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The present study examined the effect of a cooperative physical education program on students’ social skills and attitudes toward group work. Four sixth grade classes were assigned either in an experimental (n = 57) or in a control group (n = 57). The experimental classes received a cooperative learning program. Students completed self- and peer forms of the Multisource Assessment of Children's Social Competence (Junttila, Voeten, Kaukiainen, & Vauras, 2006 Junttila, N., Voeten, M., Kaukiainen, A. and Vauras, M. 2006. Multisource assessment of children‘s social competence. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66: 876895.  [Google Scholar]) and the Feelings Toward Group Work scales (Cantwell & Andrews, 2002 Cantwell, R. H. and Andrews, B. 2002. Cognitive and psychological factors underlying secondary school students’ feelings towards group work. Educational Psychology, 22: 7591. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) before and after the program. Results showed gains of the experimental classes on social skills and on preferences for group work.  相似文献   

We tested the efficacy of a social skills training program for the parents of school-aged children experiencing socio-emotional problems. Participating families (N = 42) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: parent social skills training; parent plus parallel child social skills training; or no-treatment control. The two treatment groups did not differ on any of the outcome measures. Treatment was associated with improvements in parent and child social skills knowledge, parent social problem solving, and child emotional functioning. In follow-up analyses examining mechanisms of change, parental attendance and change in child social skills knowledge predicted response to treatment. Overall, our results highlight the utility of engaging parents as primary participants in the treatment of children’s socio-emotional problems and suggest methods for maximizing the impact of such an intervention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate coaches’ perceptions on the impact of a coach training program designed to promote youth developmental outcomes. Participants were coaches of youth sport teams. Multiple methods were used to collect data. Coaches reported many benefits for themselves, their athletes, and their teams. They reported an increase in knowledge and a better understanding of their players. Participants perceived that the activities promoted cohesion and communication, while also contributing to the development of athlete competence, confidence, connection, and character/caring. The results provide guidance for creating and delivering coach training programs designed to promote youth developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

The use of attention training protocols for the treatment of generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) is undergoing increased examination. Initial investigations were positive but more recent investigations have been less supportive of the treatment paradigm. One significant limitation of current investigations is overreliance on self-report. In this investigation, we expanded on initial investigations by using a multimodal assessment of patient functioning (i.e., including behavioral assessment). Patients with a primary diagnosis of SAD (n = 31) were randomly assigned to eight sessions of attention training (n = 15) or placebo/control (n = 16). Participants were assessed at pre- and posttreatment via self- and clinician-report of social anxiety as well as anxious and behavioral response to two in vivo social interactions. Results revealed no differences between groups at posttreatment for all study outcome variables, suggesting a lack of effect for the attention training condition. The results are concordant with recent investigations finding a lack of support for the use of attention training as an efficacious treatment for patients with SAD.  相似文献   

Math-gender stereotypes have been prevalent with adolescent girls and negatively affect their developmental outcome. The discrepancy between these negative stereotypes and early adolescent girls’ pronounced mathematical performance provides a good opportunity for intervention on negative math-gender stereotypes. This study designed a three-month intervention program based on Identity Threat Model to reduce math-gender stereotypes for middle school girls. Nine intervention sessions were held in classrooms and targeted at changing adolescent girls’ collective representations, situational cues and personal characteristics. Three-wave measures were collected before the intervention (pre-test), immediately after the intervention (post-test), and three months after the end of the intervention (follow-up test). Intervention effect indicators included math-gender stereotypes, self-esteem, math scores and language-gender stereotypes. The results immediately after the intervention showed that math-gender stereotypes were significantly reduced, math scores were improved, and self-esteem and language-gender stereotypes were not significantly affected among girls in the intervention group compared with control group. Follow-up test showed no significant differences between the intervention group and the control group except that math-gender stereotypes in intervention group were still lower than control group, indicating that the intervention activities were effective to reduce adolescent girls’ math-gender stereotypes. The intervention program provided theoretical and educational implications for effective intervention on adolescent girls’ math-gender stereotypes in school or classroom settings.  相似文献   

