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The present paper contends that children with learning disabilities are better served when assessment and intervention are conceptualized within an ecological neuropsychology perspective than within the traditional deficit model perspective, which is the predominant approach to intervention in medical and educational settings. The deficit method conceptualizes problems as within the child, and the major consequence of this approach is that little time is spent analyzing the learning environment or other systems that might impact the child's ability to be successful in an academic setting. Therefore, rehabilitation efforts have had limited success. In contrast, ecological neuropsychology is a strength-based approach that considers the child, as well as the systems within which he/she interacts, when assessing, diagnosing, and intervening with students who are experiencing learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Within- and between-series designs were combined and used to evaluate the effects of interspersing briefer math problems (i.e., one-digit by one-digit multiplication, 1 × 1) with more time-consuming problems (i.e., two-digit by one-digit multiplication, 2 × 1) on time allocation to one of two concurrent computer-delivered mathematics computation assignments in four high school students with specific learning disabilities in mathematics. The computer presented students with a choice of 2 × 1 problems with 1 × 1 problems interspersed every third problem (i.e., experimental assignment) or 2 × 1 problems without interspersal (i.e., control assignment). Visual and statistical analysis showed that students allocated a greater percentage of their time to the interspersal assignments. These results support previous research on the matching law and problem completion rates and suggest that students' preference for assignments can be improved through the interspersal technique. Discussion focuses on future research and applied educational implications for curricula construction and task sequencing.  相似文献   

互联网在学习不良干预中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习不良一直是心理学和教育学研究的热点,由于计算机和互联网的迅猛发展及其被引入教学后所产生的积极效果,使得研究者开始关注计算机和互联网对学习不良学生的影响。该文介绍了计算机和互联网在学习不良干预中的作用,包括利用互联网激发学习不良学生的学习动机、提高他们的阅读和写作能力、加强教学管理以及帮助他们明确职业方向。该文还指出了此领域现有研究的局限及未来研究的取向。  相似文献   

介绍了成人学习不良者的一般特点,并深入分析了成人学习不良的注意、记忆、思维、智力等方面的认知特征,探讨了依据认知特征对成人学习不良者进行教育干预的模式和原则。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the effects of self-monitoring and a changing criterion with public posting phase on student on-task behavior and written language performance. Four elementary school boys participated and were enrolled in an urban-based, elementary-level resource room for students with learning disabilities. Self-monitoring procedures for on-task behavior included the students listening to a tone recorded at 60-s intervals and responding to the question, “Am I on-task?” Written language performance involved the students writing for a 10-min. session and counting and graphing the number of words written. During baseline conditions, student on-task behavior and written language performance were collected. During the self-monitoring conditions, the students monitored their on-task behavior and written language performance simultaneously. In the changing criterion with public posting condition, the students received their goal for the day's session prior to writing, wrote, and recorded whether they met their goal. While the results show a functional relationship between self-monitoring and on-task behavior, the data for the relationship between self-monitoring and written language performance were less compelling. A greater increase occurred when the changing criterion with public posting condition was introduced. Results suggest that self-monitoring changed on-task behavior; however, further research needs to be conducted to determine the conditions that would produce comparable effects for written language performance. Several implications for students and teachers and parent training were discussed.  相似文献   

探讨学习困难学生(学困生)和学习优秀学生(学优生)在三种不同情境下——独自操作、单一团体操作和混合团体操作,延迟满足能力的差异.结果表明:(1)在延迟满足实验中,被试变量(学优生、学困生)与情境变量(独自、单一团体、混合团体)的交互作用显著;(2)在独自操作和单一团体情境下,学优生延迟满足能力显著高于学困生,混合团体则不存在这种差异;(3)学优生的延迟满足能力在独自操作和单一团体时水平较高,而混合团体的成绩则显著的低于单一团体,学困生的延迟满足能力在单一团体和混合团体时水平较高,而单独操作成绩则显著低于混合团体.本研究一方面拓展了对延迟满足能力的群体比较研究,同时,对学困生的心理教育实践也有指导意义.  相似文献   

根据目前国内采用的标准,选取学优生和学困生各120人。运用内隐学习中的双条件人工语法材料和强分离的实验范式,考察和比较了两种学生的内隐学习、内隐与外显协同学习的成绩。结果显示:(1)学优生在外显学习、协同学习(先内隐后外显以及内隐与外显交替)方式下的成绩显著好于学困生,而在内隐学习方式下,二者成绩差异不显著。(2)学优生的外显学习及协同学习成绩显著好于内隐学习成绩,而学困生在四种学习方式下成绩差异不显著。表明在人工语法学习中学优生的有意识学习及其与无意识的协同学习效果较好,而学困生的有意识学习及协同学习较差。  相似文献   

