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The extent to which brief abrupt-onset visual stimuli involuntarily capture spatial attention was examined in five experiments. The paradigm used was intended to maximize the opportunity and incentive for subjects to ignore abrupt-onset distractor stimuli in nontarget locations. Subjects made a speeded two-choice response to a target letter appearing in one of four boxes. An abrupt-onset visual stimulus, easily discriminable from the target, was flashed briefly prior to the presentation of a target. In separate blocks, the flash stimulus marked the box in which the target would subsequently appear (SAME), a different box (DIFF), fixation (CENTER), or all four boxes (ALL). Prior to each block, subjects were informed of the flash-target relationship. In all five experiments, response time was elevated in the DIFF, CENTER, and ALL conditions. The interference effect was larger for the DIFF condition and persisted for longer flash-target SOAs. These results suggest that, under appropriate conditions, spatial attention can be involuntarily drawn to abrupt-onset events despite the intention of subjects’ to ignore them.  相似文献   

Involuntary attentional capture by abrupt onsets.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The extent to which brief abrupt-onset visual stimuli involuntarily capture spatial attention was examined in five experiments. The paradigm used was intended to maximize the opportunity and incentive for subjects to ignore abrupt-onset distractor stimuli in nontarget locations. Subjects made a speeded two-choice response to a target letter appearing in one of four boxes. An abrupt-onset visual stimulus, easily discriminable from the target, was flashed briefly prior to the presentation of a target. In separate blocks, the flash stimulus marked the box in which the target would subsequently appear (SAME), a different box (DIFF), fixation (CENTER), or all four boxes (ALL). Prior to each block, subjects were informed of the flash-target relationship. In all five experiments, response time was elevated in the DIFF, CENTER, and ALL conditions. The interference effect was larger for the DIFF condition and persisted for longer flash-target SOAs. These results suggest that, under appropriate conditions, spatial attention can be involuntarily drawn to abrupt-onset events despite the intention of subjects' to ignore them.  相似文献   

Recent research with visual search tasks has suggested that stimuli which appear as sudden onsets (new objects) have attentional priority over stimuli that are created by removing segments of premasks (non-onset stimuli). Attentional capture by sudden onsets occurs despite the fact that the appearance of these new objects predicts neither the identity nor the location of the target in the visual search task. In three experiments, we examined the extent to which attentional capture by sudden onsets could be modulated by offset transients used to create non-onset objects. To that end, we systematically manipulated the ratio of non-onset to onset stimuli in the display (display ratio) as well as the ratio of offset to onset segments between the stimulus types (stimulus ratio). Increases in either the stimulus ratio or the display ratio resulted in increases in the visual search slopes for the onset targets. These results suggest that the ability of sudden onsets (new objects) to capture attention is influenced by stimulusdriven factors, such as environmental change. Interestingly, the results also indicated that goal-directed or purposeful search for sudden-onset (new-object) targets was relatively uninfluenced by the amount of change in the visual display. Therefore, it would appear that environmental change has differential effects on goal-directed and stimulus-driven search. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for our understanding of attentional capture.  相似文献   

Color singletons that are irrelevant to locating a visual target do not typically capture attention if visual search is effortful. In contrast, when search is efficient color singletons are often found to capture attention. Such distraction by a color singleton can be modulated by single-task vs. dual-task manipulations when visual search is efficient. This is due, presumably, to the increased cognitive load in the dual-task condition, which interferes with top-down attentional control. This study investigated whether capture by a color singleton is also modulated by single-task vs. dual-task manipulations when visual search was effortful. The results of three experiments revealed that attentional capture effects were absent in a single-task condition and were present in a dual-task condition, but only when the identity of the color singleton is not associated with the target response-set. When the identity of the color singleton was relevant to the response-set it captured attention in both the single-task and in dual-task conditions.  相似文献   

