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The authors' objective in this study was to determine whether the precepts of R. J. Sternberg's (1988, 1997) theory of mental self-government apply to a non-Western culture. They administered R. J. Sternberg and R. K. Wagner's (1992) Thinking Styles Inventory, which is based on the theory of mental self-government, to 429 Filipino university students. The results of item analysis, scale intercorrelations, and factor analysis were consistent with the general provisions of the theory. Correlational analysis between thinking styles and grade point average showed that thinking styles are related to academic achievement. The results are explained with respect to the concepts and practices of Philippine culture and schools and discussed in relation to the developmental assumptions of the theory of mental self-government.  相似文献   

Research has shown that a critical variable in determining academic achievement in different cultures and educational systems is approaches to learning. In this study, the author sought to determine whether this variable influences academic achievement among Filipino college students. The Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ; J. B. Biggs, 1987) was used to assess approaches to learning. The results indicated that (a) the LPQ was a valid instrument to assess the learning approaches of non-low-achieving Filipino college students; (b) the Deep and Achieving subscale scores of the LPQ were positively related to academic achievement even when the effects of school ability and prior academic achievement were controlled; and (c) with some slight exceptions, the relationship between the LPQ scale scores and academic achievement were génerally similar between male and female Filipino students. Implications for the study of student approaches to learning in different cultures and educational systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Biculturalism was examined as a factor that may positively affect the academic achievement of African American high school students, beyond cultural identity and self‐esteem. Hierarchical regression analyses determined that cultural identity and academic self‐esteem were important factors for academic achievement, but not biculturalism. Implications and future research are discussed. Se examinó el biculturalismo como un factor que puede afectar positivamente al rendimiento académico de los alumnos de educación secundaria Afroamericanos, más allá de la identidad cultural y la autoestima. Los análisis de regresión jerárquica determinaron que la identidad cultural y la autoestima académica fueron factores importantes para el rendimiento académico, pero no el biculturalismo. Se discutieron implicaciones e investigaciones futuras.  相似文献   

采用感知教师支持、学习投入、学业自我效能感和成就目标定向问卷对498名高中生进行问卷调查,探讨感知教师支持对学习投入的影响,以及学业自我效能感和成就目标定向的链式中介效应。结果显示:(1)感知教师支持能通过学业自我效能感间接预测高中生学习投入,感知教师支持可以通过掌握趋近、表现趋近、表现回避间接预测高中生学习投入;(2)学业自我效能感→掌握趋近、学业自我效能感→表现趋近、学业自我效能感→表现回避三者分别在感知教师支持与学习投入之间起链式中介作用,学业自我效能感→掌握回避的中介效应则不显著。上述结果表明,感知教师支持不仅能分别通过学业自我效能感、掌握趋近、表现趋近、表现回避预测高中生学习投入,还能通过学业自我效能感和成就目标定向的链式中介作用间接预测高中生学习投入。  相似文献   

采用感知教师支持、学习投入、学业自我效能感和成就目标定向问卷对498名高中生进行问卷调查,探讨感知教师支持对学习投入的影响,以及学业自我效能感和成就目标定向的链式中介效应。结果显示:(1)感知教师支持能通过学业自我效能感间接预测高中生学习投入,感知教师支持可以通过掌握趋近、表现趋近、表现回避间接预测高中生学习投入;(2)学业自我效能感→掌握趋近、学业自我效能感→表现趋近、学业自我效能感→表现回避三者分别在感知教师支持与学习投入之间起链式中介作用,学业自我效能感→掌握回避的中介效应则不显著。上述结果表明,感知教师支持不仅能分别通过学业自我效能感、掌握趋近、表现趋近、表现回避预测高中生学习投入,还能通过学业自我效能感和成就目标定向的链式中介作用间接预测高中生学习投入。  相似文献   

The study reported here investigated the use of the High School Placement Test as a predictor of 9th grade academic achievement as measured by school grades. The sample was composed of 3,194 boys who were enrolled in an academic curriculum at 1 of the 10 randomly selected Diocesan high schools in Philadelphia. A multiple regression analysis and a canonical correlation analysis were performed using the subtest scores of the High School Placement Test as independent variables, and final 9th grade average, grades in English, social studies, Latin, general science, and algebra as the dependent variables. It was found that the Composite score of the High School Placement Test individually would have been as useful a predictor of final grades as either of the empirically determined predictor composites computed in performing the multiple regression analysis and the canonical correlation analysis.  相似文献   

取某普通中学初中学生129人,使用修正的Stroop任务,测试被试对积极关联词语、消极关联词语和中性词语的颜色命名的反应时间,结果发现,初中学生对成就关联词语的反应时间比中性词语长,特别是在消极关联词语方面,差异显著,表现出了典型的Stroop干扰;学习好的同学在所有词语方面的反应时间都比学习成绩差的同学反应时间长,特别是在成就关联词语方面,差异极显著,学习好的同学表现出了更加明显的Stroop干扰.学习成绩与成就关联词语的反应时间有显著的相关.女同学对所有词语的反应时间都比男同学时间长,特别是在高成就反应时间上,二者差异显著,女同学比男同学有更加明显的成就Stroop干扰.  相似文献   

