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Special educators have been quick to embrace microcomputer instruction; both special education and microcomputer instruction share the promise of developing individualized instructional programs matched to student needs. From this viewpoint, microcomputers have the potential for operationally defining what is "special" about education. Despite this promise, however, there is a limited data base from which to make empirical decision on effective microcomputer use in the classroom and on teacher training needs. A model for assessing teacher training needs is discussed in which microcomputer skills are viewed within the context of other teacher-effectiveness variables. A two-tiered appeaoch to teacher training in microcomputer instruction is developed, based on the promise of microcomputer instruction and upon pragmatic classroom considerations.  相似文献   

The literature reveals limited use of the microcomputer in special education, although empirical evidence exists which supports the claims of accelerated learning via microcomputers. Limited special education use of microcomputers is approached in this article from the position that the educational domain is lagging behind business and industry regarding technological change-over. This 'lag' is questioned in regard to administrator roles. Administrators and special service professionals are encouraged to make changes that could benefit the educational system. Guidelines are provided for incorporating microcomputers into the special education curriculum.  相似文献   

An overview of the various uses of microcomputers in the elementary reading program. Classroom instruction programs are described. Diagnostic, record keeping, and planning functions of microcomputers are explained. Program evaluation guides are suggested and sources of evaluations and reviews are given. Resources available for classroom teachers who wish to begin with microcomputers in reading are provided.  相似文献   

Microcomputers may be used to simulate traditional equipment in the psychology laboratory, such as tachistoscopes, memory drums, and reaction timers. With the diminishing price of microcomputers, such simulation is especially attractive, since it is considerably less expensive than the original special-purpose equipment, and also allows greater versatility. The undergraduate laboratory described here requires only inexpensive microcomputers, simple experimental control programs, and little or no additional peripheral equipment.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted instruction program was evaluated that used a constant time-delay procedure to teach 5 students 18 spelling words. In addition to delivering the instructional procedure, the program managed the presentation of training content based on individual student responding and collected instructional data on individual student performance. The procedure was effective at teaching 4 of the 5 students the words, and generalization occurred from the computer-delivered keyboard response format to a teacher-delivered hand-written response format. Maintenance data varied among the students. The study demonstrated the feasibility of using microcomputers to deliver time-delay instruction in special education classrooms and suggested several research questions related to specific features of microcomputer-delivered time-delay instruction.  相似文献   

Although many researchers wishing to use the World-Wide Web for academic purposes rely on centralized Web services, they should be aware that it is neither expensive nor difficult to operate their own server. Doing so provides research-related benefits such as complete control over their host name and documents provided, the guaranteed ability to execute common gateway interface and server-side include programs, immediate access to their collected data, and the ability to better control who participates in their experiments. This paper surveys Web-server software features likely to be of interest to psychologists and conceptually summarizes their operation and use. The basic steps required to set up a Web server on popular microcomputers are reviewed, and security issues concerning Web-server operation are discussed. An accompanying resource Web page can assist users in setting up their own servers.  相似文献   

The recent interest in personal and/or psychological education as an objective for school programs has created the necessity for the development of a careful theoretical framework. This paper examines the current status of theory vis à vis personal education and suggests a number of major issues for consideration. A toxonomy for personal education has yet to be developed. Concepts of emotions as “bad”, pathological, and private need revision. Also, it is suggested that adolescence as a stage of development comprehends a special set of theoretical questions which cannot be begged. Particular attention is directed at implications derived from a developmental framework suggested by Piaget in cognitive areas and by Kohlberg in moral growth. Such a framework connotes educational goals as objectives which avoid the problems inherent in other current theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

Twenty-three BASIC language programs have been written to allow the TRS-80 and other microcomputers to perform most of the classical experiments normally used in teaching a laboratory course in experimental psychology. Most programs allow experiments to be run as though the computer was the specialized apparatus normally used. This facilitates a realistic and interactive learning experience for the students.  相似文献   

Drexel University requires entering freshmen to have access to a personal microcomputer. Part of the faculty development effort was a faculty newsletter,boot. The newsletter published information about microcomputers and their applications and about microcomputer-related events on campus. Unlike newsletters produced by academic computing centers,boot was edited by faculty, most of its pieces were written by faculty, and it was addressed to all members of the university community, not just that subgroup with a prior interest in, or prior record of, computer use. This article describes the publication and presents data indicating that the faculty found it to be clearly worthwhile.  相似文献   

A combination of high-level BASIC and transparent machine language routines forms an inexpensive (about $800), powerful, and easy-to-use microcomputer system for behavior research, based on the AIM-65. The interrupt-driven machine language routines keep track of real time, poll inputs, and are not typically modified for different experiments. Expandable machine language listings that support eight input lines and eight output lines on the AIM-65 are presented. The user-written BASIC program controls experiments and records data. BASIC programs for simple reinforcement schedules are used as examples. The software is readily transferred to other 6602-based microcomputers with BASIC.  相似文献   

