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In order to make intelligent decisions about implementing and managing a technology, managers must be able to estimate the value of the technology ex ante and to measure that value ex post. If it is going to be of practical use, any overall theory of technology must include methods for estimating and measuring the value of technology. While some of this value is tangible and relatively easy to estimate and measure, much of the value is intangible and very difficult to estimate and measure. Unfortunately, the state of the art in estimating and measuring the value of technology, particularly intangible value, is primitive at best. The bursting of the dot-com bubble is only the most recent example that illustrates the inadequacy of current practice. Using information technology as an example, this paper explores techniques for estimating and measuring the intangible value of technology. Richard A. Howey is an information systems consultant in the Human Resources Management practice at IBM Business Consulting Services where he applies data warehousing and other advanced analytical software technologies to satisfy the information needs of HR management professionals. He has over 27 years of experience in information systems as a software developer, project manager, and consultant. In addition to his professional activities, he recently completed a Master of Science degree in management of technology at the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt to show how the goal of resolving moral problems in a patient's care can best be achieved by working at the bedside. We present and discuss three cases to illustrate the art and science of clinical ethics consultation. The sine qua non of the clinical ethics consultant is that he or she goes to the patient's bedside to obtain specific clinical and ethical information. Unlike ethics committees, which often depend on secondhand information from a physician or nurse, clinical ethics consultants personally speak with and examine patients and review their laboratory data and medical records. The skills of the clinical ethics consultant include the ability to delineate and resolve ethical problems in a particular patient's case and to teach other health professionals to build their own frameworks for clinical ethical decision making. When the clinical situation requires it, clinical ethics consultants can and should assist primary physicians with case management.  相似文献   

Although frameworks appear to be a promising means to provide the industry with business management software, one cannot observe that framework vendors begin to threat the market position of vendors of established standard software. We build a microeconomic model to analyze the competition of software development with or without frameworks in which we concentrate on the network effect and the effect of compatibility decisions. We can show how the introduction of a standard will help to establish framework technology on the software market and finally increase social welfare. Therefore we recommend the standardization organizations to support framework technology by establishing standards.  相似文献   

The currently developing fields of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technology bring about a convergence of information technology and cognitive science. Smart environments that are able to respond intelligently to what we do and that even aim to influence our behaviour challenge the basic frameworks we commonly use for understanding the relations and role divisions between human beings and technological artifacts. After discussing the promises and threats of these technologies, this article develops alternative conceptions of agency, freedom, and responsibility that make it possible to better understand and assess the social roles of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technology. The central claim of the article is that these new technologies urge us to blur the boundaries between humans and technologies also at the level of our conceptual and moral frameworks.  相似文献   

An information intermediary (or infomediary) is an online firm that plays an important role in the information component of a transaction but not in the logistics component. Infomediary sales channels in which leads that originate online are converted to sales by an offline sales force are particularly important in areas such as automobile retailing, real estate, insurance, mortgages, and many other contexts. This research examines the role of sales technologies and the organization of the sales force in creating value for infomediary sales channels, formally examining channel outcomes using an analytical model and empirically examining channel outcomes using a survey of 678 automobile dealerships. The analyses indicate that adoption of sales technologies for lead management and channel-specific salespeople influence leads purchased (from infomediaries) and infomediary channel sales for the retailer. These findings integrate important technologies from outside the organization (infomediaries) and technologies and management structures inside the organization (sales technologies for lead management and channel-specific salespeople) into an understanding of retailer use of infomediary channels. These findings also suggest that it is in the best interest of infomediaries to offer sales technology and services to retailers, bundling information products with technologies for channel management.  相似文献   

This article proposes a criticism of the concept of technology acceptance. Starting from a distinction between operational and social acceptance, the authors present an overview of the concepts and notions associated to the paradigm of technology acceptance. Then, they criticize the paradigm and propose the idea that human and technologies are connected by interactions that are so narrow that one can refer to human-machine symbiosis, as Licklider (1960) suggested. The first part of the paper is devoted to the various ergonomic aspects of the operational acceptance (usability, ergonomic criteria, model of the interaction) while the second part addresses the psychosocial aspects of acceptance (Technology Acceptance Model, User Information Satisfaction Theory, Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory, Agile Organizational Development…). The idea behind the authors’ point of view is that technology must not inevitably be thought of as a foreign thing that the human must accept or refuse. From a metaphorical point of view, technology is more and more part of ourselves and behaves like a symbiont. From the time human and technologies start to form coherent and linked units, the relation between human, technology and organization can be apprehended according to a symbiotic approach which considers that human and technologies are connected by strong dependent relationships. In short, this article proposes to consider that the concept of symbiosis is more capable to explain the relationships of human with technology than the acceptance concept.  相似文献   