采用内隐联想测验和问卷法探讨高中生内隐、外显成就动机与学业拖延的关系。结果表明:(1)内隐、外显成就动机是相互独立的动机系统,但两者以显著的交互作用共同影响学业拖延;(2)不同动机组合的学生,拖延情况有显著差异:高内隐、高外显组的拖延最少,高内隐、低外显组的拖延最多;(3)动机越不一致,拖延越严重,动机一致性能够减少拖延;(4)成绩中等偏下的学生在学习过程的补救和总结上有更多的拖延。因此,学生只有具备了高内隐、高外显的一致性动机,才会出现最少的拖延。  相似文献   

The efficiency of aptitude and mental ability measures to predict high school grade-point average for Negro students in secondary school was studied. The total sample of 222 students was randomly divided into two samples in order to determine the consistency with which the variables predicted the criteria. The predictor variables were: The Differential Aptitude Tests, the California Test of Mental Maturity, The Cooperative Ability Tests, The Sequential Tests of Educational Progress, Junior High School Grade-Point Average, and Social Status Ratings. The data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The instruments consistently yielded substantial correlations with High School Grade-Point Average. Negro students appeared to be as predictable as other groups.  相似文献   

采用数学能力实体观量表、学业自我效能感量表、消极学业情绪量表(羞愧、厌倦)和数学学习投入量表,对1064名高中生进行调查。结果表明:数学能力实体观、学业自我效能感、羞愧、厌倦和数学学习投入之间均存在显著相关;学业自我效能感、厌倦在数学能力实体观和数学学习投入之间的中介作用均显著;且学业自我效能感-厌倦的链式中介作用也显著。这表明,高中生的数学能力实体观不仅可以直接预测数学学习投入,也可分别经由学业自我效能感、厌倦的中介作用、以及二者的链式中介作用影响数学学习投入。  相似文献   

Educational psychologists, nowadays, are more concerned about the students who are motivated in learning and interested in achieving their academic goals. Academic motivation and achievement are considered as primary indicators of students’ learning process and outcomes. This study aimed to know the relationship between the most important familial factors (e.g., parental education, parental occupation, family type, monthly household income, sibling’s achievement) with students’ academic motivation and achievement. One hundred and eighty high school students, age ranging from 13 to 16 years (M = 14.20, SD = .960), at eighth through tenth grade, were selected from six high schools through purposive sampling method, from Chittagong, Bangladesh. A Bangla version of ‘Academic Motivation Questionnaire’ (Fatematuzzohra et al., 2010), originally developed by Vallerand et al. (Can J Behav Sci 21(3):323–349, 1989. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0079855), was used to pursue the study. The result showed that all of the familial factors except the family type had significant effects on both students’ academic motivation and achievement scores. A significant positive correlation was found between students’ academic achievement and academic motivation scores (r = .339, p < .01). All of the familial factors were significant in explaining students’ academic achievement as well as their academic motivation. These factors combinedly explained 57.5% of the variance in students’ academic achievement (R2 = .575, F(13, 166) = 17.281, p < .01) and explained 30.5% of the variance in students’ academic motivation (R2 = .305, F(13, 166) = 5.614, p < .01). Implications for understanding the relationship between familial factors and academic motivation and achievement are discussed.  相似文献   

张野  卢笳 《心理科学》2012,35(2):391-395
摘 要 采用问卷法调查586名初中生,探讨其人际交往能力、学业水平及发展背景系统的互动关系模式。研究发现初二学生的人际交往能力表现最为突出,女生更善于处理人际问题。高人际交往能力学生的学业成绩明显优于低人际交往能力学生。良好的父母教养方式能有效促进学生的人际交往能力,该能力有助于积极师生关系和同伴关系的发展。人际交往能力受家庭教养背景系统的直接影响,并作用于学校人际背景系统,两大系统以直接或间接的方式影响学业成绩。  相似文献   

采用不等组实验组、控制组前测后测的准实验设计,探讨了翻转课堂背景下翻转教学法对高中生认知负荷及学习成绩的影响。结果发现:(1)翻转教学法能有效降低高中生的内在认知负荷,提高其学习成绩与学习效率;(2)翻转课堂背景下,高中生的认知负荷存在知识反转效应,即高成绩者的收益低于低成绩者。结果提示,翻转课堂取得优异学习效果的心理机制在于通过有效降低学习者的内在认知负荷而影响其学习成绩;同时,翻转教学法的运用过程中须考虑学习者认知负荷的变化及学习效率,其对所有的学习者不是同等有效的。  相似文献   

