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We evaluated collateral effects of behavioral parent training (BPT) on families with children who have developmental disabilities and behavior disorders. We compared 18 BPT graduates to 18 similar families waiting for service. The BPT graduates reported significantly less (i) child behavior problems, (ii) disruption to child and family quality of life due to child problem behavior, and (iii) stress related to limits on family opportunities and child physical limitations, up to 5 years after discharge. On a self‐efficacy scale, the graduates reported being more effective child behavior change agents in not only stopping child problem behavior, but also in preventing new occurrences and teaching the child appropriate behavior. These results suggest that BPT has persistent beneficial effects on children and parents. The findings reflect the program's focus on teaching parents how to use functional assessment derived positive teaching strategies to replace child problem behavior. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A relationship between various medical illnesses and the frequency and severity of nonspecific behavioral symptoms such as aggression and self-injury has been described by a number of writers. None, however, provides a clinical case formulation model that articulates the specific nature of this relationship or the manner in which potential biomedical influences interact with psychological and socioenvironmental ones to determine the occurrence and strength of behavioral symptoms. A model is described in this paper that suggests possible contributions of medical illnesses or conditions to occurrence of nonspecific behavioral symptoms and provides a diagnostic basis for selecting and evaluation related interventions. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A statewide survey of moderate and severe behavior disorders in persons with mental retardation in institutional and community settings was conducted. Information on the treatment procedures used and the adequacy of available resources in both settings was also gathered. Results indicated that community staff had considerably less experience than institutional staff in dealing with serious behavior disorders exhibited by persons with substantial cognitive and physical impairments. The types of aberrant behaviors with the highest prevalence rates showed differences in the institutions and the community. The largest differences in prevalence rates for severe behavior disorders in the two settings occurred for aggressive and self-injurious behaviors. Community staff thus had appreciably less experience than institutional staff in designing interventions for severe aggressive and self-injurious behaviors. About half of the identified individuals in both settings received psychotropic medications. Institutional staff were most likely to use restrictive behavioral procedures than community staff. Findings indicated that the most restrictive procedures were used primarily with only certain severe behavior disorders. Subjective ratings of the overall effectiveness of interventions were lower by community than institutional staff. The usefulness of the obtained data base for statewide planning in the area of behavioral supports is discussed.  相似文献   

A hom-based therapeutic program for infants with developmental disorders is described. The program is used at the Institute for Psychophysiological and Speech Disorders, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Significant changes in infant developmental competence provide support for the use of parents as direct intervention agents for their infants. Positive changes in marital and family relationships are important side effects of parent involvement in the therapeutic habilitation of their children.  相似文献   

Non‐compliance with requests in educational or therapeutic settings interferes with teaching and learning. Recent studies indicate that the probability of compliance can be increased when short sequences of requests with a high probability of compliance are followed by a request less likely to be followed by compliance. The high probability command sequence (HPCS) consists of requests that produce compliance rates of 80% or more. For some individuals with severe disabilities it is difficult to find sufficient number of requests that result in 80% compliance. This study assessed the effects of two levels of high probability request sequences on compliance with subsequent low probability requests. The three participants (ages 7, 11, and 20) met the diagnostic criteria for autism and/or severe to profound mental retardation. Results showed that both high (>80% compliance) and medium (50–70% compliance) request sequences produced increases in compliance to subsequent requests that had produced low compliance rates (<40%) during baseline. No systematic differences were observed between high and medium probability sequences. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Service providers to individuals with developmental disabilities at seven North Dakota agencies were surveyed on their current and past use of facilitated communication (FC). Perceived validity and effectiveness of FC were also assessed. Seventeen percent of the 177 direct care and supervisory staff surveyed reported that they had never heard of FC, 36% were aware of but had never used FC, 28% had previously used FC, and 18% currently used the technique despite overwhelming experimental evidence that FC is not a valid means of communication for people with disabilities. The results indicated that respondents who had previously used FC, but did not do so currently, gave it the lowest ratings of validity, usefulness, and likability, while current users gave FC the highest ratings. Current users had the fewest years of experience in the field of developmental disabilities. The majority of current users said guardian approval should not be required prior to the use of FC, whereas the majority of past users and non-users said that guardian approval should be required. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of self-monitoring on the procedural integrity of token economy implementation by 3 staff in a special education classroom were evaluated. The subsequent changes in academic readiness behaviors of 2 students with low-incidence disabilities were measured. Multiple baselines across staff and students showed that procedural integrity increased when staff used monitoring checklists, and students' academic readiness behavior also increased. Results are discussed with respect to the use of self-monitoring and the importance of procedural integrity in public school settings.  相似文献   

Trends and issues regarding the community-based support of people with developmental disabilities who exhibit severe behavior problems are discussed. Living in the community provides a unique framework within which behavior change programs are developed, implemented, and monitored. Support models for people with challenging behavior need to: (a) program for diversity across people, settings, and activities; (b) plan for high levels of integration in community settings among typical community members; and (c) meet guidelines regarding restrictions in intervention typologies. Increasingly, behavior analysts are conducting analog and in vivo assessments prior to intervening in order to develop an understanding of why behavior problems are occurring. Along with the increase in assessing the functions of behavior, is a greater attention to the contexts in which interventions are applied. The rearranging of contexts, communication training, choice-making, matching people's competence to their settings, the use of novelty, and proactive programing reflect these concerns.  相似文献   

