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So far only few studies are available which have evaluated the effectiveness of psychoeducation for individuals at risk of psychosis in the early initial prodromal state (EIPS) whereas the benefit of psychoeducation in psychotic patients has been repeatedly confirmed. Thus the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of psychoeducation in individuals with increased risk of psychosis in the EIPS.


A total of 128 help-seeking outpatients in the EIPS participated in a randomized controlled multicentre trial of 12 months of either psychoeducation as part of an integrated psychological intervention (IPI) or supportive counseling (SC). The time to transition to psychosis at 12-month and 24-month follow-up as well as the social adjustment at baseline, time of transition or post-treatment by means of the social adjustment scale (SAS?II) were assessed.


The IPI was superior to SC in preventing progression to psychosis at 12-month (3.2% versus 16.9%, p?=0.008) and 24-month follow-up (6.3% versus 20.0%, p?=0.019). Both treatments resulted in significant pre-post improvements in SAS?II with no significant differences between the two groups.


Psychoeducation as part of an integrated intervention is effective for preventing the onset of psychosis over a 24-month time period in people in an EIPS. Moreover patients at risk of developing first episode psychosis seem to benefit from a specific psychoeducational intervention in the context of other treatments as well as from SC.  相似文献   

Das Anbieten psychoedukativer Trainingsprogramme ist State-of-the-Art der medizinisch-therapeutischen Behandlung von Menschen mit psychischen St?rungen. Psychoedukation sollte gleich zu Beginn der psychischen Erkrankung erfolgen und auch den Angeh?rigen oder nahen Bezugspersonen erm?glicht werden. Erwiesenerma?en ist eine Kombination aus Medikamenten und den Gruppenangeboten Psychoedukation sowie Selbsthilfe am erfolgversprechendsten für den Krankheitsverlauf. Durch psychoedukative Trainingsprogramme wird nicht nur die Lebensqualit?t der Patienten gef?rdert, sondern auch das Wissen um die Erkrankung und ihre Früherkennung. Die Patienten lernen in der Psychoedukation wie sie bei einer drohenden Wiedererkrankung reagieren mussen, um diese rasch abzufangen. Die Wichtigkeit der verschiedenen psychoedukativen Trainingsprogramme für einen günstigen Krankheitsverlauf wurde in zahlreichen Studien untersucht und immer wieder best?tigt.  相似文献   

Psychoeducation programs have been developed for patients with psychoses and also for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Psychoeducation has the function of a basic psychotherapeutic program that offers patients and their relatives a better understanding of the illness and of the treatment options as well as a means of communication at eye level with the therapists. This article introduces the Munich model of psychoeducation for BPD and the modifications for the work with relatives.  相似文献   

Despite evidence for its efficacy, diagnosis-specific psychoeducation is not routinely applied because the patient numbers per diagnosis are often too low. In an exploratory randomized and controlled trial the efficacy of a bifocal diagnosis-independent group program was tested on inpatients of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel (N?=?82) regarding clinical variables, readmission and compliance as well as course-relevant subjective attitudes over a follow-up period of 12 months by means of quantitative as well as qualitative methods. Significant group differences were found regarding compliance at 3 months and the suicide rate, both in favour of the intervention group. For most other outcome variables clear advantages for psychoeducation could be shown. A first analysis of qualitative data revealed a more favourable development in the psychoeducation group, which was statistically significant. The to date sole findings on diagnosis-independent psychoeduation justify its clinical application and further investigation.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a study carried out in Vancouver that examined the settlement and adaptation experiences of Chinese immigrants. The findings reveal that non-economic reasons such as the environment, education, and citizenship constituted the primary motivations for Chinese immigrants to move to Canada. Employment and language facilities were the most frequently cited barriers inhibiting their integration into the Vancouver social and economic spheres. Their poor economic performances, coupled with the devaluation of both their acquired Chinese educational qualifications and labour market experience, have hindered integration and increased dissatisfaction with their lives in Canada. Given the logic of our posited triangular migration model, we argue that this dissatisfaction will encourage Chinese emigration from Vancouver. Cet article présente les conclusions d’une étude effectuée à Vancouver et portant sur l’établissement et ládaptation des immigrants chinois. Les réesultate indiquent que ce sont surtout des raisons non économiques - l’environnement, ’éducation et la citoyenneté - qui ont poussé les immigrants chinois á venir au Canada. Le marché du travail et les ressources linguistiques figuraient parmi les facteurs les plus souvent évoqués comme obstacles à leur intégration aux milieux sociaux et économiques de Vancouver. Leurs faibles rendements économiques, conjuguées à la dépréciation de leur scolorité et leurs expériences professionnelles chinoises, ont nui à leur intégration tout en augmentant leur insatisfaction face à leur vie au Canada. Suivant la logique qui sous-tend notre modèle triangulaire de migration, nous maintenons que cette insatisfaction poussera la population chinoise à émigrer de Vancouver.  相似文献   