Two experiments found that form discriminations to a target item were inhibited when the target appeared adjacent to an attentionally salient item. Experiment 1 manipulated the attentional salience of an irrelevant color singleton through the attentional set adopted by the subjects. Color singletons captured attention when the target was itself a feature singleton, but not when the target was defined as a conjunction of features. Attentional capture was accompanied by an inhibitory region (i.e., slowed target reaction times), which dissipated with distance from the color singleton. In Experiment 2, the attentional salience of abrupt onsets and color singletons was compared. Irrelevant abrupt onsets captured attention, whereas irrelevant color singletons failed to capture attention. Again, an inhibitory region surrounded the attentionally salient abrupt onsets, but not the color singletons. The results are discussed in the context of current models of visual spatial attention and suggest a distinction between attentional preparation and attentional selection.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the appearance of an object (onset) and the disappearance of an object (offset) have the ability to influence the allocation of covert attention. To determine whether both onsets and offsets have the ability to influence eye movements, a series of experiments was conducted in which participants had to make goal-directed eye movements to a color singleton target in the presence of an irrelevant onset/offset. In accord with previous research, onsets had the ability to capture the eyes. The offset of an object demonstrated little or no ability to interrupt goal-directed eye movements to the target. Two experiments in which the effects of onsets and offsets on covert attention were examined suggest that offsets do not capture the eyes, because they have a lesser ability to capture covert attention than do onsets. A number of other studies that have shown strong effects of offsets on attention have used offsets that were uncorrelated with target position (i.e., nonpredictive), whereas we used onsets and offsets that never served as targets (i.e., antipredictive). The present results are consistent with a new-object theory of attentional capture in which onsets receive attentional priority over other types of changes in the visual environment.  相似文献   

We determined the relative effectiveness and tradeoffs among central, peripheral, and abrupt onset cues in directing attention to a potential target character. Central cues were arrows located at the fixation point, whereas peripheral cues were arrows occurring about 3° away from fixation, near the location of a potential target. These were contrasted with the abrupt onset of an ambiguous part of a character, which later was filled in to reveal a target or a distractor item. Each trial included an arrow cue and an abrupt onset cue, and both expected cue validities and cue-character SOAs were varied factorially. The results showed that, in general, abrupt onsets captured attention more effectively than either central or peripheral arrow cues. However, tradeoffs among separate cue effects indicated that the power of abrupt onsets to capture attention automatically could be overridden by a high-validity spatial cue presented in advance of the onset character. Tradeoffs between the effects of central and abrupt onset cues were additive, indicating that endogenous and exogenous cues have their main effects at different levels in the visual attention system. Peripheral cues and abrupt onsets showed mainly interactive effects, however, consistent with the idea that both types of cues have exogenous components that affect a common pool of attentional resources.  相似文献   

Theeuwes (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 11:65?C70, 2004) proposed that stimulus-driven capture occurs primarily for salient stimuli that fall within the observer??s attentional window, such as when performing a parallel search. This proposal, which is supported by some studies, can explain many seemingly discrepant results in the literature. The present study tested this proposal using a modified precuing paradigm. Search mode was manipulated via target?Cdistractor similarity in color space. In the parallel search condition, the orange target ??popped out?? from a set of distantly colored distractors (blue and green). In the serial search condition, the orange target was more difficult to find amongst a set of similarly colored distractors (yellow and red). In Experiments 1 and 2, cue validity effects for irrelevant-color singleton cues were greater under parallel than under serial search, at least partially replicating previous studies favoring the attentional-window account (e.g., Belopolsky, Zwaan, Theeuwes, & Kramer, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14:934?C938, 2007). We found the opposite pattern, however, for capture by abrupt onsets (Experiments 3 and 4), in which case capture effects were actually greater under serial search. In sum, parallel search appears to facilitate capture by color singletons, yet to inhibit capture by abrupt onsets.  相似文献   

The influence of abrupt onsets on attentionally demanding visual search (i.e., search for a letter target among heterogeneous letter distractors), as indexed by performance and eye movement measures, was investigated in a series of studies. In Experiments 1 and 2 we examined whether onsets would capture the eyes when the appearance of an onset predicted neither the location nor the identity of the target. Subjects did direct their eyes to the abrupt onsets on a disproportionate number of trials in these studies. Interestingly, however, onset capture was modulated by subjects' scan strategies. Furthermore, onsets captured the eyes less frequently than would have been predicted by paradigms showing attentional capture when no eye movements are required. Experiment 3 examined the question of whether onsets would capture the eyes in a situation in which they never served as the target. Capture was observed in this study. However, the magnitude of capture effects was substantially diminished as compared to previous behavioural studies in which the onset had a chance probability of serving as the target. These data are discussed in terms of the influence of top-down constraints on stimulus-driven attentional and oculomotor capture by abrupt onset stimuli.  相似文献   

