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The authors explored whether the motor system has access to highly accurate information about the aiming environment after visual occlusion. Participants (N = 14) reached to 1 of 3 midsagittal targets in 4 visual conditions (open-loop, brief-delay, 500-ms delay, and 2,000-ms delay). In all conditions, the aiming environment was first viewed for 2,000 ms. Movements were cued immediately after the initial viewing period in the open-loop and brief-delay conditions. Vision was not occluded until movement onset in the open-loop condition, whereas vision was occluded coincidentally with the movement cue in the brief-delay condition. In the 2 longer delay conditions, the movement was cued following a 500- or a 2,000-ms no-vision delay period. Participants overshot the target in the open-loop condition, but that tendency was significantly reduced in the 3 delay conditions. Moreover, endpoint variability was greater in the 3 delay conditions than in the open-loop condition. A speed-accuracy tradeoff account could not explain the differences between open-loop and delayed reaching. Those findings suggest that the motor system does not have access to highly accurate information about the aiming environment for any appreciable period of time following visual occlusion, consistent with the view that the visuomotor system operates in real time.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that perceptual networks in the ventral visual pathway are necessary for action control when targets are viewed with only one eye, or when the target must be stored in memory. We tested whether memory-linked (i.e., open-loop versus memory-guided actions) and monocular-linked effects (i.e., binocular versus monocular actions) on action arise from a common mechanism as suggested by evidence from neuropsychology and psychophysics. Participants viewed targets with either one eye or two (vision: monocular versus binocular) and then reached to touch targets in open-loop and memory-guided conditions (condition: open-loop versus 0, 500, 1000, and 1500 ms delays). Results showed that memory-linked and monocular-linked increases in radial and variable movement error were additive (i.e., main effects of vision and condition, but no interaction). This suggests that the two effects on visuomotor control arise from separate mechanisms, in contrast to evidence from psychophysics and neuropsychology suggesting a common underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

Visuomotor memory for target location in near and far reaching spaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors investigated systematic error associated with endpoints of memory-guided actions performed in near and far reaching spaces. To accomplish that objective, the authors instructed 12 participants to initiate open-loop and memory-guided reaches (0, 2,000, and 5,000 ms of visual delay) from a common start position to remembered midline targets in near (i.e., a backward reach) and far (i.e., a forward reach) reaching spaces. The results indicated that near and far reaches, respectively, over- and undershot veridical target location, and the direction-specific nature of the error was amplified in the memory-guided conditions. The latter finding represents an important aspect of the present research because it suggests that the direction-specific error identified here is related to factors arising within the sensory component of the task rather than mechanical differences in reaching direction. The authors propose that stored target information serving memory guided actions is susceptible to a compression of visual space in memory such that the egocentric distance of a remembered target is underestimated.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined on-line processing during the execution of reciprocal aiming movements. In Experiment 1, participants used a stylus to make movements between two targets of equal size. Three vision conditions were used: full vision, vision during flight and vision only on contact with the target. Participants had significantly longer movement times and spent more time in contact with the targets when vision was available only on contact with the target. Additionally, the proportion of time to peak velocity revealed that movement trajectories became more symmetric when vision was not available during flight. The data indicate that participants used vision not only to 'home-in' on the current target, but also to prepare subsequent movements. In Experiment 2, liquid crystal goggles provided a single visual sample every 40 ms of a 500 ms duty cycle. Of interest was how participants timed their reciprocal aiming to take advantage of these brief visual samples. Although across participants no particular portion of the movement trajectory was favored, individual performers did time their movements consistently with the onset and offset of vision. Once again, performance and kinematic data indicated that movement segments were not independent of each other.  相似文献   

