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Perceptual organization is thought to involve an analysis of bothtextural discontinuities andperceptual grouping. In earlier work, we found that textural discontinuities were detected normally even when visual attention was engaged elsewhere. Here we report how perceptual grouping is affected when visual attention is engaged by a concurrent visual task. To elicit perceptual grouping, we used the Gestalt demonstrations of grouping on the basis of proximity and of similarity. Four tasks were investigated, some requiring the observer to discriminate between horizontal and vertical grouping, and some requiring the observer to merely detect the presence or absence of grouping. Visual attention was engaged at the center of the display by a form identification task. The detection of a textural discontinuity served as a control task. Concurrent form identification conflicted with all four grouping tasks, resulting in a significant reduction of grouping performance in each case. No performance reduction was observed when either form identification or grouping discrimination was combined with the detection of a textural discontinuity. These results suggest that perceptual grouping and form identification compete for visual attention, whereas the detection of a textural discontinuity does not.  相似文献   

Perceptual organization is thought to involve an analysis of both textural discontinuities and perceptual grouping. In earlier work, we found that textural discontinuities were detected normally even when visual attention was engaged elsewhere. Here we report how perceptual grouping is affected when visual attention is engaged by a concurrent visual task. To elicit perceptual grouping, we used the Gestalt demonstrations of grouping on the basis of proximity and of similarity. Four tasks were investigated, some requiring the observer to discriminate between horizontal and vertical grouping, and some requiring the observer to merely detect the presence or absence of grouping. Visual attention was engaged at the center of the display by a form identification task. The detection of a textural discontinuity served as a control task. Concurrent form identification conflicted with all four grouping tasks, resulting in a significant reduction of grouping performance in each case. No performance reduction was observed when either form identification or grouping discrimination was combined with the detection of a textural discontinuity. These results suggest that perceptual grouping and form identification compete for visual attention, whereas the detection of a textural discontinuity does not.  相似文献   

Temporally-extended perception involves a delicate balance of constancy and change. 'This can be seen, for instance, when viewing bistable figures such as the Necker cube. A recent study by Gepshtein and Kubovy of sequential effects in multistable dot lattices demonstrates constancy and change within the same set of data. They propose that these opposing trends might be explained by the same single factor: a persistent random orientation bias that is intrinsic to brain activity. This proposal could form the basis for a new account of multistability.  相似文献   

Learning can be highly adaptive if associations learned in one context are generalized to novel contexts. We examined the development of such generalization in infancy in the context of grouping. In Experiment 1, 3- to 4-month-olds and 6- to 7-month-olds were habituated to shapes grouped via the organizational principle of common region and were tested with familiar and novel pairs as determined by the principle of proximity. Older infants generalized from common region to proximity, but younger infants did not. Younger infants failed to generalize when the task was easier (Experiment 2), and their failure was not due to inability to group via proximity (Experiment 3). However, in Experiment 4, even younger infants generalized grouping on the basis of connectedness to proximity. Thus, the ability to transfer learned associations of shapes to novel contexts is evident early in life, although it continues to undergo quantitative change during infancy. Moreover, the operation of this generalization mechanism may be induced by means of bootstrapping onto functional organizational principles, which is consistent with a developmental framework in which core processes scaffold learning.  相似文献   

Lateral interference and perceptual grouping in visual detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

People categorized pairs of perceptual stimuli that varied in both category membership and pairwise similarity. Experiments 1 and 2 showed categorization of 1 color of a pair to be reliably contrasted from that of the other. This similarity-based contrast effect occurred only when the context stimulus was relevant for the categorization of the target (Experiment 3). The effect was not simply owing to perceptual color contrast (Experiment 4), and it extended to pictures from common semantic categories (Experiment 5). Results were consistent with a sign-and-magnitude version of N. Stewart and G. D. A. Brown's (2005) similarity-dissimilarity generalized context model, in which categorization is affected by both similarity to and difference from target categories. The data are also modeled with criterion setting theory (M. Treisman & T. C. Williams, 1984), in which the decision criterion is systematically shifted toward the mean of the current stimuli.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to specify the differential conditions underlying two opposite context effects: assimilation and contrast. Assimilation occurs when the judgment of the current stimulus shifts in the direction of the preceding stimulus; contrast occurs when the judgment shifts in the opposite direction. Both effects are brought together and demonstrated in a single paradigm. It is hypothesized that the number of contextual stimuli is the differentiating factor. Two alternative hypotheses, the differential stimulation hypothesis and the temporal position hypothesis, are also tested. The differential stimulation hypothesis proposes that the intensity difference between the contextual and judged stimulus determines whether assimilation or contrast occur, and the temporal position hypothesis proposes that varying the temporal position of the contextual stimulus is the critical factor. While the results do not support either of these alternative hypotheses, it is shown that the number of contextual stimuli does determine whether assimilation or contrast occur.  相似文献   

