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Pre-attentive detection of a target defined by stereoscopic slant.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Does the visual system represent stereoscopic depth purely as a map of local disparities, or does it explicitly represent local relationships of disparity, such as disparity gradients? Experiments are reported in which visual search for a target containing the same disparity range as other elements in the display, but differing in the relationship of the disparities (stereo slant), was used to determine whether the target showed 'pop-out' like a unitary feature, or the serial search characteristic of feature conjunctions. Each stereo pair of elements was selected randomly from a range of outline parallelograms leaning to the right or to the left, so that the target could not be identified using any monocular shape cue. Response times for detection of the target (present on 50% of the trials) were independent of the number of elements in the display. This result was confirmed by varying element size and spacing, and by using oblique crosses rather than parallelograms as stimuli. It is concluded that stereoscopically defined slant, or disparity gradient, can be processed and compared in parallel across the display, and acts in this respect as an explicit unitary visual property. This contrasts with findings in analogous experiments on movement, which show that targets defined by divergence or deformation of optic flow can only be identified by serial search.  相似文献   

Orientation disparity, deformation, and stereoscopic slant perception.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Gillam  B Rogers 《Perception》1991,20(4):441-448
Koenderink and van Doorn's theory, that the basis of stereoscopic slant perception is the deformation component of the disparity, field, was tested for slant around a horizontal axis, which produces images with a vertical ramp of horizontal disparity (horizontal shear) characterised by a global orientation disparity at the vertical meridian. The disparity field in this case can be parsed into two components, deformation and curl, which each contribute half of the orientation disparity. This case was compared with similar random-dot stimuli in which the deformation component was doubled and the curl component eliminated or vice versa. All three types of stimuli had identical orientation disparity at the vertical meridian. A condition in which there was no such orientation disparity, but deformation was present, was also included. It was found that perceived slant was not related to the deformation present, as Koenderink and van Doorn's theory would predict, but was predictable from the orientation disparity at the vertical meridian per se.  相似文献   

We propose that egotism about one's abilities may be related to good self‐regulation and a lack of self‐control may reduce estimations of aptitudes. Self‐control depletion should lead to more accurate and therefore less lofty predictions of future performances. In two experiments, self‐control depletion was manipulated by having participants either resist tempting cookies or by inhibiting thoughts about a white bear. In both cases, nondepleted participants made bolder predictions about their future performance on a video game than their depleted counterparts. Instead, depleted participants were more modest in their predictions and more accurate in their predictions than nondepleted participants. These findings suggest that depletion undermines self‐assurance in oneself, which may have implications for theories of depressive realism, accuracy, confidence, and goal setting.  相似文献   

B Gillam  C Ryan 《Perception》1992,21(4):427-439
Stereoscopic depth estimates are not predictable from the geometry of point disparities. The configural properties of surfaces (surface contours) may play an important role in determining, for example, slant responses to a disparity gradient, and the marked anisotropy in favour of slant around a horizontal axis. It has been argued that variation in slant magnitude are attributable to the degree of perspective conflict present and that anisotropy is attributable to orientation disparity, which varies with the axis of slant. Three experiments were conducted in which configural properties were varied to try and tease apart the respective roles of orientation disparity and conflicting perspective in determining stereoscopic slant perception and slant axis anisotropy. The results could not be accounted for by the magnitude of the orientation disparities present. Conflicting perspective cues appeared to play a role but only for slant around a vertical axis. It was concluded that there are important configural effects in stereopsis attributable neither to orientation disparity nor to perspective.  相似文献   

D C Earle 《Perception》1986,15(5):537-540
A surface contour pattern constructed from continuous sine waves is subject to several visual interpretations, whereby the separate regions containing the maxima and the minima of the sine waves may be seen as representing either convex or concave areas of a three-dimensional surface. In a pattern of segments of contours comprising only the regions containing the maxima and minima of the sine waves, a set of surfaces is perceived, each of which tends to be seen as convex, and which possesses an illusory slant which is different for columns of contour segments containing maxima as compared with columns containing minima. It is conjectured that the slant illusion is a manifestation of the processes by which depth is derived from surface contour information. It is demonstrated that corresponding figures constructed from sinusoidal Glass patterns produce similar effects. From this it is concluded that the structure of Glass patterns provides a sufficient input representation for the processes by which surface shape is recovered from surface contours.  相似文献   

To study the impact of startle-induced arousal on attraction, blindfolded subjects in a “vestibular function” study were startled by a loud noise accompanying the sudden backward tilt of the dental chair in which they were seated. In Study I, startled male subjects indicated (on a “postexperimental” questionnaire) greater attraction toward a pretty female experimenter than did control subjects. Study II demonstrated the reverse, with startled male subjects disliking a male experimenter more than controls. In Study III, female subjects startled by a male experimenter indicated greater attraction than controls, although the pattern of their responses differed from males. While an attempt to induce misattribution of arousal to a (placebo) pill (Study IV) or to a noise (Study V) with “arousal” side effects resulted in negligible attenuation effects on the startle—attraction relationship, in Study VI the imposition of a delay period between startle and experimenter ratings resulted in reduced ratings of attraction. The role of arousal in romantic attraction is briefly discussed, and the relevance of these data to theories of emotion is considered.  相似文献   