This study compared the high school academic experience of adolescents with and without childhood ADHD using data from the Pittsburgh ADHD Longitudinal Study (PALS). Participants were 326 males with childhood ADHD and 213 demographically similar males without ADHD who were recruited at the start of the follow-up study. Data were collected yearly from parents, teachers and schools. The current study used assessment points at which the participants were currently in or had recently completed grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Results indicated that adolescents with ADHD experienced significant academic impairment in high school relative to comparison adolescents, including lower overall and main academic subject grade point averages (GPA), lower levels of class placement (e.g. remedial vs. honors), and higher rates of course failure. In addition, teacher reports indicated that adolescents with ADHD completed and turned in a significantly lower percentage of assignments and were significantly less likely to be working up to their potential. Adolescents with ADHD were also significantly more likely to be absent or tardy during the academic year, and they were over eight times more likely than adolescents without ADHD to drop out of high school. These findings demonstrate that children with ADHD continue to experience severe academic impairment into high school.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of gender, learning disability (LD) status, and sources of efficacy on self-efficacy beliefs and academic achievement in the concept of Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Two hundred and seventy-eight high school students participated in the study. Structural equation modeling was used. The results revealed that LD status had indirect influence on self-efficacy via the source variable; gender did not have direct or indirect influences on self-efficacy; sources of efficacy had direct impact on self-efficacy, which in turn affected academic performance. The structural model fit the data well and explained 55% of the variance in academic achievement.  相似文献   

The authors examine the effects of school bonding on academic achievement (measured by math achievement scores) in a sample of 12th graders from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 ( Ingels, Pratt, Rogers, Siegel, & Stutts, 2005 ). Components of school bonding have proximal and distal effects on academic achievement. Attachment to school and school involvement had direct effects on achievement; attachment to teachers and school commitment behaviors had indirect effects on achievement through school‐related delinquency and prior achievement. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

初中生学业自我效能、学习动机与学业成绩的关系   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
佐斌  谭亚莉 《应用心理学》2002,8(4):24-27,46
本研究使用学业自我效能量表和学习动机量表对初中生进行测量 ,并对测量结果与学业成绩间的关系进行了分析。结果发现 :学生学业自我效能、学习动机和性别是学业成绩的良好预测变量源 ,其中以学业自我效能的效应最为明显 ;学习动机与学业成绩之间并非单纯的线性关系。  相似文献   

A neglected area of study in adolescent development is family functioning in relation to adolescents’ sense of self and academic success. This study investigates students’ perceptions of their levels of family functioning (cohesiveness and adaptability) as it relates to their academic self-efficacy and school engagement, and answers the following questions: (1) Are there any significant differences in the academic self-efficacy beliefs and school engagement of Caribbean adolescents based on levels of family cohesion and family adaptability? (2) To what extent does the combination of family cohesion and family adaptability predict the academic self-efficacy and school engagement of Caribbean adolescents? Data were collected from a sample of 523 adolescents (197 males and 326 females) aged 17–19 years, enroled in postsecondary institutions in two Anglophone Caribbean countries (Barbados and St. Lucia). Results indicated that adolescents from families with balanced cohesion held significantly higher academic self-efficacy beliefs and school engagement levels than those from families with low cohesion. Regression analyses indicated that the family functioning model significantly predicted academic self-efficacy and school engagement. Interpretation of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

心理因素对高中生学业成就的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法和量表法考察了原有知识、学习策略、智力与非智力因素等心理因素对高中生学业成就的影响程度及其作用机制。结论如下:(l)高中生的主要心理因素与学业成就之间均呈显著的正相关;(2)原有知识、学习策略和非智力因素是导致高中生学业成就出现差异的直接影响因素。原有知识的影响程度明显高于学习策略和非智力因素;(3)智力通过原有知识对学业成就发挥重要的间接影响;(4)非智力因素还通过原有知识对学业成就有显著的间接影响。  相似文献   

本研究使用“中国儿童青少年心理发育特征调查”项目所编制的测验工具,对9 所初级中学7、8 年级共4843 名学生进行了认知能力、语文与数学学业成就测试。研究结果表明,选择性注意、短时记忆、空间能力和推理能力都是语文和数学成就的显著预测变量,但不同能力对不同学科的作用大小及作用机制存在差异。对于语文成就来说,四种能力的作用由大到小依次为推理能力、短时记忆、空间能力和选择性注意;对于数学成就来说,则依次为推理能力、空间能力、短时记忆和选择性注意。而且,各种能力对数学成就的影响都大于对语文成就的影响。此外,在不同能力对语文和数学成就的影响机制上,虽然基础认知能力都通过高级认知能力对学业成就产生影响:选择性注意对学业成就的影响是完全通过短时记忆和空间能力进而通过推理能力间接发生的,短时记忆对学业成就的影响主要是通过空间能力和推理能力间接发生的,空间能力对学业成就的影响是完全通过推理能力间接发生的,推理能力直接对学业成就产生影响,但这种机制在不同学科间也有差异。  相似文献   

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