Similar to the state of the broader intellectual disabilities field, many gaps exist in the research and treatment of mental health concerns in people with Down syndrome. This review summarizes key findings on the type and prevalence of behavior and emotional problems in children, adolescents, and adults with Down syndrome. Such findings include relatively low rates of severe problems in children, and well-documented risks of depression and Alzheimer's disease in older adults. The review also considers emerging data on autism, and the paucity of studies on adolescents. Three next steps for research are highlighted, including a need to: (1) connect research on psychiatric status and diagnoses across developmental periods, including adolescence, and to examine such associated processes as sociability, anxiety and attention; (2) unravel complicated biopsycho-social risk and protective factors that serve to increase or diminish psychopathology; and (3) identify evidence-based treatments that both reduce distressful symptoms and enhance well-being in individuals with Down syndrome.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at assessing a new computer-based system to promote task performance in three adults with severe developmental disabilities. The new system, which was small and battery powered, could provide auditory and vibratory prompts in addition to pictorial instructions concerning the task steps. To control for the effects of the computer-based system, the subjects were also exposed to a card system. The results showed that the subjects had a significantly higher level of correct performance on the tasks presented with the computer-based system than on the tasks presented with the card system. Two of the subjects, moreover, seemed to prefer the computer-based system to the card system. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Education and rehabilitation research with persons with developmental disabilities is often based on single-case designs (with small numbers of ordinal data points collected at irregular intervals) and relies upon graphic display and visual inspection of the data. This paper (a) provides a brief account of some statistical tests, which may serve to supplement the visual inspection process and (b) underlines some of their strengths and limitations to help education and rehabilitation personnel make a reasonable choice among them.  相似文献   

Throughout its history, laboratory research in the experimental analysis of behavior has been successful in elucidating and clarifying basic learning principles and processes in both humans and nonhumans. In parallel, applied behavior analysis has shown how fundamental behavior-analytic principles and procedures can be employed to promote desirable forms of behavior and to prevent or ameliorate undesirable forms in clinical, educational, and other settings. Less obviously, there has also emerged a small but identifiable bridging field that can potentially connect and inform both basic and applied behavior analysis. Although such translational behavior analysis uses laboratory methodologies, research targets are selected largely for their value in ultimate application to improve the human condition. I will discuss the distinction of translational behavior analysis from basic and applied behavior analysis and consider the potential contribution that translational research can make in the development of the science of behavior.  相似文献   

This article describes a cognitive-behavioral, psycho-educational program entitled Rational Behavior Problem-Solving. Also presented is a review of three research studies investigating its effectiveness in promoting the career development of persons with disabilities.Roy C. Farley, Ed.D. is an Associate Fellow of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, and an Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Education and Research with the Arkansas Research and Training Center in Vocational Rehabilitation at the University of Arkansas.  相似文献   

The overjustification hypothesis suggests that extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic rewards are common in strengthening behavior in persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities; we examined overjustification effects in this context. A literature search yielded 65 data sets permitting comparison of responding during an initial no‐reinforcement phase to a subsequent no‐reinforcement phase, separated by a reinforcement phase. We used effect sizes to compare response levels in these two no‐reinforcement phases. Overall, the mean effect size did not differ from zero; levels in the second no‐reinforcement phase were equally likely to be higher or lower than in the first. However, in contrast to the overjustification hypothesis, levels were higher in the second no‐reinforcement phase when comparing the single no‐reinforcement sessions immediately before and after reinforcement. Outcomes consistent with the overjustification hypothesis were somewhat more likely when the target behavior occurred at relatively higher levels prior to reinforcement.  相似文献   

Persons with a diagnosis of minimally conscious state and pervasive motor disabilities tend to be passive and isolated. A way to help them improve their adaptive behavior (relate to their environment) involves the use of intervention packages combining assistive technology with motivational strategies. The types of assistive technology included in those packages may consist of (a) microswitches allowing direct access to environmental stimuli, (b) combinations of microswitches and voice output communication devices (VOCAs) allowing stimulus access and calls for caregivers' attention, respectively, and (c) computer presentations of stimulus options and microswitches allowing choice among those options and access to them.  相似文献   

Three individuals with mental retardation, who had failed to learn identity matching to sample with standard fading and prompting procedures, were given microcomputer-based programmed instruction. The methods were based on an analysis of two features of typical identity matching procedures: (a) within each trial, the current sample stimulus must control comparison selection, and (b) across trials, specific comparison stimuli must function both as S+ and as S–, depending upon the sample presented (conditional discrimination). During the first phase of training, one-trial acquisition of discriminative stimulus control was established in a nonconditional discrimination context where the S+ or S– functions of specific stimuli did not change from trial to trial. After one-trial learning was established, conditional discrimination was programmed by gradually introducing reversals of S+/S– stimulus functions. All three participants learned to perform conditional identity matching. Avenues for further analysis of the prerequisites for conditional discrimination and continued development of programmed methods are discussed.  相似文献   

This project examined whether a history of reinforced relational responding would result in derived requesting skills in 3 adults with disabilities. Participants were first taught to request preferred items using pictures; they were then taught conditional discriminations between pictures and their dictated names and between dictated names and their corresponding text. Finally, requests for preferred items using corresponding text were evaluated. All 3 participants demonstrated derived requesting skills.  相似文献   

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