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黄作 《世界哲学》2006,(2):70-75
来华讲学的巴黎拉康派精神分析师Laurent Cornaz先生与成都的一些同行们主张把拉康文本中的signifiant一词(中文文献中一般翻译为“能指”)翻译为中文的“爻”。我们知道,拉康文本中的signifiant是独特的,根本上是一种没有所指的东西,故确实有必要把它与索绪尔的signifiant概念区分开来,不过,这并不意味着,用一种生成论模式中的基本元素“爻”来翻译结构(系统)论中的基本元素signifiant,是切当的。  相似文献   

Conclusions L'étude des faits, dont nous n'avons pu donner que quelques échantillons, ne laisse pas de doute sur la découverte tardive de la notion de hasard et la formation progressive du raisonnement probabiliste. On aurait pu s'attendre à trouver une intuition de la probabilité: la realité quotidienne offre le spectacle d'un mélange inextricable de faits et de séquences causales. Ce n'est qu'en théorie ou encore dans une certaine mesure en laboratoire que les faits et relations causales sont simplifiés et dissociés au point de nous permettre des déductions certaines. Dans la vie courante on est plus souvent réduit à deviner et à baser ses prévisions sur des fréquences empiriques que sur des lois et équations simples et rigoureuses. Et pourtant l'expérimentation psychologique prouve que l'attitude probabiliste, quoique suggérée et entretenue par les faits, n'est pas primitive; bien au contraire, elle ne se construit qu'à partir d'un certain niveau de raisonnement et en interdépendance étroite avec celui-ci. La notion de hasard est étrangère à toute mentalité primitive, aussi bien celle du jeune enfant que celle dite du primitif et de l'obsédé en état de régression pathologique, qui chargent volontiers les événements fortuits de significations subjectives et miraculeuses. La notion de hasard et le raisonnement probabiliste en général ne sont accessibles qu'à une mentalité objective et rationnelle, capable de discerner, grâce à des mécanismes opératoires, le domaine du déductible de celui du fortuit et à structurer ce dernier par la méthode combinatoire en un système de probabilités, dont la méthode génétique permet d'analyser le processus et l'évolution.  相似文献   

Frontal-striatal circuits provide an important neurobiological substrate for timing and time perception as well as for working memory. In this review, we outline recent theoretical and empirical work to suggest that interval timing and working memory rely not only on the same anatomic structures, but also on the same neural representation of a specific stimulus. In the striatal beat-frequency model, cortical neurons fire in an oscillatory fashion to form representations of stimuli, and striatal medium spiny neurons detect those patterns of cortical firing that occur co-incident to important temporal events. Information about stimulus identity can be extracted from the specific cortical networks that are involved in the representation, and information about duration can be extracted from the relative phase of neural firing. The properties derived from these neurobiological models fit well with the psychophysics of timing and time perception as well as with information-processing models that emphasize the importance of temporal coding in a variety of working-memory phenomena.  相似文献   

Adaptation to environment requires that temporal characteristics of events and actions are taken into account. The neural bases of temporal encoding and memory mechanisms raise core questions. Interesting information is provided by the recording of slow brain potential changes, thanks to the excellent temporal resolution of this method. The recording of metabolic activity changes enables identification of several cortical and subcortical structures which subtend temporal mechanisms. Current data enlighten the involvement of the basal ganglia and the frontal cortex (in particular the supplementary motor area) in time processing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and reading comprehension in children by testing the processing of pronouns. Two groups of nine- to ten-year-old children classified as high span and low span were administered a pronoun processing task. In this task, the computation of the antecedent referent for pronouns was varied by manipulating the distance between the pronoun and its antecedent and the availability of a gender cue. The results showed that compared to high-span children, low-span children experienced more difficulties in computing a pronoun's referent. High-span children spent longer reading sentences containing anaphoric pronouns when pronouns could not be resolved on the basis of the gender alone, suggesting that the pronouns were resolved as they were read. Low-span children tended to delay resolution until it was required by the task. In the question-answering times, low-span children were more adversely affected by distance than high-span children. Altogether these findings support the view that working memory capacity constrains resolution of anaphoric pronouns in children.  相似文献   

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