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女性主义者的心理学在西方后现代主义的话语、知识建构理论的影响下,反对传统的以实证主义心理学为主流的学院派心理学的客观主义和价值中立的研究范式,提出了用知识-权力相互关系的认知范式来看待心理学知识的社会学本质和心理学知识的生产过程,对传统的心理学忽视和贬低、歪曲妇女的心理进行了批评和揭露。 相似文献
This paper is a primer for community psychologists on feminist research. Much like the field of community psychology, feminist scholarship is defined by its values and process. Informed by the political ideologies of the 1970s women's movement (liberal, radical, socialist feminism, and womanism), feminist scholars reinterpreted classic concepts in philosophy of science to create feminist epistemologies and methodologies. Feminist epistemologies, such as feminist empiricism, standpoint theory, and postmodernism, recognize women's lived experiences as legitimate sources of knowledge. Feminist methodologies attempt to eradicate sexist bias in research and find ways to capture women's voices that are consistent with feminist ideals. Practically, the process of feminist research is characterized by four primary features: (1) expanding methodologies to include both quantitative and qualitative methods, (2) connecting women for group-level data collection, (3) reducing the hierarchical relationship between researchers and their participants to facilitate trust and disclosure, and (4) recognizing and reflecting upon the emotionality of women's lives. Recommendations for how community psychologists can integrate feminist scholarship into their practice are discussed. 相似文献
《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):283-295
AbstractOne of the last taboos in the public representation of sexuality seems to be the sexuality of elderly people, notwithstanding considerable changes in their actual levels of sexual activity. Dresen's film Cloud 9 breaks this taboo telling the story of a passionate relationship between two people in their sixties/seventies. The protagonists' differing perceptions of how to live the time that remains to them, and how to acknowledge and realize their desires and the passion of their bodies marked by time and experience, shows the ethical issues implied in the story without providing easy answers. Viewers are left to struggle with these questions, not least because identification with the protagonists is disrupted at the same time as it is encouraged by the film. 相似文献
人格心理学作为心理学体系中的重要分支之一,自创立以来却一直缺乏一个完整统一的学科架构。这种状况极大地限制了该学科的发展。文章回顾了人格心理学的起源和发展,探讨了学科发展的趋势,呈现了当下几种主要的学科架构。在综合比较的基础上,对其中有代表性的Clonlinger人格“描述—动力—发展”的“3D”模型进行了修正:(1)增加了人格理论;(2)把第一个“D”由“人格描述”改为“人格表现”;(3)对原有“3D”的内容进行补充和完善。得出了对人格心理学学科架构的“3D”修正模型:即理论加“3D” 相似文献
《Journal Of Applied School Psychology》2013,29(2):169-185
SUMMARY School psychologists may find the field of sport psychology beneficial to them in extending their skills and effectiveness. As trained psychologists, they are likely to already have some of the knowledge and skills necessary for working in the area of sport psychology. However, without additional training, this may not be sufficient for ethical and effective practice. This article enumerates the necessary knowledge and skills for working in sport psychology according to APA's recent proficiency standards. It then details a plethora of available resources and methods for entering into the domain of sport psychology. The article emphasizes self-study while continuing to practice ethically within the ‘boundaries of one's competence.’ 相似文献
Robert T. Golembiewski Robert F. Munzenrider Katherine Scherb Waylon Billingsley 《Anxiety, stress, and coping》2013,26(1):69-78
This exploratory study extends the phase model of burnout in a critical direction by assessing whether individuals assigned to eight progressive phases will present escalating mental health symptoms. Despite the small convenience population (N = 161), the present affirmative results encourage early replications for three basic reasons. Thus the associations with mental health reported here are consistent with numerous other tests of the concurrent validity of the phase model. Moreover, substantial proportions of the variance are explained here by data supporting the view that the progressive phases are associated with accelerating proportions of “cases,” here defined as respondents to the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) who report four or more non-psychotic psychiatric symptoms. The GHQ form used here is modified for U.S. contexts. In addition, this basic conclusion is reinforced in three ways: by factor analysis of GHQ items; by rejecting several variables alternative to the phases as GHQ variants; and by using canonical discriminant functions to compare phase assignments with the actual group memberships of “normals” and “cases” assigned by the GHQ. 相似文献
