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We examined whether error monitoring, operationalized as the degree to which individuals slow down after committing an error (i.e., posterror slowing), is differentially important in the learning of rule-based versus information-integration category structures. Rule-based categories are most efficiently solved through the application of an explicit verbal strategy (e.g., “sort by color”). In contrast, information-integration categories are believed to be learned in a trial-by-trial, associative manner. Our results indicated that posterror slowing predicts enhanced rule-based but not information-integration category learning. Implications for multiple category-learning systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of immediate versus delayed feedback on rule-based and information-integration category learning was investigated. Accuracy rates were examined to isolate global performance deficits, and model-based analyses were performed to identify the types of response strategies used by observers. Feedback delay had no effect on the accuracy of responding or on the distribution of best fitting models in the rule-based category-learning task. However, delayed feedback led to less accurate responding in the information-integration category-learning task. Model-based analyses indicated that the decline in accuracy with delayed feedback was due to an increase in the use of rule-based strategies to solve the information-integration task. These results provide support for a multiple-systems approach to category learning and argue against the validity of single-system approaches.  相似文献   

The effects of two different kinds of categorization training were investigated. In observational training, observers are presented with a category label and then shown an exemplar from that category. In feedback training, they are shown an exemplar, asked to assign it to a category, and then given feedback about the accuracy of their response. These two types of training were compared as observers learned two types of category structures--those in which optimal accuracy could be achieved via some explicit rule-based strategy, and those in which optimal accuracy required integrating information from separate perceptual dimensions at some predecisional stage. There was an overall advantage for feedback training over observational training, but most importantly, type of training interacted strongly with type of category structure. With rule-based structures, the effects of training type were small, but with information-integration structures, accuracy was substantially higher with feedback training, and people were less likely to use suboptimal rule-based strategies. The implications of these results for current theories of category learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Category number effects on rule-based and information-integration category learning were investigated. Category number affected accuracy and the distribution of best-fitting models in the rule-based task but had no effect on accuracy and little effect on the distribution of best-fining models in the information-integration task. In the 2 category conditions, rule-based learning was better than information-integration learning, whereas in the 4 category conditions, unidimensional and conjunctive rule-based learning was worse than information-integration learning. Rule-based strategies were used in the 2-category/rule-based condition, but about half of the observers used rule-based strategies in the 4-category unidimensional and conjunctive rule-based conditions. Information-integration strategies were used in the 4-category/ information-integration condition and by the end of training were used in the 2-category/information-integration condition.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated whether the amount of category overlap constrains the decision strategies used in category learning, and whether such constraints depend on the type of category structures used. Experiments 1 and 2 used a category-learning task requiring perceptual integration of information from multiple dimensions (an information-integration task) and Experiment 3 used a task requiring the application of an explicit strategy (a rule-based task). In the information-integration task, participants used perceptual-integration strategies at moderate levels of category overlap, but explicit strategies at extreme levels of overlap--even when such strategies were suboptimal. In contrast, in the rule-based task, participants used explicit strategies, regardless of the level of category overlap. These data are consistent with a multiple systems view of category learning, and suggest that categorization strategy depends on the type of task that is used, and on the degree to which each stimulus is probabilistically associated with the contrasting categories.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that in category learning, providing feedback about errors allows faster learning than providing feedback about correct responses. However, these previous studies used explicit, rule-based tasks in which the category structures could be separated by a simple rule that was easily verbalized. Here, the results of the first experiment known to compare the efficacy of positive versus negative feedback during information-integration category learning are reported. Information-integration tasks require participants to integrate perceptual information from incommensurable dimensions, and evidence suggests that optimal responding recruits procedural learning. The results show that although nearly all of the full-feedback control participants demonstrated information-integration learning, participants receiving either positive-only or negative-only feedback generally used explicit, rule-based strategies. It thus appears that, unlike rule-based learning, consistent information-integration learning requires full feedback. The theoretical implications of these findings for current models of information-integration learning are discussed.  相似文献   

