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以一般结果期待的双维结构观点为基础,按照一般结果期待的乐观期待和悲观期待的水平将184名大学生样本划分为明显乐观、明显悲观、双重倾向和倾向不明四个类型,进而探讨不同类型大学生在创业投资情境下一般结果期待对风险决策偏好的影响。结果表明,风险概率、描述框架与一般结果期待的交互作用显著,在低风险概率、积极框架下,双重倾向型一般结果期待大学生比其他三个类型的大学生表现出明显的风险寻求偏好。  相似文献   

气质性乐观与心理健康关系的元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用元分析方法分别探讨了气质性乐观与心理健康的积极指标和消极指标的关系。共有106项研究满足了元分析的标准,涉及气质性乐观与心理健康积极指标的研究有70项,包括83个独立样本(N=30627);涉及气质性乐观与心理健康消极指标的研究有75项,包括105个独立样本(N=39064)。元分析结果发现:(1)整体上气质性乐观与心理健康积极指标有显著正相关(r=0.41),与心理健康消极指标有显著负相关(r=-0.41)。(2)气质性乐观与不同心理健康指标的相关有显著差异,积极指标中,与自尊的相关最高;消极指标中,与抑郁的相关最高。(3)气质性乐观测量工具的差异对其与心理健康的关系没有显著影响。(4)不同年龄阶段群体中气质性乐观与心理健康的关系没有显著差异。(5)文化背景差异对两者的关系有显著影响,西方文化中气质性乐观与心理健康的相关高于东方文化中的相关。  相似文献   

We examined in a longitudinal study whether dispositional optimism (as measured by the Life Orientation Test) predicts success in making health changes associated with lower risk of coronary heart disease. Subjects were 22 patients participating in an 18 week cardiac rehabilitation program. As part of the program all patients were assigned goals (e.g., reduce weight by 20 lbs) designed to decrease the risk of a cardiac event. Optimism measured at the outset of the program was associated with greater success in achieving lower levels of saturated fat, body fat, and global coronary risk, and with greater success in increasing aerobic capacity by the end of the program. Moreover, these effects were significant after controlling for the magnitude of the goal, the number of health changes, and negative affect.  相似文献   

Explanatory style and dispositional optimism have been linked to physical health. In this issue, Peterson and Seligman and Carver and Scheier review an impressive series of studies which together suggest that there may be health risks associated with attributing bad outcomes to internal, stable, and global causes and with failing to maintain a generalized expectancy for good outcomes. We attempt to broaden the scope of these studies by describing the situational constraints on the observed relations and by presenting evidence that there may be health risks, as well as benefits, associated with dispositional optimism and an optimistic explanatory style.  相似文献   


This paper’s aim is to propose a mediation framework and test whether lifestyle choices and social capital are pathways through which baseline levels of well-being affect subsequent physical health among older adults. Using large-scale panel data for Australia, we find that past levels of well-being have strong direct effects on present physical health. We also show that more frequent socialization and more frequent participation in physical activity are two pathways through which higher levels of well-being lead to better physical health. These mediating effects vary across gender. Our findings highlight a protective role of subjective well-being in physical health. Interventions taking into account not only the direct but also the indirect effects of well-being are promising avenues for physical health maintenance in the older population.


在积极心理学中,希望和乐观虽然存在很大程度的概念重叠,但二者本质上是不同的概念。希望的概念核心是以目标为中心的动力思维和路径思维,乐观的概念核心是指向未来的积极预期。作为两种指向未来的积极预期,希望和乐观属于人格特质的范畴,共同成分是对目标的信念;二者的差异性在于对未来预期的方式和对预期事件的个人控制。相关研究发现,相对于乐观,希望通常是主观幸福感和学业成就更好的预测指标。未来研究应明确希望和乐观的整合,验证是否存在控制点的调节作用,并开展跨文化研究。  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to explore the impact of self-efficacy on depression – specifically, to test and verify the mediating role of dispositional optimism between the two variables. Five hundred and thirty-five undergraduates from two universities were recruited and given a Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Revised Life Orientation Test, and Self-Rating Depression Scale. Results indicated that there are indeed significant relationships among self-efficacy, dispositional optimism, and each identified dimension of depression; structural equation modeling showed that the relationship between self-efficacy and depression is partially mediated by dispositional optimism. To this effect, we concluded that to develop and improve students’ self-efficacy will reduce their levels of depression, which may have implications in college counseling.  相似文献   

