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Two separate experiments were conducted to investigate transfer of persistence between delay and a downshift in reward magnitude. In the first experiment, experimental rats were initially downshifted in reward magnitude and later tested for persistence to continuous delay of large reward. It was found that these rats were more persistent to the effects of delay than control rats which did not receive prior experience with a downshift in reward magnitude. In the second experiment, experimental rats were first trained to receive large reward under delayed conditions and then tested for persistence to a downshift in reward magnitude. Compared to control rats which received no prior experience with delay, the experimental rats showed a significantly smaller negative contrast effect. The results were interpreted as supporting Amsel's theory of persistence as well as Capaldi's recent interpretation of contrast effects.  相似文献   

Eight rats were successfully trained in a black-white discrimination with a 1-min delay of reward. The procedure was unusual in that the rat spent the delay outside the apparatus in its home cage. Immediately after the rat responded, whether correctly or incorrectly, it was removed from the choice compartment and placed in its home cage. When the delay ended, it was returned to the startbox. If the preceding response had been correct, the rat received a reward of sugar water; otherwise, it was allowed to make another choice response. Mediation by external cues was excluded because there was no difference in the way the rats were treated after a correct or an incorrect response until the delay interval ended. Mediation by proprioceptive stimuli was excluded because position was an irrelevant cue.  相似文献   

Delay discounting refers to the tendency of individuals to subjectively devalue rewards that are to be received in the future, with high rates of delay discounting being associated with a variety of maladaptive life outcomes (e.g., unhealthy dietary and exercise behaviors). The current study explored the psychological and social processes involved in adult age‐related differences in delay discounting of monetary rewards. Younger adults exhibited higher levels of delay discounting than older adults. This increased level of patience in older adults was found whether smaller‐sooner rewards were to be received immediately or in the future. However, there was an interaction with reward magnitude, whereby younger adults exhibited higher levels of delay discounting for smaller reward magnitudes but not larger reward magnitudes. Social influence on delay discounting was investigated by having participants complete three phases of the delay‐discounting task: an individual precollaboration phase, a collaboration phase in age‐group‐matched dyads, and an individual postcollaboration phase. A convergence effect was observed in that dyad members' postcollaboration choices were significantly more similar compared to their baseline choices during the precollaboration phase. Moreover, levels of convergence were comparable between younger and older adults, suggesting age invariance in social influence on delay discounting. The current results demonstrate a degree of malleability in delay discounting that extends into older adulthood, making interventions targeting the construct a promising avenue for future research.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects imagined themselves performing a tracking task under a massed practice schedule. After interpolated rest or no rest, subjects actually performed the criterion task. Some subjects' imagery was augmented with sounds that matched the temporal characteristics of the criterion task. These subjects produced greater aftereffects than subjects who imaged without augmentation or subjects provided with imagery augmentation matching a variation of the criterion. Reminiscence (performance gain attributed to interpolated rest) was demonstrated with imagery, except when the accompanying augmentation was faster than the criterion.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of learning and motivational variables upon rats' degree of impulsiveness (choice of a small, immediate reward versus a large, delayed reward). In Experiment 1, food was presented in one of four ways for 24 sessions: fixed-ratio lever pressing requirement, continuous-reinforcement lever-pressing requirement, long intervals between free food presentations, or short intervals between free food presentations. Exposure to the long intervals produced less subsequent impulsiveness in 48 choice trials than did the short intervals, there being no effect of the instrumental requirement. In Experiment 2, there were 48 choice trials in which two hunger levels were combined factorially with two delays of reward for the self-control alternative. Hunger level did not affect implusiveness when there was a short delay, but high hunger increased the impulsiveness when there was a long delay. These results indicate that impulsiveness is affected by prior learning and current motivation. Implications for Baum, Rachlin, and Green's matching formula and for frustration theory are discussed.  相似文献   

N J Wade  C M de Weert 《Perception》1986,15(4):419-434
Five experiments are reported in which the aftereffect paradigm was applied to binocular rivalry. In the first three experiments rivalry was between a vertical grating presented to the left eye and a horizontal grating presented to the right eye. In the fourth experiment the rivalry stimuli consisted of a rotating sectored disc presented to the left eye and a static concentric circular pattern presented to the right. In experiment 5 rivalry was between static radiating and circular patterns. The predominance durations were systematically influenced by direct (same eye) and indirect (interocular) adaptation in a manner similar to that seen for spatial aftereffects. Binocular adaptation produced an aftereffect that was significantly smaller than the direct aftereffect, but not significantly different from the indirect one. A model is developed to account for the results; it involves two levels of binocular interaction in addition to monocular channels. It is suggested that the site of spatial aftereffects is the same as that for binocular rivalry, rather than sequentially prior.  相似文献   

Lee B 《Perception》1999,28(9):1155-1169
The structure of human disparity representation is examined through (i) adaptation experiments and (ii) model simulations of the data. Section 3 presents results of adaptation experiments designed to illuminate the structure of human disparity representation. Section 4 presents model simulations of three different disparity representation schemes. In the experiments, participants adapted to a 0.133 cycle deg-1 sinusoidally corrugated surface with 10 min of arc peak-to-trough disparity. A flat test surface was briefly presented, in which the aftereffect surface was perceived. Adapt and test surfaces were placed on disparity pedestals and thus presented in front of or behind the plane of fixation. The adapt surface could be offset from the fixation plane by +/- 8 to 24 min of arc. The test surface could be offset from the fixation plane by +/- 8 to 48 min of arc. The depth aftereffect was measured in different disparity planes by a nulling method and 'topping-up' procedure. Aftereffect tuning functions were obtained whose bandwidths, magnitudes, and tuning depended on the disparity planes of both the adapt and test surfaces. These parameters were used to constrain the models tested in section 4. On the basis of the two studies, it is argued that the human stereoscopic system encodes spatial changes of disparity using channels localised within disparity planes. A localised disparity-gradient model of the human representation of disparity is proposed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were given a 1-pellet reward for 48 preshift trials. During a subsequent 20-trial postshift phase, one group was shifted to a 12-pellet reward on Trial 1, a second was shifted on Trial 11, and a third was given 1 more pellet each trial and then 12 pellets for the last 10 trials. The speeds of all three groups increased to a level above that of a control group given a 12-pellet food reward throughout training (positive contrast). In experiment 2, rats were shifted from 1 to 12 pellets either gradually or abruptly following either abbreviated training (9 trials) or extended training (20 trials). One group of control subjects received 12 pellets throughout training. The results revealed a positive contrast effect for gradually shifted subjects following extended training but not following abbreviated training. The abrupt shift procedure produced positive contrast following abbreviated training but only a marginal effect following extended training. These results indicate that, contingent upon the amount of preshift training, either gradual or abrupt reward increases may produce positive contrast.  相似文献   

Four groups of albino rats were run four trials a day in a straight runway for 44 days. On the first 15 days, two groups were given continuous immediate reward (IR) and two groups a 50 per cent, schedule of 30-sec. partial delay of reward (PDR). On the next 15 days, one IR group and one PDR group were extinguished, while the other IR and PDR groups remained on their original schedules. In the third phase, all groups received 8 days of training on IR. Finally, all groups were given 6 days of extinction training. In the first extinction, PDR produced greater resistance to extinction than IR. In the second extinction period, the PDR group which had previously been given extinction and the two IR groups extinguished relatively rapidly and at approximately the same rates, while the PDR group which had not been extinguished was significantly more resistant to extinction than the other three groups.  相似文献   

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