In a standard supervised classification paradigm, stimuli are presented sequentially, participants make a classification, and feedback follows immediately. In this article, we use a semisupervised classification paradigm, in which feedback is given after a prespecified percentage of trials only. In Experiment 1, feedback was given in 100%, 0%, 25%, and 50% of the trials. Previous research reported by Ashby, Queller, and Berretty (1999) indicated that in an information-integration task, perfect accuracy was obtained supervised (100%) but not unsupervised (0%). Our results show that in both the 100% and 50% conditions, participants were able to achieve maximum accuracy. However, in the 0% and the 25% conditions, participants failed to learn. To discover the influence of the no-feedback trials on the learning process, the 50% condition was replicated in Experiment 2, substituting unrelated filler trials for the no-feedback trials. The results indicated that accuracy rates were similar, suggesting no impact of the no-feedback trials on the learning process. The possibility of ever learning in a 25% setting was also researched in Experiment 2. Using twice as many trials, the results showed that all but 2 participants succeeded, suggesting that only the total number of feedback trials is important. The impact of the semisupervised learning results for ALCOVE, COVIS, and SPEED models is discussed.  相似文献   

Research has identified multiple category-learning systems with each being “tuned” for learning categories with different task demands and each governed by different neurobiological systems. Rule-based (RB) classification involves testing verbalizable rules for category membership while information-integration (II) classification requires the implicit learning of stimulus–response mappings. In the first study to directly test rule priming with RB and II category learning, we investigated the influence of the availability of information presented at the beginning of the task. Participants viewed lines that varied in length, orientation, and position on the screen, and were primed to focus on stimulus dimensions that were relevant or irrelevant to the correct classification rule. In Experiment 1, we used an RB category structure, and in Experiment 2, we used an II category structure. Accuracy and model-based analyses suggested that a focus on relevant dimensions improves RB task performance later in learning while a focus on an irrelevant dimension improves II task performance early in learning.  相似文献   

Categorical learning is dependent on feedback. Here, we compare how positive and negative feedback affect information-integration (II) category learning. Ashby and O’Brien (2007) demonstrated that both positive and negative feedback are required to solve II category problems when feedback was not guaranteed on each trial, and reported no differences between positive-only and negative-only feedback in terms of their effectiveness. We followed up on these findings and conducted 3 experiments in which participants completed 2,400 II categorization trials across three days under 1 of 3 conditions: positive feedback only (PFB), negative feedback only (NFB), or both types of feedback (CP; control partial). An adaptive algorithm controlled the amount of feedback given to each group so that feedback was nearly equated. Using different feedback control procedures, Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that participants in the NFB and CP group were able to engage II learning strategies, whereas the PFB group was not. Additionally, the NFB group was able to achieve significantly higher accuracy than the PFB group by Day 3. Experiment 3 revealed that these differences remained even when we equated the information received on feedback trials. Thus, negative feedback appears significantly more effective for learning II category structures. This suggests that the human implicit learning system may be capable of learning in the absence of positive feedback.  相似文献   

Much recent evidence suggests that human category learning is mediated by multiple systems. Evidence suggests that at least one of these depends on procedural learning within the basal ganglia. Information-integration categorization tasks are thought to load heavily on this procedural-learning system. The results of several previous studies were interpreted to suggest that response positions are learned in information-integration tasks. This hypothesis was tested in two experiments. Experiment 1 showed that information-integration category learning was slowed but not disrupted when the spatial location of the responses varied randomly across trials. Experiment 2 showed that information-integration learning was impaired if category membership was signaled by responding to a Yes/No question and the category label had no consistent spatial location. These results suggest that information-integration category learning does not require consistent response locations. In these experiments, a consistent association between a category and a response feature was sufficient. The implication of these results for the neurobiology of information-integration category learning is discussed.  相似文献   

