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自《尚书》起,中国人便形成了一种建立在认知基础上的"践行"系统,此后,由于传统天命观的崩塌和德性生命的凸显及其个体化落实,因而从孔子起,经过子思、孟子之继起阐发,儒家又形成了一种建立在个体之慎独、诚意基础上的"践形"系统。所以到了宋明理学,其知行观便既有发自认知系统基础上的"践行"系统,也有以《孟子》《大学》为基础的"践形"系统;而王阳明的"知行合一"说,则属于从"践形"系统出发对于程朱建立在认知基础上之"践行"系统的一种根本性扭转。这一扭转,固然在一定程度上干扰了人们的认知程序,却由此凸显了道德理性与认知理性的深层分歧及其不同的人生作用。  相似文献   

朱子、阳明、牟宗三对《孟子》"尽心知性"章都有详尽的论述。朱子是知行相须的《大学》解,以尽心知性为知,存心养性为行,夭寿不贰、修身以俟为智之尽、仁之至,其失在从认知角度解尽心不合孟子的义理框架。阳明是知行合一的《中庸》解,将此章比配为生知安行的圣人工夫、学知利行的贤人工夫以及困知勉行的学者工夫,其失在如此比配使此章失去了在成德实践中的普遍意义。牟宗三则是修身立命的《孟子》解,在道德实践中证知本心真性,在存心养性中事天无违,从而挺立正命、超越气命,其失一在以心、性、天为本体上是一,不知通过工夫也可实现是一,二在以尽心知性与存心养性对应于积极工夫与消极工夫,不解其有创业工夫与守成工夫之别。  相似文献   

<周易>思想是阳明心学的思想渊源之一.其知行合一说与致良知说都运用了<周易>的思想资源,将"内求于心"的道德内求思想发挥到极致,完善地表达了关于本体、工夫一致的思想,最终的目的则是成就一种光明俊伟的人格,使人的自然生命和道德生命在本质上获得圆融一致的和谐.  相似文献   

大学之道以格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身相贯通而齐家、治国、平天下相分途或相递进的进路,指明了所有人都须以修身成德为本,从而基于各自的主客观条件而明明德、亲民乃至止于至善。大学之道将成德进路得以实现的基础确立在可以被概括为"体知"的身心工夫之上。大学之道的本末内外观、身心工夫论和道德社会说,对于当今人们的立身行己、为人处世乃至实现社会和谐,都仍然具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

致良知宗旨的提出标志着致良知或致知获得了在阳明工夫论中的首出地位。致知即是依循良知以好善恶恶。良知本体在为工夫提供明确准则的同时,也直接提供了充分的动力。由此,工夫变得不仅可靠,而且简易,这是阳明将致知提至首出地位的主要原因。不过,阳明并未放弃诚意的首出地位,只是诚意在他中晚年工夫论中发挥着不同作用。诚意的含义是努力使发自本体的好善恶恶之念充实于意念,阳明中年工夫论主要以此克服支离而保证工夫的切要,其晚年工夫论则以此督促学者真切用功,从而纠正学者出于工夫简易而不信良知或轻忽怠惰的倾向。事实上,致知和诚意均包含好善恶恶这一良知工夫的核心意涵,只不过两者侧重有所不同。致知突出了工夫具有本体指引和推动这一面向,诚意突出的则是意念专一与自我驱动的面向,正是后者促成学者落实致知工夫。也正因为致知和诚意只是从不同角度揭示同一工夫的内涵,故两者同具首出地位这一点并不构成矛盾。  相似文献   

儒家的"意"范畴及宋明以后出现的"主意"学说,与道家所言之"意"干系甚微.对"主意"学说的形成、发展有直接影响的是儒、佛两家对"意"之范畴的诠释与阐述.儒学的"意"范畴,既可从"毋意"说出发而作私意、意念之理解,又可从"诚意"说出发而作意向、志意之解读;既可基于工夫论而把"诚意"视为"欲诚之意",又可基于本体论而把"诚意"视为"已诚之意";既可使"意"与"志"相结合,又可使"意"与"念"相并列.明中叶后"主意"一词由工夫层面的"诚意"范畴提升为本体层面的"意根"范畴,这种转变,既有历史逻辑的承继关系,又有阳明心学之修正思潮的现实推动.  相似文献   

陈林 《管子学刊》2020,(2):95-100
用"涵养须用敬,进学则在致知"来概括朱子的工夫思想并不十分精准。"中和新说"后,朱子通过引入小学工夫和知行工夫两个理论,厘清了工夫次第问题,进一步发展了自己的工夫思想。最终,朱子构建起了一套"知之在先,行之在后;主敬涵养与格物穷理交融共进,敬贯通主敬涵养与格物穷理"的工夫思想体系。  相似文献   

船山提出"正心之学不讲久矣",明确主张以"先正其心"为圣学提纲之要;以志解心,持志以定心,提出学者当"以大心正志为本",着重阐发了"志"作为本体与工夫的双重意蕴。在《大学》系统,尤其是"心意之辨"的分疏中,船山厘清了"正心"的内涵及其主宰下的工夫脉络。船山构建出"正心"作为工夫节目的独特意义以及以之基础的理论系统。从朱子"格物教"、阳明"良知教"、蕺山"诚意教"进一步转进到船山"正心教",再次印证了《大学》对宋明理学范式转换的型塑作用,体现了理学心性论内在接续与转进的新形态。  相似文献   

孟子的"践形"观是其道德哲学的末端,更是其最高体现。在先秦身心观发展的背景下,孟子从个体内在最深层的"工夫"着手,层层扩充展开,得出内在道德达到一定程度会充斥于形相,表现出特定气度的结论。同时,孟子的"践形"观在后世也得到不断的阐释与发展,并在美学意义上建构起美的典型形象,促进了新的美学范畴的生发。  相似文献   

