瑶  甘怡群 《应用心理学》2008,14(2):118-128
本研究的目的:考察主动性人格在中国企业内对工作绩效的预测性及个体-组织匹配在其中的调节作用。方法:研究以三家中国本土企业的253名员工为被试,使用修订过的主动性人格量表。结果:(1)除了大五人格和社会赞许性之外,主动性人格还可以解释工作绩效8.5%的方差变异;(2)整体分析时只有团队导向因素显著,单独分析时高新独资企业中注重细节因素、团队导向因素和结果导向因素有显著的调节作用;民营企业中尊重员工因素有显著的调节作用;国有企业中革新性因素和团队导向因素有显著的调节作用。结论:主动性人格可以有效地预测工作绩效,个体-组织匹配则根据不同的企业组织,不同的因素在主动性人格和工作绩效的关系中起调节作用。关于本研究的贡献与不足以及未来的研究方向都有所讨论。  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the impact of 2 differing instructional approaches on creative problem-solving performance. Eighty-two college students completed a novel structure-building task after receiving algorithmic instruction (providing a rote, step-by-step algorithm for building a sample structure), heuristic instruction (demonstrating the same techniques in a more flexible form), or no instruction. All participants viewed the same sample structure before beginning the task. It was hypothesized that algorithmically instructed students would exhibit less exploratory behavior and lower levels of creativity than students receiving heuristic instruction. No specific hypotheses were made concerning the problem-solving creativity of students in the no-instruction condition. Results suggest that the type of instruction that students received influenced their perceptions of the task, their behaviors during the task, and their final solution to the structure problem. Students receiving algorithmic instruction exhibited greater confidence and speed when building their structures than did other students. However, they were significantly less likely to engage in exploratory behavior or to deviate from the sample structure than were students receiving heuristic instruction. Although there was no main effect of instruction condition on the judge-rated creativity of these structures, a significant interaction between instruction type and participants' attempts to replicate the sample structure was predictive of the structure's creativity. Theoretical and practical implications of these and other results are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, a person-environment fit model was used to understand the independent and combined roles of family and neighborhood characteristics on the adjustment of adults and children in a sample of 750 Mexican American families. Latent class analysis was used to identify six qualitatively distinct family types and three quantitatively distinct neighborhood types using socioeconomic and cultural indicators at each level. The results showed that members of single-parent Mexican American families may be particularly at-risk, members of the lowest-income immigrant families reported fewer adaptation problems if they lived in low-income neighborhoods dominated by immigrants, members of economically successful immigrant families may be more at-risk in integrated middle class neighborhoods than in low-income neighborhoods dominated by immigrants, and members of two-parent immigrant families appear to be rather resilient in most settings despite their low socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Categorized among learning practices, reflection involves cognitive processing. Some people say they reflect often, whereas others claim they are less inclined to reflect on a regular basis. The present study examines reflection in an academic learning setting. In contrast with previous studies testing reflective task accomplishment, we are interested in personality traits that can predict reflection or a reflective outcome. By means of a survey university students are questioned about their learning practices when working on their final thesis. To test whether certain traits influence reflection and whether reflection produces cognitive outcomes at the individual level, we performed hierarchical regression analysis. In addition, structural equation modeling is used to test for the mediation effects of reflection. The data stress a mediating role of reflection in the relationship between particular personality traits and cognitive complexity.  相似文献   



This study explores whether follower perceived need-supply (N-S) job fit, demand-ability (D-A) job fit, and person-organization (P-O) fit mediate the relationships between individual-level, unit-level transformational leadership (TFL), and follower task performance.  相似文献   

Researchers of person–job (P-J) misfit have suggested that newcomers who “misfit” with their job often perform poorly and eventually leave the organization. However, no known studies have examined ways to alleviate the negative impacts of newcomers’ P-J misfit. Based on the theory of work adjustment and the spillover model of person–environment fit, we explore whether newcomers’ fit with the social context (i.e. person–group [P-G] and person–organization [P-O] fit) and interpersonal relationships (i.e. person–mentor [P-M] and person–supervisor [P-S] fit) can buffer the detrimental outcomes of newcomers’ P-J misfit. Using data from two field studies with time-lag and multi-source research designs, the results consistently show that: (1) newcomers’ P-G fit buffered the positive relationship between their initial N–S misfit and subsequent actual turnover, (2) newcomers’ P-M fit buffered the negative relationship between their initial D-A misfit and subsequent task performance. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

以114名大学生为被试, 采用Mittenecker指向测验和粘贴画任务考察了认知抑制能力与艺术创造力的关系, 并采用镶嵌图形测验考察了认知风格在其中所起的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)认知抑制能力与艺术创造力之间呈现负相关, 认知抑制对于个体的创造程度、沟通传播水平和艺术创造综合印象可以起到显著的负向预测作用, 对于个体艺术创造的可爱程度和想象水平可以起到边缘显著的负向预测作用;(2)认知风格在认知抑制能力与艺术创造力的关系中起着调节作用, 主要表现为认知抑制能力对于场依存个体的创造程度、想象水平和沟通传播水平具有显著的预测作用, 对于场独立个体的艺术创造力则不具有预测作用。  相似文献   

Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) estimate student ability profiles using latent attributes. Model fit to the data needs to be ascertained in order to determine whether inferences from CDMs are valid. This study investigated the usefulness of some popular model fit statistics to detect CDM fit including relative fit indices (AIC, BIC, and CAIC), and absolute fit indices (RMSEA2, ABS(fcor) and MAX2jj)). These fit indices were assessed under different CDM settings with respect to Q-matrix misspecification and CDM misspecification. Results showed that relative fit indices selected the correct DINA model most of the times and selected the correct G-DINA model well across most conditions. Absolute fit indices rejected the true DINA model if the Q-matrix was misspecified in any way. Absolute fit indices rejected the true G-DINA model whenever the Q-matrix was under-specified. RMSEA2 could be artificially low when the Q-matrix was over-specified.  相似文献   