Current concerns about the efficacy of special classes for the handicapped, the widening gap between demands for professional personnel and the numbers of trained persons to meet such demands, and the narrowing financial base for training programs require the development of new models for training professional personnel. Project In-STEP is one new alternative model for training tomorow's special education professionals. Emphasizing flexible training, heavy field experience, and careful programmatic evaluation, In-STEP is seeking to point the way to new directions in training. Preliminary evaluation indicates that In-STEP offers promise of being a viable model.  相似文献   

School-based mental health (SBMH) programs and services have grown progressively in the United States in the past two decades, related in part to increased recognition of their advantages and heightened federal support. However, SBMH is an emerging field, with many issues needing attention. This introductory article provides a context for the special issue by highlighting the importance of increased conceptual clarity about SBMH, enhanced mental health—education systems integration, and advancement of the SBMH research base. Key elements for success of SBMH programs and services are discussed, as underscored recently by the report of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (2003) and other important initiatives. These elements include (a) school–family–community agency partnerships, (b) commitment to a full continuum of mental health education, mental health promotion, assessment, problem prevention, early intervention, and treatment, and (c) services for all youth, including those in general and special education. A synopsis of the articles in the special issue is provided, emphasizing their conceptual and empirical contributions to delivery and sustainability of effective mental health practices in schools.  相似文献   

Three BASIC programs for processing observational, nonconcurrent sequential data are presented. The programs follow Sackett’s lag sequential analysis method and have the innovations of running on interactional microcomputers and of providing plots of results. The outcome of the analysis is stored on a magnetic disk, facilitating a further application of probabilistic models to the transformed data. The Allison-Liker correction for the comparison test between expected and observed lag probabilities is included in the programs.  相似文献   

The instructional power of experimental models was recognized by the significant effort directed toward the development of EXPER SIM at several institutions. Owing to a number of factors, interest in these tools appeared to wane. The price/performance characteristics of some new microcomputers suggested that a rekindling of interest in the use of modeling as an inquiry/problem solving tool could possibly be achieved if the large timesharing versions could be successfully migrated to one or more popular micros. We have partially achieved these objectives, having both transported EXPER SIM to the LSI-11 computer and developed, tested, documented, and evaluated many new models in sensory, personality, and social psychology and psychobiology. In addition, we have begun devising techniques to migrate a version to the Apple II and III microcomputers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between parent involvement in early intervention and children's later school competence. Parents (N = 704) of children participating in the Chicago Longitudinal Study were interviewed retrospectively about their school involvement in preschool and kindergarten. Parents reported on the activities in which they participated and their frequency of program participation. Results indicated that even after controlling for family background, the number of activities in which parents participated in preschool and kindergarten was significantly associated with higher reading achievement, with lower rates of grade retention at age 14 (eighth grade), and with fewer years in special education. The frequency of parent involvement was only marginally associated with reading achievement but was associated with lower rates of grade retention and fewer years in special education. A confirmatory analysis indicated that teacher ratings of parent involvement in first and second grade were significantly associated with higher reading achievement in eighth grade, lower grade retention rates, and lower rates of special education placement through eighth grade. Findings support the benefits of parent involvement in early childhood programs.  相似文献   

Three years ago Drew University began a campus-wide effort to integrate microcomputers into courses across the entire liberal arts curriculum. This paper summarizes the results of 14 studies that have assessed student and faculty responses to this effort, and concludes by suggesting some implications of these studies for psychologists involved in the design and evaluation of similar programs.  相似文献   

A set of computational and exploratory exercises is described for teaching and remediation in undergraduate statistics. The materials consist of an ensemble of BASIC programs written for the use of a variety of popular microcomputers and a system-independent workbook.  相似文献   

Microcomputers can serve a range of purposes in public schools including enhancing administration of special services. However, special services administrators at local and state levels perform a range of functions which involve diverse information-management needs. In this paper, ways that microcomputers may assist administration of special services are put forth. Then, considerations for local level special services administrators in developing and managing information systems are discussed, followed by similar discussion for state level administrators.  相似文献   

Currently, over 4.3 million children are receiving special services within the nation's schools because of physical, developmental, and educational disabilities. It is estimated that twice this number would benefit from special education services. Public Law 94–142, the Education for the Handicapped Act, offered the first real opportunity for many children with disabilities to receive special health and educational services. Public schools have become a primary setting for provision of services to these children, however, many states have encountered difficulty in procuring funding. One federally mandated source of revenue is the Medicaid program. In the fall of 1991, all state Medicaid and special education programs were asked to provide information concerning current or planned use of Medicaid funds for special education services. Responses were received from 36 states. Only 19 states reported using Medicaid funding in any capacity, and of these, only four required schools to bill Medicaid for services rendered. The majority of these programs are in the pilot stages of development. Special education services covered by Medicaid vary widely, as do reimbursement mechanisms. All 19 states allow Medicaid coverage for speech, physical, and occupational therapy. Only about half of those states provide allowances for diagnostic evaluation and assessment, while coverage for psychological services is provided by three-fourths of those states, and EPSDT screens by half of the states. Only two programs had been evaluated formally at the state and/or federal level. Medicaid remains a largely untapped source of revenue that could be used to help fund services for disabled children.  相似文献   

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