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以高度分化的g因素研究为理论基础,智力开发活动形成了神经潜能开发、心理管理与反省经验开发、专家技能开发、多元智力开发、社会分布式认知开发、知识表征重组开发、环境重组开发等智力要素开发理念以及一些代表性的实践。随着对智力结构的整合研究的出现和不断深入,智力开发理念和模式将由分化的要素开发向整合开发转变,以智力与其他心理结构、智力与内部世界和外部世界系统关系为基础的智力开发将是理论和实践研究的重点内容  相似文献   

陈雪枫  张厚Can 《心理科学》1998,21(6):485-488
结合认知实验方法和心理测量学方法,探讨认知速度在智力结构中的重要性随着年龄增长而发生变化的趋势。研究结果表明,认知速度的确是智力结构中的重要因素,但并不是唯一起决定作用的因素;并且,随着年龄的增长,认知速度在智力结构中的重要性趋向于降低,而智力的元成份在智力结构中的重要性则趋向于提高。  相似文献   

从IQ到EQ:智力内涵的新建构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
戴健林  黄敏儿 《心理科学》1997,20(6):568-569
1传统智力理论和IQ测验的缺陷智力的本质是什么?传统的智力理论,例如斯皮尔曼的智力二因素论,瑟斯顿的群因素论和吉尔福特的智力结构论,一般皆认为智力属综合性能力,至于此综合能力的内涵所指,尽管各家说法不一,但大体上成指学习知识的认知能力。例如,智力二因素论中被认为在一切智力活动中都占据中心地位的G因素(一般能力),斯皮尔曼把它设想为迅速理解关系并有效利用这些关系的能力。瑟斯顿所认定的七种基本心智能力,即言语理解、语词流畅、数字运算、空间关系、联想记忆、知觉速度和一般推理,亦属认知能力范畴。吉尔福特也…  相似文献   

基于经验结构式认知发展理论的智力结构包含环境指向系统、超认知系统和加工系统三个层次。环境指向系统用于表征和加工不同领域的信息,加工系统是个体加工信息的操作平台,超认知系统负责监控和调节其他两个系统的认识活动。三个层次的发展既具有各自的特点又相互影响。因此,该理论指出智力结构的发展是一个动态平衡过程,存在三种发展变化模式:自下而上、自上而下和平行变化。智力结构层次内和层次间的发展都要遵循四种变化的机制。该理论作为整合型智力理论有自己的优势,但在概念使用、超认知概念的提出以及执行功能在结构中定位等问题有待商榷  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,无论是关于思维结构的问题,还是多元智力的问题,均得到心理学界的极大关注.本文的目的是(1)分析和比较加登纳的多元智力理论与中国古代"六艺"教育的多元智力观的异同;(2)从思维的目的、过程、材料、品质、自我监控以及非认知因素等六个方面分析思维的结构,并提出自己的"三棱结构"理论;(3)从先天与后天的关系、认知与社会认知的关系、内容与形式的关系,以及表层结构与深层结构之间的关系等四个方面,分析和讨论智力结构的难以穷尽性.  相似文献   

智力差异是心理学领域智力研究和个体差异研究的一项重要内容。近年来,研究者对智力个体差异的内在机制从不同角度提出了解释,随着认知领域相应研究的发展,陆续出现了4种研究取向:因素取向、参数取向、策略取向和适应性取向。文章在简要介绍4种取向的内涵、产生的历史背景的基础上,综述了各个取向相关的研究成果,特别是最新进展。已有研究表明,四种取向在解释个体智力差异本质方面都还存在着一定问题,未来的研究需要努力构建比较全面的智力差异理论;从认知加工和神经机制研究相结合的角度恰当解释智力差异;同时加强对非认知因素的关注  相似文献   

该文探讨了智力结构随能力、年龄等个体差异而变化的可能性。认知分化假设认为,能力水平更高的人有“更多”的智力,其智力结构中g因素的作用随IQ水平的增加而递减。年龄分化假设指出,从童年期到青年早期,g因素在认知能力中的作用随年龄的增加而减小;相反,从青年早期到成年晚期,g因素的作用递增,智力结构中其他因素的数量和重要性则递减。该领域未来的研究应当解决测量和评估工具的问题,扩大被试的能力水平和年龄范围  相似文献   