The role of information in planning is analyzed, taking a phenomenological view: people act on the basis of the meanings they attach to reality. The analysis framework is borrowed from the knowledge systems approach and domain theory. Within the knowledge system a distinction is made between two domains: the formal domain and the field domain. The central view in this article is that the interpretation frameworks of the actors in both domains are different, hampering effective communication between the two domains. The functioning of the knowledge system during the planning process can be improved by dealing explicitly with differences between interpretation fameworks. Dr. Mathieu C.H. Wagemans is employed by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and fisheries. In 1988 and 1989 he served as a consultant in an FAO-project in China, aimed at strengthening regional agricultural extension centers. He is primarily interested in the application of planning models in public bureaucracies.  相似文献   

A Foucauldian assessment of the common presumption that genetic information is potent and thus oppressive demonstrates that the concern may be misplaced. Foucault's concept of “technologies of self” reveals that genetic power originates not only from the potency of genetic information but from the penchant of individuals to victimize themselves in the name of optimal health, enhanced intelligence, perfect babies, or would-be immortality. Rather than seeking liberation from the power of the new genetics, Foucault's reinterpretation of the ancient understanding of concern for the self offers the possibility to avoid control by the scientific discourse. His ethical response calls for resistance rather than opposition and places responsibility for resistance in the hands of the subject. Characteristically, he avoids a generalizable form of morality but clarifies that resistance includes acknowledging the human appetite for perfection and subordinating science to ethical and aesthetic matters.  相似文献   

The lack of conceptual frameworks available for integrating research on organizational computer-based communication technologies is documented. An integrated model for studying communication support phenomena in organizations is formalized from a knowledge management perspective using set-theoretic notation. Key constructs for understanding and exploring communication support systems are identified, such as knowledge workers, knowledge management activities, communicate-abilities, and knowledge management episodes. The implications associated with the identification and formalization of each of the foregoing constructs is discussed and further research avenues are explored. The model provides researchers and system developers with a means of studying both human and computer-based knowledge workers in organizations. Two types of communication support systems are defined.  相似文献   

Am TG 《Nanoethics》2011,5(1):15-28
Trust has become an important aspect of evaluating the relationship between lay public and technology implementation. Experiences have shown that a focus on trust provides a richer understanding of reasons for backlashes of technology in society than a mere focus of public understanding of risks and science communication. Therefore, trust is also widely used as a key concept for understanding and predicting trust or distrust in emerging technologies. But whereas trust broadens the scope for understanding established technologies with well-defined questions and controversies, it easily fails to do so with emerging technologies, where there are no shared questions, a lack of public familiarity with the technology in question, and a restricted understanding amongst social researchers as to where distrust is likely to arise and how and under which form the technology will actually be implemented. Rather contrary, ‘trust’ might sometimes even direct social research into fixed structures that makes it even more difficult for social research to provide socially robust knowledge. This article therefore suggests that if trust is to maintain its important role in evaluating emerging technologies, the approach has to be widened and initially focus not on people’s motivations for trust, but rather the object of trust it self, as to predicting how and where distrust might appear, how the object is established as an object of trust, and how it is established in relation with the public.  相似文献   

Because technology plays such an important part in our daily lives, in our businesses, and in government policy, we need to understand it better. But technology has not undergone the elegant simplification that marks the development of most fields of knowledge as they grow to maturity. To achieve simplification we need first to discover the fundamental structure that underpins all technologies. Such a structure may well turn out to be one of the more significant conceptual foundations of the new century. What is the state of knowledge in this area? Beginning with Babbage early in the nineteenth century, many attempts have been made to create such a structure. The history of these attempts is poorly recorded with no well-documented central theme. One approach, called Strategic Technology Analysis (STA), seems to have advanced a little further than most others. It focuses on the intrinsic characteristics of technologies. Based on these characteristics, the field offers a set of frameworks for analyzing individual technological entities as well as entire technological landscapes. These frameworks cover the (1) anatomy, (2) taxonomy, (3) evolution, and (4) ecology of technology. This article traces the development of these frameworks. It recommends that they be scrutinized anew and evaluated as part of a revitalized search for fundamental structure.  相似文献   

