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当代美国著名的古典学和哲学家玛莎·纳斯鲍姆(Nassbaum Martha)女士的成名作<善的脆弱性:古希腊悲剧中的运气与伦理>(以下简称<善的脆弱性>)中译本的问世,将改变我们理解希腊古典文学和哲学的思路.  相似文献   

(十五)外三章(其一):北中品·朝天子·卜(注一) 睁着眼莽诌(注二),闭着眼瞎诌,那一个知休咎(注三)?流年月令费钻求(注四),就里多虚谬.四课三传(注五),张八李九(注六),一桩桩不应口.百中经枕头(注七),卦盒儿在手,花打算胡将就(注八).  相似文献   

This is a comment on Pargament's article Of Means and Ends: Religion and the Search for Significance. It is based on a long collaboration with Pargament. Agreement is expressed with the central thesis, namely that psychology has long struggled with whether it shall be concerned with facts or values. The psychology of religion clearly reflects this debate. The difference between science and religion needs to be understood for the psychology of religion to fully develop. Pargament's interest in studying ways in which people appropriate religion is affirmed. The search for significance as an overarching value is seen to be the central focus of life to which religion addresses itself. It is clear that both the use of religion by persons and the study of that use are grounded in value judgments. Means and ends do not exist apart from one another.  相似文献   

In this paper, I reflect on a number of issues raised in Kevin Carnahan’s “Religion, and not just Religious Reasons, in the Public Square: A Consideration of Robert Audi’s and Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Religion in the Public Square” and Eric A. Anderson’s “Religiously Conservative Citizens and the Ideal of Conscientious Engagement: A Comment on Wolterstorff and Eberle.” In response to Carnahan, I argue that recent discussions of the proper public role of religious reason do not depend on an objectionable conception of religion. I also respond to Anderson's concern that my “ideal of conscientious engagement” is an insufficiently robust alternative to public reason liberalism.  相似文献   

This article sets out a practitioner's perspective on the International Test Commission (ITC) guidelines. After setting the scene and describing the testing environment in which the need for the Guidelines on Computer-Based and Internet-Delivered Testing (ITC, 2005) is established, the article goes on to identify specific issues of relevance to the international practitioner. The main contributions made by the guidelines are each addressed in the light of their perceived relevance and utility. In the process, a number of limitations are identified, and suggestions as to how these might be overcome are offered. The article concludes by welcoming the guidelines as offering a constructive and relevant baseline from which to take the testing industry forward in a time of rapid technological change.  相似文献   

(九)北中吕&;#183;朝天子&;#183;雕銮匠(注一)   木头儿白杨,刀尖儿蘸钢,敢做个雕銮匠.不拘沥粉渗金妆(注二),花巧玲珑样.七宝莲台(注三),八角轮藏(注四),索落着不费讲.剜一尊圣像(注五),刻一个鬼王(注六),善恶簿在咱心上(注七).……  相似文献   

(三)北中吕&;#183;满庭芳&;#183;道人(注一)   称呼烂面,倚称佛教(注二),那有师传.沿门打听还经愿(注三),整夜无眠.长布衫当袈裟施展(注四),旧家堂作圣像高悬.宣罢了金刚卷(注五),斋食儿未免(注六),单顾嘴不图钱.……  相似文献   

(十二)北双调·折桂令·纸马铺(注一) 众神祗见数还钱(注二),僧道科仪(注三),件件周全(注四)。蜡烛坚实,千张高大,水作新鲜(注五)。拖柜上张张漫展,草拗上捆捆牢缠。但愿门前,擦背挨  相似文献   

(六)北双调&;#183;水仙子&;#183;和尚   炉中烧上马牙香,门外悬着白纸榜,堂前列起铜佛像(注一).鼓钹儿一声响(注二),只吃的拄肚撑肠(注三).才拜了梁皇忏(注四),又收拾转五方(注五),没来由日夜穷忙.……  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how poetry can play a major role in facilitating adolescents' spiritual and moral development. Examples are given of adolescents' responses to poems, when the pedagogy they experienced was influenced by reader response theory, to illustrate the seminal value of this genre and teaching methodology in fostering spiritual and moral reflection and growth. The link between poetry, spirituality and morality is examined with reference to writers in the field of literature. Finally, selected findings from a 3-year longitudinal case study of readers' responses to poems are reported to illustrate conclusions drawn concerning the value of poetry in the education of the whole person.  相似文献   

Ninety-two elderly Ss ranging in age from 57 to 92 were examined in an effort to find a battery of psychological tests which would effectively measure their level of intactness or deterioration of function. Five tests were used: the Rorschach, Gesell Incomplete Man Test, Bender Gestalt, Monroe's Visual Three, and the Color Tree Test. Ss were identified as normal adult, intact presenile, medium presenile and deteriorated on the basis of their Rorschach response. To check on the adequacy of this sorting, responses of each group were averaged for each of the other four tests. Differences between the several groups, on every test, were significant at the .001 level as measured by the median test.  相似文献   

Letter: Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the World's Religions
Commenting on Leaping into the Boundless: A Daoist Reading of Comparative Religious Ethics by Francisca Cho, Moral Reason, Risk, and Comparative Inquiry by Robin W. Lovin, Heuristic Power as the Test of Theory by Ronald M. Green, and The Author Replies by Francisca Cho  相似文献   

编者按:   陈铎是明代散曲史上一位重要的作者,字大声,号秋碧,生活在明成化、正德年间(约1465-1531年),原籍下邳(今江苏邳县),后迁居金陵,为睢宁伯陈文曾孙,正德年间以世袭为卫指挥.……  相似文献   

The paper is directed toward private practitioners who have limited experience with the Southeast Asian community. It identifies some of the broad cultural perspectives that non-Asian social workers need to take into consideration as they attempt to work with Southeast Asian organizations. Concepts of community, community leadership, informal networks and communication styles are examined and discussed. Specific attention is given to the role of mutual assistance associations (MAAs) in the refugee community. The paper concludes with suggested guidelines for practice.  相似文献   

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