Target-aiming studies in which premovement visual information is manipulated suggest that when vision is occluded, a brief visual representation of the target environment may be used to guide movement. The purpose of this work was to determine if the internal representation contains information about the whole movement environment or just specific information about the position of a single target goal. Two experiments were conducted in which we manipulated both target uncertainty and the visual information available before and during a target-aiming movement. Radial error differences between visual conditions and the independence of the vision and uncertainty manipulations support the hypothesis that subjects form a representation of the overall movement environment.  相似文献   

Spatial and metrical parameters of the eye and arm movements made by human subjects (N = 7) in response to visual targets that were stepped unexpectedly either once (single step) or twice (double step) were studied. For the double-step, the displacement of a visual target was decreased or increased in amplitude at intervals before and during a movement. Provided the second target step occurred more than 100 ms before the onset of movement, the amplitude of the subjects' first response was altered in the direction of the new target location. But this amplitude scaling was not always sufficient to reach the new target location, and a second corrective response was required. The latency in producing this second response was greatly increased above reaction time latencies of movements to single-step targets, especially when the target change occurred 100 ms or more before movement onset. These findings suggest that even though serial processing limitations delay the production of a second corrective response, continuous parallel processing of visual information enables the amplitude of the first response to be altered with minimal delay. This enables some degree of real-time continuous control by the visuomotor control system.  相似文献   

Spatial and metrical parameters of the eye and arm movements made by human subjects (N = 7) in response to visual targets that were stepped unexpectedly either once (single step) or twice (double step) were studied. For the double-step, the displacement of a visual target was decreased or increased in amplitude at intervals before and during a movement. Provided the second target step occurred more than 100 ms before the onset of movement, the amplitude of the subjects' first response was altered in the direction of the new target location. But this amplitude scaling was not always sufficient to reach the new target location, and a second corrective response was required. The latency in producing this second response was greatly increased above reaction time latencies of movements to single-step targets, especially when the target change occurred 100 ms or more before movement onset. These findings suggest that even though serial processing limitations delay the production of a second corrective response, continuous parallel processing of visual information enables the amplitude of the first response to be altered with minimal delay. This enables some degree of real-time continuous control by the visuomotor control system.  相似文献   

An occlusion protocol was used to elucidate the respective roles of preprograming and online control during the quiet eye period of golf putting. Twenty-one novice golfers completed golf putts to 6-ft and 11-ft targets under full vision or with vision occluded on initiation of the backswing. Radial error (RE) was higher, and quiet eye was longer, when putting to the 11-ft versus 6-ft target, and in the occluded versus full vision condition. Quiet eye durations, as well as preprograming, online and dwell durations, were longer in low-RE compared to high-RE trials. The preprograming component of quiet eye was significantly longer in the occluded vision condition, whereas the online and dwell components were significantly longer in the full vision condition. These findings demonstrate an increase in preprograming when vision is occluded. However, this was not sufficient to overcome the need for online visual control during the quiet eye period. These findings suggest the quiet eye period is composed of preprograming and online control elements; however, online visual control of action is critical to performance.  相似文献   