To replicate and extend previous research regarding antecedents of proactive behaviour at work, we examined four forms of work motivation (job self‐efficacy, role breadth self‐efficacy, intrinsic work motivation and role orientation) in a sample of 98 employees in software development using co‐worker rated proactive behaviour as an outcome. Correlations indicate that whereas intrinsic motivation and job self‐efficacy were not related to co‐worker rated proactive behaviour, role orientation and role breadth self‐efficacy showed significant relationships. This study stresses the importance of role breadth self‐efficacy in enhancing proactive behaviour at work.  相似文献   

Two experiments suggest that the experience of power can interact with a person's level of power motivation to produce effects on risky decision making. In Study 1, assignment to a position of power increased risk taking among participants with low levels of power motivation but reduced risk taking among participants with high levels of power motivation. In Study 2, participants high in power motivation again made more conservative decisions, but only under circumstances in which the dominance hierarchy was unstable and there was potential for losing their power. When power was irrevocable and participants' choices had no bearing on their ability to retain power, both high and low power-motivated participants responded by making riskier decisions. Findings suggest that although power may generally lead to riskier decisions, power may lead to more conservative decisions among power-motivated individuals, especially when the status quo is perceived to be in jeopardy.  相似文献   

Identity takes place in the transitional space between the individual and society. It means that the individual has the feeling to be a unique being with past and future, to be different from others but also to be similar to them in many aspects and share a great deal with them. This sense of coherence and continuity in the context of social relatedness shapes life. A differentiation is made between primary identity, personal identity and current identity. The development is essentially determined by preverbal interpersonal processes. If the balance which sustains the feeling of identity becomes lost then disturbances of the identity occur, which compromise the sense of identity especially in social contexts. An identity diffusion arises. Depending on the fixation, a differentiation is made between phase-specific identity crisis, developmental disorder and reactive identity disturbance.  相似文献   

单继刚 《世界哲学》2009,(6):155-160
忠实不必是普遍的伦理要求和译者必须达到的目标。译者有两个选择:做一个忠实者或背叛者。如果是前一个选择,译者必须尽可能地深入原文;如果是后一个选择,译者必须对他的动机和行为做出有效的辩护。译者的选择决定了原文意义的折射方向、译文的基本面貌和读者的见解空间。在一个全球交往的时代,译者必须认真对待并谨慎行使自己的"译者权力"。  相似文献   

苏喜乐  郑飞阳 《天风》1994,(收录汇总):45-47
在基督新教教会,像(圣像,Icon),往往是一个讳莫如深的话题,是一个没有太多讨论余地的存在,唯独圣经的宗教改革传统使其在新教教会没有了存在的必要,摩西律法中(参出20;参申5)关于像的诫命更是深刻地影响了世世代代基督徒对于圣像的信仰心理.  相似文献   

渊声 《天风》2009,(11):63-63
问:我是多年信徒,因丈夫生意亏空而债台高筑。为了重整旗鼓,我到处借钱,包括向教会里的姊妹,我也因此欠了她们不少钱。时间长了,越借越多,不免遭来别人异样的眼光,可我很要面子,怕人背后说我,于是就想不去教会,但这又怕人误会,以为我要逃债。我真的很难,当怎么办呢?  相似文献   

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