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王培培  罗劲 《心理学报》2006,38(5):702-708
为了实现FOK(feeling-of-knowing)和FonK(feeling-of-not-knowing)的双向分离,实验一采用高频词或者低频词为线索项目,检验FOK和FOnK的预测准确性。结果发现,在低频线索条件下FOK的预测准确性表现出高于FOnK的预测准确性的趋势,而在高频线索条件下则正好相反,但上述两组差异并未在统计学上达到显著的程度。实验二采用词-非词对和相关词对两种实验条件,在证明相关词对条件可以促进FOK并降低FOnK的同时,观察到词-非词条件可以促进FOnK并降低FOK,从而在较为严格的意义上证明了FOK和FOnK是两个不同的维度的量。上述结果为知道感的“双过程假设”提供了进一步的实验证据  相似文献   

采用事件相关功能性磁共振成像技术(event-related fMRI)以及在FOK(feeling-of-knowing)研究中常用的“线索回忆-FOK判断-再认测验”(Recall-Judgment-Recognition,RJR)程序,以汉字词对为识记材料,研究了FOK判断中的大脑活动区域。根据FOK判断的正负以及其后的再认测验的对错,实验将FOK判断的项目分为四类:PP项目(正性FOK判断,正确再认),NN(负性FOK判断,错误再认),NP(负性FOK判断,正确再认)以及PN(正性FOK判断,错误再认)。脑成像的分析结果显示:准确的FOK预测(即PP与NN项目)与不准确的FOK预测(即NP与NP项目)在脑活动上没有显著的差异。而进一步分析表明,这种“无差异”的现象可能是由于PP项目与NN项目激活了不同的脑活动模式所造成的。具体地讲,相对于NN项目而言,PP项目伴随有明显的左侧前额叶(BA 8区)的活动。这一观察提示我们:知道感(PP)与不知道感(NN)可能是由不同的脑神经网络所支持、并通过不同的认知过程来实现的。  相似文献   

刘岩  苏彦捷  徐国庆 《心理学报》2005,37(5):590-597
脑成像研究表明,准确的知晓感(FOK)可以分为知道感和不知道感,两者可能依赖不同的大脑机制实现。该研究通过两个实验,检验了线索和靶子的频率对FOK判断准确性的影响,并在行为水平上考察了“知道感和不知道感可能通过不同的认知过程来实现”的假设。实验一表明:靶子字的频率对FOK判断的准确性有影响,即靶子为低频字时,FOK判断的准确性降低;同时,线索和靶子的字频对知道感和不知道感判断的等级没有影响。实验二显示:线索熟悉性只影响准确的不知道感判断等级,而靶项目强度只影响准确的知道感判断等级,即产生了非交叉的双重分离。综上,我们发现了靶子的字频对FOK判断准确性的影响,并从行为实验的角度证实,知道感和不知道感依赖不同的认知加工过程。  相似文献   

李同归 《心理学报》2000,32(3):264-268
该实验考察了在“知道感”(FOK)任务中的字词和图片的感受性和判断标准的差异。实验运用Hart的“回忆—FOK判断—再认”(RJR)范式,用字词和图片作为刺激材料,采用两种不同的加工水平,并根据信号检测论中的评价法对结果进行分析,结果表明:在知道感任务中,只有在线索回忆正确百分率和FOK判断等级上表现出了图片优势效应,而再认正确率和FOK准确性则没有图片优势;而且,不论是深加工还是浅加工,被试对字词和图片的感受性都没有显著性差异,但判断标准的变化较为复杂,且受加工水平的影响较大,显示出图片优势效应的产生与被试的反应偏向有关。  相似文献   

研究者在列举任务中发现,被试对3个以内项目的报告既快又准确(一般称之为“感数”),而对3个以上项目的报告既慢又容易出错误(“计数”),由此他们提出感数和计数属于两种不同性质的加工过程,一系列行为数据的反应时和正确率指标支持了这一假设。此外,最近的脑成像、电生理研究还发现,感数和计数在对注意的需求上同样存在着分离——感数无需注意,只有计数过程才需注意的参与。在此基础上,研究者从不同角度提出了一些解释感数现象的理论  相似文献   

ERP研究反映感数与计数的不同脑机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罗跃嘉  南云  李红 《心理学报》2004,36(4):434-441
对于较小数目的快速准确认知的“感数”现象一直是一个引人兴趣的问题,这一感数过程到底本质是什么,它与计数过程究竟是同一种加工还是分属两种不同类别,对于这个问题多年来一直存在着争论。本实验的目的在于研究感数加工的本质,运用ERP手段来探索其与计数的不同机制;并且以分心物变量为指标,研究在有分心物呈现时,感数与计数过程将会有哪些变化以及其潜在的神经机制。对14名正常青年人记录感数与计数加工过程中的事件相关脑电位(ERP)。刺激图片由位于屏幕中心的靶(白色矩形)或者靶+分心物(白色圆形)组成,靶的数目分为感数(1-3个靶)及计数(4-6);而分心物的数目有三种水平:零(无分心物),与靶的数目相同及两倍于靶的数目。被试计算图片上白色矩形的个数并对所得数目进行奇偶判断,最后根据奇偶性用左右手进行按键反应。行为结果表明,感数与计数的反应时在靶数目之间有显著性差异,靶数目相同时,分心物越多,则被试所需要的反应时就越长。ERP测量表明P1波幅随着靶数目的增加而增大,随着分心物数目的增加而增加;N1波潜伏期随着靶数目的增加和分心物数目增加而减小,N1波幅随着靶数目和分心物的增加而增加;P3波幅随着靶数目的增加而减小,在某些记录点具有靶效应和干扰效应。研究结果提示感数加工具有明显的分心物效应,而计数加工则不然,支持感数与计数分属两种不同功能加工过程的观点,感数加工更易受到分心物出现的干扰。  相似文献   

