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Two hypotheses were tested about how young children answer questions with the quantifiers all and some: (a) that children use syntactic cues in determining which noun phrase is quantified, and (b) that children evaluate a some-statement as part of evaluating an all-statement. To test these hypotheses, the same group of 60 4- to 7-year-olds were asked four contrasting types of quantitative questions. The results indicated that children can use syntactic cues under some presentation conditions. However, there was no evidence for an asymmetry between the all-and some-questions. A model of how young children might answer quantitative questions was then considered.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined young children's ability to evaluate the relationship between concepts as one of inclusion. In Experiment 1, the same group of 4-to 7-year-old children were given three tasks: one in which they made judgments about whether “all” or “some” members of a category were included in another category, and two tasks in which they made inferences based on knowledge of inclusion relations. The majority of children succeeded on at least one of the tasks, thereby implying that they could evaluate inclusion relations. Two further experiments provided more evidence for this hypothesis: Experiment 2 confirmed that nursery children could answer quantitative questions about conceptual interrelationts; Experiment 3 demonstrated that nursery schoolers could solve certain inference problems involving the construction and evaluation of hierarchies.  相似文献   

We analyzed patterns of recovery, according to the rules of Pitres [1895, Revue de Medecine (Paris), 15, 873–899] and Ribot (1881, Les Maladies de la Memoire, Paris: Libraire Germer Baillere et Cie, pp. 146–147), in polyglot aphasics divided into subgroups by age. The rule of Ribot did not apply predictably for any age group. Pitres' rule clearly applied, but only for the nonelderly groups. Aging and its concomitant deterioration of recent memory seem to influence patterns of recovery from aphasia in polyglots.  相似文献   

Lexical innovation--the creation of a word by combining existing morphemes in a novel way (e.g. "map ball" for "globe")--was evaluated as a method for circumventing word-finding difficulty in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. Aphasic groups were matched for naming performance and compared to a control group of normal adults matched for age and education. Lexical innovations were collected during the administration of a confrontation naming test, and were then analyzed in terms of the correctness of morpheme combination, semantic accuracy, novelty, and communicative effectiveness. An innovation was considered to be communicatively effective when its intended referent was understood by a naive judge. The lexical innovations of the two aphasic groups were diametrically opposed: as compared to both Broca's aphasics and normal adults, Wernicke's aphasics innovated significantly less often, and their innovations were significantly inferior in terms of: semantic precision, the proper construction of morpheme combination, and communicative effectiveness. This pattern suggests that lack of verbal fluency may be compatible with lexical creativity, while empty logorrheic speech may be an impediment to lexical creativity. Similarly, we conclude that the agrammatism of Broca's asphasia does not interfere with lexical innovation, while the paragrammatism of Wernicke's aphasia does interfere with lexical innovation, thus suggesting that paragrammatism affects morpheme combination at the word level as well as the sentence level.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to investigate the development of a preference for minimal convergence in pictures. Pictures varying in degree of convergence from conic to parallel were observed three at a time under two conditions: monocularly at the correct station point for the conic projection, and freely with unconstrained view. Subjects were children in nursery school (age: 4 years) and first grade (age: 6 years), and adults in college. Subjects were asked to choose the “best” picture. In the correct station point condition the younger children preferred the most conic picture, while adults chose the most parallel projection significantly more frequently than either remaining choice. First-grade children were in transition between these two modes of responding. In the free view condition, the younger children showed no strong preferences, while older children and adults preferred parallel projections significantly more frequently than more convergent pictures. Results were interpreted in context of the development of the “Zoom effect,” an assumption of appropriate viewing distance 10 times as great as the size of the pictured object.  相似文献   

A qualitative difference of processing type by the two cerebral hemispheres was demonstrated in a picture arrangement task which involved a concept of temporal sequence. Half the sequences were designed to rely on analytic categorical processes and half on configurational processes. The subjects were patients with unilateral hemispheric damage of vascular etiology. Using two measures of performance, latency and errors, patients with right hemisphere damage were seen to be relatively impaired on those sequences designed to employ hypothesized right hemisphere (configurational) processing and patients with left hemisphere damage were seen to be relatively impaired on those sequences designed to employ hypothesized left hemisphere (categorical) processing.  相似文献   

Differences in performance on a variety of cognitive measures and differences in patterns of ability between learning disabled (LD) and nonlearning disabled (non-LD) children were examined. Younger and older LD and non-LD children were administered tests of central and incidental learning and selective attention. Teacher ratings of classroom hyperactivity were also examined. LD children, particularly the younger ones, performed significantly more poorly than non-LD children on both attention/memory tasks. Performance on the two tasks was consistently interrelated for the non-LD children and less consistently so for the LD subjects. Hyperactivity was also related to poorer performance on the cognitive measures. Results are discussed in terms of components of selective attention.  相似文献   