Target 2 of the National Agenda for Improving Results for Children and Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance stipulates that communities and schools serve children and youth with emotional needs in their neighborhood homes and regular classrooms by developing the capacity of teachers, schools, and communities to provide supports and resources. This statement is partially based upon the idea that children and youth who are placed out-of-district for special needs and services are often alienated from their neighborhoods and their communities. The Westerly, RI, and Alliance, OH, school districts, service delivery agencies and families collaborated to implement system-wide change, so as to accomplish two main goals. First, they intended on retaining students with emotional needs in their neighborhood schools and in regular classrooms. Second, they aimed to increase their effectiveness in addressing the needs of all students by providing a range of integrated resources. Both communities were strongly driven by the underlying objective: to improve the educational, economic, and social outcomes for all children.  相似文献   

本研究意在考查动态测验对数学学习困难儿童作进一步程度区分的有效性。以传统且常用的数学学习困难鉴别方式和标准选取30名四年级数学学习困难儿童为实验组,30名同年级智力匹配儿童为对照组,以Swanson认知加工测验(S-CPT)的4个子测验为测量工具对被试进行动态测验。结果发现:(1)在传统数学学习困难鉴别方式的基础上,动态测验的“潜在认知能力”指标可以对儿童数学成绩增加19%的预测力;(2)以“潜在认知能力”指标为依据能够将数学学习困难儿童进一步区分为“发展落后”和“发展缺陷”两个水平;(3)“发展落后”儿童一年内数学成绩发生了增长性变化,与正常儿童水平相当,而“发展缺陷”儿童的数学成绩没有变化。研究证实关注潜能指标的动态测验范式在快速、准确甄别数学学习困难儿童上具有独特效用。  相似文献   

A group of very low birthweight preterm infants (mean WEIGHT = 1193.6 g; mean gestational AGE = 31.1 weeks) were examined with the PREMIE. The PREMIE is a modification of the scoring system of the full term Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment (BNBAS) examination for use with preterm infants. Infants were assessed during the acute phase of cardio-respiratory illness (mean AGE = 7 days) and during the recovery phase (mean AGE = 22 days). Many modifications in procedure were required. Several analyses were performed to assess the redundancy and the comparative validity of the scoring systems of the PREMIE, the BNBAS, and the BNBAS + (the BNBAS plus a set of five additional preterm items). Results indicated that the three scoring systems were highly redundant, that they were equally related to physiologic and clinical variables, and that they were similar in their sensitivity to behavioral change and stability. Overall the results offered little in the way of differentiating among these three scoring systems with this group of infants, raising doubts about the need to use the PREMIE or other scoring systems like it for many research purposes.  相似文献   

顿悟式组块破解的时间进程:ERP研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周永垒  韩玉昌  张侃 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1026-1032
本研究旨在探讨顿悟式组块破解的信息加工机制及神经动态变化。被试完成汉字拆解任务,也即从一个源汉字中移动部件从而得到有效汉字。研究操纵部件之间在空间交错背景下的类别关系:同类(移动部件和剩余部件都是汉字)和异类(移动部件是笔画,剩余部件是汉字)。与此同时记录事件相关电位变化。结果显示,同类条件比异类条件引发了更大的N2波动和减小的LPC波动。早期的N2效应可能提示了组块破解过程中的识别困难,而晚期的LPC效应可能提示了组块破解过程中的知觉转换困难。  相似文献   

Prior research shows that learners have idiosyncratic responses to error‐correction procedures during instruction. Thus, assessments that identify error‐correction strategies to include in instruction can aid practitioners in selecting individualized, efficacious, and efficient interventions. The current investigation conducted an assessment to compare 5 error‐correction procedures that have been evaluated in the extant literature and are common in instructional practice for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Results showed that the assessment identified efficacious and efficient error‐correction procedures for all participants, and 1 procedure was efficient for 4 of the 5 participants. To examine the social validity of error‐correction procedures, participants selected among efficacious and efficient interventions in a concurrent‐chains assessment. We discuss the results in relation to prior research on error‐correction procedures and current instructional practices for learners with ASD.  相似文献   