Recent research [e.g., Carrozzo, M., Stratta, F., McIntyre, J., & Lacquaniti, F. (2002). Cognitive allocentric representations of visual space shape pointing errors. Experimental Brain Research 147, 426-436; Lemay, M., Bertrand, C. P., & Stelmach, G. E. (2004). Pointing to an allocentric and egocentric remembered target. Motor Control, 8, 16-32] reported that egocentric and allocentric visual frames of reference can be integrated to facilitate the accuracy of goal-directed reaching movements. In the present investigation, we sought to specifically examine whether or not a visual background can facilitate the online, feedback-based control of visually-guided (VG), open-loop (OL), and memory-guided (i.e. 0 and 1000 ms of delay: D0 and D1000) reaches. Two background conditions were examined in this investigation. In the first background condition, four illuminated LEDs positioned in a square surrounding the target location provided a context for allocentric comparisons (visual background: VB). In the second condition, the target object was singularly presented against an empty visual field (no visual background: NVB). Participants (N=14) completed reaching movements to three midline targets in each background (VB, NVB) and visual condition (VG, OL, D0, D1000) for a total of 240 trials. VB reaches were more accurate and less variable than NVB reaches in each visual condition. Moreover, VB reaches elicited longer movement times and spent a greater proportion of the reaching trajectory in the deceleration phase of the movement. Supporting the benefit of a VB for online control, the proportion of endpoint variability explained by the spatial location of the limb at peak deceleration was less for VB as opposed to NVB reaches. These findings suggest that participants are able to make allocentric comparisons between a VB and target (visible or remembered) in addition to egocentric limb and VB comparisons to facilitate online reaching control.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in normal and brain-damaged individuals have begun to identify the types of visual information used to plan and guide reaches. Binocular visual cues have been shown to be important for both movement planning and on-line guidance of hand movements, while emerging evidence suggests that dynamic visual analysis of the moving limb may provide a rich source of information for precise control of the hand in flight. Reaching movements appear to be planned to follow what is perceived to be a straight trajectory in peripersonal space. Furthermore, the process of selecting visual targets appears to influence hand trajectories, with hand movements curving away from non-target objects. This behaviour may be explained most effectively by a dynamic representation of space which is sculpted by attentional mechanisms into selected (target) and inhibited (non-target) regions. The role of attention in movement planning in individuals with attentional disorders is controversial. Patients with visual neglect have impairments of visuomotor control including reaches that, under certain conditions, are significantly more curved than those of normal individuals. The representations of space that neglect patients use to plan reaches may be distorted by impairments in the mechanisms that normally act to select target regions and inhibit non-target zones.  相似文献   

Most research on visual search in aiming at far targets assumes preprogrammed motor control implying that relevant visual information is detected prior to the final shooting or throwing movements. Eye movement data indirectly support this claim for stationary tasks. Using the basketball jump shot as experimental task we investigated whether in dynamic tasks in which the target can be seen until ball release, continuous, instead of preprogrammed, motor control is possible. We tested this with the temporal occlusion paradigm: 10 expert shooters took shots under four viewing conditions, namely, no vision, full vision, early vision (vision occluded during the final +/-350 ms before ball release), and late vision (vision occluded until these final +/-350 ms). Late-vision shooting appeared to be as good as shooting with full vision while early-vision performance was severely impaired. The results imply that the final shooting movements were controlled by continuous detection and use of visual information until ball release. The data further suggest that visual and movement control of aiming at a far target develop in close correspondence with the style of execution.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate (1) during which phase of the movement vision is most critical for control, and (2) how vision of the target object and the participant's moving limb affect the control of grasping during that movement phase. In Experiment 1, participants, wearing liquid crystal shutter goggles, reached for and grasped a cylinder with a diameter of 4 or 6 cm under a shutting paradigm (SP) and a re-opening paradigm (RP). In SP, the goggles closed (turned opaque) 0 ms, 150 ms, 350 ms, 500 ms, or 700 ms after movement onset, or remained open (transparent) during the prehension movements. In RP, the goggles closed immediately upon movement onset, and re-opened 0 ms (i.e., without initially shutting), 150 ms, 350 ms, 500 ms, or 700 ms after the initial shutting, or remained opaque throughout the prehension movements. The duration of the prehension movements was kept relatively constant across participants and trials at approximately 1100 ms, i.e., the duration of prehension movements typically observed in daily life. The location of the target object was constant during the entire experiment. The SP and RP paradigms were counter-balanced across participants, and the order of conditions within each session was randomized. The main findings were that peak grip aperture (PGA) in the 150 ms-shutting condition was significantly larger than in the 350 ms-shutting condition, and that PGA in the 350 ms-re-opening condition was significantly larger than in the 150 ms-re-opening condition. These results revealed that online vision between 150 ms and 350 ms was critical for grasp control on PGA in typical, daily-life-speeded prehension movements. Furthermore, the results obtained for the time after maximal deceleration (TAMD; movement duration-time to maximal deceleration) demonstrated that early-phase vision contributed to the temporal pattern of the later movement phases (i.e., TAMD). The results thus demonstrated that online vision in the early phase of movement is crucial for the control of grasping. In addition to the apparatus used in Experiment 1, two liquid shutter plates placed in the same horizontal plane (25 cm above the experimental table) were used in Experiment 2 to manipulate the visibility of the target and the participant's moving limb. The plate closest to the participant altered vision of the limb/hand, while the more distant plate controlled vision of the object. The conditions were as follows: (1) both plates were open during movement (full vision condition); (2) both plates were closed 0, 150, or 350 ms following onset of arm movement (front-rear condition: FR); or (3) only the near plate closed 0, 150, or 350 ms following the onset of the arm movement (front condition: F). The results showed that shutting at 0 and 150 ms in the FR condition caused a significantly larger PGA, while the timing of shutting in the F condition had little influence on the PGA. These findings indicated that online vision, especially of the target object, during the early phase of prehension movements is critical to the control of grasping.  相似文献   