The onset of motion captures attention during visual search even if the motion is not task relevant, which suggests that motion onsets capture attention in a stimulus-driven manner. However, we have recently shown that stimulus-driven attentional capture by abruptly appearing objects is attenuated under conditions of high perceptual load. In the present study, we examined the influence of perceptual load on attentional capture by another type of dynamic stimulus: the onset of motion. Participants searched for a target letter through briefly presented low- and high-load displays. On each trial, two irrelevant flankers also appeared, one with a motion onset and one that was static. Flankers defined by a motion onset captured attention in the low-load but not in the high-load displays. This modulation of capture in high-load displays was not the result of overall lengthening of reaction times (RTs) in this condition, since search for a single low-contrast target lengthened RTs but did not influence capture. These results, together with those of previous studies, suggest that perceptual load can modulate attentional capture by dynamic stimuli.  相似文献   

Sunny and von Mühlenen (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 1050–1056, 2011) showed that an onset of motion captured attention only when the motion was jerky (refreshed at 8 or 17 Hz), but not when it was smooth (33 or 100 Hz). However, it remained unclear why the onset of jerky motion captures attention. In the present study, we systematically tested the role of different aspects of jerky motion in capturing attention. Simple flicker without motion did not capture attention in the same way as jerky motion (Exp. 1). An abrupt displacement between 0.26° and 1.05° captured attention, irrespective of whether the stimulus subsequently continued to move smoothly (Exp. 2) or whether it remained stationary (Exps. 3 and 4). A displaced stimulus that was preceded briefly at the new location by a figure-8 placeholder did not capture attention (Exp. 5). These results are explained within a masking account, according to which abrupt onsets and abrupt displacements receive a processing advantage because they escape forward masking by the preceding figure-8 placeholders.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has been found for a source of task-irrelevant oculomotor capture (defined as when a salient event draws the eyes away from a primary task) that originates from working memory. An object memorized for a nonsearch task can capture the eyes during search. Here, an experiment was conducted that generated interactions between the presence of a memorized object (a colored disk) with the abrupt onset of a new object during visual search. The goal was to compare memory-driven oculomotor capture to oculomotor capture caused by an abrupt onset. This has implications for saccade programming theories, which have little to say about saccades that are influenced by object working memory. Results showed that memorized objects capture the eyes at nearly the same rate as abrupt onsets. When the abrupt onset and a memorized color coincide in the same object, this combination leads to even greater oculomotor capture. Finally, latencies support the competitive integration model: Shorter saccade latencies were found when the memorized color combined with the onset captured the eyes, as compared to either color or onset only. Longer latencies were also found when the color and onset occurred in the same display but were spatially separated.  相似文献   

Researchers have proposed that during visual search, a color singleton cannot capture attention in a bottom-up fashion (Jonides & Yantis, 1988). In the present study, we manipulated the size of the attentional window by asking participants to detect either a global (diffuse attention) or a local (focused attention) shape before starting the search for a nonsingleton target. We demonstrate that increasing the size of attentional window causes the observers to frequently orient to an irrelevant color singleton. We conclude that although the size of attentional window might be under a top-down control, within the attentional window, an irrelevant salient singleton can capture attention in a bottom-up fashion.  相似文献   

The distribution of attention in both space and time is critical for processing our dynamic environment. Studies of spatial attention suggest that the distribution of attention is decreased when the perceptual load of a task increases, resulting in decreased processing of task-irrelevant distractors. Studies of the attentional blink (AB) suggest that the temporal distribution of attention also influences distractor processing, such that distractor processing increases during the AB relative to outside the AB (Jiang & Chun, 2001). Two experiments are reported in which the extent to which the difficulty of the first target task (T1) modulates the processing of task-irrelevant distractors during the AB was tested. To investigate this issue, both the first and second target tasks (T1 and T2) required identifying a central stimulus that was flanked by low-load or high-load distractors. Consistent with previous studies of the AB, there was evidence of more distractor processing during the AB than outside the AB. Critically, however, the interference caused by distractors presented simultaneously with T2 during the AB was reduced when T1 perceptual load was high relative to when it was low. These results suggest that increasing T1 perceptual load decreases distractor processing during the AB and that perceptual processes influence both the temporal and spatial distribution of attention.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine whether attentional set affects the ability of visual transients (onsets and offsets) to capture attention. In the experiments, visual search for an identity-defined target was conducted. In the first 3 experiments, the target display either onset entirely or was revealed by offsetting camouflaging line segments to reveal letters. Prior to the target display, there was a noninformative cue, either an onset or an offset, at one of the potential target locations. Cues that shared the same transient feature as the target display captured attention. The lack of predictable target transients led to attentional capture by all forms of transients. The final experiments with luminance changes without offsets or onsets showed attentional capture when the luminance changes were large. The results suggest that attentional set can be broadly or narrowly tuned to detect changes in luminance.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine whether human infants would form a categorical representation for the spatial relation between. Experiment 1 showed that 6- and 7-month-olds familiarized with stimuli depicting a diamond in different locations between two reference bars subsequently preferred a stimulus displaying the diamond located outside the bars over a stimulus displaying the diamond located in a novel position between the bars. Experiments 2 and 3 revealed that this preference could not be attributed to a failure to discriminate the location changes of the diamond between the bars or an a priori preference. The overall pattern of results indicates that 6- and 7-month-olds had formed a categorical representation for between. The findings are discussed in terms of factors affecting development of categorical representations for spatial relation information.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the degree to which experience with different stimulus characteristics affects attentional capture, particularly as related to aging. Participants were presented with onset target/color singleton distractor or color singleton target/onset distractor pairs across three experimental sessions. The target/distractor pairs were reversed in the second session such that the target in the first session became the distractor in the second and third sessions. For both young and old adults previous experience with color as a target defining feature influenced oculomotor capture with task-irrelevant color distractors. Experience with sudden onsets had the same effect for younger and older adults, although capture effects were substantially larger for onset than for color distractors. Experience-based capture effects diminished relatively rapidly after target and distractor-defining properties were reversed. The results are discussed in terms of top-down and stimulus-driven effects on age-related differences in attentional control.  相似文献   