女性主义心理学产生于20世纪60、70年代的女性主义运动,经历了从对主流心理学的批判到重构心理学认识论与方法论的历史发展轨迹。20世纪60、70年代,女性主义心理学着重于对主流心理学中的男性中心主义偏见的揭露与批判;从80年代起,女性主义心理学将重点转向对心理学学科基础假设的挑战,试图重构心理学的认识论与方法论。 相似文献
Stephanie Riger 《American journal of community psychology》2001,29(1):69-81
Community psychology has made great strides in including context when understanding people in their environments. While continuing to consider context, we need to expand our conceptualization of the individual in community settings. I propose 3 principles: (1) focus our research on people, not programs; (2) consider multiple dimensions of people's experience; and (3) conceptualize people as agentic and not simply as reactors to the environmental press. I illustrate those principles with research on domestic violence and welfare reform. In doing so, I call attention both to the way in which aspects of people's lives intersect with community settings, and to the embeddedness of people's lives (and community settings) in larger social structures. 相似文献
The terms du (獨) and shendu (慎獨) frequently appear in transmitted texts, notably, among others, the Xunzi and Liji. Drawing reference from the poetry of “Shijiu” (鳲鳩) (Ode 152) and “Yanyan” (燕燕) (Ode 28) in the Book of Odes (詩經), the recovered texts of “Wuxing Commentary” (五行 說) and “Confucian Poetics” (孔子詩論) have provided new material for re-shaping our current understanding of the concepts of du and shendu. This study will briefly survey the semantic ranges of these terms within the exegetical tradition and explore their meaning with regard to the poetry from which they are contextualized. In the final analysis du can be understood as the ontic quality of the heart-mind within the broad sense of cheng (誠 sincerity), or devout love, whereas shendu can be regarded as a process of moral cultivation. To some extent the re-interpretation of these terms finds commonality with, rather than subverts, the semantic ranges established by traditional glosses. The recovered texts have enhanced our understanding of these terms, in particular the concepts of heart-mind and emotion in early China. 相似文献
Sherri Taylor 《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):23-34
This article is an act of remembering. In the first part of this article, the author remembers and reflects upon her own journey of being and becoming a feminist, healer and clinical psychologist in training. She then shares some of the most meaningful lessons on 1) the therapeutic alliance, 2) transference and countertransference, 3) the nature of change, and 4) cultural competence that she has learned from her sister of the heart relationship with the brilliant spirit and work of Black lesbian, feminist, warrior poet, and activist, Audre Lorde. In each of these lessons the author reflects on her efforts to translate her conceptual or applied practice as a feminist student therapist. It is her hope to invite exploration of new bridges and paths by which other feminist psychologists may connect more deeply and meaningfully to our work both professionally and personally. The author closes with some reflections on the path ahead for feminist psychology. 相似文献
At times, the academy seems devoid of justice because it emphasizes the cultivation of knowledge often denied to marginalized individuals and communities. As black queer feminist scholars doing praxis‐driven theorizing from separate fields on the subject of black queer families and communities, we employ research methods that resist the dynamics of power and privilege that exist within normative researcher‐participant exchanges. In this essay, we explore and highlight the ethical, justice‐oriented, and dialogical relationship between researcher‐scholars and research participants. Through story and theory, we illustrate and argue that autoethnographies and narrative interviews can act as epistemological excavation tools for both researchers and participants, as they become sites of individual and collective consciousness. Our work resists capitalist models of research and instead promotes a justice‐oriented and community‐derived building of knowledge. 相似文献
我国心理学正处于分化过程之中,其中两个明显的例证就是:基础心理学与应用及人文心理学的分化,以及对心理学研究和服务成果的评价标准摆脱SCI的束缚.这背后深层的原因在于,若以科学哲学认识论的视角,人类的知识大致可分为可靠有用的知识和无用虚幻(伪科学)的知识,可靠知识又可进一步分为科学的知识和非科学的知识.心理学从诞生之日起... 相似文献
Natalie Porter 《Women & Therapy》2017,40(3-4):366-383