多重情绪智力量表(MEIS)的信度、结构效度及应用评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹蓉  王晓钧 《心理科学》2007,30(2):419-421
对多重情绪智力量表(MEIS)的信度和结构效度进行了实证检验,结果发现,MEIS的内部一致性信度(a)系数偏低,各分量表的分半信度系数很低;MEIS总量表的结构效度明显不足,对七个分量表的因素分析结果显示,每个维度对总量表的贡献率很低;无法满足Mayer和Salovey情绪智力4维度理论框架。对4个维度逐一进行二阶因素分析结果均揭示,MEIS明显缺乏每个维度所设定的4因素的结构效度,项目效率明显不足,因此,MEIS尚不具备有效测量情绪智力的功能。  相似文献   

简评认知神经科学取向的智力观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着认知神经科学与生物技术的发展,现当代智力理论的构建明显地受到其影响。这些智力理论被称之为认知神经科学取向的智力观,如Garlick的神经可塑性模型;Das等人根据Luria的神经模型提出的智力PASS模型;Kaufman提出的儿童评估成套测验(K-ABC);Ceci的生物-生态学智力模型及Perkins的真智力理论等。这些智力观都直接将认知神经过程或神经生物学的某些研究成果融合于其理论模型之中。认知神经科学取向的智力观为智力研究提供了新的研究视角和思考维度,但同时也可能面临某种发展困境。第二代认知科学的具身认知思想可能是解决传统身-心争论的有效途径。  相似文献   

PASS理论近期研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方平  李长青  姜媛 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1104-1105
1 引言智力是心理科学研究领域中的重要概念。 2 0世纪 6 0年代前 ,因素分析是心理学家建构智力结构的主要方法 ,自 2 0世纪 80年代初 ,随着计算机技术的发展以及认知心理学的兴起 ,智力研究者开始从信息加工的角度来理解智力 ,智力研究的焦点也逐渐转移到智力内部活动过程的探索上。 2 0世纪 80年代后期 ,智力理论呈现出因素分析与认知加工相互融合的发展趋势 ,但传统智力理论与智力测验依然存在以下问题 :首先 ,限于传统智力理论对智力的界定 ,智力测验无法直接测量个体习得知识快慢的能力。其次 ,大脑两半球的功能在传统智力测验中未予…  相似文献   

为考察智力和人格内隐观对大学生应对方式和抑郁的影响,采用智力和人格内隐观问卷、简易应对方式问卷和抑郁量表对624名大学生进行测查。结果如下:(1)变量中心的分析结果表明,整体上大学生智力和人格内隐观仅对积极应对的预测作用显著。(2)为考察智力和人格内隐观在大学生群体中的组合类型,采用个体中心的分析思路对智力和人格内隐观得分进行潜在剖面分析,可将大学生的内隐观划分为四种类型:智力/人格固存观型、智力/人格内隐观适中型、智力增长观/人格可塑观型、智力固存观/人格可塑观型。四类大学生在智力内隐观上的得分两两差异显著;除智力增长观/人格可塑观型与智力固存观/人格可塑观型外,四类大学生在人格内隐观上的得分也两两差异显著。(3)智力增长观/人格可塑观型大学生的积极应对得分显著高于其他三类大学生,而消极应对和抑郁显著低于其他三类大学生;智力固存观/人格可塑观型大学生的消极应对和抑郁显著高于其他三类大学生。  相似文献   

There are several candidate measures when asking which psychological construct significantly predicts academic performance. Hundreds of studies have addressed this issue by measuring intelligence, basic cognitive processes, or personality. However, the simultaneous consideration of a broad and varied array of measures is much less common. Here we consider several cognitive and personality measures concurrently to define latent factors representing six constructs of presumed interest: fluid intelligence, short-term memory, working memory, processing speed, controlled attention, and temperament difficulties. One hundred and thirty-five secondary school students were tested. Their academic performance was measured by average grades in the nine scholastic areas of their curriculum. The main finding shows that a latent factor defined by fluid intelligence and memory span along with a latent factor defined by impulsiveness, sensation seeking, and lack of fear account for an impressive figure of 60% of the variance in academic performance.  相似文献   

人格与智力:一种交互作用的模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
该文在考察人格与智力的概念本质及其相互关系的基础上,指出了人格与智力之间可能包含的四层关系,Chamorro和Furnham(2004)提出的人格—智力关系的交互作用模型正是通过详细分析这些关系构建起来的理论模型。该模型以人格特质为中心,将主观评估智力(SAI)作为人格与IQ测试成绩之间的中介变量,深入阐述了大五人格特质与流体智力、晶体智力、主观评估智力、IQ测试成绩及其与认知操作之间的交互作用,为理解人格与智力的关系提供了一种新思路  相似文献   

