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责任归因、幸灾乐祸与帮助意愿的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究具体探讨在他人出现不幸时,作为同学、同伴等的归因、责任推断、幸灾乐祸情感反应程度以及想不想提供帮助的程度之间的关系模型。结果表明:内部归因对责任推断具有显著预测作用;消极情感对同情和幸灾乐祸有显著的预测作用;责任程度与幸灾乐祸关系密切;幸灾乐祸和同情对帮助意愿有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

幸灾乐祸是人类普遍存在的一种社会情绪, 但却是一个远未研究透彻的领域。以往研究将幸灾乐祸视为一种不道德的情绪, 而现在越来越多的研究者认为其有一定的正向意义并循此展开研究。通过对国内外相关研究的全面梳理, 对幸灾乐祸的概念与测量方法的总结及对现有研究的整合, 构想了幸灾乐祸的互动过程模型。该模型的优势在于基于互动视角融合了互动双方(自身和他人)因素, 并基于过程视角明晰了幸灾乐祸乐祸发生的过程和发生后的变化。该模型指出今后研究者应关注幸灾乐祸前后事件的发生情境和情境中的多方互动, 并希冀对其他社会情绪研究具有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

基于情感事件理论,通过3个实验考察了同伴辱虐管理对旁观者行为的内在机制和边界条件。结果发现:同伴辱虐管理可能通过道德愤怒正向影响维护者行为,负向影响局外人行为;也可能通过幸灾乐祸负向影响维护者行为,正向影响局外人行为。同伴关系正向调节同伴辱虐管理与道德愤怒的关系,负向调节同伴辱虐管理与幸灾乐祸的关系,并分别调节了道德愤怒、幸灾乐祸的中介作用。研究对扩展旁观者视角的辱虐管理研究及减少其对员工的负面作用有一定的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

本研究使用修订后的亲社会倾向量表(PTM)和亲社会客观推理量表(PROM),对大学生群体进行了测查,并采用简单相关和典型相关探讨亲社会倾向和亲社会推理的关系。结果表明:大学生的亲社会倾向由高到低依次为:紧急的、利他的、情绪的、依从的、匿名的和公开的;他们的亲社会推理由高到低依次是:需要定向、刻板定向、内化价值定向、享乐主义定向和赞扬定向。6种亲社会倾向都与刻板定向推理、内化价值定向推理正相关;紧急的、依从的亲社会倾向与需要定向推理正相关;匿名的亲社会倾向与享乐主义定向推理负相关。从典型相关分析结果来看,两者间的整体关联程度没有理论预期的高,典型变量所代表的亲社会倾向主要是紧急的、匿名的、依从的亲社会倾向,而这些亲社会倾向主要由内化价值定向推理、刻板定向推理、需要定向推理来解释。  相似文献   

基于以往病理性网络使用行为成因的研究,本研究提出并检验了病理性网络使用行为作用机制的三个假设模型。结果表明:人际关系困扰、自尊、情感型网络使用动机均与病理性网络使用行为有显著相关;其中,人际关系困扰对个体病理性网络使用行为具有直接影响,也通过情感获取型网络动机间接影响病理性网络使用行为;而自尊则主要通过作用于人际关系困扰和情感获取型网络动机间接地影响病理性网络使用行为。情感型网络使用动机是个体病理性网络使用行为形成机制中的关键性因素。  相似文献   

殷融  曲方炳  叶浩生 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1971-1979
人们会将“右”和“左”与积极或消极的事物相关联,这称为左右空间的情感效价.以具身认知理论和躯体特异性假设为基础的研究发现,右利手会将右侧空间与积极事物相关联,而左利手则会将左侧空间与积极事物相关连;左右空间情感效价是由利手与非利手的运动经验塑造的;利手与非利手运动经验的改变则会反转左右空间情感效价;趋近动机脑功能偏侧化与利手是一致的.未来的研究应进一步澄清利手运动与趋近动机在神经机制上的关联性,并探索文化因素与身体经验如何共同塑造左右空间情感效价.  相似文献   

本文梳理了作者及其团队近30年来在情感教学心理学领域的开拓和发展中的一些思考和探索概况,主要涉及四方面的内容:一是结合研究者自己的教学经历和教学领域中对情感的忽视以及心理领域中对情感研究的薄弱之现状,谈对情感教学心理学研究的起因;二是探索情感的分类、功能和发生机制,为情感教学心理研究打下必要的基础;三是从基础性和应用性两个方面,推进情感教学心理的一系列研究;四是从社会-心理的宏观层面和生理-心理的微观层面,拓展情感教学心理研究。  相似文献   

