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Initial evidence suggests that gains in relationship functioning from brief, web‐based programs are maintained through one year following the intervention; however, whether these results generalize to a low‐income sample is unclear. Furthermore, previous research from in‐person couple therapy suggests there may be different shapes of maintenance slopes for behavioral versus acceptance‐based techniques. This study contacted 668 individuals who enrolled in online behavioral (ePREP) or acceptance‐based (OurRelationship) programs one year following completion of the program. Multilevel modeling was used to examine linear and quadratic rates of change in the year following the online intervention as well as total amount of change from pretreatment to 12‐month follow‐up for both relationship and individual functioning. The majority of couples who responded continued to be in a relationship with the same partner (68.3%). Examinations of relationship functioning indicated couples in both programs maintained their gains over follow‐up (i.e., no significant linear or quadratic changes), with medium‐to‐large within‐group effect sizes from pre‐ to one‐year follow‐up. There were no significant differences in relationship outcomes between OurRelationship and ePREP. Similarly, examinations of individual functioning outcomes indicated couples maintained their gains over follow‐up or continued to improve. In total, couples experienced small‐to‐medium within‐group effect sizes from pretreatment to one‐year follow‐up, with larger effects for individuals who were initially distressed. These results suggest that online programs create lasting change for low‐income couples in relationship and individual functioning, with minimal differences between behavioral and acceptance‐based orientations.  相似文献   

Engagement in online interventions, defined as the extent to which participants are involved in and attentive to the contents of the intervention, has been shown to predict treatment outcome. However, participant engagement and program completion are often quite low. Aiming to provide insights that could help improve engagement, this study explores engagement in an online intervention for young couples with breast cancer, Couplelinks, by describing the development of a method to assess engagement, presenting a framework for understanding varying engagement levels, and discussing strategies used by Couplelinks facilitators to work with participants of differing engagement levels. The measure of engagement developed for this study was a composite consisting of indices of average completion time, accountability, and attitude. Utilizing this composite measure, the following distinct “couple types,” with varying levels of engagement, were discerned: (a) “keen” couples, (b) “compliant” couples, (c) “apologetic” couples, and (d) “straggling” couples. Facilitators’ approaches to working with each type of couple and suggestions for potential therapeutic applications are discussed. The finding that couples vary in terms of engagement level, and not solely based on facilitator skill and/or involvement, supports the need to better understand the concept of engagement in order to make online interventions more effective.  相似文献   

从网络同一性实验与自我同一性间关系的分歧出发,提出相应的理论模型,考察网络社交倾向的调节作用及强迫性网络使用的中介作用。本研究采用网络同一性实验量表、自我同一性实验问卷以及强迫性网络使用量表对275名大学生进行了测量,结果表明:(1)网络社交倾向对网络同一性实验与自我同一性的关系具有调节作用。对于线下社交倾向的大学生,网络同一性实验对自我同一性有消极预测作用;但对于线上社交倾向的大学生,中等程度的网络同一性实验会积极预测自我同一性的发展;(2)强迫性网络使用在网络同一性实验与自我同一性的关系中起完全中介作用。总之,网络同一性实验整体上不利于大学生自我同一性的发展,但若把握好"度"也可以发挥其积极作用。  相似文献   

This report describes the 3 year outcomes of three different variants of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program, a behavioural family intervention. Families were randomly assigned to one of three intervention conditions or to a waitlist condition. At 1 year follow-up there were similar improvements on observational and self-report measures of preschooler disruptive behaviour for Enhanced, Standard and Self Directed variants of Triple P. At 3 year follow-up (completed by 139 families), each condition showed a similar level of maintenance of intervention effects. Approximately 2/3 of preschoolers who were clinically elevated on measures of disruptive behaviour at pre-intervention moved from the clinical to the non-clinical range. Across conditions, there was a comparable preventive effect for each intervention for these high risk children. The implications of the findings for the development of brief, cost effective parenting interventions within a public health framework are discussed.  相似文献   




以366名大学生为被试,采用大学生网络利他行为量表、青少年网络社会支持问卷和大学生利他行为问卷,考察网络社会支持在现实利他行为与网络利他行为关系中的中介作用和调节作用。结果表明:(1)大学生网络利他行为的总平均分显著低于中等临界值,而现实利他行为和网络社会支持的总平均分显著高于中等临界值。(2)现实利他行为、网络社会支持与网络利他行为存在显著的正相关。(3)网络社会支持在现实利他行为与网络利他行为关系间起着完全中介作用。(4)网络社会支持对现实利他行为与网络利他行为的关系又具有调节作用,现实利他行为对网络利他行为的影响在高网络社会支持的个体中要比低网络社会支持的个体更明显。  相似文献   