A multiple baseline across subjects design was used to examine the effects of partner learning on the spelling performance, academic responding, and competing behavior of three students with severe disabilities and three of their classmates without disabilities. The students were enrolled in different general elementary classes. All students in these classes were assigned to partner learning triads by the general education teacher. One triad in each class included the student with severe disabilities and two classmates without disabilities. All students in the class received two, 20 min partner learning sessions each week. During partner learning, each member of the triad was asked to spell words, present words to be spelled, provide feedback to the speller, and check the spelling accuracy. These roles were rotated among the members of the triad after each trial. These roles were adapted as necessary to accommodate the academic and communication skills of the students with severe disabilities. The effects of partner learning on spelling accuracy were assessed through weekly spelling tests. The effects of partner learning on academic responding and competing behavior were assessed using the MS-CISSAR (Carta, Greenwood, Schulte, Arreaga-Mayer, Terry, 1988). Results of weekly spelling indicated that partner learning led to improved spelling accuracy for students with severe disabilities and did not negatively affect the spelling accuracy of their peers. Partner learning also led to improved rates of academic responding and reduced rates of competing behavior for 5 of 6 students. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for practice and future research.  相似文献   

The most common reason that children are referred to mental health providers relates to behavior and emotional problems. Without intervention, children with maladaptive behaviors are at risk for poor school performance, interpersonal difficulties, and significant conduct problems later in life. Previous research on the assessment of these problems has focused primarily on caregiver self-report questionnaires, observational coding, and/or diagnostic classification. The behavior literature has far fewer examples of best-practice interview strategies to solicit meaningful clinical information from primary stakeholders. Since caregiver report is essential during initial interviews to better understand his or her child’s presenting issues and given the primary role of assessment is to integrate information into the design of an evidence-based intervention (Barlow et al., 2005), additional published guidance on the content of these clinical interactions is warranted. The following paper outlines an approach to gathering pertinent information from caregivers about their children’s behavior in a way that is germane to treatment planning. In addition, the authors include validity and reliability data to substantiate the interview’s continued use in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

分散注意条件下学优生与学困生视空间工作记忆的比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张明  隋洁 《应用心理学》2003,9(1):29-34
通过控制干扰刺激量 ,研究分散注意对学优生和学困生视空间WM的影响。实验一的结果表明 :在不同干扰条件下 ,学困生视空间WM均比学优生差 ;干扰任务不仅影响学困生视空间WM的加工能力 ,也影响他们的存储能力。这说明学困生不能有效抑制外界干扰可能是他们视空间WM存在缺陷的主要原因之一。实验二的结果表明 :视空间WM有缺陷是各类学困生普遍存在的问题 ;对于学优生来说 ,不同类型学优生视空间WM不同 ,语文学优比数学学优的学生的视空间WM能力更强 ,主要表现在加工功能上。  相似文献   

In this article, we identify ten reasons why discrepancy scores (based on differences between IQ and reading achievement scores) provide an inadequate means for identifying children with reading disabilities. We recommend instead that children be identified simply on the basis of problems in reading skills, regardless of their IQs.  相似文献   

学习困难儿童的注意、行为特性及同伴关系的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
本文对学习困难儿童的注意、行为特性及同伴关系进行了研究.516名四、五、六年级的、学参加了本研究,有效被试505人.研究结果表明,学习困难儿童与学习优秀、学习一般儿童相,其注意力更不集中,更容易分心;他们更多动,冲动性更强,行为问题更多;他们的同伴关系更糟糕,在同伴中的地位更低.  相似文献   


We describe consultation to a public school district in the form of a systems-wide evaluation of instructional and behavior support practices for students with developmental disabilities. The evaluation targeted (1) the financial costs of educating students out-of-district, (2) an analysis of a representative sample of Individualized Educational Plans, and (3) interviews with and a questionnaire completed by teachers. The primary objective of the evaluation was to determine practice standards in the public school district and to make recommendations to improve service delivery. The format of the evaluative model, respective findings, suggested remedies, and implications for large-scale public school consultation are presented.  相似文献   

关于初中学业不良者学业求助特征及相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈烈敏 《心理科学》2007,30(1):199-201
本研究通过问卷与学业测验方法对165名初中生进行了学业不良者学业求助特征及相关研究,其研究结果表明:初中学业不良者在学业求助对象选择上倾向于向同学求助;在求助态度衡量上,他们对求助益处的考虑较少;更能知觉到来自同学的自尊威胁;在求助方式的选择上更倾向于执行性求助。成绩-回避目标、低下的自尊与自我效能感等是学业不良者学业求助特征的影响因素。  相似文献   

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