When Goals Conflict But People Prosper: The Case of Dispositional Optimism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimistic persistence in pursuing goals may have beneficial consequences such as protection against negative affect and greater likelihood of goal attainment, but persistence can also result in greater likelihood of goal conflict, which can have negative consequences. Two studies, one cross-sectional (N = 100) and one longitudinal (N = 77), found that optimism associated with higher goal conflict. However, objectively rated goal conflict did not significantly undermine adjustment, and when balance among goal value, expectancy, and conflict was considered, optimism associated with better balance. In turn, balance accounted for part of optimists' better goal progress over the course of a semester. Although goal conflict may have costs, these costs appear to be offset by accompanying benefits, particularly for optimists.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is an invasive and taxing treatment for certain cancers. This study investigated the psychological constructs of optimism and dispositional coping and their relative predictive role for situational coping. Participants were 85 cancer patients enrolled in a randomized clinical trial of T-cell depletion for prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) who completed baseline and 1-year interviews. Results of simultaneous regression analyses showed that optimism did not predict situational instrumental or palliative coping strategies but was negatively predictive of situational avoidant coping. Each of the three situational coping strategies was most strongly predicted by the corresponding dispositional coping strategy. This research was sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: N01-HB-47095, N01-HB-47097, N01-HB-47094 and N01-HB-47098.  相似文献   

This study investigated the moderating influence of expectancy accessibility on the relation between outcome expectancies and drug use intentions. Specifically, it was hypothesized that expectancies made temporarily more accessible would predict smokeless tobacco intentions to a greater degree than would less accessible expectancies. In addition, it was anticipated that expectancies regarding positive outcomes of smokeless tobacco use would be better predictors of intention than would expectancies about negative outcomes. Results partially supported the accessibility hypothesis, but this effect occurred for positive outcome expectancies only. In addition, the anticipated prepotency of positive over negative expectancies in predicting drug use intentions was strongly supported. These findings are consistent with theories of problem behavior which differentiate between positive and negative outcome expectancies and which postulate that accessibility of expectancies plays an important role in expectancy-behavior relations.  相似文献   

This research examined the relation between dispositional optimism and judgments of future life events and whether this relation is moderated by affective states. In this study the moderating role of experimentally induced affective states, using film clips (N = 259), was investigated. After filling in the questionnaire for dispositional optimism, the participants were randomly assigned in the experimental conditions in order to induce positive versus negative affective states. Finally, the participants filled in the affective states and judgments of future life events scales. The results indicated that the participants with a higher level of optimism had the tendency to judge positive events as more likely and negative events as less likely to happen in the future. We found evidence for affective states as moderators; the association between dispositional optimism and judgments of future positive events depended on experimentally induced affective states. Specifically, in positive affective state condition, the association between dispositional optimism and judgments of future positive events was weaker than in both negative affective state and control conditions. The implications of these findings for understanding the role of optimism and affective states, in determining the judgments about the likelihood of future events are discussed.  相似文献   

College students (76 females. 32 males) were shown videotaped clips from popular films depicting either (a) desirable outcomes of drinking distilled spirits, (b) undesirable outcomes of drinking distilled spirits, or (c) no portrayals of distilled spirits. After presenting the film clips, we assessed their alcohol outcome expectancies and intentions to drink alcoholic beverages in the next week Participants in the positive film condition endorsed more positive expectancies than did participants in the control condition, and participants in the positive and negative film conditions endorsed more negative expectancies than did the participants in the control condition. Intentions to drink distilled spirits in the next week did not differ by film condition.  相似文献   

采用生活取向测量、应对方式量表对514名初中生进行调查,旨在了解人格型乐观主义、应对策略与学业成绩之间的关系。运用相关分析和回归分析的方法对它们的关系进行了考察。结果发现初中生积极和消极应对策略在其乐观主义影响学业成绩中的中介效应不显著,在不同学业成绩群体中,乐观主义、应对策略和学业成绩的关系会产生变化,乐观主义和积极应对策略对学业成绩有显著的预测力。  相似文献   

Three studies examined whether personality-based hardiness would be associated with mental health benefits in contexts of gender discrimination. Hardy women encountering both a laboratory simulation and a hypothetical scenario of discrimination showed greater self-esteem and less negative affect than low hardy women. However, these benefits were mediated by the use of specific attributions, suggesting that well-being in hardy women may have been achieved through minimizing the pervasiveness of discrimination. The third study showed this mediation pattern occurred only for participants exposed to higher threat scenarios versus lower threat scenarios of discrimination. Thus, minimizing the pervasiveness of discrimination may have been a threat-reducing tool for high hardy women. Bandura's (1997) self-efficacy theory was used as a possible explanation for this finding.  相似文献   