人类在说话或思考的时候常常伴随着手势。手势是在认知加工或交流过程中自动产生的, 具有表征性, 同时, 手势能够影响人类的认知加工。尽管研究者对手势的概念界定各有侧重, 但普遍认为手势不同于直接行动, 具有认知功能。手势认知功能的代表性理论模型有词汇索引模型、信息打包假设、表象保持理论、语义特殊性假设和嵌入/延展观。根据手势认知功能研究中主要自变量的不同, 可以把手势认知功能分成三种不同的研究范式, 即允许-限制手势的研究范式、侧重手势模式改变的研究范式、侧重情境改变的研究范式。今后值得关注的研究方向除了深入探讨手势认知功能的神经机制、加强对手势认知功能的干预研究外, 提出了建立更具解释力的手势认知功能的理论模型——“空间化”手势假设。  相似文献   

程凯  曹贵康 《心理科学进展》2014,22(9):1435-1445
围绕“为什么会走神”这一问题, 文章首先介绍了走神的两个理论假设:解耦合假设和执行控制失败假设。接着论述了影响走神的各种因素, 并探讨了走神的神经机制。最后指出未来研究应着眼于走神的潜在功能来发展理论假设; 整合影响走神的各种因素到一个模型中, 从而更好地发现各因素对走神的综合影响; 应用同步脑电和功能磁共振成像技术以更精确地探索走神的神经机制。此外, 对特殊群体的走神研究以及走神的跨文化研究也是很有必要的。  相似文献   

大学生亲社会倾向、亲社会推理以及它们的相关模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用《亲社会倾向测量》和《亲社会推理客观测量》研究了17至20岁大学生的六类亲社会倾向和亲社会推理的状况。发现大学生将利他的亲社会倾向列为六类倾向中的首位,接下来依次是紧急的、情绪性的、依从的、匿名的和公开的亲社会倾向;在亲社会推理五种类型中大学生选择比率最高的是内化价值定向的推理,接下来依次是刻板定向、需要定向和享乐主义定向的推理,所占比率最低的是赞扬定向的推理;六类亲社会倾向与亲社会推理之间具有特定的棚关模式.利他的和匿名的亲社会倾向与内化价值定向和刻板定向的推理正相关、与享乐主义定向及赞扬定向的推理负相关,公开的亲社会倾向与赞扬定向的推理正相关、与需要定向的推理负相关。跨文化比较证实,中美大学生的上述三个方面表现出一定的差异。  相似文献   

Previous research yielded conflicting results concerning the role of envy in predicting Schadenfreude (pleasure at another's misfortune). Some studies showed that envy predicts Schadenfreude, whereas others did not. Results of the present research reconcile these opposing findings, by showing that envy is a predictor of Schadenfreude when the target is similar to the observer in terms of gender. These results suggest that envy predicts Schadenfreude when people are confronted with the misfortune of a relevant social comparison other.  相似文献   

佟月华 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1199-1201
研究者一直试图探讨学习障碍与社会技能缺失之间的联系,从而揭示导致学习障碍儿童社会技能缺失的原因。这一研究领域出现了四种假说:因果假说、共存假说、相关假说和同病率假说。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study tested a theoretically derived pattern of specific relationships between work characteristics and outcomes. The research model proposed four central domains of the work situation (i.e. task characteristics, workload, social support and unmet career expectations) and three important psychological outcomes (i.e. intrinsic work motivation, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention). More specifically, it was hypothesized that intrinsic work motivation is primarily predicted by challenging task characteristics; emotional exhaustion is primarily predicted by a high workload and lack of social support; and turnover intention is primarily predicted by unmet career expectations. Furthermore, we hypothesized that (i) the research model is generalizable over samples; (ii) work characteristics at Time 1 influence outcomes at Time 2; and (iii) the proposed causal pattern of relationships holds over different occupational groups. These hypotheses were tested by means of self‐report questionnaires among two samples (bank employees and teachers) using a full‐panel design with two waves (one‐year interval). Results showed that Hypothesis 1 was confirmed in both samples. Hypothesis 2 was confirmed in sample 1, but not in sample 2. In the latter sample, we found evidence for reverse causation. Hence, Hypothesis 3 could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

