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阿兰·奈斯论深层生态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奈斯看来,深层生态学既是一种社会思潮,又是以这种思潮为指导的一场旨在改变现行的人类实践模式的社会运动。作为一种社会思潮,它是一个由一系列基本原理构成的演绎性的逻辑体系。奈斯认为,深层生态学的理论内核是八大原理,而在其背后,还有更为基本的前提与终极规范,即各种生态智慧。而奈斯本人的生态智慧的终极规范是(大)自我实现。  相似文献   

布克金从环境危机的根源、解决手段及生态社会的基本价值理念等方面对深层生态学环境伦理及将其付诸实践的"地球优先!"运动进行了批判。针对布克金的指责,深层生态学也做出了相应的反驳和批判。这场生态运动内部"绿色反对绿色"的"大论争",推动了上个世纪环境伦理研究的深入和生态运动实践的发展。  相似文献   

阿伦·奈斯的深层生态学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿伦·奈斯开创了当代环境哲学研究的一个全新领域。他不仅为深层生态学建立了较为完整的框架体系,而且也为深层生态学的发展提供了重要的理论基础(生态智慧T)。对于深层生态学的研究者来说,不系统地认识奈斯的思想就无法深刻地理解深层生态学。  相似文献   

大卫·雷·格里芬是西方较早持续关注生态问题的学者之一;生态运动在一定程度上也启发了他的生态思想的形成。以怀特海有机哲学为基础,格里芬在一定意义上提出了一种有别于以奈斯为代表的深层生态学——后现代深层生态学:它一方面主张激进的自然价值论,认为非人类世界也具有内在价值,并且物种的固有价值是大致平等的,为尊重和爱护非人类世界提供理论依据;另一方面,它坚持个体内在价值分级论,以克服传统生物平等主义缺乏可操作性的缺陷,为我们处理现实的价值冲突问题提供了有效的指引。作为建设性后现代主义的领军人物,格里芬的后现代深层生态学对我国当前的生态文明建设有着重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

质疑非人类中心主义环境伦理学的内在价值论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
非人类中心主义环境伦理学认为自然具有内在价值 ,并试图通过价值客观主义和泛主体论来提供理论证明。可是他们的证明并不成功 ,因为价值并不是自然物的客观属性 ,非人存在物也统统不是什么“价值主体”  相似文献   

要发展马克思主义,首先必须构建发展马克思主义的当代基点和平台。实现马克思主义与生态学的结合,是发展马克思主义的理论基点之一。西方生态学马克思主义试图运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,揭示马克思主义与生态学的关联,揭示资本主义的反生态性质和社会主义与生态发展的兼容性,是西方马克思主义者试图发展马克思主义的当代尝试。  相似文献   

本文介绍了西方新兴学科深层生态学的学科内涵、发展概况 ,论述了深层生态学与生态伦理学的关系。认为深层生态学更侧重对自然、人在自然中的位置、生态系统等进行深层的哲学追问 ,因而可以说深层生态学就是生态哲学。生态伦理学则着重研究人与自然的道德关系 ,制订自然道德原则 ,为评判人们利用自然、改造自然的目标与实践活动提供价值标准。  相似文献   

深层生态学内部存在着两种不同的路向,一种路向以奈斯为代表,另一种路向以澳大利亚的福克斯和美国的塞欣斯及德韦尔为代表。作者认为,奈斯的深层生态学立场是能够与生态女性主义相容的,而福克斯、塞欣斯和德韦尔的立场在很大程度上则是与生态女性主义不相容的。  相似文献   

行政生态学与生态行政学:内涵比较分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
黄爱宝 《学海》2005,(3):37-40
“行政生态学”与“生态行政学”概念的内涵及其学科性质主要取决于对“生态学”一词的界定和理解。行政生态学将“生态学”定位为一种哲学方法论与和谐价值观,其实质是一种生态主义的行政社会学理论。而生态行政学将“生态学”定位为原本意义上的自然科学,其价值观又表现为追求自然生态系统的平衡与稳定,促进人与自然的生态和谐,其实质是一种环境保护主义的行政科学。两者既有明显的差异,又有一定的关联,但不可相互取代。  相似文献   