人格与智力是个体差异中相互关联的两个重要方面,人格随智力水平的提高而不断分化,智力影响了特定人格维度之间的相关。尽管人格分化的智力假设尚未获得一致性的证据,但它却暗示了智力对人格结构的潜在影响。由于人格测量工具的信度和效度可能因受测者的能力水平而异,因此未来的研究应在使用统一测量工具的基础上,尽量扩大被试的能力范围,采用多重评估或集合评定的方法,使人格测量真正独立于受测者的认知能力。  相似文献   

This work analyzes the possibility that the differences in the performance of men and women in dynamic spatial tasks such as the Spatial Orientation Dynamic Test-Revised (SODT-R; Santacreu & Rubio, 1998), obtained in previous works, are due to cognitive style (Reflexivity-Impulsivity) or to the speed-accuracy tradeoff (SATO) that the participants implement. If these differences are due to cognitive style, they would be independent of intelligence, whereas if they are due to SATO, they may be associated with intelligence. In this work, 1652 participants, 984 men and 668 women, ages between 18 and 55 years, were assessed. In addition to the SODT-R, the "Test de Razonamiento Analitico, Secuencial e Inductivo" (TRASI [Analytical, Sequential, and Inductive Reasoning Test]; Rubio & Santacreu, 2003) was administered as a measure of general intelligence. Impulsivity scores (Zi) of Salkind and Wright (1977) were used to analyze reflexivity-impulsivity and SATO. The results obtained indicate that (a) four performance groups can be identified: Fast-accurate, Slow-inaccurate, Impulsive, and Reflexive. The first two groups solve the task as a function of a competence variable and the last two as a function of a personality variable; (b) performance differences should be attributed to SATO; (c) SATO differs depending on sex and intelligence level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to further shed light on the relationship between neuroticism and performance by taking into account the situation-specific experience of neuroticism when undertaking cognitive tasks. A total of 121 high-performing professionals completed a state measure of neuroticism before solving a complex cognitive task. Indicators of trait neuroticism and fluid intelligence were also collected. Analyses revealed a curvilinear effect of state neuroticism on task performance suggesting that moderate levels of neuroticism experienced in a given situation are most effective for cognitive performance. This effect remained unchanged when controlled for trait neuroticism and fluid intelligence. Findings support the importance of better understanding experiential effects of personality on task performance.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between authentic leadership and personal factors of emotional intelligence (EI), personality, cognitive abilities and gender. The convenience sample of respondents included 341 employees, and prospective students in an advanced leadership education programme at a South African Business School. The respondents completed measures on authentic leadership, emotional intelligence, personality and cognitive ability. The data were analysed by applying regression analysis to predict self-perceived authentic leadership from EI, personality attributes, cognitive abilities and gender. Findings suggest that one EI dimension (Self-awareness) and four personality attributes, namely, Emotionally Controlled, Evaluative, Independent Minded, and Adaptable predicted authentic leadership. Authentic leadership is associated with individuals who are seen as credible and aware of how they think and behave. Therefore, such individuals have various self-reflective attributes and advanced emotional capabilities.  相似文献   

We administered four prospective memory tasks to 330 adults between 18 and 89 years of age to investigate the relationship among the measures of performance in the four tasks, as well as the relationship of the prospective memory measures to age, other cognitive abilities, and noncognitive factors. The four prospective memory variables were found to exhibit both convergent and discriminant validity, indicating that prospective memory ability appears to represent a distinct dimension of individual differences. The prospective memory construct was significantly related to other cognitive abilities, such as executive functioning, fluid intelligence, episodic memory, and perceptual speed, but it was only weakly related to self-ratings of (primarily retrospective) memory and to personality traits. Although a substantial proportion of the age-related variance on the prospective memory construct was shared with other cognitive abilities, we also found some evidence of unique, statistically independent, age-related influences on prospective memory.  相似文献   

New measures of practical intelligence and personality traits were assessed for their ability to improve the prediction of performance beyond cognitive ability. Measures of practical intelligence from the newly developed Constructive Thinking Inventory and traits measuring emotional stability and expedience were used as independent variables in regression analyses predicting academic performance, training performance and leadership ratings of 86 student leaders. The constructive thinking scales added significantly to the prediction of academic performance, beyond measures of cognitive ability. Constructive thinking also accounted for unique variance predicting training performance and leadership ratings. Personality traits were unrelated to performance or leadership.  相似文献   

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