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Six subjects participated in a reaction time (RT) task in which the stimulus events consisted of two sinusoidal waves presented in close succession. The leading stimulus (S1) had a duration of 25 msec while the binary reaction stimulus (S2) was 250 msec. Presentation of the interstimulus interval (ISI) was irregular. S1 as well as S2 varied in intensity and were assigned randomly the values of 45, 68, 85 and 105 db (SPL). RT to S2 was examined as a function of the intensity of both stimuli. Generally RT varied inversely with the intensity of S1 and the downward gradient of RT with ISI became steepened at least for ISIs shorter than 200–250 msec. Concerning S2, RT grew shorter as the intensity increased up to 85 db. Probably due to startle, RT tended to lengthen at S2 = 105 db. When both S1 and S2 were 105 db the startle effect upon RT seemed most evident. Then the elevation in RT took place at especially those ISIs for which he fastest RTs might have been expected (about 200 msec). For the remaining intensities no interaction between S1 and S2 upon RT was found even for the shortest ISIs, implying that the effects of S1 and S2 intensities upon RT were independent.  相似文献   

In view of the frequent clinical use of external auditory stimuli in fluency building programs, the purpose of the present experiment was to compare the effects of rhythmic pacing, delayed auditory feedback, and high intensity masking noise on the frequency of stuttering by dysfluency type. Twelve normal hearing young adult stutterers completed an oral reading (approximately 250 syllables) and conversational speech task (3 min) while listening to the three auditory stimuli and during a control condition presented in random order. The results demonstrated that during oral reading all three auditory stimuli were associated with significant reductions in stuttering frequency. However, during conversational speech, only the metronome produced a significant reduction in total stuttering frequency. Individual dysfluency types were not differentially affected by the three auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

We examined the role of Pavlovian and operant relations in behavioral momentum by arranging response-contingent alternative reinforcement in one component of a three-component multiple concurrent schedule with rats. This permitted the simultaneous arranging of different response-reinforcer (operant) and stimulus-reinforcer (Pavlovian) contingencies during three baseline conditions. Auditory or visual stimuli were used as discriminative stimuli within the multiple concurrent schedules. Resistance to change of a target response was assessed during a single session of extinction following each baseline condition. The rate of the target response during baseline varied inversely with the rate of response-contingent reinforcement derived from a concurrent source, regardless of whether the discriminative stimuli were auditory or visual. Resistance to change of the target response, however, did depend on the discriminative-stimulus modality. Resistance to change in the presence of visual stimuli was a positive function of the Pavlovian contingencies, whereas resistance to change was unrelated to either the operant or Pavlovian contingencies when the discriminative stimuli were auditory. Stimulus salience may be a factor in determining the differences in resistance to change across sensory modalities.  相似文献   

The effect of brief auditory stimuli on visual apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Getzmann S 《Perception》2007,36(7):1089-1103
When two discrete stimuli are presented in rapid succession, observers typically report a movement of the lead stimulus toward the lag stimulus. The object of this study was to investigate crossmodal effects of irrelevant sounds on this illusion of visual apparent motion. Observers were presented with two visual stimuli that were temporally separated by interstimulus onset intervals from 0 to 350 ms. After each trial, observers classified their impression of the stimuli using a categorisation system. The presentation of short sounds intervening between the visual stimuli facilitated the impression of apparent motion relative to baseline (visual stimuli without sounds), whereas sounds presented before the first and after the second visual stimulus as well as simultaneously presented sounds reduced the motion impression. The results demonstrate an effect of the temporal structure of irrelevant sounds on visual apparent motion that is discussed in light of a related multisensory phenomenon, 'temporal ventriloquism', on the assumption that sounds can attract lights in the temporal dimension.  相似文献   

Subjects had to react with the hand which received a tactile stimulus (uncrossed condition) or with the hand opposite to the hand which received the stimulus (crossed condition). Four experiments were conducted. In the first three, subjects knew which hand would receive the stimulus and which hand would have to respond. In the first two experiments, subjects reacted to a simple tactile stimulus while in the third subjects had to perform a tactile discrimination before responding. No significant differences in RT under the crossed and uncrossed conditions were observed in the first three experiments. In the fourth experiment, subjects did not know which hand would receive the stimulus, and they also did not know which hand would have to respond. Under these conditions, large significant differences in RT between the crossed and uncrossed condition emerged.