Two pilot studies and two experiments were conducted to test for relationships between mood states, self-reflection, and helpfulness. It was hypothesized that both negative and positive feelings would increase helpful reactions. In the case of negative moods, however, helpfulness would be inhibited if the induced affect engenders self-reflection by associating the bad mood with the person's self-image in a self-referencing process. To test these predictions, female undergraduates read mood-inducing statements that were either (a) negative in content and containing the personal pronoun “I”, (b) negative but not self-referencing, (c) emotionally positive in content, (d) emotionally neutral, or (e) no statements. Afterward, they were asked to complete a questionnaire and to volunteer to participate in a future study. Findings in the first experiment confirmed the hypothesis. Women who had read negative, self-referencing statements were the least likely to comply with a helpful request. The most helpful participants were those who had previously recited the negative, but not self-referencing, and the positive statements. Neutral and control subjects displayed intermediate amounts of compliance with the helping request. Questionnaire results showed that self-reflection was responsible for decreasing the helpfulness of women when negative mood was associated with some aspect of the self. A second experiment successfully replicated the major findings of the pilot studies and the first experiment.  相似文献   

The performance of 80 preschool children on a reversal problem was studied as a function of amount of training and type of training procedure used during acquisition and reversal. In the extinction phase of reversal learning, subjects given a correction procedure during the reversal problem made fewer perseverative errors than subjects given noncorrection. In the reversal midplateau phase of reversal learning, overtraining facilitated reversal learning for subjects receiving noncorrection during the acquistion problem, but not for subjects receiving correction. A shift in training procedure between acquisition and reversal increased the number of subjects who reached criterion immediately after perseveration. Since these results are difficult to explain in terms of traditional learning theories, an alternative response-switching strategy explanation was proposed.  相似文献   

The major psychobiological theory of sex differences is based on the hypothesis that hormones induce sex differences in neural organization. Hormonally masculinized or feminized brains are thought to underlie subsequent behavioral sex differences. This theory and the constructs, arguments, and evidence used in its support are closely examined. Some conceptual problems with widely used arguments are identified and discussed. Behavioral, physiological, and anatomical evidence from studies of animal sexual behavior is reviewed. It is concluded that the evidence fails to support generally accepted views that early hormones affect behavior through direct effects on brain differentiation and that behavioral differences must be located in the brain. It is argued instead that hormones coact and interact with other factors throughout development, that brain differences may result from as well as cause functional differences, and that hormone-based sources of sex differences may be located throughout the body and in the social surround. Directions for new research are suggested and implications for interpretation of human sex differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments designed to test autistic children's nonverbal and verbal categorization abilities are reported in this paper. In the first two experiments, 14 autistic children were compared to 14 retarded and 14 normal children matched on verbal mental age. Their ability to categorize pictures from basic level categories and from biological and artifactual superordinate level categories was assessed using a matching-to-sample procedure. The three groups of subjects were similar in their performance. Basic level categorization was easier than more abstract categorization, and for all three groups, prototypicality played a role in categorizing superordinate level concepts; that is, children in all three groups made more errors categorizing peripheral examples. In the third experiment, a subgroup of 7 autistic children showed evidence that their lexicons were well organized and that they appreciated the meaning relationships among words at the superordinate level. These findings suggest that autistic children do not suffer a specific cognitive deficit in the ability to categorize and form abstract concepts, as has been previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

Considerable theoretical work has been done in the area of moral reasoning. However, little conceptual thinking has been done about the relations between moral cognition and moral action. As a result, empirical research in this area has been unsystematic and difficult to interpret. A theoretical model, the Self Model, is proposed here, starting from the assumption that moral reasons are functionally related to action. First, a concept of cognitive motivation is presented as necessary for any cognitive account of morality. Two cognitive approaches to moral conduct, Piaget's and Haan's, are then discussed in their positive contributions and in their limitations. The Self Model is finally described through a set of empirically testable propositions. Its major theoretical characteristics are: it is cognitive, recognizing as the central function of human cognition the appraisal of truth; it acknowledges a basic duality of motivation, but stresses the normative pull of cognitive motivation; it is developmental; it uses the self as the central explanatory concept, establishing both the sense of personal responsibility and the dynamism of self-consistency.  相似文献   