The Influence of Skill and Intermittent Vision on Dynamic Balance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments are reported in which expert and novice gymnasts were required to walk across a balance beam as quickly as possible in various vision conditions. In Experiment 1, experts walked faster than novices in all vision conditions, showing the greatest superiority when vision was completely eliminated. Novices were more dependent on vision and were able to maintain their performance as long as a visual sample was available every 250 ms (i.e: 4-Hz samples).The results of Experiment 2 indicate that differences between expert and novice performers in the no-vision condition were not related to the use of a short-term visual representation of the movement environment. Our movement time findings are problematic for specificity of learning models of skill acquisition. As well, film data collected in Experiment 2 were not consistent with models that propose a transition from closed-loop to open-loop control.  相似文献   

Critical to low-vision navigation are the abilities to recover scale and update a 3-D representation of space. In order to investigate whether these abilities are present under low-vision conditions, we employed the triangulation task of eyes-closed indirect walking to previously viewed targets on the ground. This task requires that the observer continually update the location of the target without any further visual feedback of his/her movement or the target’s location. Normally sighted participants were tested monocularly in a degraded vision condition and a normal vision condition on both indirect and direct walking to previously viewed targets. Surprisingly, we found no difference in walked distances between the degraded and normal vision conditions. Our results provide evidence for intact spatial updating even under severely degraded vision conditions, indicating that participants can recover scale and update a 3-D representation of space under simulated low vision.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to determine if during short-duration movements visual feedback can be processed in order to make adjustments to changes in the environment. The effect that varying the importance of monitoring target position has on the relative importance of vision of hand and vision of target (Carlton 1981a; Whiting and Cockerill 1974) was also examined. Subjects performed short- (150 ms) and longer-duration (330 ms) aimed hand movements under four visual feedback conditions (lights-on/lights-off by target-on/target-off) to stationary and moving targets. For the lights-off and target-off conditions, the lights and target, respectively, were extinguished 50 ms after movement initiation. For all moving-target conditions, the target started to move as the movement was initiated. Subjects were able to process visual information in 165 ms, as movement endpoints were biased in the direction of target motion for movements of this duration. Removing visual feedback 50 ms after movement initiation did not alter this finding. Subjects performed equally well with target and lights on or off, independent of whether the target remained stationary or moved. Presumably, during the first 50 ms of the movement subjects received sufficient visual information to aid in movement control.  相似文献   