Problem-solving skills training (PSST) has been proposed as a potentially effective addition to behavioral parent training (PT). However, it is not clear whether PSST specifically increases the benefits provided by PT. In this study, PT + PSST was compared to PT + nondirective therapy in a sample of 26 families. All parents received PT. Following this, children received PSST or nondirective therapy. Outcomes included measures of child behavior problems, social skills, and parent stress at posttherapy and a 6-week follow-up. Children in both groups improved over time with few differences between groups.  相似文献   


This commentary considers some of the limitations of the review paper spearheaded by the Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES) that appears in this issue. Its most notable limitation is selectivity, i.e., the failure to cite papers that might challenge the general thrust of the argumentation that gender identity disorder (transsexualism) is caused primarily, if not exclusively, by biological factors. The covert idea that a biological etiology should somehow afford more human rights for trans people is likely a flawed one.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - In his target article, Mechner provides a bio-behavioral analysis of effects called “aesthetic.” He then examines hundreds of such effects across a wide range...  相似文献   

The practice of reductionism in science and philosophy includes attempts to essentialize human persons, which can lead to serious social problems. Reductionism is not necessary, as comparative philosophers and alternative-thinking scientists have shown.  相似文献   

Social skills deficits are commonly reported among children with social phobia (SP) and children with Asperger’s Disorder (AD); however, a lack of direct comparison makes it unclear whether these groups, both of which endorse the presence of social anxiety, have similar or unique skills deficits. In this investigation, the social behaviors of children with SP (n = 30) or AD (n = 30) were compared to a typically developing (TD) peer group (n = 30) during structured role play interactions. Data were analyzed using blinded observers’ ratings of overt behaviors and digital vocal analysis of verbal communication. Compared to children with AD and TD children, children with SP exhibited less overall social skill, an ineffective ability to manage the conversational topic (pragmatic social behavior), and deficient speech production (speech and prosodic social behavior). There were no differences in observer ratings between children with AD and TD children. However, using digital analysis of vocal characteristics (i.e., intensity, pitch), distinct vocal patterns emerged. Specifically, children with AD spoke more softly than TD children, and had lower vocal pitch and less vocal pitch variability than children with SP. This pattern may be subjectively heard as monotonic speech. Consistent with a vocal pattern associated with heightened anxiety, children with SP spoke more softly and had less voice volume variation than TD children, and had higher vocal pitch and more vocal pitch variability (jitteriness) than children with AD. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

InThe Family Crucible, a recent book that is highly popular and widely praised among mental health professionals, Napier and Whitaker (1978) describe their treatment of a family. The therapy is well done; their therapeutic approach is certainly one which many family therapists will approve; and the book is well-written and exciting to read. Nevertheless, it seems to us that the widespread approval which the book has received raises many questions about the field of family therapy itself, which it is the purpose of this article to examine.  相似文献   

Studies of “media effects” on women’s appearance satisfaction have focused largely on images from fashion magazines and television commercials, and rarely on images from television programs. The present study reports on the effects of experimental exposure to a television situation-comedy depicting thin and highly physically-attractive characters on appearance satisfaction in Canadian undergraduate women (N?=?76) from a large, ethnically-diverse, metropolitan area. The results demonstrate a detrimental effect on participants’ satisfaction with their overall appearance, as measured on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). This result is interpreted in line with social comparison theory. In addition, exposure to written intervention material, designed to remove the basis for social comparison with television images, was shown to be effective in mitigating this effect.  相似文献   

Since Freud's original formulation, many modifications and alterations of the superego concept have been postulated. Each paper in this issue of Psychoanalytic Inquiry presents a particular view of the superego concept. I examine each paper especially with regard to whether its author regards this construct as indispensable or supplanted in analysts' efforts to explain moral and ethical choices.  相似文献   

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