ABSTRACTEllyn Kaschak is a pioneer feminist therapist whose contributions to feminist theory, practice, education, and advocacy have spanned the globe over the past 40?+?years. From being a founder of one of the first feminist counseling services in the country in the early 1970s, Kaschak has influenced decades of feminist, family and multi-cultural therapists through her teaching and countless others through her feminist epistemology and theory development and the Mattering Map. This article describes Kaschak’s life and work and the lasting contributions she has made to the field of feminist psychology. 相似文献
Karolina M. Lukasik Katarzyna Kalina Kordyńska Katarzyna Zawadzka Maciej Hanczakowski 《Applied cognitive psychology》2020,34(6):1300-1309
When reporting from memory, people may often be asked unanswerable questions—questions for which the correct answer has never been encoded. These unanswerable questions should be met with an “I don't know” response. Previous research has shown that a manipulation commonly used to enhance memory at retrieval—context reinstatement—reduces appropriate “do not know” responding to unanswerable questions. Here we investigated whether this reduction is due to increased belief that a given question is answerable, or solely to increased confidence in specific responses for questions already believed to be answerable. In two experiments, we show that context reinstatement reduces “do not know” responding even when a “do not remember” option is available to express beliefs that particular questions are answerable. These results indicate that improved access to contextual information at retrieval creates an erroneous belief that unanswerable questions are in fact answerable. 相似文献
Carrie L. Castañeda-Sound 《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):51-61
Friendship is a relationship that can traverse generations or be located within a specific era of a person's life. In this article, the author examines the role that her childhood friendship played in shaping her understanding of gender, ethnicity, poverty, immigration, spirituality and family processes. This friendship was during emerging adolescence and helped the author navigate and develop mestiza consciousness. These lessons were reinforced during her graduate training and have influenced her identity as a Chicana feminist therapist and the manner in which she connects with clients in psychotherapy. After presenting the story of her friendship, the author incorporates the theoretical perspectives of Chicana Feminism and Spirita to demonstrate how this friendship has influenced her clinical work with women. Specific themes discussed are language, invisibility, and cultural formulations of gender and spirituality. 相似文献
Using an historical framework, we document and assess efforts to include women, women's issues, and feminism in community psychology and in the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA). Initiatives of the SCRA Task Force/Committee on Women are traced from its inception to present. We also chronicle the dilemmas and difficulties of moving toward a feminist community psychology. The history is divided into five phases. Each phase is described in terms of women's involvement in the field and efforts to integrate feminist content into research and practice of the field. Reflections on the qualities of contexts that have both supported and inhibited inclusion are identified. We look to this history to try to understand the observation that while women have been increasingly visible in leadership roles and women's professional development has been encouraged, less progress has been made toward building a feminist community psychology. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe work of feminist scholars, activists, therapists, and theorists has continuously impacted the United States and international cultural narrative since the radical days of the 1960s and 1970s. This special issue was created to highlight contributors to this remarkable transformation by documenting the narratives of their lives and careers. These profiles, nearly all written by or with the pioneers themselves, highlight their contributions to feminism, feminist psychology, and the vast societal change that followed their work. 相似文献
为探讨人格对幼儿白谎行为的影响,及“冷”“热”执行功能的中介作用机制,采用问卷法和测验法对218名3~6岁幼儿的人格、言语能力、“冷”“热”执行功能和白谎行为进行测试。结果显示:控制年龄和言语能力后,智能特征和亲社会性可显著正向预测幼儿白谎行为;“冷”执行功能在智能特征和白谎行为间发挥部分中介作用;“热”执行功能在亲社会性和白谎行为间发挥部分中介作用;“热”执行功能在外倾性和白谎行为间发挥完全中介作用;“冷”“热”执行功能在认真自控和白谎行为间发挥完全中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示了人格对幼儿白谎行为影响的内在机制。 相似文献