基于自我损耗理论和性别角色观念,以894名具有网络使用经验的大学生为被试,探讨相对剥夺感与大学生网络过激行为的关系及其作用机制。结果表明:(1)相对剥夺感能够显著正向预测大学生网络过激行为;(2)相对剥夺感通过自我损耗的中介作用预测网络过激行为;(3)性别调节该中介模型的前半路径和直接路径。具体来说,相对于女生,男生的相对剥夺感对自我损耗和网络过激行为的预测作用均更大。研究结论有助于揭示大学生网络过激行为的形成机制及个体差异,对大学生网络过激行为的干预具有参考价值。  相似文献   

本研究通过信任游戏的实验范式探讨了在与“受信任者”高/低可信赖性有关的信任线索时,具体情绪的确定性维度对信任行为的影响。实验一发现,当被试被告知“受信任者”在可信赖量表上的得分(高/低)时,个体在高确定性情绪(开心和愤怒)下的信任判断比低确定性情绪(悲伤)下的信任判断上更容易被受信任者的“可信赖性”水平的高低所影响;实验二发现,当告知被试“受信任者”的群体身份(内/外群)时,个体在高确定性情绪(开心和愤怒)下的信任判断比低确定性情绪(悲伤)下的信任判断更容易被受信任者的“内外群”身份所影响。上述结果表明,高确定性的情绪比低确定性的情绪更容易使被试的信任判断受到与“受信任者”是否值得信赖有关的线索所影响。  相似文献   

FOK产生机制的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
韩凯  施晓斌 《心理科学》1997,20(6):485-489
通过以初中生和大学生为被试的两个实验探讨了FOK(Feeling-of-Knowing即“熟知感”)的产生机制,是线索熟悉性还是靶项目的可提取性(或记忆强度)决定FOK判断的等级。识记材料为90对中文词对.分前后两部分让被试识记,前后两部分词对之间安排三种关系:①完全相同;②仅线索词相同,③完全不同,这三种关系可选成不同的靶项目记忆强度和不同的线索熟悉性.两组实验结果一致表明,FOK的等级判断的高低取决于线索熟悉程度,而不随靶项目的记忆强度而变化.  相似文献   

采用道德困境判断的CNI(consequence, norm, inaction)模型,通过两个实验考察权力感对道德困境判断的影响。实验1探讨个人权力感对道德困境判断的影响,结果显示高个人权力感显著增加被试对规则的敏感,促使个体做出道义论的道德判断。实验2考察回忆任务启动的权力感对道德困境判断的影响,发现相对于低权力感启动的被试,高权力感启动的被试在进行判断时更关注行为的结果,对规则更不敏感,这说明启动的权力感促进功利主义的道德判断,抑制道义论的道德判断。结果表明,不同类型的权力感对道德困境判断的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

知道感与不知道感:一个关于元记忆判断的双过程假设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗劲 《心理学报》2006,38(1):145-156
中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室,北京 100101  相似文献   

Metamemory processes and executive control may be related, given that both are frontally mediated. However, previous behavioural research has been limited in identifying common processes driving this somewhat weak relationship partly because they mostly relied upon global executive measures and composite scores of executive function (EF). The present study investigated the relationship between specific EFs (task shifting, interference resolution), working memory capacity and feeling-of-knowing (FOK) and confidence judgements (CONF) in an episodic memory task. We found that, of the EFs, only task-switching performance was correlated with FOK accuracy and proposed a shared mechanism that may be at play in both task-switching and FOK judgements. We also demonstrated that interference resolution and episodic memory measures were related, suggesting strategic influences on memory retrieval. Finally, we found a strong consistency in the strength and accuracy of FOK and CONF judgements, possibly due to retrieval-based mechanisms in both types of judgements.  相似文献   

The current research investigated the impact of self-referencing (SR) on feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgements to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these metamemory judgements and specifically test the relationship between recollective experiences and FOK accuracy within the accessibility framework FOK judgements are thought to be by-products of the retrieval process and are therefore closely related to memory performance. Because relating information to one's self is one of the factors enhancing memory performance, we investigated the effect of self-related encoding on FOK accuracy and recollective experience. We compared performance on this condition to a separate deep processing condition in which participants reported the frequency of occurrence of pairs of words. Participants encoded pairs of words incidentally, and following a delay interval, they attempted at retrieving each target prompted by its cue. Then, they were re-presented with all cues and asked to provide FOK ratings regarding their likelihood of recognising the targets amongst distractors. Finally, they were given a surprise recognition task in which following each response they identified whether the response was remembered, known or just guessed. Our results showed that only SR at encoding resulted in better memory, higher FOK accuracy and increased recollective experience.  相似文献   

