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This study examined the individual functioning, interpersonal relations, and academic performance of 115 male juveniles who were divided into 5 demographically matched groups (sexual offenders with peer/adult victims, sexual offenders with child victims, violent nonsexual offenders, nonviolent nonsexual offenders, and nondelinquent youths). Parents and youths completed self-report instruments, behavior rating inventories, and a videorecorded interaction task, and teachers completed a rating measure. Results showed that juvenile sexual offenders, like juvenile nonsexual offenders, had more behavior problems, more difficulties in family and peer relations, and poorer academic performance than did nondelinquent youths. However, juvenile sexual offenders and nonsexual offenders did not differ on any of the measures of individual or interpersonal adjustment. The implications of these findings for research, theory, and treatment are discussed.
Charles M. BorduinEmail:

The investigator previously reported (Muma, 1965) that academic achievement was related to extremes in peer evaluation (high acceptance, high rejection, and neglect). The present study supplements the previous one in that it deals with the same hypothesis and the same student population (3,917 students from 7 junior and senior high schools) but differs in that the previous study was based on achievement in academic classes, whereas the present study deals with achievement in performance classes. The present findings support the hypothesis that achievement in performance classes is related to extremes in peer choice but not in the same manner as was previously reported for achievement in academic classes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Neighborhoods with poor-quality housing, few resources, and unsafe conditions impose stress, which can lead to depression. The stress imposed by adverse neighborhoods increases depression above and beyond the effects of the individual's own personal stressors, such as poverty and negative events within the family or workplace. Furthermore, adverse neighborhoods appear to intensify the harmful impact of personal stressors and interfere with the formation of bonds between people, again increasing risk for depression. Neighborhoods do not affect all people in the same way. People with different personality characteristics adjust in different ways to challenging neighborhoods. As a field, psychology should pay more attention to the impact of contextual factors such as neighborhoods. Neighborhood-level mental health problems should be addressed at the neighborhood level. Public housing policies that contribute to the concentration of poverty should be avoided and research should be conducted on the most effective ways to mobilize neighborhood residents to meet common goals and improve the context in which they live.  相似文献   

Groups are often asked to perform important tasks that require them to remember and report accurate information. A review of research on memory processes in groups suggests that collaboration enhances select performance outcomes. Collaboration allows group members to pool their memories and correct one another’s memory errors. Nonetheless, there are opportunities for improvement in the memory performance of collaborative groups. Collaborative groups typically do not recall as much information as the same number of individuals working alone and sometimes fail to correct the memory errors of their members. In this article, we integrate research findings to present an account of collaborative group memory processes and performance. We present a cognitive-social-motivational framework for viewing collaborative group memory processes, emphasize the value of collaboration on memory tasks, and suggest ways in which collaborative group memory performance may be improved.  相似文献   

The present research examined the effects of performance level and individual differences on participants' satisfaction with a peer evaluation system. One hundred and fifty-three individuals working in groups completed a questionnaire assessing self-monitoring, self-esteem, and individualism. A peer evaluation system was used at the end of the project. Subjects indicated their satisfaction with and reaction to the peer evaluation system. The findings demonstrated that performance level, individualism, self-esteem, and self-monitoring helped to understand and to predict group members' reactions to the peer evaluation system. Implications for future research and implementation of peer rating systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Type A personality has been conceptualized in part as high need for achievement combined with aggression, hostility, and self-esteem issues. In teams of undergraduate business students, high levels of Type A personality significantly correlated with high levels of depression and high levels of social monitoring; and negatively correlated with social desirability, communality, and individual performance across time. In team settings, the more Type A's were balanced in a team with low Type A's, the more there was team commitment and the more team synergy behaviors; while if teams had a greater number of Type A's, there was more individualistic behavior, and team project scores were lower.  相似文献   

The longitudinal relationships between two dimensions of peer relationships and subsequent academic adjustment were investigated in a sample of 543 relatively low achieving children (M = 6.57 years at Year 1, 1(st) grade). Latent variable SEM was used to test a four stage model positing indirect effects of peer acceptance and peer academic reputation (PAR) assessed in Year 2 on academic achievement in Year 5, via the effects of the peer relationships variables on perceived academic competence in Year 3 and effortful engagement in Year 4. As expected, the effect of PAR on engagement was partially mediated by perceived academic competence, and the effect of perceived academic competence on achievement was partially mediated by engagement. In the context of PAR, peer acceptance did not contribute to the mediating variables or to achievement. Findings provide a clearer understanding of the processes by which early peer-relationships influence concurrent and future school-related outcomes. Implications for educational practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study further evaluated the association between rule-breaking behavior and academic performance by examining peer rejection and depressive symptoms as potential mediators of this association. Study hypotheses were examined using a sample of 147 school-age children (54.4% male) ranging from five to 13 years of age (M = 8.22, SD = 1.99). A meditational path model was estimated, and findings suggested that peer rejection mediated the association between rule-breaking behavior and academic performance two months later when also considering the stability of academic performance. That is, high levels of rule-breaking behavior were associated with high levels of peer rejection, which in turn was associated with poor academic performance. Depressive symptoms were not indicated as a mediator of this association. Findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

