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The present study examined attentional networks performance in 39 adolescents with dysfunctional personality traits, split into two group, Group < 10 and Group ≥ 10, according to the number of criteria they met at the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders. The attentional performance has been tested by means of a modified version of the Attentional Network Test (ANTI-V) which allows testing both phasic and tonic components of the alerting system, the exogenous aspect of the orienting system, the executive network and their interactions. Results showed that the orienting costs of having an invalid spatial cue were reduced in the Group ≥ 10 criteria compared to the Group < 10. Moreover, adolescents included in the Group ≥ 10 showed lower conflict when attention was cued to the target location (valid trials) but showed normal interference when there was no overpowering focus of attention (invalid trials). The results found with ANOVA after splitting the sample into two categorical groups were also observed in a complementary correlation analysis keeping intact the continuous nature of such variables. These findings are consistent with the notion that dysfunctional features of personality disorders may represent the psychological manifestations of a neuropsychological abnormality in attention and executive functioning. Finally, we discuss the implications of this attentional anomaly for dysfunctional personality traits and behaviour.  相似文献   

The effects of moving task-irrelevant objects on time-to-contact (TTC) judgments were examined in 5 experiments. Observers viewed a directly approaching target in the presence of a distractor object moving in parallel with the target. In Experiments 1 to 4, observers decided whether the target would have collided with them earlier or later than a standard (absolute identification task). A contrast effect was observed: If the distractor arrived later than the target, it caused a bias toward early responses, relative to the condition without a distractor. The early-arriving distractor had no significant effect. The pattern of results was unaltered when potentially confounding information from individual visual cues was removed. The availability of stereoscopic information reduced the effect. The contrast effect was also observed if target and distractor were abstract geometric objects rather than simulations of real-world vehicles, rendering less likely a simple safety strategy activated by a potentially threatening distractor. Experiment 5 showed that the effect of the late-arriving distractor generalized to a prediction-motion task. The results indicate that task-irrelevant information in the background has to be considered in revision of time-to-contact theory.  相似文献   

A sex-balanced sample (N = 96) of children from age 6.5 to age 12.5 completed a modified Attention Network Test. Across these ages, we found evidence for developmental changes to alerting and executive control but stable orienting. Additionally, we found that the youngest members of our sample manifested an interaction between alerting and executive control that is opposite to that typically found in adults; a reversal that diminishes with age to achieve the adult pattern by the older end of the age range of our sample.  相似文献   

Posner and Cohen (1984) and Maylor (1985) initially observed that a luminance change produces both facilitatory and inhibitory effects on subsequent detection. While Posner and Cohen claimed that the facilitatory effect was mapped in retinotopic coordinates, they showed that inhibition of return (IOR) was mapped in “environmental coordinates.” Tipper and colleagues (Tipper, Driver, & Weaver, 1991; Tipper et al., 1997; Tipper, Weaver, Jerreat, & Burak, 1994) and Abrams and Dobkin (1994b) have recently reported that IOR can be object based, but contradictory results have also been reported (Muller & von Mühlenen, 1996). Here we report six experiments showing that an uninformative peripheral cue can generate either facilitatory or inhibitory object-based effects that can tag moving objects and that can persist for several hundred milliseconds. Although the boundary conditions determining which effect will be manifest remain to be defined, the present results suggest that facilitation and inhibition are generated independently, rather than being components of the same biphasic process.  相似文献   

The Attention Network Test (ANT) generates measures of three attention networks: alerting, orienting and executive control. Arrows have been generally used as imperative stimuli in the different versions of this paradigm. However, it is unknown whether the directional nature of these stimuli can modulate the efficiency of the executive control and its interaction with alerting and orienting. We developed three ANT variants to examine attentional effects in response to directional and non-directional stimuli. Arrows (ANTI-A), colored fruits (ANTI-F) and black geometrical-shape (ANTI-G) were used as imperative stimuli (i.e., flanker stimuli). Data collected from fifty-two university students, in two experiments, showed that arrows stimuli produced a greater interference effect and a greater orienting effect as compared to the other stimuli. Moreover, only arrows modulated the interaction between executive control and orienting: a reduced flanker effect in spatially cued trials was only observed in ANTI-A. These results suggest that the directional value of the stimuli increases the conflict and modulates the efficiency of executive control and its interaction with orienting network.  相似文献   

Posner and Cohen (1984) and Maylor (1985) initially observed that a luminance change produces both facilitatory and inhibitory effects on subsequent detection. While Posner and Cohen claimed that the facilitatory effect was mapped in retinotopic coordinates, they showed that inhibition of return (IOR) was mapped in "environmental coordinates." Tipper and colleagues (Tipper, Driver, & Weaver, 1991; Tipper et al., 1997; Tipper, Weaver, Jerreat, & Burak, 1994) and Abrams and Dobkin (1994b) have recently reported that IOR can be object based, but contradictory results have also been reported (Müller & von Mühlenen, 1996). Here we report six experiments showing that an uninformative peripheral cue can generate either facilitatory or inhibitory object-based effects that can tag moving objects and that can persist for several hundred milliseconds. Although the boundary conditions determining which effect will be manifest remain to be defined, the present results suggest that facilitation and inhibition are generated independently, rather than being components of the same biphasic process.  相似文献   

