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Alexander Bain (1818–1903) is well known for his two influential textbooks, The senses and the intellect (1855) and The emotions and the will (1859). In comparison, Bain's Mind and body: The theories of their relation (1872) has been of limited interest to historians, and it is here where he presents one of the first neural network models. This paper addresses the historical foundations of Bain's neural network model and explores some of his primary influences. Additionally, this study addresses some of the reasons Bain's Mind and Body did not receive the historical notice his earlier works garnered.  相似文献   

In a number of experiments, nonreinforced imitation has been found to persist at high rates despite the variety of procedures which have been employed to eliminate such responses. In the present experiment, powerful stimulus control was established over imitation by providing an alternative response which was reinforcible. Four children participated in a multiple-schedule experiment in which imitation was reinforced in the presence of one light and bar pressing in the presence of a second light; throughout the experiment, responses were modeled on each trial: hand-arm responses in the presence of the red light and leg responses in the presence of the yellow light. Initially, imitation was reinforced in the presence of the red light and button pressing in the presence of the yellow light. In a within-subjects design, stimulus control was demonstrated by reversing the association of lights and contingencies, then reinstating the original contingencies. The children imitated when reinforced for imitation and pressed the button when button pressing was reinforced. The results demonstrate stimulus control over imitation which is more powerful than in previous investigations and indicate that the prevailing reinforcement contingencies determine whether or not a child will imitate on a particular occasion.This research was supported by a Faculty Summer Research Grant from The American University. The authors wish to express their appreciation to the School for Contemporary Education, McLean, Virginia, and to Dr. Sally Sibley, Mr. David Williams, and Mrs. Linda Trout for their cooperation in providing subjects and research space.  相似文献   

This paper considers the concept of collective memory from an experimental clinical psychology perspective. Exploration of the term collective reveals a broad distinction between literatures that view collective memories as a property of groups (collectivistic memory) and those that regard these memories as a property of individuals who are, to a greater or lesser extent, an integral part of their social environment (social memory). First, we argue that the understanding of collectivistic memory phenomena may benefit from drawing parallels with current psychological models such as the self-memory system theory of individualistic autobiographical memory. Second, we suggest that the social memory literature may inform the study of trauma-related disorders. We argue that a factual focus induced by collaborative remembering may be beneficial to natural recovery in the immediate aftermath of trauma, and propose that shared remembering techniques may provide a useful addition to the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

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