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Many researchers have recommended the focus-window tracking (FWT) technique to study the course of information acquisition and visual attention, In FWT, the stimulus is blurred, and the subject scans for information by moving a clear window with a computer mouse. We show that poor calibration of the blur filter will bias search behavior in FWT because diagnostically useful information may leak through a filter even though the subjects are unaware of it. To provide a valid index of information acquisition, FWT requires an information filter that is calibrated to the task.  相似文献   

Mice submitted to forced swimming session(s) displayed a long lasting modification in their nociceptive threshold, assessed through their jump latency from a hot plate (55 degrees C). Thus two forced swimming sessions (6 min each, 8h apart), in water at 33 degrees C, increased by about 50% the jump latency when the hot plate test was performed 14 hours, 3 days or 6 days thereafter. The water temperature (16 degrees C vs 33 degrees C) had no critical influence in this respect. To be clearly effective (at 33 degrees C) the swimming session had to be performed twice (when performed only once it was irregularly effective); it apparently culminated for a 6 min duration, since its effectiveness was not significantly increased by extending the swimming time to 12 min or 18 min. Performing 2 forced swimming sessions (6 min each, 8h apart), 5 consecutive days, resulted in a suppression of the increase in jump latency in the hot plate test. The two forced swimming episodes-induced analgesia was prevented by the s.c. administration of diazepam (from 0.125 mg/kg) or morphine (from 5 mg/kg) or scopolamine (1 mg/kg) before each forced swimming episode. Morphine (7.5 mg/kg) was uneffective to prevent the induction of two forced swimming episodes-induced analgesia when it was administered immediately after each forced swimming session. Finally this analgesia was dose dependently reversed by naloxone (ID(50) = 0.14 mg/kg, s.c., 30 min before the hot plate test). It is hypothesized that the handling of mice immediately before the hot plate test induces the remembrance of the stress induced by previous forced swimming episodes, triggering a fear reaction which increases the nociceptive threshold.  相似文献   

Many researchers have recommended the focus-window tracking (FWT) technique to study the course of information acquisition and visual attention. In FWT, the stimulus is blurred, and the subject scans for information by moving a clear window with a computer mouse. We show that poor calibration of the blur filter will bias search behavior in FWT because diagnostically useful information may leak through a filter even though the subjects are unaware of it. To provide a valid index of information acquisition, FWT requires an information filter that is calibrated to the task.  相似文献   

First-person narratives are becoming a popular means to communicate health risk information. Although studies show they can increase risk perception and motivate health behaviours compared to statistical messages, more research on the conditions in which they are particularly likely to have effects is needed. In this study, we tested a moderator related to how information is processed. Specifically, we hypothesised that thinking in terms of emotions and personal experiences – known as experiential information processing – would increase people’s responsiveness to a narrative. Female college students (N = 138) who reported indoor tanning were randomly assigned to read a first-person narrative message or a statistical message about the risks of skin cancer. Prior to reading the message, the women received instructions that would activate either experiential or rational information processing. Participants then reported their risk perceptions of skin cancer, worry about skin cancer and behaviour intentions related to skin cancer. Analyses showed that message type and information processing interacted to influence risk perceptions and worry. Consistent with hypotheses, participants reported the highest risk perception and worry when they used an experiential information system prior to reading the narrative message. There were no effects on behaviour intentions. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The forced termination of psychoanalysis, such as occurs when the analyst makes a geographic move, uniquely disrupts the analytic setting. This paper recounts the author's experience of terminating a full-time private practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy for such a move. The limited literature on the subject is reviewed with a focus on the use of technical variation in the forced termination situation. The author delineates three areas of interaction with patients where technical variation proved in her experience to be of value: dealing with countertransference and counter-reaction, providing information about the move, and the consideration and process of referral for continued therapy. As opposed to what would be predicted from a classical psychoanalytic perspective, the use of such technical maneuvers seemed to facilitate rather than impede analytic work. These variations in technique served at crucial times to maintain the analytic alliance, to preserve the patient's capacity to recognize and make use of transference, and to provide avenues for resolving past traumas in the transference and the actual loss of the analyst. The concept of the analyst as a new or useable object is proposed as providing a theoretical framework for understanding these observations.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to propose a complete system able to extract causal sentences from a set of text documents, select the causal sentences contained, create a causal graph in base to a given concept using as source these causal sentences, and finally produce a text summary gathering all the information connected by means of this causal graph. This procedure has three main steps. The first one is focused in the extraction, filtering and selection of those causal sentences that could have relevant information for the system. The second one is focused on the composition of a suitable causal graph, removing redundant information and solving ambiguity problems. The third step is a procedure able to read the causal graph to compose a suitable answer to a proposed causal question by summarizing the information contained in it.  相似文献   

A necessary condition for visually guided action is that an organism perceive what actions are afforded by a given environmental situation. Warren (1984) proposed that an affordance such as the climbability of a stairway is determined by the fit between properties of the environment and the organism and can be characterized by optimal points, where action is most comfortable or efficient, and critical points, where a phase transition to a new action occurs. Perceiving an affordance, then, implies perceiving the relation between the environment and the observer's own action system. The present study is an extension of this analysis to the visual guidance of walking through apertures. We videotaped large and small subjects walking through apertures of different widths to determine empirically the critical aperture-to-shoulder-width ratio (A/S) marking the transition from frontal walking to body rotation. These results were compared with perceptual judgments of "passability" under static and moving viewing conditions. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that such judgments are based on intrinsic or body-scaled information specifying aperture width as a ratio of the observer's eyeheight. We conclude (a) that the critical point in free walking occurs at A/S = 1.30, (b) that static monocular information is sufficient for judging passability, and (c) that the perception of passability under such conditions is based on body-scaled eyeheight information.  相似文献   