The effects of aging on alerting, orienting, and executive function were examined with the use of the Attention Network Task, which combines the Posner spatial cuing task and the Eriksen flanker task into a single procedure. We found that older adults showed significantly less alerting than young adults in response to a warning cue, although there were no age differences in orienting or executive function once processing speed was taken into account. We suggest that age differences in alerting may depend in part upon the presentation duration or persistence of the warning cue.  相似文献   

We examined two forms of top-down effects on visual selection: (1) information held in working memory (WM) and (2) the semantic relations between targets and distractors. We found that items held in WM affected search for a different target. This WM-based interference effect generalized across different exemplars, even though participants could remember the specific exemplar on the trial. This argues against a memory top-up account of performance. In addition, there was interference from distractors that were not held in WM but were semantically related to the target. The effects of WM capture and the effects of capture by a distractor related to the target combined additively. The data suggest that task-irrelevant information in WM and task-relevant templates for targets compete separately for selection. The implications for understanding top-down processes in search are discussed.  相似文献   

A simple reaction time (RT) experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that redundancy gain arises partly because of hemispheric coactivation. Stimuli were presented to the left or right of fixation, or redundantly to both, and the participants had to make keypress responses as rapidly as possible to stimulus onset. A "static" condition, in which the participants held their hands at rest, was compared with a "dynamic" condition, in which they moved their hands back and forth in an oscillating motion prior to stimulus onset. As predicted from the hypothesis of hemispheric coactivation, redundancy gain, measured as the decrease in mean RT to redundant stimuli as compared with single stimuli, was smaller in the dynamic condition than in the static one.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of attentional capture by a unique yet irrelevant singleton distractor has typically been studied in visual search. In this article, the authors examine whether a similar phenomenon occurs in the auditory domain. Participants searched sequences of sounds for targets defined by frequency, intensity, or duration. The presence of a singleton distractor that was unique on an irrelevant dimension (e.g., a low-frequency singleton in search for a target of high intensity) was associated with search costs in both detection and discrimination tasks. However, if the singleton feature coincided with the target item, search was facilitated. These results establish the phenomenon of auditory attentional capture.  相似文献   

Saccadic reaction time (SRT) is more strongly slowed by target-similar than dissimilar distractors (similarity effect). The time course of this similarity effect was investigated by varying target contrast and analyzing SRT distributions. With foveal distractors, the similarity effect increased with increasing SRT, suggesting that top-down enhancement of target features increased over time. This allowed for successful saccades to the peripheral target, but also entailed larger distraction by target-similar stimuli. Similarity effects with peripheral distractors did not increase with SRT, which we attribute to location-based inhibition containing the growing enhancement of target features. Strong inhibition was likely with peripheral distractors because they always appeared at the same task-irrelevant location. Prior inhibition with foveal distractors was weaker because this would have partially released fixation and entailed anticipations.  相似文献   

In a spatial cueing paradigm it was investigated whether endogenous orienting is sensitive to orienting processes in the previous trial. Specifically, the effect of the previous cue direction, the previous trial type (valid, invalid, neutral, catch) and target alternation effects were studied. Strategic effects were shown as attentional costs and benefits were larger after a valid than after an invalid trial. Following catch trials, an overall response slowing was observed, but costs and benefits were unaffected. This was interpreted as a reduction in alertness and as support for the dissociation between spatial and temporal attentional mechanisms. Repetition of target position per se had no effect, but in neutral trials responses were slower to targets appearing at the location that was cued in the previous trial, independent of validity of the preceding trial. This suggests that long-term inhibition-of-return can occur between trials when attention is controlled endogenously.  相似文献   

Selective attention can be improved under conditions in which a high perceptual load is assumed to exhaust cognitive resources, leaving scarce resources for distractor processing. The present study examined whether perceptual load and acute stress share common attentional resources by manipulating perceptual and stress loads. Participants identified a target within an array of nontargets that were flanked by compatible or incompatible distractors. Attentional selectivity was measured by longer reaction times in response to the incompatible than to the compatible distractors. Participants in the stress group participated in a speech test that increased anxiety and threatened self-esteem. The effect of perceptual load interacted with the stress manipulation in that participants in the control group demonstrated an interference effect under the low perceptual load condition, whereas such interference disappeared under the high perceptual load condition. Importantly, the stress group showed virtually no interference under the low perceptual load condition, whereas substantial interference occurred under the high perceptual load condition. These results suggest that perceptual and stress related demands consume the same attentional resources.  相似文献   