陈卫旗  王重鸣 《心理科学》2007,30(4):979-981
本研究采用结构方程建模方法检验了人与职务、组织匹配对员工工作满意感和组织承诺的效应,及“内部整合”与“人际预测”的中介作用。结果表明,人与职务、组织匹配对员工工作满意感和组织承诺有显著的积极效应,“内部整合”对这种效应起完全中介作用,而“人际预测”仅对“人-职务匹配”对员工工作满意感的效应起部分中介作用。研究为理解“人-环境匹配”对于员工工作态度的效应机制提供了理论框架和实证依据。  相似文献   

A two‐study investigation was designed to examine the role of job type (i.e. fit of political skill to work context) as a contextual moderator of the political skill–job performance relationship. Specifically, it was hypothesised that political skill operates most effectively in enterprising job contexts, and thus is most predictive of job performance in such contexts, but political skill would demonstrate no relationship with job performance in job contexts that did not emphasise interpersonal interaction and effectiveness. In Study 1, enterprising job demands interacted with political skill to affect job performance. That is, political skill positively and significantly predicted job performance in enterprising job contexts, as hypothesised. Study 2 selected one specific job context (i.e. insurance sales) high in enterprising job demands, and hypothesised that political skill would significantly predict objective measures of insurance sales (i.e. sales volume, performance‐based income, performance‐based commission rate, and performance‐based status). The results demonstrated significant predictive effects of political skill (i.e. beyond age, sex, education level, tenure on the job, and experience in sales) on all four measures of sales performance. Contributions and implications of this research, strengths and limitations, and directions for future study are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive psychologists have begun to address how motivational factors influence adults' performance on cognitive tasks. However, little research has examined how different motivational factors interact with one another to affect behavior across the life span. In the current study, the authors examined how children perform on a classification task when placed in a regulatory fit or mismatch. Nine-year-old children performed a classification task in which they either gained or lost points for each response. Additionally, children were given either a global promotion focus (trying to earn a gift card) or a prevention focus (trying to avoid losing a gift card). Previous work indicates that adults in this task tend to perform better when there is a match (or fit) between the incentive to gain, or avoid losing, a global reward, and the more local task reward structure to either maximize points gained or minimize points lost on a trial-by-trial basis. Unlike adults, 9-year-olds perform better in the promotion condition than in the prevention condition regardless of task reward structure. Possible explanations for the differences between adults' and children's performance are discussed as are possible applications for academic settings.  相似文献   

Being assertive is not always sufficient. Assertiveness training models show shortcomings in those situations where assertiveness results in stalemates or conflicts, or both. Deadlocks may occur when antagonists demonstrate appropriate assertive behavior. Conflict management using problem-solving skills allows individuals to learn appropriate methods of dealing with conflictual or competitive situations. Two models that could be incorporated into the assertiveness training model are suggested for conflict management. An example illustrates the integration of assertiveness training and problem solving.  相似文献   

Despite the high prevalence of suicidal ideation and attempts among homeless youth, little research has examined how suicide prevention interventions influence suicide-related risk and protective factors, and ultimately produce positive outcome in suicidality in this population. Drawing on the Diathesis-Stress Model and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, the current study examined whether participation in Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CTSP) moderated the mediation link between social problem-solving, perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation among a sample of homeless youth experiencing suicidal ideation. Social problem-solving refers to a set of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral coping responses in the face of stressful situations, and it is identified as a potent protective factor in alleviating perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, and reducing suicidal ideation. Participants included 150 homeless youth (M age = 20.99, range = 18-24; 41% female) who were randomly assigned to Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CTSP) + Treatment as Usual (TAU) (n = 75) or Treatment as Usual alone (n = 75). Participants were assessed at baseline, 3, 6, and 9 months post-baseline. Findings showed that perceived burdensomeness mediated the association of social problem-solving with suicidal ideation only among youth participating in the CTSP condition. These findings provide evidence to support the promising effects of CTSP in enhancing the protective effects of social problem-solving on suicidal ideation through the mediating effects of perceived burdensomeness. Findings also have implications for improving intervention effectiveness with a community-based population at high risk of suicide.  相似文献   

许思安  郑雪 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1207-1211
认知方式是人们在对信息和经验进行组织和加工过程中表现出来的个别差异, 是一个人在感知、记忆和思维中经常采取的、受到偏爱的和习惯化了的态度与风格。少数民族认知方式的跨文化研究集中在认知方式的发展规律、认知方式的性别差异、民族间认知方式的差异, 以及与其他变量相关程度的探究上。  相似文献   

孙灯勇  胡瑜 《心理科学》2008,31(1):169-172
智力风格的三维模型是Li-fang Zhang和Robert J.Sternberg在风格这个研究领域最近提出的一个整合模型.该模型基于Sternberg心理自我管理理论,并结合以往的风格研究,提出了智力风格的概念,把风格分为三种基本类型,而且认为,大部分风格是价值负荷的;是集特质和状态为一体的,但是大部分是可调整的,所以更倾向于状态性;并且具有跨理论的重叠,但也有其独特性.文章对智力风格三维模型的产生背景、理论来源及主要观点进行了介绍,并探讨了该模型的意义.  相似文献   

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