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The aims of this study were to examine how workers' negative age stereotypes (i.e., denying older workers' ability to develop) and negative meta-stereotypes (i.e., beliefs that the majority of colleagues feel negative about older workers) are related to their attitudes towards retirement (i.e., occupational future time perspective and intention to retire), and whether the strength of these relationships is influenced by workers' self-categorization as an “older” person. Results of a study among Dutch taxi drivers provided mixed support for the hypotheses. Negative meta-stereotypes, but not negative age stereotypes, were associated with fewer perceived opportunities until retirement and, in turn, a stronger intention to retire. Self-categorization moderated the relationships between negative age (meta-)stereotypes and occupational future time perspective. However, contrary to expectations, the relations were stronger among workers with a low self-categorization as an older person in comparison with workers with a high self-categorization in this regard. Overall, results highlight the importance of psychosocial processes in the study of retirement intentions and their antecedents.  相似文献   

Davidson JK  Moore NB  Earle JR  Davis R 《Adolescence》2008,43(170):189-220
This study sought to ascertain any differences in sexual attitudes, levels of premarital sexual involvement, and risk-taking sexual practices of college students at four distinctly different universities: a historic Black public university; a predominately white, Southern private university with a religious heritage; a Southwestern public university; and a Midwestern public university. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to a volunteer sample of 1,915 never-married women and 1,111 never-married men in select upper and lower division classes. Numerous significant differences among campuses were found regarding sexual history, first sexual intercourse, and sexual risk-taking. Religion, family background, and campus milieu were strong mediating variables, but race appeared as the single most influential factor differentiating the sexual attitudes and behavior of these college students. Implications are suggested for professionals in fields of research, education, and therapy.  相似文献   



Keynote lectures (in alphabetical order, according to the lecturers’ last names)  相似文献   



Bauer S, Kordy H (Hrsg) (2009) E-Mental-Health – Neue Medien in der psychosozialen Versorgung Springer, Berlin, 350 S., ISBN-10: 354075735X, EUR 34,95  相似文献   



Gast U, Markert EC, Onnasch K, Schollas T (2009) Trauma und Trauer. Impulse aus christlicher Spiritualit?t und Neurobiologie 1. Auflage, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart. Leben Lernen Band 224, 260 S., ISBN: 978-3-608-89085-3, EUR 26,90  相似文献   



Edgar Heim (Hrsg) (2009) Die Welt der Psychotherapie Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 252 S., ISBN: 978-3-608-94549-2, EUR 24,90  相似文献   

Charles Parsons’ book “Mathematical Thought and Its Objects” of 2008 (Cambridge University Press, New York) is critically discussed by concentrating on one of Parsons’ main themes: the role of intuition in our understanding of arithmetic (“intuition” in the specific sense of Kant and Hilbert). Parsons argues for a version of structuralism which is restricted by the condition that some paradigmatic structure should be presented that makes clear the actual existence of structures of the necessary sort. Parsons’ paradigmatic structure is the so-called ‘intuitive model’ of arithmetic realized by Hilbert’s strings of strokes. This paper argues that Hilbert’s strings, considered as given in intuition, cannot play the role Parsons assigns to them: the criteria of identity of these strings do not have the sharpness that Parsons wants to see in them, and Parsons inadvertently projects abstract structures into his ‘intuitive model’. This diagnosis is exemplified with respect to (a) Parsons’ distinction between addition and multiplication on the one hand and exponentiation on the other and (b) his analysis of arithmetical knowledge in simple cases like “7 + 5 = 12”. All in all, it is claimed that Parsons book contains many important insights with respect to, for example, different versions structuralism, the notion of “natural number” and its uniqueness, induction, predicativity and other things, for which he is rightly famous, but that his way of drawing on the notion of intuition leaves too many questions unanswered.  相似文献   

李栋  吴新望图 《天风》2014,(2):16-17
经文:《马太福音》8章5节至13节《马太福音》8章5节至13节说的是耶稣治好百夫长的仆人。故事的开始是说耶稣来到迦百农,那里有位百夫长,请求耶稣为他的一位仆人治病。按照圣经记载,在这之先,耶稣作了"登山宝训",下了山,一个长大麻风的人来求见耶稣,并说"主若肯,  相似文献   