为考察网络社交媒体使用对青少年生活满意度的影响及其内在心理机制—自我同一性状态的中介作用,采用问卷法对2634名青少年进行调查。结果表明:(1)网络社交媒体使用无法直接预测青少年生活满意度,但可以通过自我同一性状态这一中介变量产生间接影响;(2)网络社交媒体使用对青少年心理发展呈现双重作用,既能通过加强成就型自我同一性状态提高生活满意度,也可以通过增强弥散型自我同一性状态进而削弱青少年生活满意度。  相似文献   

网络亲密关系作为网络领域中的一种新现象,其建立的方式、维持和破裂的过程与现实亲密关系是存在差异的。网络亲密关系比现实亲密关系更加完美化,但存在更多的情感性背叛。害羞人格特质的个体、高焦虑依恋特征的个体、性开放者和感情丰富的个体、婚恋受挫的个体更易形成网络亲密关系。网络亲密关系是如何随着时间发展的、及网络亲密关系是如何转变成现实亲密关系等问题有待进一步研究  相似文献   

A 14-h version of TOGETHER, a relationship and financial education program for couples (Author, 2015), was evaluated by comparing pre- and post-intervention changes in psychological distress, relationship functioning, and financial management in couples that participated in this shorter 14-h workshop (14HW) version, in the original 20-h workshop (20HW) version, or in a control group that received no intervention. The total sample included 649 community couples (14HW group: 320; 20HW group:182; control group: 147) recruited from the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. Self-report data were analyzed through dyadic multilevel models to test mean differences within each group (control, 14HW, and 20HW) and across groups from pre-intervention to post-intervention controlling for demographic differences and baseline measurement of variables. Compared to the 20HW version, the 14HW format had lower attrition and greater participation. In addition, improvements in positive conflict management, relationship quality and satisfaction, and commitment, and reductions in negative conflict management and difficulties paying bills were not significantly different from the 20HW group, but they were significantly different from the control group. Participants reported high levels of program satisfaction. Limitations and programmatic implications, as well as the need for further evaluations of the 14HW version, are discussed.  相似文献   

从社会认知理论的视角来探讨网络社会支持和网络人际信任的关系,并在此基础上提出了一个有调节的中介模型,考察网络社交效能的中介作用以及自尊的调节作用.采用整群抽样法对432名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明:(1)网龄对网络人际信任有显著的负向预测作用;网络社会支持对网络人际信任具有显著正向预测作用;(2)网络社交效能在网络社会支持与网络人际信任的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)网络社会支持通过网络社交效能对网络人际信任的间接效应受到自尊的调节.对高自尊个体而言,网络社交效能起部分中介作用;对低自尊个体而言,网络社交效能的中介效应不显著,网络社会支持对网络人际信任只有直接作用.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined changes in parenting skills and child behavior following participation in an online positive parenting skills program designed for young children with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Thirty-seven families with a child between 3 and 9 years of age who sustained a moderate to severe TBI were randomly assigned to one of two interventions: online parenting skills training (n = 20) or access to Internet resources on managing brain injury (n = 17). Parent–child interaction observations and parent ratings of child behavior were collected pre- and post-treatment. Generalized estimating equations and mixed models were used to examine changes in parenting skills and child behavior problems as well as the moderating role of family income on treatment response. Participants in the parenting skills group displayed significant improvements in observed positive parenting skills relative to participants in the Internet resource group. Income moderated improvements in parent ratings of child behavior, with participants in the low-income parenting skills group and high-income Internet resource group reporting the greatest improvements in behavior. This is the first randomized controlled trial examining online parenting skills training for families of young children with TBI. Improvements in positive parenting skills and child behavior support the utility of this intervention, particularly for families from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Alexithymia is associated with increased depressive symptoms in both clinical and community samples. One way that alexithymia may lead to depression is through its impact on interpersonal relationships. Individuals with alexithymia report lower perceived social support, intimacy, and relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, poor relationship functioning is a clear risk factor for depressive symptoms. Given the established alexithymia–depression link and marital dysfunction–depression link, a logical next step is to examine whether relationship dysfunction (low social support, intimacy, negative relationship behaviours, and relationship dissatisfaction) mediates the association between alexithymia and depressive symptoms. The hypothesized mediation model was assessed in a sample of 104 community couples with two analytical approaches—first with cross‐sectional measures using path analysis and second with daily diary measures collected over a seven‐day period using a multilevel modelling approach. Poor relationship functioning mediated the association between alexithymia and depressed mood in the daily diary data and partially mediated that association with the cross‐sectional measures. These results identify alexithymia as an important variable in understanding the marital functioning–depression association, and this finding has implications for treatment. Copyright © 2012 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