The effects of a 10-week group-based cognitive-behavioral stress management (CBSM) intervention on psychological distress and plasma free testosterone in symptomatic, HIV-seropositive men were examined. Participants were randomized to either CBSM (n = 42) or a wait-list control group (n = 23). Men in the CBSM intervention showed significant increases in testosterone, whereas control participants showed significant decreases. Those participating in CBSM had significant distress reductions, whereas controls showed no such change. Alterations in free testosterone were inversely related to changes in distress states over time, independent of any changes in cortisol. These findings demonstrate that a short-term CBSM intervention increases free testosterone levels among symptomatic, HIV-seropositive men, and alterations in free testosterone are associated with changes in psychological distress observed during CBSM.  相似文献   

This study addressed the issue of how a stereo-specified surface influences the perceived two-dimensional orientation of a monocularly viewed line. In a series of three experiments, it was found that, in general, when a monocular line was embedded in a disparity field specifying a planar surface slanted about the horizontal axis, the tilt of the line depended on the slant of the surface in which it was embedded and on whether the line was presented in the left or in the right visual field. These results, predicted by perspective geometry, are compatible with the hypothesis that the monocular line is perceived as part of the stereo surface. Moreover, it was found that timing is a crucial factor in determining the strength of the effect. The effect was at a maximum when the monocular line and the stereo surface were presented together, with no prior presentation of the surface. The influence of the stereo surface on the monocular line was substantially reduced, however, when the surface alone preceded the combined presentation of the line and the surface.  相似文献   

People are more likely to recall both true and false information that is consistent with their pre-existing stereotypes, schemata and desires. In addition, experts in a particular field are more likely to experience false memory in relation to their area of expertise. Here, we investigate whether level of interest, as distinct from level of knowledge, and in the absence of self-professed expertise, is associated with increased false memory. 489 participants were asked to rank 7 topics from most to least interesting. They were then asked if they remembered the events described in four news items related to the topic they selected as the most interesting and four items related to the topic selected as least interesting. In each case, three of the events depicted had really happened and one was fictional. A high level of interest in a topic increased true memories for the topic and doubled the frequency of false memories, even after controlling for level of knowledge. We interpret the results in the context of the source-monitoring framework and suggest that false memories arise as a result of interference from existing information stored in domain-related schemata.  相似文献   

Christian physicians, nurses and other health care workers must manage a daily conflict of conscience between their Christian faith and predominantly secular health care institutions. This essay examines various efforts for managing these conflicts: a turn towards social justice or a seeking of holiness. Seeking social justice, however, is theologically empty. Traditionally, the Christian requirement that we be "in this world but not of it" requires a journey along a narrow path to holiness. Christian medical morality must, therefore, be understood within this light. However, just as there cannot be generic health care, but rather health care for a particular person's needs and problems there cannot be generic holiness, but only a holiness grounded in worshiping God rightly. In so worshiping the Christian will be assisted in negotiating the inescapable and perilous vocation of being in the world but not of it.  相似文献   

Fikkan and Rothblum (2011) review the literature on discrimination and bias against overweight and obese (fat) women. They provide convincing evidence that fat women face discrimination in the workplace, are treated disparately in medical, mental health, and educational settings, are at a disadvantage in social and romantic situations, and are either absent or portrayed negatively in the media. They conclude with the observation that feminists have largely ignored this issue that disproportionately affects women. While I agree that fat is a feminist issue, I also argue that the issue of gender differences in the experience of weight discrimination is more complicated than suggested in the Fikkan and Rothblum review. The commentary concludes with some possible explanations for why feminists have neglected this issue, emphasizing the historical changes in the feminist movement which have taken the focus off of issues primarily related to White middle-class women.  相似文献   

Participants (6- and 7-year-olds, N=130) participated in classroom activities four times. Children were interviewed about the final occurrence (target event) either 1 week or 4 weeks later, during which half of the event items were described inaccurately. Half of these suggestions were consistent with the theme of the detail across the occurrences (e.g., always sat on a kind of floor mat) or were inconsistent (e.g., sat on a chair). When memory for the target event was tested 1 day later, children falsely recognized fewer inconsistent suggestions than consistent suggestions, especially compared with a control group of children who experienced the event just one time. Furthermore, the longer delay reduced accuracy only for consistent suggestions. Source-monitoring ability was strongly and positively related to resistance to suggestions, and encouraging children to identify the source of false suggestions allowed them to retract a significant proportion of their reports of inconsistent suggestions but not of consistent suggestions. The results suggest that the gist consistency of suggestions determines whether event repetition increases or decreases suggestibility.  相似文献   

When the motion of an object is influenced by gravity (eg free fall, pendulum, wave motion), that influence may provide a cue to computing the absolute distance and/or size of the object. Formal analysis supports the claim that the distance and size of moving objects are generally computable with reference to the gravitational component of motion. Informal evidence from judgments of realism in films is consistent with this gravity-cue hypothesis.  相似文献   

在我们的生活环境里,有许多器物作为生活的一部分与人的关系早已经是不可分割了。从最早偶然的灵感演变到现在的形貌,这个过程与人们的生活以及社会文化是密切相关的,器物设计风格的演变与技术发展是也是相辅相成的。从古代达官贵人钟爱的工艺精湛的手工制品到现代社会的物质文明,新材料与工艺的出现,经济条件和生活方式的变化.人们的美学观点和趣味爱好也在跟着改变,器物与设计的关系也越来越紧密了。  相似文献   

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