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Dividing, Separating and Unifying. EPR Without Holism. In the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics parts of composed systems are correlated in a non-causal way, they are ontologically dependent on each other. In this paper I try to defend traditional realism giving a non-holistic interpretation of the EPR-paradox. An analysis of events in the macroscopic world shows that dividing and unifying objects is quite dif-ferent from changing (modifying) objects. In application to quantum mechanics I argue that a measurement at a given single-system changes (modifies) this object, but the EPR-measurement divides the given object. Therefore this given object is an undivided and dividable One and not a composed system. If parts are produced (by EPR-measurement) correlations do not occur.
Teilen, Trennen und Vereinen: EPR ohne Holismus

Zusammenfassung Wenngleich viele Schwangerschaften und Geburten komplikationslos verlaufen, können bei werdenden Müttern psychische Missstimmungen wie Ängstlichkeit oder depressive Gestimmtheit infolge individueller psychosozialer Veränderungen auftreten. Dies gilt insbesondere für Schwangerschaften mit Komplikationen wie vorzeitige Wehentätigkeit und Gestosen. Die ätiologischen Faktoren solcher Komplikationen sind bisher häufig ungeklärt. Allerdings gibt es zahlreiche Hinweise auf eine Mitbeteiligung von Stress an der Entstehung der genannten Pathologien. Das sympathikoadrenomedulläre System und die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Plazenta-Achse scheinen die körperlichen Effekte von psychosozialen Belastungen zu modulieren. Auch die Entstehung postpartaler psychischer Störungen kann durch Stresserleben während der Geburt, wie beispielsweise einer sekundären Sectio, beeinflusst werden. Aus diesen Gründen ist es wichtig, der psychosozialen Anpassung an eine Schwangerschaft besondere Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und bei ausgeprägten Problemen frühzeitig eine psychotherapeutische Mitbehandlung einzuleiten.  相似文献   

Based on attachment theory and love style typology, this study focuses on the relation between experiences in romantic relationships and mental health in a clinical sample. 117 outpatients of a psychosomatic clinic took part in the study. Self-report measures were used to assess relationship quality, attachment dimensions, love styles and correlates of mental disorders. Compared to a student sample, the patients’ reports refer to lower relationship quality. They experience more anxiety and less romantic feelings in their relationships which is especially true for women. Furthermore, anxiety, jealousy and altruism in the patients’ relationships are related to a variety of correlates of mental disorders including psychosomatic complaints. Results indicate that experiences in romantic relationships are strongly associated with general psychological well-being.  相似文献   

In times of crisis such as the Reformation, the quest for the true Church comes into focus. In Luther's most important contribution to this question, Von den Konziliis und Kirchen (1539), he rejects the idea that the history of Fathers and Councils could be the solution, though the Councils are significant as defence of the biblical faith. Instead, Luther identifies the true Church as the place where the Spirit sanctifies believers through the word of God, which is the most important nota ecclesiae. The presence of the divine as fact and goal is thus what characterises the true Church.  相似文献   

Certification in forensic psychiatry in the United States has previously included testing for the appropriate fund of knowledge and in various ways and degrees the skills needed to practice this subspecialty competently. Today explicit attention is increasingly being given to supporting methods for forensic psychiatrists to systematically identify and then fortify areas of weakness in forensic knowledge and skill sets. The development of certification in forensic psychiatry can be traced through four phases: (1) certification in general psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) a prerequisite for certification in forensic psychiatry in each of the three certification phases to follow, (2) certification in forensic psychiatry by the American Board of Forensic Psychiatry (ABFP), (3) certification and recertification in forensic psychiatry by the ABPN and (4) certification, recertification and maintenance of certification by the ABPN. The level of actual competence has always been a challenge to assess adequately and today is both supported and further challenged by measures designed to encourage a lifetime of learning and focused self-improvement required through the ABPN??s maintenance of certification program.  相似文献   

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