We propose that an employee's bottom-line mentality may have an important effect on social undermining behavior in organizations. Bottom-line mentality is defined as 1-dimensional thinking that revolves around securing bottom-line outcomes to the neglect of competing priorities. Across a series of studies, we establish an initial nomological network for bottom-line mentality. We also develop and evaluate a 4-item measure of bottom-line mentality. In terms of our theoretical model, we draw on social-cognitive theory (Bandura, 1977, 1986) to propose that supervisor bottom-line mentality is positively related to employee bottom-line mentality (Hypothesis 1). On the basis of conceptual arguments pertaining to bottom-line mentality (Callahan, 2004; Wolfe, 1988), we hypothesize that employee bottom-line mentality is positively related to social undermining (Hypothesis 2). We further predict a moderated-mediation model whereby the indirect effect of supervisor bottom-line mentality on social undermining, through employee bottom-line mentality, is moderated by employee core self-evaluations and conscientiousness (Hypothesis 3). We collected multisource field data to test our theoretical model (i.e., focal-supervisor-coworker triads; N = 113). Results from moderated-mediation analyses provide general support for our hypotheses. Theoretical and practical implications of bottom-line mentality and social undermining are discussed, and areas for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Schadenfreude has attracted attention in recent studies. Although the antecedents and consequences of schadenfreude have been investigated, how it can be prevented has not been explored. This article examines the effect of ethics and moral education on the levels of schadenfreude experienced by students. The nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group model, a quasi-experimental design, was used in this study. Both the experimental and control groups consisted of 55 students. Data were collected using two hypothetical scenarios (one academic vs. one social context). The results of this study revealed that ethics and moral education had a significant negative effect on schadenfreude. This study suggests that people's ethics and moral education is an important predictor of schadenfreude.  相似文献   

Schadenfreude occurs when people feel pleasure at others’ misfortunes. Previous research suggested that individuals feel such a malicious pleasure when the misfortune befalls social targets perceived as highly competent but lacking human warmth. Two experiments explored whether the two components of warmth (i.e., sociability and morality) have distinct roles in driving schadenfreude. Study 1 (N = 128) compared a competent but immoral individual to a competent but unsociable person and found that people felt more schadenfreude when a misfortune befell an individual lacking morality. Study 2 (N = 199) confirmed the primary role of morality in driving schadenfreude by manipulating not only morality and sociability, but also competence. Moreover, both experiments showed that social targets lacking moral qualities elicited higher levels of schadenfreude because their misfortunes were perceived as deserved. Overall, our findings suggest that morality has a primary role over other basic dimensions of person perception (i.e., sociability and competence) in driving schadenfreude.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The psychobiological basis of reactive aggression, a condition characterized by uncontrolled outbursts of socially violent behavior, is unclear. Nonetheless, several theoretical models have been proposed that may have complementary views about the psychobiological mechanisms involved. In this review, we attempt to unite these models and theorize further on the basis of recent data from psychological and neuroscientific research to propose a comprehensive neuro-evolutionary framework: The Triple Imbalance Hypothesis (TIH) of reactive aggression. According to this model, reactive aggression is essentially subcortically motivated by an imbalance in the levels of the steroid hormones cortisol and testosterone (Subcortical Imbalance Hypothesis). This imbalance not only sets a primal predisposition for social aggression, but also down-regulates cortical–subcortical communication (Cortical-Subcortical Imbalance Hypothesis), hence diminishing control by cortical regions that regulate socially aggressive inclinations. However, these bottom-up hormonally mediated imbalances can drive both instrumental and reactive social aggression. The TIH suggests that reactive aggression is differentiated from proactive aggression by low brain serotonergic function and that reactive aggression is associated with left-sided frontal brain asymmetry (Cortical Imbalance Hypothesis), especially observed when the individual is socially threatened or provoked. This triple biobehavioral imbalance mirrors an evolutionary relapse into violently aggressive motivational drives that are adaptive among many reptilian and mammalian species, but may have become socially maladaptive in modern humans.  相似文献   

van Beest M  Baerveldt C 《Adolescence》1999,34(133):193-201
This study investigated the relationship between adolescents' social support from parents and from peers. Three hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis was that adolescents who experience little parental support will compensate with support from peers. A negative correlation would thus be expected between perception of parental support on the one hand, and support from peers on the other. The second hypothesis was that lack of parental support will not be compensated by peer support, because such compensation is impossible. Thus, there would be no correlation. The third hypothesis was that adolescents in these circumstances lack the opportunity or ability to gain social support from anyone, including peers. A positive correlation would therefore be expected. These hypotheses were tested in a sample of 1,528 urban Dutch secondary school students (aged 14-16 years) who were in the third year of an intermediate educational stream. Analysis indicated that Hypothesis 1 was not substantiated. The results also argued against Hypothesis 3 and in favor of Hypothesis 2.  相似文献   

Political skill is a social effectiveness construct with a demonstrated capacity to predict job performance. However, because performance prediction research in this area to date has made exclusive use of self‐reports of political skill, and due to frequent distrust of self‐ratings of constructs in important personnel decisions, there is a need to investigate how multiple alternative sources of political skill and job performance measures relate, thus raising both theoretical and methodological issues. In three studies, employing a triadic data collection methodology, and utilising both cross‐sectional and longitudinal designs, this research tested the hypotheses that employee political skill, measured from the perspective of employees' assessor A, will positively predict job performance rated by assessor B (i.e. Hypothesis 1a), and vice versa, that employee political skill measured by assessor B will predict job performance ratings measured by assessor A (i.e. Hypothesis 1b).  相似文献   

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