近代易学大师尚秉和先生解易有返归汉学的倾向,着重于象数的阐发,其阴阳相须的"易理"思想,有别于易学史中义理派之"义理".尚先生认为"易理"是存在于<周易>自身的本然之理,"同性相敌,异性相感"的阴阳之理乃"易理"的具体的内涵,进而指出在<周易>经传文中屡次出现的"敌"、"类"、"朋"等概念,正是针对"易理"之中的"同性相敌,异性相感"的阴阳关系而产生的.其中,阳与阳或阴与阴同性相遇为"敌",阴与阳异性相遇则为"类"、为"朋(友)".对比帛书<周易>中的"敌"、"类"、"朋"的相关论述,发现尚氏所谓的反映阴阳关系的"敌"、"类"、"朋"并没有在帛书<周易>中展现出"<周易>根本定例"的特征.尚先生的"易理"虽然讲求阴阳之理,但落实到经文的注解,却成为一种反映<周易>六十四卦阴阳爻位关系的体例,从根本上并没有摆脱象数的内涵.而帛书<易传>对于经文的阐释更注重人文思想的挖掘,即对"义理"的阐发,展现出与尚氏易不同的诠释风格与路数.尚秉和先生提出"易理"的概念虽成一家之言,但考之帛书<易传>,我们仍可发现其"易理"思想中存在的偏颇.  相似文献   

Embodied approaches to mindreading have tended to define themselves in contrast to cognitive approaches to social mindreading. One side effect of this has been a lack of engagement with key areas in the study of social cognition??in particular the topic of how we gain an understanding of the referential nature of others?? thoughts, and how that understanding develops from infancy. I argue that embodied accounts of mindreading are well equipped to enter into this debate, by making use of the notion of a joint mental state, but that doing so will require taking a less antagonistic attitude towards mainstream cognitive approach.  相似文献   

This paper considers the transfer of somatic effects from patient to analyst, which gives rise to embodied countertransference, functioning as an organ of primitive communication. By means of processes of projective identification, the analyst experiences somatic disturbances within himself or herself that are connected to the split‐off complexes of the analysand. The analysty’s own attempt at mind‐body integration ushers the patient towards a progressive understanding and acceptance of his or her inner suffering. Such experiences of psychic contagion between patient and analyst are related to Jung’s ‘psychology of the transference’ and the idea of the ‘subtle body’ as an unconscious shared area. The re‐attribution of meaning to pre‐verbal psychic experiences within the ‘embodied reverie’ of the analyst enables the analytic dyad to reach the archetypal energies and structuring power of the collective unconscious. A detailed case example is presented of how the emergence of the vitalizing connection between the psyche and the soma, severed through traumatic early relations with parents or carers, allows the instinctual impulse of the Self to manifest, thereby reactivating the process of individuation.  相似文献   

融人文精神于医学教育之中   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
营造医学院校的人文社会科学氛围 ,培育医学生的人文素质 ,要融人文精神于医学教育之中。1 培养医学生的人文精神是当代医学教育的重要内容人文精神是相对科学精神而言的。医学是一个科学系统 ,医学对健康和疾病的认识是一个科学过程 ,医学对疾病的预防、诊断、治疗是建立在科学基础之上的 ,从事医学工作的人须具备科学精神、科学态度 ,医学教育要培养医学生的科学精神。从事医学工作的人在具备科学精神、科学态度的同时 ,还要具备人文精神和人文态度 ;医学教育在培养学生的科学精神的同时 ,还要培养学生的人文精神。人文精神是“以人为本…  相似文献   

This essay examines the way Irenaeus of Lyons describes Blandina in her martyrdom: seen by others as embodying Christ and so encouraging them to also bear witness and be born into life by the Virgin Mother, the Church. It explores in particular Irenaeus' exegetical moves, so as to regain a sense of the unity of theology and exegesis as a transformed and transforming vision, which in turn extends the incarnation of Christ into the present in those who also take up the cross. In this way Irenaeus offers a way of understanding the unity of the discipline of theology and a vision of life and the Church that speaks to our contemporary situation.  相似文献   

It is time to reclaim C.G. Jung’s vision of psychology as the foundational science upon which all sciences and institutions would be based, and as the discipline, theory, and practice necessary for fostering humanity’s overall psychocultural development. Jung identified eight distinct ‘types’ of consciousness through which humankind engages its emerging psychological attitude. Jung’s view of psychological development as hingeing on the differentiation of function-attitudes provides the means for understanding not only ourselves and each other, but our society as well. This paper offers an example of such an analysis by focusing on the current conflict within American political culture. The goal is as lofty as it is necessary: the operationalization of Jung’s vision of psychology as the powerful influencer of human cultural evolution that it has the potential to be. The immediate goal is to instigate the first step toward this vision of Jung’s ‘complex psychology’ by stimulating conversations among Jungians about how they can foster that vision, leading them towards taking up roles as ‘citizen therapists’, actively involved in their communities in cultivating greater empathy and the withdrawal of projections in the interest of furthering ‘collective consciousness’.  相似文献   

Observing an action activates the same representations as does the actual performance of the action. Here we show for the first time that the action system can also be activated in the complete absence of action perception. When the participants had to identify the faces of famous athletes, the responses were influenced by their similarity to the motor skills of the athletes. Thus, the motor skills of the viewed athletes were retrieved automatically during person identification and had a direct influence on the action system of the observer. However, our results also indicated that motor behaviours that are implicit characteristics of other people are represented differently from when actions are directly observed. That is, unlike the facilitatory effects reported when actions were seen, the embodiment of the motor behaviour that is not concurrently perceived gave rise to contrast effects where responses similar to the behaviour of the athletes were inhibited.  相似文献   

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