学业情绪与学业成绩的关系及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学业情绪指教学或学习过程中与学生学业相关的各种情绪体验,包括高兴、厌倦、无助、焦虑等。学业情绪与学业成绩之间相互影响:学业情绪对学业成绩具有预测作用、而学业成绩对学业情绪具有回馈作用。学业控制感和成就目标通过影响学业情绪来影响学业情绪与学业成绩之间的关系。未来的研究方向主要在进一步探讨学业情绪与学业成绩之间的关系以及学业情绪对学业成绩的影响机制等方面。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to better understand the substance use and sexual risk taking behavior among high-risk adolescent populations placed in residential treatment facilities, including those in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. The primary predictors considered in this study included caregiver support, caregiver closeness, other adult support, adolescent self-disclosure/communication with caregiver, caregiver expectations about sexual behavior, and peer influence regards to drugs/alcohol and sexual behavior. Participants included 120 adolescent females in grades 7 to 12 (median grade?=?10; mean age 15.7 years), primarily African American (57.2 %) and White (29 %), in a residential treatment setting in a large urban area in the Midwest. Caregiver support and self-disclosure/communication with caregivers predicted condom use at most recent intercourse, but variables related to substance use were most consistently predictive of sexuality variables including onset and frequency of behavior. None of these support variables significantly predicted onset and frequency of substance use. Caregiver support was the contributing variable in predicting academic achievement.  相似文献   

Studies on creativity have identified critical individual and contextual variables that contribute to individuals' creative performance. However, the psychological mechanisms through which these factors influence creative performance have not yet been systematically investigated. This study explored potential psychological processes that mediate the effects of various individual and contextual variables on the creative performance of individuals. The results, based on longitudinal, multisource data, show that underlying psychological processes (creative self-efficacy and creativity intention) completely mediated the effect of individual (motivation, personality, ability) and contextual factors (social influences from leaders and peers) on creative performance. This study informs the literature of potential psychological mechanisms through which individual and contextual factors influence the creative performance of individuals.  相似文献   

This study proposed and tested a comprehensive, chained mediation model of university students’ academic performance. The hypothesized model included adaptive-positive and maladaptive-negative submodels. The structures and processes in the adaptive-positive submodel were hypothesized to facilitate students’ academic performance, whereas the structures and processes in the maladaptive-negative submodel were hypothesized to undermine it. A sample of 373 university students completed a set of questionnaires measuring their approaches to studying, positive and negative affect, evaluation anxiety, use of creative cognition, motivational orientations, and adaptive and maladaptive metacognitions. Participants’ end-of-semester and prior semester academic performance was retrieved from the university registry. A structural equation model explained 90 % of the variance in students’ future academic performance, supported all but one hypothesized intermediate paths, and revealed that only positive affect in studying and prior academic performance predict directly future academic performance. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are outlined.  相似文献   

We examined the potential impact of negative peer influence within a treatment-focused residential care setting. Subjects were 712 youth consecutively admitted to a large residential treatment program (9–19 years of age). Based on Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC) scores, 247 (35%) of these youth qualified for a Conduct Disorder diagnosis at admission. The dependent measures were the number of DISC Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)/Conduct Disorder (CD) symptoms and the sum of Conduct Problem behaviors observed daily for each youth. Both the Conduct Problem Behaviors and the ODD/CD symptoms for both CD and non-CD groups decreased over time. Youth with a CD diagnosis or who were female improved at a faster rate than their peers. The data analyzed in this study do not support a negative peer influence effect for antisocial youth placed in a treatment-focused residential care setting.  相似文献   