Initiatives and legislation by the Clinton/Gore Administration and Congress, specifically, the National Research and Education Network and the National Information Infrastructure Act, form the basis for current information infrastructure projects in both the public and private sector. This paper discusses legislative initiatives for networking and telecommunications services, and the political, technological and community infrastructures necessary to develop and support those services. Also assessed are the strategies of major infrastructure participants including the National Science Foundation, cable television and regional and long distance telecommunications companies, educational institutions and the Internet community, and community groups and local governments. where he teaches and administers courses in information systems management and telecommunications for mid-career information technology and network professionals at Northern California high-technology corporations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore how professionals working with clients who suffer from eating disorders reflect the impact of digital technologies on their clients. Interviews with 30 professionals were conducted. A qualitative analysis revealed the following areas: (a) the attributes of technologies that influence people with eating disorders, (b) the characteristics of people with eating disorders that influence their interaction with digital technologies, (c) the risks of technology usage, and (d) the benefits of technology usage. The results are discussed with respect to the Rodgers’s theoretical model explaining technology–eating disorder relations and the implications for practice.  相似文献   

Murray Jackson was among the early trainees at the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) drawn to Jungian ideas during the 1950s when the training was still relatively informal. He was born in Australia where he became a doctor and came to London to study psychiatry with a particular interest in psychosis. He was influenced by Michael Fordham with whom he had an analysis and his four papers, published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology in the early 1960s, contributed significantly to the growing interest in clinical technique, particularly transference, that developed in the Society at that time. Later, he retrained at the British Institute of Psychoanalysis in the Kleinian tradition and was the first consultant at the Maudsley Hospital to run a 10-bed unit for severely mentally ill patients applying psychoanalytic principles. In April 2010, Jan Wiener interviewed Murray Jackson in France, where he now lives in retirement, about his interest and subsequent disappointment in Jungian ideas as well as his involvement with the Society of Analytical Psychology at a particular point in its history. After a brief introduction, the interview is reproduced in full.  相似文献   

This research investigated the concept of communicative competence. A definition and a five-component model of communicative competence is proposed. Interaction management, empathy, affiliation/support, behavioral flexibility, and social relaxation are identified as components of competence, with interaction management playing a central role. In an experiment designed to partially test the model, 239 Ss were assigned to evaluate a confederate's role-played communicative competence in one of four interaction management treatment conditions. Results indicated a strong, positive, linear relationship between interaction management and communicative competence. Positive correlations between competence and other components of the model were observed. The competent communicator is thus described as empathic, affinitive and supportive, and relaxed while interacting; he is capable of adapting his behavior as the situation within an encounter changes and as he moves from encounter to encounter. The manner in which the interaction is managed contributes, in part at least, to his fellow interact ants' perceptions of his competence.  相似文献   

Neuroscience is advancing at a rapid pace, with new technologies and approaches that are creating ethical challenges not easily addressed by current ethical frameworks and guidelines. One fascinating technology is neuroimaging, especially functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Although still in its infancy, fMRI is breaking new ground in neuroscience, potentially offering increased understanding of brain function. Different populations and faith traditions will likely have different reactions to these new technologies and the ethical challenges they bring with them. Muslims are approximately one-fifth of world population and they have a specific and highly regulated ethical and moral code, which helps them deal with scientific advances and decision making processes in an Islamically ethical manner. From this ethical perspective, in light of the relevant tenets of Islam, neuroimaging poses various challenges. The privacy of spirituality and the thought process, the requirement to put community interest before individual interest, and emphasis on conscious confession in legal situations are Islamic concepts that can pose a challenge for the use of something intrusive such as an fMRI. Muslim moral concepts such as There shall be no harm inflicted or reciprocated in Islam and Necessities overrule prohibitions are some of the criteria that might appropriately be used to guide advancing neuroscience. Neuroscientists should be particularly prudent and well prepared in implementing neuroscience advances that are breaking new scientific and ethical ground. Neuroscientists should also be prepared to assist in setting the ethical frameworks in place in advance of what might be perceived as runaway applications of technology.  相似文献   

Schwarz W 《Acta psychologica》2003,113(3):231-261
McClelland's (Psychol. Rev. 86 (1979) 287) influential cascade model of reaction time (RT) is often seen as an important explicitly formulated alternative to strictly serial models because some of its basic notions fit in with known characteristics of neural activation processes. A disadvantage is that it is an essentially deterministic model to which noise is added by across-trials parameter variability that is unrelated to the concept of cascaded activation propagation per se. We propose and analyze a general stochastic cascade model based on neural counting processes; within this framework we present a new process-oriented interpretation of McClelland's cascade activation equation. We then theoretically explain and numerically explore conditions under which the stochastic cascade model predicts additive vs. interactive mean RT effects, and compare them to known properties of McClelland's model. Some of these properties remain valid even within a stochastic neural counting formulation, while others reflect assumptions which are essentially unrelated to the concept of cascaded activation.  相似文献   

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