The study includes a criticism of a simple structural interpretation of interhemispheric transmission time (IHTT) as proposed by Bashore (1981). Support is provided for the view that in paradigms of the kind used here, allocation of attention to a psychologically defined hemispace is a more important factor in observed RT than structural links between stimulus and response mechanisms.  相似文献   

The ability of 3- to 5-day-old neonates to discriminate between auditory stimuli, in terms of each of the dimensions of intensity, pitch and time, was studied using heart-rate responses in a habituation paradigm. For each of the dimensions a survey of the literature failed to provide results which could be used as the basis for later work involving auditory patterns. Further analysis of an earlier experiment (Stratton, 1970 a) involving stimuli at 80, 85 and 90 db showed that louder stimuli evoked larger initial responses and more rapid habituation. From the same experiment it was found that a change of pitch produced dishabituation as early as the 10th trial. There are reasonable grounds for attributing the increased response to the frequency characteristics rather than a change in the perceived intensity of the stimuli. Previous experiments suggested that fixed inter-stimulus intervals tended to produce anticipatory heart-rate changes and modify the magnitude and latency of the response. Two experiments designed specifically to examine temporal phenomena revealed time-linked behaviour. In both experiments acceleratory responses occurred at the first stimulus omission of a fixed-interval series. Not all of the subjects showed this effect, and in both experiments, only the subjects who failed to respond to the first stimulus presentation responded to stimulus omission. The findings are discussed in relation to general issues of neonatal psychophysiology, and it is concluded that neonates can discriminate in each of the auditory dimensions, but that preliminary work involving patterns should concentrate on varying pitch and intensity.  相似文献   

This 25 factorial experiment investigated the primacy effect in the orienting response. The type of stimuli (tone or "music"), stimulus intensities (loud or soft), length of adaptation period (same, 5 or 30 sec; or different, 5 min.), interstimulus intervals (5 or 30 sec.), and sex were studied. College students, 32 males and 32 females were randomly assigned to each group. In the same condition, the tone (or music) was soft (or loud) for 5 sec. (or 30 sec.) in adaptation and was then changed alternately without interruption to loud, soft, etc. (or soft, loud, etc.) for 5 sec. (or 30 sec.). The different condition was identical except for the length of adaptation period in which the stimuli sounded continously for 5 min. Analyses of the GSR manifestation of the orienting responses indicated: (a) an over-all primacy effect with the auditory stimuli and (b) the primacy effect occurred in the 5-sec.-same but not in the 30-sec.-same condition as predicted.  相似文献   

An earlier investigator has found that the time at which the offset of a stimulus is perceived depends on the time of stimulusonset, rather than on the time of stimulus offset, for stimuli briefer than a critical duration of the order of 100 msec. In an attempt to determine whether this effect extends to reaction time (RT), we have determined RT to the offset of brief noise bursts. RT was found to be essentially constant as a function of stimulus duration. Thus, RT to stimulus offset appears not to be related to the time of perception of offset, as determined in the earlier investigations.  相似文献   

The effects of anxiety upon attention allocation to affective stimuli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pictures of emotionally aversive, neutral, and pleasant scenes were presented for 500 ms, followed by a probe presented in the same location (valid trials) or an alternate location (invalid trials) as the picture. Response-times to the probes were recorded in low (N=20) and high (N=27) trait anxious participants. Results revealed an overall negative cue validity effect of shorter reaction times (RTs) on invalid than valid trials, suggestive of an inhibition of return effect. Moreover, high trait anxious females showed a reduced negative cue validity effect for aversive pictures in comparison with neutral and pleasant pictures, suggestive of selective interference by the unpleasant material. By contrast, low trait anxious females showed an enhanced negative cue validity effect for aversive pictures relative to neutral and pleasant pictures, suggestive of attentional avoidance of the aversive content. The emotional content of picture cues did not significantly affect RTs in males, regardless of anxiety status. The results suggest that biased attention processes for aversive stimuli may contribute to the greater female propensity for anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

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