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Student to student support teams can be used to provide special services in schools. These teams, which have potential as a viable intervention approach for the 1990s, provide unique but beneficial challen~es for special services practitioners and administrators. In this aitde, issues pertinent to implementation of student to student support teams are discussed.  相似文献   

Perceptions and opinions are reported of special education administrators in Indiana and Massachusetts. The data that are presented reflect administrators' ratings of factors that they consider critical to their personal success on-the-job and factors they see as essential to successful functioning of their organizational unit. Discussion occurs within the context of operation of special services programs in single district units and those found in cooperative or intermediate unit structures.  相似文献   

Currently, over 4.3 million children are receiving special services within the nation's schools because of physical, developmental, and educational disabilities. It is estimated that twice this number would benefit from special education services. Public Law 94–142, the Education for the Handicapped Act, offered the first real opportunity for many children with disabilities to receive special health and educational services. Public schools have become a primary setting for provision of services to these children, however, many states have encountered difficulty in procuring funding. One federally mandated source of revenue is the Medicaid program. In the fall of 1991, all state Medicaid and special education programs were asked to provide information concerning current or planned use of Medicaid funds for special education services. Responses were received from 36 states. Only 19 states reported using Medicaid funding in any capacity, and of these, only four required schools to bill Medicaid for services rendered. The majority of these programs are in the pilot stages of development. Special education services covered by Medicaid vary widely, as do reimbursement mechanisms. All 19 states allow Medicaid coverage for speech, physical, and occupational therapy. Only about half of those states provide allowances for diagnostic evaluation and assessment, while coverage for psychological services is provided by three-fourths of those states, and EPSDT screens by half of the states. Only two programs had been evaluated formally at the state and/or federal level. Medicaid remains a largely untapped source of revenue that could be used to help fund services for disabled children.  相似文献   

In 1975 134 men and 102 women entering 37 graduate health services administration programs voluntarily completed the merged form of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank. This article describes the general pattern of mean scores on the basic interest scales for these alumni and discusses differences in interests by sex. The results indicate high alumni interest in areas related to the activities and functions of health services administrators. Implications for using this information for career planning when working with clients and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is increased lip-service paid to the need for educators to behave ethically, special services personnel are aware of many situations in which their colleagues or supervisors show little awareness of ethical principles. In this article, we address this issue from a variety of perspectives. First, we discuss the relationship between professional ethics and the broader concept of "professionalism." and discuss some of the reasons why education has not reached the level of commitment to ethics training and enforcement that is found in more mature vrofessions. Second, we present a list of ethical principles that appear to have universal applicability across professions and illustrate some of he ways in which special services personnel sometimes violate these principles. Third. we discuss some of the reasons why ethical violations occur and what might be done to address this problem. Particular explanatory attention is paid to the interdisciplinary and hierarchical/bureaucratic nature of school settings, and the tendency of administrators to emphasize the primacy of perceived organizational needs. Among the suggestions made is the call for educational agencies at all levels to develop their own detailed ethical codes and casebooks and to establish interdisciplinary ethics committees that will provide training, consultation and complaint resolution.  相似文献   

Fee as a variable that could have an impact on college students' perceptions of counseling was explored because of the authentic concerns about college counseling centers needing to charge direct fees for their services. Participants (N = 350) represented a cross-section of potential consumers of psychological services, not just individuals currently receiving services. On an overt level, fees seemed to be less influential in counseling considerations, but were taken into account on a more covert level. This study supports the psychological literature, which suggests that fee is not the most important factor in clients' decisions to seek counseling. Implications for counselors, administrators, researchers, and program planners are discussed.  相似文献   