互联网使用与青少年自我认同的生态关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
雷雳  陈猛 《心理科学进展》2005,13(2):169-177
互联网已经渗透到人们日常生活的方方面面,给社会及个人带来了广泛而深远的影响,正处于人生的关键时期的青少年更是首当其冲。依据Bronfenbrenner的生态学模型,该文从微系统、中系统、宏系统以及处于生态系统中心的青少年自身4个方面,分别论述了互联网使用与青少年自我认同的形成与发展的密切关系,从而提供了有关互联网使用对青少年身心发展的影响方面的一些初步知识  相似文献   

以武汉三所高校大一至大四491名全日制大学生为被试,采用《大学生网络社会支持问卷》、《自尊量表》、《网络空间人际信任问卷》和《大学生网络利他行为量表》进行问卷调查,对大学生的网络利他行为、网络社会支持、自尊以及网络人际关系情况进行调查,探讨自尊是否在网络社会支持和网络利他行为之间存在中介作用,以及这个过程是否受到网络人际信任的调节。结果显示: (1)大学生网络社会支持能够显著正向预测网络利他行为;(2)自尊在网络社会支持和网络利他行为的关系之间起部分中介作用;(3)网络人际信任在网络社会支持与自尊之间起调节作用。即在高网络人际信任水平下,网络社会支持能正向影响个体自尊水平;在低网络人际信任水平下,网络社会支持对个体自尊的影响不显著。  相似文献   

同伴关系的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
同伴关系因其在个体心理社会适应中的重要作用而受到研究者的广泛重视。本文介绍了作者及其团队在同伴关系领域基于13年的"中美儿童同伴关系数据库"开展的长期研究工作,主要包括儿童同伴关系的影响因素及影响后效、同伴关系的追踪研究、同伴关系的中美比较和网络同伴关系等主题,较为全面地阐述了儿童同伴关系领域的现有研究基础,概括了儿童同伴关系的童年期特点、发展趋势及其文化差异,总结了对儿童同伴关系及其发展的主要指标研究得到的结论,并从网络交往、同伴关系的社会网络分析和个体中心的分析等视角指出了同伴关系领域后续研究的可行方向。  相似文献   

Korean American (KA) immigrants experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) underutilize existing services, but instead rely on KA clergy for assistance. However, there had not yet been an intervention curriculum developed for KA clergy to help them address IPV in their congregations. There was a lack of understanding regarding what needed to be included in an intervention curriculum for KA clergy, as well as the most effective form of curriculum design and delivery for such an intervention. This article discusses the process of developing an online IPV intervention curriculum for KA clergy to increase their capacity for IPV prevention and intervention within their congregations. Researchers developed Korean Clergy for Healthy Families by incorporating feedback from expert consultants and engaging study participants. The result is an IPV curriculum that speaks to participants’ cultural values and religious beliefs, and identifies barriers KA clergy experience when confronted with IPV. Specific steps to assist those who would want to develop culturally appropriate interventions are provided.  相似文献   

从互联网对医患之间信息不对称影响的视角,分析了互联网对患者、医生和医患关系的影响,发现互联网在一定程度上扭转了医患之间的信息不时称,相较于医生,互联网对患者的影响更大,信息赋权带来了角色改变,给医生带来了挑战,并对现有的医患关系产生影响,但并没有从根本上改变现有的医患关系结构.  相似文献   

Little is known about the characteristics of individual participants for whom particular marriage preparation interventions are most helpful and change producing. Data collected from 1,655 intervention participants via the online RELATionship Evaluation Questionnaire (RELATE) were used to analyze the association of eight individual personality characteristics with perceived helpfulness and positive change resulting from participation in four marriage preparation interventions (classes, community workshops, premarital counseling, self-directed) and whether this association would also be related to gender, age, and education of the participants. General linear modeling (GLM) analysis revealed different patterns of prediction for each type of intervention. Kindness was identified most often, predicting perceived change in individual, couple, and context areas among community workshop participants, perceived couple-level change, and helpfulness among self-directed participants, and perceived individual-level change among class participants. No factors significantly predicted perceived helpfulness and change among premarital counseling participants. Implications for premarital interventions are discussed.  相似文献   


Three studies examine discriminant and predictive validity of a self-report measure of self -efficacy in romantic relationships (Self-Efficacy in Romantic Relationships; SERR). Study 1 indicates SERR scores predict relationship anxiety and expectations of relationship success when general self-efficacy, self-esteem, social desirability, and efficacy beliefs about relating to specific relationship partners are considered. Study 2 indicates SERR scores predict later relationship satisfaction and commitment when relationship type and length are considered. Study 3 indicates that SERR scores predict later relationship outcomes when other self-efficacy indicators are considered. The SERR assesses broad feelings of relationship self-efficacy, independent of specific relationships or partners.  相似文献   

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