生态危机的化解需要宗教的参与,"道教生态学"的兴起便是宗教回应生态危机的积极成果.道教凭借其"道法自然"、"贵生恶死"、"天人互盗"等思想观点,在处理人与自然关系方面积累了丰富的生态智慧.因此,充分发掘道教的生态思想,对于丰富和发展生态学研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

西方近代思想家在面临政教关系困境时转向了中国传统的儒学,后者独特的伦理体系中的普世性和兼容性为西方神人二分的本体论和主客体对立的知识论提供了"天人合一"的思想参照系。莱布尼兹关于宇宙的预定和谐思想与宋代儒家理气关系的宇宙论有多方面的借鉴和阐发意蕴,在他看来,与西方上帝创世的宇宙论中所启示的自然法所不同的是:儒家的普世伦理是从中国人的家庭、社会和国家经验中体会出来的,它没有外在神启的武断性和绝对客观性,但是充满着情理交融的伦理秉性。  相似文献   

Previous studies have recognized the importance of hospitalized primary care patients’ spiritual issues and needs. The sources patients consult to address these spiritual issues, including the role of their attending physician, have been largely unstudied. We sought to study patients’ internal and external resources for addressing spiritual questions, while also exploring the physician’s role in providing spiritual care. Our multicenter observational study evaluated 326 inpatients admitted to primary care physicians in four midwestern hospitals. We assessed how frequently these patients identified spiritual concerns during their hospitalization, the manner in which spiritual questions were addressed, patients’ desires for spiritual interaction, and patient outcome measures associated with spiritual care. Nearly 30% of respondents (referred to as “R/S respondents”) reported religious struggle or spiritual issues associated specifically with their hospitalization. Eight-three percent utilized internal religious coping for dealing with spiritual issues. Chaplains, clergy, or church members visited 54% of R/S respondents; 94% found those visits helpful. Family provided spiritual support to 45% of R/S respondents. Eight percent of R/S respondents desired, but only one patient actually received, spiritual interaction with their physician, even though 64% of these patients’ physicians agreed that doctors should address spiritual issues with their patients. We conclude that inpatients quite commonly utilize internal resources and quite rarely utilize physicians for addressing their spiritual issues. Spiritual caregiving is well received and is primarily accomplished by professionals, dedicated laypersons, or family members. A significantly higher percentage of R/S patients desire spiritual interaction with their physician than those who actually receive it.  相似文献   

道教服饰,亦简称"道服",是指以"道"为核心理念而构设的服饰类型。历史上,道教不仅把道服规定为"中华之衣"(《洞玄灵宝千真科》)、"黄帝之衣冠"(《天皇至道太清玉册》),而且确实从服饰的类型、形制、服色等方面,进行了中国化的美学伦理设计,充分彰显出中华文化精神内涵。  相似文献   

农业、生态与人类健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生产与人类生存密切相关。随着机械化大生产、农药和转基因作物的大量应用,农业生产已经对生态环境产生了许多严重的不可逆转的破坏,进而对人类健康构成了极大影响。  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research - The present paper is based on the contention that there are two conceptions of the understanding of nature, nature as an object and nature as...  相似文献   

What is psychological distance? Why do events sometimes seem “close” yet other times seem “ages away?” We propose a tripartite model of the foundations of psychological distance in which: (a) people use spatial distance as a metaphor for psychological distance; (b) the ecology of subjective experiences that coincide with changes in objective distance define, and hence, influence psychological distance; (c) psychological distance is shaped in the service of people's ultimate goals, or teleological considerations, of successfully navigating through time. This model implies that the subjective experiences that are typically associated with reductions in objective temporal distance should reduce temporal psychological distance–the subjective sense of how close or far away events are. We review evidence indicating that emotional arousal, attention, fluency, and motivational considerations all reduce psychological distance. This model also implies a temporal asymmetry in which people prioritize thinking about the future, which approaches in time, over thinking about the past, which recedes in time. Consequently, the future is psychologically closer than the past, people attend more to the future than to the past, and people feel more emotionally aroused about the future than about the past. These findings help advance understanding of psychological distance as a distinct psychological construct.  相似文献   

Paul Santmire 《Dialog》2002,41(4):302-309
Romantics mislead us when they depict nature as a garden where we feel at home. What drives nature is death, death with all its blood shedding pain. Death drives natural selection in evolutionary biology. The Celtic Saints in Ireland developed a rich spirituality that acknowledged the dominant role of death while trusting profoundly in divine providence.  相似文献   

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