The control of attention by abrupt visual onsets and offsets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A letter can be presented visually either by the abrupt appearance of lines that make up the letter (onset transient) or by the abrupt disappearance of extra lines from a form in which the letter is embedded (offset transient). Recent evidence from visual-search tasks has suggested that onset transients have absolute priority over offset transients with respect to the allocation of visual attention. Specifically, these studies have found that a single onset-transient target letter pops out of a background of offset-transient distractor letters (i.e., time to detect the target is independent of the number of distractors), which indicates that attention is automatically directed to the location of an onset-transient stimulus even when there are competing offset transients (Yantis & Jonides, 1984). Because of the way the offset letters were created, however, the total display change (number of offset line-segments plus number of onset line-segments) was greater for onset than for offset letters. Thus, onset targets might have popped out because they produced greater overall display changes rather than because they were the only letters with onset transients. In the present study, a figure that included more offset-transient line segments in the offset-transient letters was used. Under these conditions, onset-transient targets did not pop out of a background of offset-transient distractors. It is suggested that visual attention may be influenced by total display change and, therefore, that onset transients are not necessarily sufficient to control attention when there are many competing offset transients.  相似文献   

In five experiments, we investigated the power of targets defined by the onset or offset of one of an object’s parts (contour onsets and offsets) either to guide or to capture visual attention. In Experiment 1, search for a single contour onset target was compared with search for a single contour offset target against a static background of distractors; no difference was found between the efficiency with which each could be detected. In Experiment 2, onsets and offsets were compared for automatic attention capture, when both occurred simultaneously. Unlike in previous studies, the effects of overall luminance change, new-object creation, and number of onset and offset items were controlled. It was found that contour onset and offset items captured attention equally well. However, display size effects on both target types were also apparent. Such effects may have been due to competition for selection between multiple onset and offset stimuli. In Experiments 3 and 4, single onset and offset stimuli were presented simultaneously and pitted directly against one another among a background of static distractors. In Experiment 3, we examined “guided search,” for a target that was formed either from an onset or from an offset among static items. In Experiment 4, the onsets and offsets were uncorrelated with the target location. Similar results occurred in both experiments: target onsets and offsets were detected more efficiently than static stimuli which needed serial search; there remained effects of display size on performance; but there was still no advantage for onsets. In Experiment 5, we examined automatic attention capture by single onset and offset stimuli presented individually among static distractors. Again, there was no advantage for onset over offset targets and a display size effect was also present. These results suggest that, both in isolation and in competition, onsets that do not form new objects neither guide nor gain automatic attention more efficiently than offsets. In addition, in contrast to previous studies in which onsets formed new objects, contour onsets and offsets did not reliably capture attention automatically.  相似文献   

According to the preemptive-control hypothesis, participants can specify their control settings to attend to relevant target colours or to ignore the irrelevant distractor colours in advance of the displays. Two predictions of this hypothesis were tested. First, with the control settings being specified in advance, capture by a stimulus that better matches the settings was expected to temporally precede capture by a stimulus that matches the setting less well. Second, with the control settings being specified in advance, stronger capture by the better matching than by the less matching stimulus was predicted not to be a stimulus-driven consequence of the target colour in a preceding trial. Both predictions were shown to hold true under different conditions in three experiments.  相似文献   

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