Measures of impairment in psychological and behavioral functioning have a long history in the field of children's mental health, and appear particularly useful in eligibility determination, treatment planning, and outcome evaluation of services for children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED). One recently developed multidimensional measure of functional impairment—the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS; K. Hodges, 1989, 1997)—has enjoyed widespread use nationwide. It has been adopted as a tool for making treatment eligibility decisions and documenting outcomes on a statewide level in more than 20 states and on a local level in dozens of research and demonstration projects. In this paper, the technical merits of the CAFAS are closely examined, with the conclusion that empirical evidence is lacking to support its valid use in making the types of treatment decisions for which it is currently being employed across the nation. Furthermore, there appears to be little concern among mental health researchers, practitioners, administrators, and state legislators about these apparent limitations of the CAFAS. The potential benefits of establishing objective and valid level-of-need criteria, using the CAFAS are numerous and the interest in doing so is clear; however, the psychometric limitations of the scale identified in this review need to be addressed before its full potential can be realized.  相似文献   

This is an investigation of the views held by senior state department of education administrators responsible for school psychology services relevant to the acceptance or rejection of behavior modification procedures in the states by educators, parents, and school psychologists. Significant results support that there is a relationship between the administrators' preferences and the perceived functioning of school psychologists and that school psychologists are believed to be different from educators and parents in views toward behavior modification.  相似文献   

Project Breakthrough is a two-year, two-phase cooperative effort to retrain leadership personnel in special education and pupil personnel services by utilizing the resources of universities, P.L. 85–926, as amended, Title VI-A, ESEA, local education agencies, and the state education agency. Two hundred selected teacher consultants, school psychologists, and supervisors and directors of special education and pupil personnel were trained in the effective utilization and application of reinforcement theory and directive and/or diagnostic teaching techniques with handicapped children. A state plan for utilizing limited sources to effect state-wide behavioral changes is outlined, along with management and implementation strategies.  相似文献   

We describe the psychosocial characteristics of youth with an average age of 11.8 years served in special education due to emotional disturbances in urban communities (N = 158). Data were also collected describing service utilization, academic functioning, and family characteristics. Ten schools in three mid-size urban cities participated. Results from the administration of standardized assessments revealed that the majority of students scored in the clinical range on the parent version of the Child Behavior Checklist and the Columbia Impairment Scale, indicating significant levels of emotional and behavioral impairment. Further, behavior problems began at an early age with 80% of the youth using outpatient services beginning at the average age of 7.5 years and 29% of the youth using inpatient services beginning at an average age of 8.4 years of age. Most of the youths' school careers (67%) have been in a special education setting. The most common services currently being supplied by school personnel was individual counseling and this was provided for 63% of the students while child-serving agency personnel were providing individual counseling for 17% of the youth. Implications for the development of multi-agency collaborative services are presented.  相似文献   

The increased expansion of counseling services at the elementary school level has had few critics, for the services are long overdue and desperately needed. Three factors seem to have escaped close scrutiny by most members of the guidance profession. First, all too often the training, preparation, and models of elementary counselors are those originally devised for secondary school pupils and seem grossly inadequate for elementary age children. Second, there is a serious lack of both theory and research at the elementary level and this raises serious questions as to direction and methodology. Third, the problem of role conflict is heightened at the elementary level and raises serious questions regarding the success of guidance policies and programs. It is suggested that only an immediate increase in interest, research and theory by counselor educators can save elementary guidance from falling into the hands of other disciplines or school administrators.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Autism and other Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has increased dramatically in recent years. The criterion for a clinical diagnosis of Autism, however, is independent from the special education eligibility requirements for Autism services. While the DSM-IV-TR provides a nationally-accepted definition for Autism and ASD, under federal law, the special education criteria for Autism services can vary from state to state. By analyzing federal, special education child-count data as well as each state’s legal code, this study examines and compares eligibility criteria in all 50 states and Washington DC. Our results reveal inter-state variability in Autism eligibility requirements within special education, and this variability can have an impact on prevalence rates. Implications and recommendations for researchers and practitioners in clinical psychology, public health, education, pediatrics, and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   


Child welfare, education, health, juvenile justice, and mental health systems have simultaneously initiated movements to reform services to troubled children during the past ten years. Recently, these agencies have shown increased interest in bringing their change efforts together for a more unified system of care. This paper describes essential components of systems of care and interagency collaboration. A case illustration describes a setting in which special service providers in schools, particularly special education administrators and school psychologists, played major roles in the conceptualization and implementation interagency collaboration for a system of care.  相似文献   

The policy challenges confronting careers guidance in Australia arise from economic stringency, changes in working, and social change. Current responses include rationalising services, linking counselling with training, targeting services, and providing evidence for effectiveness. Other responses needed by both counsellors and administrators are anticipating changes, marketing, and co-ordinating services.  相似文献   

With reference to the first question, it seems that school psychology as a profession is growing much more rapidly than membership in Division 16 of APA would indicate. While the Division is growing, it is not growing in proportion to the number of practitioners in the field.