Cravings for food and other substances can impair cognition. We extended previous research by testing the effects of caffeine cravings on cued-recall and recognition memory tasks, and on the accuracy of judgements of learning (JOLs; predicted future recall) and feeling-of-knowing (FOK; predicted future recognition for items that cannot be recalled). Participants (N?=?55) studied word pairs (POND-BOOK) and completed a cued-recall test and a recognition test. Participants made JOLs prior to the cued-recall test and FOK judgements prior to the recognition test. Participants were randomly allocated to a craving or control condition; we manipulated caffeine cravings via a combination of abstinence, cue exposure, and imagery. Cravings impaired memory performance on the cued-recall and recognition tasks. Cravings also impaired resolution (the ability to distinguish items that would be remembered from those that would not) for FOK judgements but not JOLs, and reduced calibration (correspondence between predicted and actual accuracy) for JOLs but not FOK judgements. Additional analysis of the cued-recall data suggested that cravings also reduced participants’ ability to monitor the likely accuracy of answers during the cued-recall test. These findings add to prior research demonstrating that memory strength manipulations have systematically different effects on different types of metacognitive judgements.  相似文献   

张振新  明文 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1102-1106
元记忆监测在记忆活动中发挥重要作用。元记忆自FOK研究开始,到理论框架的提出,各种理论逐渐发展成熟。文章从元记忆监测总过程的视角对近年来EOL、FOK、JOL、JOC等元记忆监测成分的研究范式、认知机制及神经机制进行了横向比较,概述了元记忆监测研究的进展及动态。  相似文献   

The study focused on the cognitive determinants of the accuracy of feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgments made on episodic memory information. An individual differences approach was used on a sample of healthy older adults assessed on an episodic FOK task and on several neuropsychological measures. At a global level of analysis of FOK accuracy, the contributions of four general cognitive processes--episodic memory, executive functioning, fluid intelligence and processing speed--were examined concurrently. Stepwise regression analyses showed that executive functioning accounted for the major part of variance on FOK accuracy, followed by a significant contribution of episodic memory. After controlling for executive and memory involvement, fluid intelligence and processing speed no longer accounted for significant variance. At a more detailed level of analysis of FOK accuracy, the contributions of three specific executive processes--shifting, updating and inhibition--were assessed. The results revealed shifting function as the primary executive process engaged in the production of accurate FOK judgments in episodic memory. Some hypotheses are put forward to better understand the central role of executive functioning in the production of accurate FOK judgments.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effect of aging on episodic feeling-of-knowing (FOK) using a divided attention (DA) paradigm in order to examine whether DA in younger adults mimics the effects of aging when decreasing either memory encoding or monitoring processes. To that end, four groups of participants were tested on the FOK task: young adults (control group), young adults under DA at encoding, young adults under DA when making FOK judgments, and older adults. Our results showed that DA at encoding in young adults mimicked the effect of aging on memory performance, and also on FOK magnitude and accuracy, supporting the memory-constraint hypothesis ( Hertzog et al., 2010). However, our results do not completely contradict the monitoring-deficit hypothesis, as DA during FOK judgments also affected FOK accuracy, but to a lesser extent than the aging effect or DA during encoding. We suggest that the age-related FOK deficit may be due to a lower level of deep encoding, leading to difficulty retrieving target-related contextual details enabling accurate prediction of subsequent recognition.  相似文献   

《Consciousness and cognition》2012,21(4):1681-1694
Research has demonstrated that feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgments are affected by the amount of accessible information related to an inaccessible target. Further, studies have demonstrated that, in some situations, FOK judgment magnitude is not only related to the amount (quantity) of accessed features, but also the correctness of those features (Thomas, Bulevich, & Dubois, 2011). The present study examined the conditions under which the correctness of features would influence FOK judgment magnitude. We hypothesized that accuracy of retrieved features would influence FOK judgments, but only in situations where semantically meaningful information was accessible. In three experiments, we manipulated accessibility of semantic information. In all experiments, the quantity, or amount of retrieved partial information had a greater impact on FOK judgments than the accuracy of that information. However, in situations where semantic information was accessible, accuracy of retrieved semantic features also influenced FOK judgment magnitude, and later recognition.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effect of divided attention at encoding on feeling-of-knowing (FOK). Participants had to learn a 60 word-pair list under two experimental conditions, one with full attention (FA) and one with divided attention (DA). After that, they were administered episodic FOK tasks with a cued-recall phase, a FOK phase and a recognition phase. Our results showed that DA at encoding altered not only memory performance, but also FOK judgments and FOK accuracy. These findings throw some light on the central role of the quality of memory encoding to make accurate FOK judgments and provide new evidence supporting the relationship between memory and metamemory judgments.  相似文献   

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