Unfamiliar face matching is a surprisingly difficult task, yet we often rely on people's matching decisions in applied settings (e.g., border control). Most attempts to improve accuracy (including training and image manipulation) have had very limited success. In a series of studies, we demonstrate that using smiling rather than neutral pairs of images brings about significant improvements in face matching accuracy. This is true for both match and mismatch trials, implying that the information provided through a smile helps us detect images of the same identity as well as distinguishing between images of different identities. Study 1 compares matching performance when images in the face pair display either an open-mouth smile or a neutral expression. In Study 2, we add an intermediate level, closed-mouth smile, to identify the effect of teeth being exposed, and Study 3 explores face matching accuracy when only information about the lower part of the face is available. Results demonstrate that an open-mouth smile changes the face in an idiosyncratic way which aids face matching decisions. Such findings have practical implications for matching in the applied context where we typically use neutral images to represent ourselves in official documents.  相似文献   

The lure intrusion effect refers to the observation that lexical priming affects recall of sentences. This effect is taken as evidence against the contribution of surface information, even with immediate sentence recall. Recently, Rummer and Engelkamp (2003a) demonstrated that this effect, which is usually observed under rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), does not appear under immediate recall of auditorily presented sentences. This finding indicates that surface information (i.e., phonological or acoustic-sensory information) can contribute to immediate sentence recall. So far, however, the findings do not allow for a decision on whether phonological and/or acoustic-sensory information is used in immediate sentence recall. In order to dissociate the two kinds of surface information, an experiment was conducted in which immediate and delayed recall were tested for sentences that were visually presented for a longer period of time than in RSVP. This kind of presentation should support phonological representations, but does not allow for acoustic-sensory representations. The findings showed a smaller intrusion effect for immediate than for delayed recall. This indicates that, if available, phonological information is involved in immediate sentence recall thereby reducing the lure intrusion effect. Furthermore, the findings support the assumption that the phonological trace provided via RSVP reading is weaker than in normal reading.  相似文献   

It has been reported that criterion-free estimates of the upper disparity limits for fusion of line targets are small enough to be accounted for by monocular vernier sensitivity. However, targets such as lines, which contain high spatial frequencies, may ensure small fusion limits, since fusion limits obtained with criterion-dependent methods for narrow-band targets, such as sinusoids or difference-of-Gaussian luminance profiles, are proportional to target spatial periods. Experiment 1 therefore explored whether criterion-free methods give fusion limits for narrow-band targets that can be accounted for by vernier sensitivity. Vertical fusion limits were estimated by a method that forced observers to discriminate a disparate sinusoidal grating from an immediately adjacent zero-disparity grating. Fusion limits were too large to be explained by monocular vernier thresholds obtained for the same targets. In addition, fusion limits were not affected by large changes in target contrast, whereas vernier thresholds increased as contrast was decreased. The results of Experiment 1 also argued against interocular suppression as the cause of single vision, since vernier offsets that were visible when viewed monocularly were invisible under binocular viewing conditions. In Experiment 2, manual adjustment of disparities yielded fusion limits little different from those obtained with the forced-choice method of Experiment 1, demonstrating that it is possible to design adjustment methods for assessing fusion limits that are as sensitive as forced-choice methods. In Experiment 3, large reductions in target contrast, which have the effect of decreasing disparity sensitivity, did not alter fusion limits, disconfirming the idea that fusion limits estimated with discriminative procedures represent disparity-detection thresholds. In Experiment 4, disparities were adjusted until a just noticeable difference in grating contrast appeared. These disparities were larger than fusion limits, indicating that fusion limits did not represent a change in apparent contrast arising from disparity limitations of binocular summation. Together, the four experiments support the existence of binocular fusion as a unique category of sensory performance, disconfirm several nonfusional explanations of single vision, and support the use of criterion-free as well as adjustment methods in measuring fusion limits.  相似文献   

Although consumers' risk‐taking, supplier trust, social norms and information involvement are central to much of thought in the financial market and consumer economic literature, it is not known how the interplay between consumers' trust in supplier information, risk‐taking behaviour and social norm may influence information involvement. This research contributes to the consumer economic literature by investigating how product savings risk and social norm affect the relationship between young adults' trust in supplier information and their information involvement. On the basis of two samples with young adults who recently have purchased a low‐risk savings product (n = 641) and a high‐risk savings product (n = 219), respectively, several results are obtained. It is found that both product savings risk and social norm positively moderate the relationship between young adults' trust in supplier information and their information involvement. In addition, the results indicate that the three‐way interaction between trust in supplier information, products savings risk and social norm has a positive effect on information involvement. As direct implications, financial authorities and financial service managers should especially consider investing additional resources in developing information trust for high‐risk savings products and should also take social norms into account when considering young adults' high‐risk‐taking behaviour. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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