J Feldman 《Acta psychologica》1999,102(2-3):137-163
Perceptual organization can be viewed as the selection of the best or "most reasonable" parse of a given scene. However, the principles that determine which interpretation is most reasonable have resisted most attempts to define them formally. This paper summarizes a formal theory of human perceptual organization, called minimal model theory, in which the best interpretation of a given scene is expressed as the formally minimal interpretation in a well-defined space of possible interpretations. We then focus specifically on the role of types of grouping units, in particular the difficult notion of "object". Although grouping is often thought of as the process of dividing the image into objects, most research in perceptual grouping actually focuses on simpler types of units, such as contours and surfaces. Minimal model theory characterizes grouping units at a logical level, demonstrating how formal assumptions about units induce the observer to place a certain preference ranking on interpretations. The theory is then applied to the more subtle problem of objects, culminating in a definition for objects that is formally rigorous but at the same time captures some of the flexibility of human intuitions about objects.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the human visual system can use temporal synchrony for the perceptual grouping of image regions into unified objects, as proposed in some neural models. It is argued here, however, that previous psychophysical evidence for this hypothesis is due to stimulus artifacts, and that earlier studies do not, therefore, support the claims of synchrony-sensitive grouping mechanisms or processes.  相似文献   

We propose the Gabor lattice as a new stimulus designed to deal with multiple organizations in perceptual grouping, allowing both comparison between psychophysical data and neural findings and a systematic investigation of grouping based on several low-level characteristics and their interactions. A Gabor lattice is a geometric lattice with Gabor patches, evoking a multistable global orientation percept. Visual grouping in Gabor lattices with elements aligned in a global orientation was compared with grouping of nonaligned Gabor patches and of Gaussian blobs. The effect sizes of proximity and alignment were estimated in logistic regression analyses. The results confirmed the importance of proximity and local element alignment as factors in dynamic grouping. We also found a small but consistent enhancement of grouping along the global vector orthogonal to the local patch orientations. In light of these results, we further motivate the relevance of these stimuli and the associated experimental paradigm.  相似文献   

In two experiments on whether similarity grouping is based on the retinal or the perceived slopes of lines, observers judged the grouping of diagonal lines when a display of vertical and diagonal lines was presented upright and when it was slanted 75 deg toward the floor. The floorwise slanting of the display improved gouping, as would be expected if the spontaneous organization of a field into groups in strongly influenced by the projection-level representation of stimuli. It is proposed that similarity grouping occurs at the readout stage of stimulus processing and involves segregating a field into groups on the basis of extrafoveal stimulus differences that are responded to in parallel; or if sequentially, very quickly and independently of focal attention.  相似文献   

A detailed neural model is presented of how the laminar circuits of visual cortical areas V1 and V2 implement context-sensitive binding processes such as perceptual grouping and attention. The model proposes how specific laminar circuits allow the responses of visual cortical neurons to be determined not only by the stimuli within their classical receptive fields, but also to be strongly influenced by stimuli in the extra-classical surround. This context-sensitive visual processing can greatly enhance the analysis of visual scenes, especially those containing targets that are low contrast, partially occluded, or crowded by distractors. We show how interactions of feedforward, feedback, and horizontal circuitry can implement several types of contextual processing simultaneously, using shared laminar circuits. In particular, we present computer simulations that suggest how top-down attention and preattentive perceptual grouping, two processes that are fundamental for visual binding, can interact, with attentional enhancement selectively propagating along groupings of both real and illusory contours, thereby showing how attention can selectively enhance object representations. These simulations also illustrate how attention may have a stronger facilitatory effect on low contrast than on high contrast stimuli, and how pop-out from orientation contrast may occur. The specific functional roles which the model proposes for the cortical layers allow several testable neurophysiological predictions to be made. The results presented here simulate only the boundary grouping system of adult cortical architecture. However, we also discuss how this model contributes to a larger neural theory of vision that suggests how intracortical and intercortical feedback help to stabilize development and learning within these cortical circuits. Although feedback plays a key role, fast feedforward processing is possible in response to unambiguous information. Model circuits are capable of synchronizing quickly, but context-sensitive persistence of previous events can influence how synchrony develops. Although these results focus on how the interblob cortical processing stream controls boundary grouping and attention, related modelling of the blob cortical processing stream suggests how visible surfaces are formed, and modelling of the motion stream suggests how transient responses to scenic changes can control long-range apparent motion and also attract spatial attention.  相似文献   

The effects of perceptual grouping/segregation of targets and distractors by means of colour on positive and negative priming were examined in two experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2 we examined whether grouping of target and distractors by means of common colour in the prime display affected positive and negative priming, or whether these effects depend on prime–probe contextual similarity in colour. In addition, we examined the effects of the predictability of target colour in the prime and the probe displays across the experiments using mixed (Experiment 1) or blocked procedures (Experiment 2). The pattern of results was similar in both experiments, indicating that the positive priming effect was determined by target repetition and enhanced by perceptual segregation of target from distractors in the prime display. The negative priming effect was determined by grouping the target and distractors by common colour in the prime display. The results of the present experiments are consistent with inhibition-based models of negative priming.  相似文献   