A nearby visual reference point improves displacement discrimination. This effect occurs regardless of the delay between successive displays. The delay can be varied from short delays (50 ms), where observers report perceived movement, to long delays (2,000 ms), where observers report no movement. The similarity of reference effects for such different delay conditions was investigated by testing the independence of reference and delay effects. The critical independence property is whether the spatial variables (displacement and separation from the visual reference) combine independently of the temporal variable (delay). This kind of independence did not hold for displacement discrimination at delays of 50 ms and 2,000 ms. A further experiment tested for the independence property at delays of 500 ms and 4,000 ms, where observers reported no perceived movement. For these longer delays, the property was satisfied. These results are discussed using the general concept of a psychophysical mechanism. Such a mechanism combines the effects of several stimulus variables into a single mediating representation. By this analysis, at least two mechanisms must mediate the reference effect on displacement discrimination, one for delays of 200 ms and less and another for delays of 500 ms and more.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported in which the effect of partial visual feedback on the accuracy of discrete target aiming was investigated. Visual feedback was manipulated through a spectacle-mounted liquid-crystal tachistoscope. The length of the visual feedback interval was varied as a percentage of the instructed movement time. In Experiment 1, the length of the vision interval was manipulated symmetrically at the beginning- and end-phase of the movement, whereas in the remaining experiments, the vision time was varied with respect to the end-phase only. The variations at the end were examined for different distances (Experiment 2), different movement speeds at the same distance (Experiment 3), and in small interstep intervals (Experiment 4). A vision time of more than 150 ms at the end-phase of the movement enhanced aiming performance in all experiments. Longer vision times monotonously improved aiming accuracy; the fifth experiment showed that a vision time of about 275 ms was sufficient for near-perfect aiming. Furthermore, the significance of vision during the first phase of a movement was demonstrated again. The results of the five experiments pointed to shorter visuomotor processing times. To explain the beneficial effects of short vision times for aiming accuracy, we propose a model of visuomotor processing that is based on the stochastic optimized submovement model of Meyer, Abrams, Kornblum, Wright, and Smith (1988).  相似文献   

Abstract: When two visual targets are presented in rapid succession, perception of the second target is deteriorated if the temporal lag between the two targets is short (0–300 ms). This ‘attentional blink’ (AB) phenomenon has been believed to occur only when the second target is followed by a backward mask or when there is a task switching between two targets. The present study revealed another determining factor for the occurrence of the AB, the presence or absence of a distractor stream. Five experiments examined the effect of possible confounding factors in the extant literature and suggested that the mere presence of a distractor stream affects the processing of targets even when the observers tried to ignore them, resulting in a processing delay. This effect is discussed in a model of AB deficit in terms of decay of the second target's representation.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effect of the short-term retention of duration on temporal discrimination in 5- and 8-year-olds, as well as in adults, by using an episodic temporal generalization task. In each age group, the participants' task was to compare two successive durations (a standard and a comparison duration) separated by a retention interval of 500ms, 5s, or 10s, with the order of presentation of these two durations being counterbalanced. The results revealed a shortening effect for the first presented stimulus in all of the age groups, although this was greater in the younger children, thereby indicating the presence of a negative time-order error. Furthermore, introducing a retention delay between the two durations did not produce a shortening effect but instead flattened the generalization gradient, especially in the younger children. However, this flattening of the generalization gradient with the retention delay was more marked between 500ms and 5s than between 5s and 10s. Thus, retaining the first duration in short-term memory during a task requiring the comparison of two successive durations reduced temporal discrimination accuracy and did so to a greater extent in the younger children.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》2013,143(1):129-135
What information is necessary for the motor system to adapt its behaviour? Visual hand-to-target error provides salient information about reach performance, but can learning proceed without this information? We investigated adaptation to an unperceived target perturbation under visual open-loop conditions. Participants looked and reached, without any vision of their hand, to a target that jumped rightward at saccade onset (Perturbation condition) or remained stationary throughout the trial (Stationary condition). The target jump in the Perturbation condition was tied to the saccade, such that participants were unaware that it had occurred. Each type of exposure was followed by a posttest, in which participants reached to a target that disappeared at saccade onset. In the posttest, participants reached farther following exposure to the perturbation than they did following exposure to the stationary target, indicating that participants had learned from systematic exposure to the jump. These findings imply that online error induces motor learning, even when participants receive no visual information about their performance.  相似文献   

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