This article explores different theoretical explanations for deviance from display rules (DDR), which occurs when employees consciously display emotions to customers that are unsanctioned by the organization. DDR is an important outcome in service organizations because it triggers strong negative reactions from customers, such as negative reputation and business losses. To better explain why DDR occurs, the author compared predictors drawn from organizational justice theory, conservation of resources theory and goal-setting theory in a comprehensive model to explore complementary and competing effects. The model was tested using hierarchical linear modelling with data from 1146 transactions performed by 51 service employees who participated in an experience sampling study over several weeks. Results demonstrated that emotional valence mediated the transaction-level relationship between customer interpersonal injustice and DDR. Similarly, negative emotions mediated the transaction-level relationship between mental exhaustion and DDR. However, person-level differences in goal commitment to organizational display rules had a buffering effect on the relationship between negative emotions and DDR. Overall, the results demonstrate that unfair treatment from customers and mental exhaustion can promote the expression of unsanctioned emotions to customers via negative emotional experiences, but employees who are committed to emotional labour goals are more resistant to engaging in DDR.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe dynamics pertaining to work-family interface such as conflict, enrichment, etc. have received considerable scholarly attention in social sciences. However, the daily processes that are involved have been examined to a lesser extent, least of all including the role played by emotions.ObjectiveThis study aimed at examining, consistently with the Affective Events Theory, if positive and negative affect experienced during the working day played a mediational role in the associations between daily levels of work-family conflict and work-family enrichment on one side, and work-family balance on the other. Moreover, the moderating cross-level role of trait emotional stability was examined.MethodThe study included a convenience sample of 104 Italian employees who completed a diary-book over five consecutive working days.ResultsMultilevel-modelling results highlighted, controlling for emotional stability, a mediational role of only daily positive affect in the relationships between both work-family conflict and enrichment on the one side and work-family balance on the other side.ConclusionThis study contributed to the literature emphasizing the role of positive affective states experienced at the workplace and their connections with the private life. Limitations and implications for research and practice are described.  相似文献   

For an American philosopher participating in a cultural exchangeprogram with the Soviet Union in 1964–65, a year spent in thePhilosophy Faculty of Moscow State University, studying and doingresearch in the history of Russian philosophy, provided manyinteresting insights – some of them surprising – into the theoryand practice of Marxism-Leninism and the nature of philosophicaleducation in Russia in the 1960s.  相似文献   

Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Berührung, den Berührungssinn oder die Haut als dessen Organ ph?nomenologisch und psychodynamisch zu erfassen sowie zu überlegen, wie der Erfahrungsraum der Berührung sich gestaltet und wie diese Dimension des Fühlens in der psychoanalytischen Psychotherapie sich umsetzt. Die ph?nomenologischen Analysen folgen v. a. den franz?sischen Ph?nomenologen und Philosophen Maurice Merleau-Ponty und Emmanuel Levinas, die psychodynamischen Analysen u. a. Didier Anzieu und Danielle Quinodoz. Der Erfahrungsraum der Berührung wird in folgenden Schritten nachgezeichnet: Einleitend wird zu fragen sein, was die Sprache an Erkenntnissen über die Berührung bereith?lt. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die ph?nomenologischen Analysen beschrieben, die den Erfahrungsraum der Berührung (synchron) erfassen. Dabei werden die Verbindungen zwischen dem Selbst und dem Objekt (Personen) im Mittelpunkt stehen, aber auch die Qualit?ten oder die Regulationsvorg?nge, die in der Berührung und durch die Berührung erbracht werden, und schlie?lich die Zeitlichkeit oder die in dem Prozess der Berührung mitschwingenden Zeiterfahrungen. Die Dimensionen der Unmittelbarkeit, der Wechselseitigkeit und des Abstands werden dabei entscheidend sein; sie werden anhand von exemplarischen Darstellungen von Berührungsmustern in der Kunstgeschichte erl?utert. In einem dritten Teil wird eine Fallvignette aus den Behandlungen der Basler Psychotherapeutischen Tagesklinik zum Ausgangspunkt genommen, um zu zeigen, wie die frühesten Berührungserfahrungen das Selbstverst?ndnis bilden und zur Ich- St?rke beitragen, und wie Psychotherapie, durch eine Berührung mit Worten, bei dem Wiederfinden oder dem neuen Entdecken von Berührung hilft. Anstelle einer Zusammenfassung wird ein Gedicht zum Thema der Berührung erneut die Frage stellen, ob Worte berühren k?nnen.  相似文献   

陈丰盛 《天风》2014,(2):40-41
一位从事婚姻家庭辅导的牧者,最初在教会开始辅导时,受到不少同工与弟兄姊妹的冷眼相看。一次,一些未婚的青年人,建议教会牧者在查经班里传讲婚前问题,被教会负责人拒绝了。后来,教会中有传言说:"某某传道人,居然去教青年人恋爱。"此事不禁使我想到——恋爱需要教吗?提到恋爱,情窦初开的男女会问:"什么时候可以开始恋爱呢?"在电视、网络发达的时代,与爱情相关的影视剧作品垂手可得。  相似文献   

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