We assessed whether uniform connectedness (UC; Palmer & Rock, 1994) operates prior to effects reflecting classical principles of grouping: proximity and similarity. In Experiments 1 and 2, reaction times to discriminate global letters (H vs. E), made up of small circles, were recorded. The small circles were respectively grouped by proximity, similarity of shapes, and by UC. The discrimination of stimuli grouped by similarity was slower than those grouped by proximity, and it was speeded up by the addition of UC. However, the discrimination of stimuli grouped by proxhnity was unaffected by connecting the local elements. In Experiment 3, similar results occurred in a task requiring discrimination of the orientation of grouped elements, except that the discrimination of stimuli grouped by UC was faster than that of those grouped by weak proximity. Experiment 4 further showed that subjects could respond to letters composed of discriminably separate local elements as fast as to those without separated local elements. The results suggest that grouping by similarity of shapes is perceived slower than grouping by UC, but grouping by proximity can be as fast and efficient as that by UC.  相似文献   

Oyama T  Simizu M  Tozawa J 《Perception》1999,28(6):739-748
Effects of similarity in colour, luminance, size, and shape on apparent motion and perceptual grouping were examined in part 1 in two parallel experiments on the same seven subjects. In both experiments, the effect of similarity was compared with that of proximity in competitive, bistable stimulus situations. A combination of a larger horizontal separation between the homogeneous stimulus elements and a smaller constant vertical separation between heterogeneous stimulus elements produced two kinds of apparent motion (or perceptual grouping) with equal probabilities. Such matched separations between homogeneous stimulus elements were obtained by the double staircase method in various stimulus conditions. In both experiments on apparent motion and perceptual grouping matched separation was found to increase as the difference between the heterogeneous stimulus elements increased. High correlations (0.71 to 0.94) of matched separations were found between apparent motion and perceptual grouping in four stimulus series: colour, luminance, size, and shape. Six of the seven subjects were also tested in part 2. Here, the effects of differences were found to work additively across different perceptual attributes in both phenomena, when multiple differences were combined in heterogeneous elements. The experimental results are discussed from the point of view that apparent motion is an example of perceptual constancy.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of young infants (3- and 4-month-olds) to detect faces in the two-tone images often referred to as Mooney faces. In Experiment 1, this performance was examined in conditions of high and low visibility of local features and with either the presence or absence of the outer head contour. We found that regardless of the presence of the outer head contour, infants preferred upright over inverted two-tone face images only when local features were highly visible (Experiment 1a). We showed that this upright preference disappeared when the contrast polarity of two-tone images was reversed (Experiment 1b), reflecting operation of face-specific mechanisms. In Experiment 2, we investigated whether motion affects infants' perception of faces in Mooney faces. We found that when the faces appeared to be rigidly moving, infants did show an upright preference in conditions of low visibility of local features (Experiment 2a). Again the preference disappeared when the contrast polarity of the image was reversed (Experiment 2b). Together, these results suggest that young infants have the ability to integrate fragmented image features to perceive faces from two-tone face images, especially if they are moving. This suggests that an interaction between motion and form rather than a purely motion-based process (e.g., structure from motion) facilitates infants' perception of faces in ambiguous two-tone images.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, two tasks were administered to children aged 4, 5, and 9 in order to investigate preference for perceptual versus conceptual attributes in grouping of common objects, and in various aspects of memory. The grouping task revealed a clear chronological progression: color and form determined the youngest children's grouping about equally; form dominated in the 5-year-olds; and most of the oldest children grouped primarily by conceptual attributes. In the memory task, three lists—one organized by color, one by form, one by superordinate category—were presented for free, followed by cued recall. Clustering showed the developmental shift from color to form to concept, while cued recall showed conceptual superiority at all ages. Experiment II replicated the memory task, yielding the same results. The results were discussed in terms of the relative abstractness and predictability of conceptual versus perceptual attributes and the difficulty of abstraction in encoding and the function of predictability in retrieval.  相似文献   

Previous studies making use of indirect processing measures have shown that perceptual grouping can occur outside the focus of attention. However, no previous study has examined the possibility of subliminal processing of perceptual grouping. The present work steps forward in the study of perceptual organization, reporting direct evidence of subliminal processing of Gestalt patterns. In two masked priming experiments, Gestalt patterns grouped by proximity or similarity that induced either a horizontal or vertical global orientation of the stimuli were presented as masked primes and followed by visible targets that could be congruent or incongruent with the orientation of the primes. The results showed a reliable priming effect in the complete absence of prime awareness for both proximity and similarity grouping principles. These findings suggest that a phenomenal report of the Gestalt pattern is not mandatory to observe an effect on the response based on the global properties of Gestalt stimuli.  相似文献   

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