Compassion fatigue (CMF) arises as a consequence of secondary exposure to distress and can be elevated in some health practitioners. Locus of control and dispositional optimism are aspects of personality known to influence coping style. To investigate whether these personality traits influence CMF risk, we surveyed 355 genetic counselors about their CMF, locus of control orientation, and degree of dispositional optimism. Approximately half of respondents reported they experience CMF; 26.6% had considered leaving their job due to CMF symptoms. Mixed-method analyses revealed that genetic counselors having an external locus of control and low optimism were at highest risk for CMF. Those at highest risk experienced moderate-to-high burnout, low-to-moderate compassion satisfaction, and tended to rely on religion/spirituality when coping with stress. CMF risk was not influenced by years in practice, number of genetic counselor colleagues in the workplace, or completion of graduate training in this area. Recommendations for practice and education are outlined.  相似文献   

大学生归因方式、气质性乐观与心理幸福感的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷调查的方法,对350名大学生的归因方式、气质性乐观与心理幸福感(即抑郁、生活满意度)的关系进行了研究,结果表明:(1)归因方式问卷的总分与气质性乐观、生活满意度呈显著负相关,与抑郁呈显著正相关,气质性乐观与抑郁呈显著负相关,与生活满意度呈显著正相关;(2)归因方式的自身性维度上,乐观者、悲观者的归因方式无显著性差异;持久性和整体性维度上,对可控性低水平事件的归因方式无显著性差异,对中、高水平事件,悲观者的归因方式比乐观者更悲观;(3)归因方式对抑郁、生活满意度的影响以气质性乐观为中介变量.  相似文献   

采用经济信心问卷、职业决策自我效能量表和气质性乐观问卷对606名大学生进行调查,考察了大学生经济信心与其职业决策自我效能的关系,以及气质性乐观在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)大学生的经济信心与其职业决策自我效能显著正相关;(2)气质性乐观在大学生经济信心与其职业决策自我效能的关系中起调节作用。其中,当大学生为低气质性乐观时,其职业决策自我效能随着经济信心的增长而大幅增强;当大学生为高气质性乐观时,其职业决策自我效能也受经济信心的影响,但是其变化远不如低气质性乐观大学生显著。  相似文献   

目的在医学生中探讨气质性乐观、生活事件与自杀意念的关系。方法采用自杀意念自评量表以及乐观问卷、青少年生活事件量表对两所医学院校的800名临床医学专业学生进行调查。结果①应激事件对医学生的自杀意念水平有正向预测作用,应激事件越严重,学生的自杀意念水平越高;②气质性乐观对应激事件与自杀意念之间的关系具有调节作用。结论气质性乐观是负性生活事件与自杀意念之间的调节器。  相似文献   

Some individuals are prone to illness, decline, and premature mortality while others recover quickly, maintain health, and live long lives. Personality, an individual’s biopsychosocial pattern of reactions and behaviors, is related to health across time, but the pathways are complex, with interrelated causal and non‐causal links. Causal pathways linking personality and health include: health behaviors and habits; number and quality of social relationships; reactions to challenges and psychophysiological stress; and situation selection and evocation. Important but non‐causal (spurious) links include: genes and early experiences; and disease‐caused personality changes. Attending to the multiple links between personality and health within a lifespan perspective will aid causal understanding and facilitate the most appropriate interventions.  相似文献   


Research indicates that brief 2-min positive psychology interventions (PPIs) increase well-being during COVID-19 lockdowns. The present study extended this to assess the effectiveness over two-weeks. Participants (n?=?150) were randomly allocated to one of three PPIs; nostalgia, gratitude, best possible self (BPS), or control. The interventions were slightly adapted for the lockdown and were completed three times, every seven days over two-weeks. Well-being measures were completed immediately after the first intervention (T1), after the next two interventions (T2?T3) and at one-week follow-up (T4) (but no baseline measure of well-being was taken). At T1, participants in the nostalgia, gratitude, and BPS intervention had higher self-esteem than those in the control intervention. At T1 and T2, participants in the gratitude and BPS intervention reported higher social connectedness than participants in the nostalgia and control intervention. Then at follow-up (T4), participants in the nostalgia, gratitude, and BPS intervention had lower fear of COVID-19 than those in the control intervention. Overall, the results show the benefits of nostalgia, gratitude and optimism, compared to the control, during lockdown.


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