Many models of job stress are implicitly based on the assumption that there is considerable variability in how individuals perceive and respond to their environments. In this paper, we introduce a nomothetic perspective of job stress. The nomothetic perspective assumes that despite individual differences there will be consistencies in how groups of individuals perceive and respond to similar work environments. To contrast the individual and nomothetic perspectives, we analyzed data from 7,382 respondents from 99 groups. In the analyses, we examined individual-and group-level relationships using both real groups and randomly formed groups. The results revealed that respondents from the same work group agreed about perceptions of the work climate. The results also revealed that both individual and nomothetic perspectives were useful in describing the relationship between cohesion and psychological well-being. The relationship between work hours and psychological well-being, however, was best modeled from a nomothetic perspective.  相似文献   

If the practice of psychology is to be relevant to environmental realities and context sensitive then conscious consideration must be given to the psychology training programme. Training programmes should give due recognition to the historical, political, social, economic and cultural contexts of human behaviours so as to understand how these interacting contexts may contribute to placing people at risk for ill-health. The main aim of this article is to present an analysis of African environmental realities to which training programmes in psychology must respond. In view of the under-utilization of psychological services within healthcare systems in many parts of Africa, this article also provides some suggestions for the development of appropriate training and practice modalities that may be geared towards effective healthcare service delivery in Africa.  相似文献   

教师支持是师生关系的重要指标,由教师和学生共同建构;学生的学业和行为特征会影响教师支持,但是以往研究主要关注学生个体特征的影响,极少考察学生所在小群体的作用。本研究以个体和其所在圈子的学业成就、亲社会行为、攻击行为为特征,考察其对教师支持的影响,结果发现:(1)个体的学业成就积极预测后续教师支持的增加;(2)在高学业成就圈子中,个体学业成就的提高能够预测教师支持的增加,而在低学业成就圈子则不能;(3)与男生相比,在低亲社会圈子中的女生获得的教师支持更少,而在高亲社会圈子中的女生则能够获得比男生更高的教师支持。  相似文献   

Marketing claims of effectiveness in improving academic achievement through the use of commercially prepared subliminal audiotapes were investigated. Students enrolled in a career development class were randomly assigned to an active treatment group (n=25), an inactive treatment group (n=26), or a control group (n=22). Participants in the treatment group listened to tapes with subliminal affirmations masked by ocean waves. The inactive treatment group listened to placebo tapes with ocean waves but no subliminal messages. Dependent variables used were final examination scores from the class and current semester grade point average. No treatment differences on either dependent measure were found. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

繁殖感是成年中期心理社会发展的主要任务,表现在生产能力、养育后代、人际和社会关怀以及领导能力等方面,包含关注、承诺、行动等维度,并以多种形式存在于生命周期的多个阶段。近来研究表明,繁殖感强调个体积极的存在和发展模式,对人际关系与社会和谐也具有促进作用。繁殖感的个体差异可表现在状态水平、年龄、性别角色等方面,主要受社会文化、个体内在期望以及父母教养方式等因素的影响。未来研究将从测量方法的整合,繁殖感与主观幸福感的关系等方面展开。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to replicate and extend the work of Glenn and Horn (1993) Glenn, S. D. and Horn, T. S. 1993. Psychological and personal predictors of leadership behavior in female soccer athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 5: 1734. [CSA][Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] by examining relationships between peer leadership in sport and social, psychological, and ability characteristics. The sample consisted of 71 female and 67 male high-school soccer players and their coaches. Players completed questionnaires measuring social (peer acceptance and friendship quality) and psychological (perceived competence, instrumentality, and expressiveness) variables, and leadership behavior for self and teammates. Coaches assessed each player on leadership behavior and soccer ability. For female athletes, all psychosocial variables were predictive of self-ratings of leadership, while coach and teammate ratings were related to ability only. For male athletes, all psychosocial variables and ability were related to self-ratings and teammate ratings of peer leadership, while coaches' ratings were related primarily to ability. These results are discussed with regard to social exchange theory and commonalities among peer relationship variables (acceptance, friendship, leadership).  相似文献   

In this study, I examined relationships between family educational capital and measures of children's individual attributes and their academic achievement. Data were collected from 905 eleven-year-old Australian children (457 boys, 448 girls) and their parents. Families were classified into four opportunity structures defined conjointly by human capital and social capital. Within each opportunity structure, relationships among the variables were examined by investigating hierarchical regression models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations. The findings suggest that (a) within family opportunity structures defined by human and social capital, children's ability and cognitive attitudes and their family educational capital had modest to moderate associations with academic achievement and (b) there were family opportunity structure differences in the nature of the relationships among family educational capital, children's individual attributes, and their academic performance.  相似文献   

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