Factors that seem to be positively related to the rapid expansion of school psychological services are: financial support from the state level; training programs in the colleges and universities; special certification requirements and the designation of school psychology as a specific profession; and increasing demand for services in rural as well as the urban areas. The school psychologist, by virtue of his training and professional competence, is apparently meeting an important need in the educational system. The general tenor of the response to this survey is that the growth of school psychological services will continue.  相似文献   

A random sample of hospital administrators throughout the United States was surveyed about their views on the importance of eleven chaplain roles and functions. The 494 respondents fell into three categories: (1) directors of pastoral care departments (N = 132); (2) administrators of hospitals that have a pastoral care department (N = 180); and (3) administrators of hospitals that do not have a pastoral care department (N = 182). All three groups considered all eleven roles to be relatively important, although administrators of hospitals that do not have a pastoral care department gave lower ratings, overall. Meeting the emotional needs of patients and relatives were seen as chaplains most important roles, whereas performing religious rituals and conducting religious services were seen as least important by all three groups. In all but a few instances, the level of importance that administrators assigned to the various roles were positively related to their ratings of their own religiousness and spirituality (r's = .11 to .26, p < .05).  相似文献   

Adequate access to child and adolescent mental health services for young people in high need populations is an important concern of service systems researchers and program evaluators. We present results of a statewide study of access to community mental health services for eight populations of special concern. The analysis relied exclusively on existing databases in conjunction with innovative statistical techniques to provide comprehensive measures of access to care. Our findings indicate that access to care varied substantially across special populations, although children and adolescents in each of our eight “special populations” had greater access to public mental health services than members of the general population of the state. The interpretation of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Vertical integration in medical settings typically involves the merging of independent physicians, physician groups, and hospitals to render an organized health care network. Such systems are considered to be vertical, as they may allow for a seamless continuation of services throughout the range of needs a patient may require. Mergers often result in the redefining of professional services offered in the acquired facility or across the network. As such, mergers have the potential of adversely impacting psychological practices. Professional psychology needs to take a proactive stance in this changing health care landscape. Research regarding empirically validated treatments and effects of psychological interventions on overall health-care costs needs to be properly disseminated to health care administrators to assure their knowledge of the utility of psychological services in the medical setting. Training psychologists to assume leadership positions in health-care institutions, gaining representation on hospital staff boards, and linking psychologists and physicians through collaborative training, to provide improved care, may allow for psychology to influence health care delivery.  相似文献   

Adequate access to child and adolescent mental health services for young people in high need populations is an important concern of service systems researchers and program evaluators. We present results of a statewide study of access to community mental health services for eight populations of special concern. The analysis relied exclusively on existing databases in conjunction with innovative statistical techniques to provide comprehensive measures of access to care. Our findings indicate that access to care varied substantially across special populations, although children and adolescents in each of our eight “special populations” had greater access to public mental health services than members of the general population of the state. The interpretation of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.Reprinted with permission from The Scientist. Originally published in the June 6, 2005 issue of The Scientist (www.the-scientist.com).  相似文献   

Professional counseling in institutions of higher education is facing a serious crisis. The crisis is not due simply to the fact that institutional administrators are asking their professional counselors to account for their activities, nor is it due simply to the fact that professional counselors have lost touch with an increasing proportion of students who are turning to self-initiated counseling arrangements for their most immediate needs. The crisis of counselor survival arises mainly from the fact that those services that administrators expect professional counselors to perform as part of their organizational role are actually counterproductive to the establishment of trusting and meaningful relationships between counselors and students.  相似文献   

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