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江太新  苏金玉 《学海》2007,(2):56-61
本文通过漕运与淮安清代经济关系研究,探讨淮安城市繁荣与衰落和漕运变化之间的关系。并从历史发展变化轨迹中,提出淮安经济今后发展若干问题思考。  相似文献   

尹钧科 《学海》2007,(2):53-55
因其地理位置,北京在元以后而成为都城。周边地区经济实力脆弱,使得漕运成为京城接济的重要方面。淮安因其在运河中的地理位置,一直成为漕盐转运的重要枢钮。  相似文献   

正河下古镇是保存最完好的历史街区,至今整个街区仍保持着明清时的建筑风格,百分之八十以上的民居系民国以前的砖木结构,清代以前的建筑占百分之七十以上,石板路面占百分之九十,历史风貌基本保存完好。河下古镇是全国重点文物保护单位。河下古镇位于江苏省淮安市淮安区西北隅。淮安,江苏中部的重要城市,扼淮河而守京杭大运河,自古有水运之都之称。到明清时期,淮安与扬州、苏州、杭州并称为运河沿线四大都市,而漕运总督的官衙就设在那里。淮安  相似文献   

欧海鹏  王笑 《美与时代》2023,(12):110-112
在江苏淮安,红色旅游是城市旅游的重要组成和主要形式。乡村振兴背景下,淮安红色旅游发挥着政治、经济、文化、社会、生态等五维价值。然而,淮安红色旅游在发展中也面临着诸如融合不深、产品单一、宣传不足等现实困境。为此,需要在红色旅游总体规划、资源研究、产品创新、宣传推广、资源投入等方面进行前瞻性思考,为淮安红色旅游高质量发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

清代水旱灾害原因初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倪玉平 《学海》2002,(5):126-129
清代水旱灾害之频繁 ,堪称历代之最 ,造成了巨大的损失。究其原因 ,既有地理条件本身不利的影响 ,又有人为因素对自然环境的破坏 ,还有漕运政策及吏治方面的原因 ,而且后两者所造成的损失尤为严重 ,此种惨痛的教训值得后人深思。  相似文献   

江苏省首家伊斯兰教协会网站淮安市伊斯兰教协会网站今日正式开通。淮安市伊斯兰教协会网站分设协会简介、协会动态、淮安清真寺、政策法规、伊斯兰文化、清真食品等栏目,其版面清新,内容丰富,图文并茂,可看性较强。淮安伊协表示将不断充实网站内容,将该网站建成一个紧扣时代脉络,紧跟时代步伐,传播淮安伊斯兰教正能量,真正发挥桥梁纽带作用的窗口和平台。  相似文献   

江苏圣经学校开展教会培训事工调研 江苏省基督教圣经专科学校“教会培训事工”调研小组,于2011年8月26日至27日,对江苏省淮安、盐城等地教会的培训事工,进行了专项调研。调研组在与淮安、盐城两地教会同工座谈时发现,淮安、盐城等地教会能够实现各项事工的稳步有序推进,  相似文献   

以淮安工业园区发展大道景观设计为例,着重从植物要素角度出发探讨城市道路景观设计。文章以淮安工业园区发展大道为背景结合植物的空间结构、形态、色彩等方面来探究如何通过植物造景将城市道路景观打造成富有特色且生态宜人的景观空间。  相似文献   

王荣伟 《天风》2008,(9):14-15
扬州,地处江苏中部,长江北岸、江淮平原南端.南部濒临长江,北与淮安,盐城接壤,东和盐城、泰州毗连,西与南京、淮安及安徽省天长市交界.扬州是历史悠久的著名古城,从春秋时期吴王夫差开邗沟、筑邗城,至今已有近2500年的历史.  相似文献   

淮安东岳庙位于江苏省淮安市楚州区淮城岳庙东街。东岳庙是淮安仅存的千年古庙,据清同治《重修山阳县志》载:“东岳庙始建于唐贞观年间(627-649年),相传为程知节所建。”是淮安市市级文物保护单位,也是目前淮安市历史最久、规模最大的一处道教活动场所。开国总理周恩来12岁离开  相似文献   

This study examined the level of self-esteem and narcissism as personality variables involved in the disposition to experience and express anger. Three hundred thirty-eight subjects were sampled across two higher education centres and one student teaching programme in the United Kingdom. It was reasoned that individuals with both high self-esteem and narcissism would report especially high tendencies to experience and express anger and aggression and that those with high self-esteem and low narcissism would report the lowest. These predictions were influenced by theories that emphasise the role of threats to high self-esteem in the production of aggression and violence. Results indicate that groups defined by their extreme scores on self-esteem and narcissism scales produced levels of anger expression in the predicted direction. The importance of considering extreme levels of self-esteem and narcissism (in conjunction with other factors) in an analysis of anger is discussed with reference to currently influential theories in the field. Aggr. Behav. 24:421–438, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This article summarizes research on social and personal determinants of adolescent use and abuse of alcohol and marijuana to aid practitioners when designing interventions.  相似文献   

Bem (1974) reconceptualized masculinity and femininity as independent and orthogonal constructs that both men and women possess to varying degrees. This perspective was used as a starting point to investigate whether the contributions of gender-typed characteristics can help to account for commonly observed gender differences in wayfinding (the ability to identify one’s current location and successfully navigate to an unseen location in the environment) favoring men. We further divided gender-typed characteristics into cognitive and personality characteristics to assess their separate influence on wayfinding and explored whether gender-typed characteristics predicted self-reported use of masculine wayfinding strategies (i.e., orientation strategies) and self-reported wayfinding competence. Participants were 452 college women and men in a southern U.S. public university. They completed the Gender-Stereotypic Characteristics questionnaire (Diekman and Eagly 2000), a social comparison questionnaire (created by the authors), a wayfinding strategy questionnaire (Lawton 1994), and a wayfinding competence questionnaire (Hegarty et al. 2002). For both men and women, higher masculine cognitive characteristics significantly correlated with greater use of orientation wayfinding strategies typical of men. For men, both higher masculine and feminine cognitive characteristics predicted better overall wayfinding competence whereas for women, only higher masculine cognitive characteristics predicted better overall wayfinding competence. For both men and women, higher feminine personality characteristics predicted poorer wayfinding competence. These results demonstrated the importance of considering cognitive and personality characteristics of masculinity and femininity in explaining individual differences in wayfinding.  相似文献   


Based on analysis of self-ratings of mood, positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) have been proposed as basic, orthogonal mood dimensions (Watson & Tellegen, 1985). The present study asked subjects (N = 61) to not only provide self-ratings of PA and NA terms but also to retrieve personal memories associated with those terms. Self-rated PA was associated with latency to retrieve PA- but not NA-related memories; self-rated NA was associated with latency to retrieve NA- but not PA-related memories. Self-ratings of PA and NA were not significantly correlated, nor were retrieval latencies for PA and NA memories. Individual item correlations also revealed a strong direct relationship between self-ratings and retrieval latency. The dissociations involving a non-self report measure strengthen the distinction between PA and NA, and the individual item correlations are interpreted as showing that self-ratings of affect are based upon the ease of retrieval of personal memories.  相似文献   

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