Selective attention can be improved under conditions in which a high perceptual load is assumed to exhaust cognitive resources, leaving scarce resources for distractor processing. The present study examined whether perceptual load and acute stress share common attentional resources by manipulating perceptual and stress loads. Participants identified a target within an array of nontargets that were flanked by compatible or incompatible distractors. Attentional selectivity was measured by longer reaction times in response to the incompatible than to the compatible distractors. Participants in the stress group participated in a speech test that increased anxiety and threatened self-esteem. The effect of perceptual load interacted with the stress manipulation in that participants in the control group demonstrated an interference effect under the low perceptual load condition, whereas such interference disappeared under the high perceptual load condition. Importantly, the stress group showed virtually no interference under the low perceptual load condition, whereas substantial interference occurred under the high perceptual load condition. These results suggest that perceptual and stress related demands consume the same attentional resources.  相似文献   

A connectionist model of visual search is presented, in which search is determined by patterns of grouping between distractors and between the target and the distractors. Grouping is based on conjunctive relations between simple form elements (corners, line-end terminators), and uses principles of similarity and spatial proximity. In its normal, 'unlesioned' state, the model simulates the search data generated by human subjects when they search for simple form conjunctions amongst either homogeneous or heterogeneous distractors (Humphreys & Muller, in press). In this paper, the performance of the model is examined after the model is subject to various types of 'lesion'. 'Lesioning' is produced either by increasing the internal noise on the activation functions governing the interactions between processing units, or by eliminating processing units from different loci in the model. Increasing the internal noise within the model, or lesioning units within 'high-level' processing stages, can generate the selective effects on search found in a detailed single case study of an agnosic patient (Humphreys, Riddoch, Quinlan, Price & Donnelly, this volume): Namely, there is selective disruption of search for a form conjunction amongst homogeneous distractors relative to search for the same target amongst heterogeneous distractors. This selective effect can be attributed to the 'lesion' disrupting grouping between distractors, which normally facilitates search with homogeneous distractors. The simulations demonstrate that (1) search processes can be disrupted by adding internal noise to search functions, (2) that there can be selective effects on grouping processes, and (3) that these selective effects can be associated with different types of lesion to different stages in the model. The implications of the simulations for understanding visual processing impairments in agnosia are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of auditory stimuli to modulate rats' tendency to orient to visual targets was assessed. In Experiment 1, trials where an auditory stimulus (A) signaled one visual array (X) were intermixed with unsignaled presentations of a second array (Y). Comparison of the orienting responses (ORs) to X and Y revealed that A produced a transient (unconditioned) and an emerging (conditioned) disruptive influence on the OR to X. In Experiments 2 and 3, trials where A signaled X were intermixed with others where another auditory stimulus (B) signaled Y. Stimulus A's ability to modulate the OR to X was then assessed by presenting A prior to test arrays containing both X and Y. Control rats were more likely to orient to Y than X (Experiments 2 and 3) and rats with excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus were more likely to orient to X than Y (Experiment 3). These results show that auditory stimuli exert distinct modulatory influences on the OR to visual stimuli with which they are associated.  相似文献   

Two auditory Stroop experiments requiring identification of the speaker's sex were conducted. An auditory Stroop effect was expected, analogous to visual effects found in Stroop literature. In Exp. 1 the speaker's sex was identified faster when sex labels ("male" and "female") and words that imply a sex (e.g., father, grandmother) were congruent with the speaker's sex. In Exp. 2, an auditory semantic gradient was established in which words that were more meaningfully tied to a particular sex produced more Stroop interference. This auditory semantic gradient is analogous to effects found in the visual Stroop literature of a semantic gradient related to color.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the interplay between phonological facilitation and semantic interference effects in picture naming. We use a double distractor variant of the classic picture-word interference paradigm to investigate whether the reported interaction between these effects is dependent on the two types of related information being presented by the same distractor word or not. While prior studies using single mixed distractors such as pigeon for the target PIG have reported an interaction between phonological facilitation and semantic interference, we find additivity when the two types of related information come from two different distractor words. Possible implications of this result for how activation is transmitted within the speech production system are discussed.  相似文献   

Feria CS 《Perception》2012,41(3):287-304
Is the effect of distractors in multiple object tracking dependent on the distractors sharing the features of the targets? In experiment 1, observers tracked five targets among five distractors that were identical to the targets and a number of additional distractors that were either identical to or featurally distinct from the targets. Results showed that distractors that are distinct from the targets in shape or color, or are stationary, impair tracking less than distractors that are identical to the targets. However, tracking performance declined as the number of distractors increased, even for featurally distinct distractors. Experiment 2 showed that distractors that differ from the targets on two features impair tracking less than distractors that differ from the targets on only one feature, but only when target tracking load is low. These results indicate that shape, color, and motion information about distractors can be used to distinguish them from targets during tracking, although even distractors with a different feature from the targets produce some interference with tracking. These findings suggest that the effect of distractors on tracking is dependent on top-down settings for target features.  相似文献   

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