Two lines of research—one in psycholinguistics and one in linguistics—are combined to deal with a long-standing problem in both fields: why the “performance structures” of sentences (structures based on experimental data, such as pausing and parsing values) are not fully accountable for by linguistic theories of phrase structure. Two psycholinguistic algorithms that have been used to predict these structures are described and their limitations are examined. A third algorithm, based on the prosodic structures of sentences is then proposed and shown to be a far better predictor of performance structures. It is argued that the experimental data reflect aspects of the linguistic cognitive capacity, and that, in turn, linguistic theory can offer an illuminating account of the data. The prosodic model is shown to have a wider domain of application than temporal organization per se, accounting for parsing judgments as well as pausing performance, and reflecting aspects of syntactic and semantic structure as well as purely prosodic structure. Finally, the algorithm is discussed in light of language processing.  相似文献   

Language measures of receptive and expressive vocabulary, story telling, and immediate verbal memory, as well as two perceptual tests, were administered to a group of developmentally disabled children, and three groups of normal children, one matched for chronological age, one for mean length of utterance, and one for performance on one of the perceptual tests. When diagnostic subgroups of “autism,” “childhood schizophrenia,” and “other severe disturbance” were formed using standard diagnostic tools, no language differences were found between diagnostic subgroups. When compared with the normal control groups, many of the language skills of the entire group of disabled children, and of the autistic children alone, were rather evenly delayed, showing only a relative sparing of the naming function, and a relative deficit on immediate verbal memory. Furthermore, a high correlation was found in a small subsample between the difficulty levels of morphemes in the disabled children and those reported for young normal children. Experienced special-education and early-childhood teachers could not discriminate the stories of the disabled children from those of young normal children. Analysis of the disabled children's error strategies, however, revealed features of their language not found in normal children's language: (1) extreme perseveration in test answers and stories, (2) attention to minor features of test stimuli, and (3) failure to adopt alternate, flexible communicative strategies. We conclude that the language acquisition of the developmentally disabled children is delayed but not deviant in its semantic and syntactic competence, and that current diagnostic practice does not differentiate linguistically distinct subgroups. We further argue that where developmentally disabled children do exhibit aberrant features of language, such deviance parallels similar features in other cognitive skills, and is not unique to language.  相似文献   

A left-handed woman developed visual object agnosia, prosopagnosia, and visual disorientation after resection of the right occipital lobe. Color agnosia and alexia were absent. When asked to identify objects presented visually, the patient's errors represented visually related objects (underspecifications) or perseverations. Identification was facilitated when she observed the object being used in a natural way. Identification was impaired by surrounding the object with unrelated objects, decreasing the background illumination, decreasing the duration of exposure of the object to the patient, and probably also by decreasing the visual angle subtended by the object. In addition, there were disturbances of visualization (i.e., imaging in the absence of a visual stimulus) that paralleled the perceptual difficulties. We conclude that: (1) A deficit in visual perception, characterized by insufficient feature analysis of visual stimuli, was the basis of the visual agnosia in this case. (2) The visual agnosia could not be explained by (a) a vision-language disconnection syndrome, (b) decay of visual memory traces, or (c) deficiencies in the visual fields (pathologic Funktionswandel). (3) The ability to visualize (visual imagery) probably utilizes some of the same neural pathways used in perception. (4) The results in this case probably can be generalized to some but not all cases of visual agnosia; in particular, the deficit in most previously reported patients with prosopagnosia is similar to that of our case. However, agnosic alexia and color agnosia usually have a different neuropsychological basis.  相似文献   

As a parallel to the dual decoding concept for processing of written language we proposed that phonological encoding does not necessarily occur in writing and that the phonemic and graphemic subsystems can be independent on the one-word level. This hypothesis was tested by comparing oral and written performance in a picture-naming task in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics. In addition, the residual tacit knowledge of the orthographic properties of the names of the pictures was examined with a multiple-choice recognition task. The principal finding is that Broca's aphasics who were better in written than in oral naming showed more graphemically and semantically motivated errors than aphasics who were better in oral than in written naming, the latter producing more phonemically motivated errors. This result supports the dual encoding concept for writing on the singleword level, implying a direct route from the mental lexicon to the graphemic system in parallel with a route mediated by the phonemic system. Multiple-choice recognition was found to be superior to both oral and written performance in both Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics.  相似文献   

Because speech prosody is thought to be impaired in Broca's aphasia, we conducted three experiments using Broca's aphasics and nonneurological control subjects in order to determine to what extent this statement is accurate. Using three acoustic measures of speech prosody—sentence-final fundamental frequency (F0) fall, F0 declination, and sentence-final lengthening—we found that some aspects of prosody were spared while others were abnormal. All Broca's aphasics, regardless of degree of impairment, exhibited sentence-final F0 fall. F0 declination was present in simple sentences but was absent over longer domains; moreover, the amount of declination was correlated with the degree of linguistic impairment. Sentence-final lengthening was clearly absent in Broca's aphasia; in fact, sentence-terminal words were actually shorter than their sentence-initial and medial counterparts.  相似文献   

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