Healthy older adults typically perform worse than younger adults at rule-based category learning, but better than patients with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. To further investigate aging’s effect on rule-based category learning, we monitored event-related potentials (ERPs) while younger and neuropsychologically typical older adults performed a visual category-learning task with a rule-based category structure and trial-by-trial feedback. Using these procedures, we previously identified ERPs sensitive to categorization strategy and accuracy in young participants. In addition, previous studies have demonstrated the importance of neural processing in the prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe for this task. In this study, older adults showed lower accuracy and longer response times than younger adults, but there were two distinct subgroups of older adults. One subgroup showed near-chance performance throughout the procedure, never categorizing accurately. The other subgroup reached asymptotic accuracy that was equivalent to that in younger adults, although they categorized more slowly. These two subgroups were further distinguished via ERPs. Consistent with the compensation theory of cognitive aging, older adults who successfully learned showed larger frontal ERPs when compared with younger adults. Recruitment of prefrontal resources may have improved performance while slowing response times. Additionally, correlations of feedback-locked P300 amplitudes with category-learning accuracy differentiated successful younger and older adults. Overall, the results suggest that the ability to adapt one’s behavior in response to feedback during learning varies across older individuals, and that the failure of some to adapt their behavior may reflect inadequate engagement of prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Variability in the representation of the decision criterion is assumed in many category-learning models, yet few studies have directly examined its impact. On each trial, criterial noise should result in drift in the criterion and will negatively impact categorization accuracy, particularly in rule-based categorization tasks, where learning depends on the maintenance and manipulation of decision criteria. In three experiments, we tested this hypothesis and examined the impact of working memory on slowing the drift rate. In Experiment 1, we examined the effect of drift by inserting a 5-sec delay between the categorization response and the delivery of corrective feedback, and working memory demand was manipulated by varying the number of decision criteria to be learned. Delayed feedback adversely affected performance, but only when working memory demand was high. In Experiment 2, we built on a classic finding in the absolute identification literature and demonstrated that distributing the criteria across multiple dimensions decreases the impact of drift during the delay. In Experiment 3, we confirmed that the effect of drift during the delay is moderated by working memory. These results provide important insights into the interplay between criterial noise and working memory, as well as providing important constraints for models of rule-based category learning.  相似文献   

W. T. Maddox, F. G. Ashby, and C. J. Bohil (2003) found that delayed feedback adversely affects information-integration but not rule-based category learning in support of a multiple-systems approach to category learning. However, differences in the number of stimulus dimensions relevant to solving the task and perceptual similarity failed to rule out 2 single-system interpretations. The authors conducted an experiment that remedied these problems and replicated W. T. Maddox et al.'s findings. The experiment revealed a strong performance decrement for information-integration but not rule-based category learning under delayed feedback that was due to an increase in the number of observers using hypothesis-testing strategies to solve the information-integration task, and lower accuracy rates for the few observers using information-integration strategies.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms by which concepts are learned from examples by manipulating the presentation order in which the examples were presented to subjects. We introduce the idea of a rule-based presentation order, which is a sequence that respects the internal organization of the examples within a category. We find that such an order substantially facilitates learning, as compared with previously known beneficial orders, such as a similarity-based order. We discuss this result in light of the central distinction between rule-based and similaritybased learning models.  相似文献   

While motor imagery (MI) is thought to be ‘functionally equivalent’ with motor execution (ME), the equivalence of feedforward and feedback mechanisms between the two modalities is unexplored. Here, we tested the equivalence of these mechanisms between MI and ME via two experiments designed to probe the role of somatosensory processing (Exp 1), and cognitive processing (Exp 2). All participants were engaged in a previously established force-matching task adapted for MI. A reference force was applied (on scale of 1–10, with higher numbers indicative of greater force) to one index finger while participants matched the force with their opposite index finger via ME or MI (control conditions). Participants then rated the force on the same scale of 1–10. Exp 1: Participants (N = 27) performed the task with tactile stimulation (ME+TAC, MI+TAC) in addition to control conditions. Exp 2: Participants (N = 26) performed the task in dual-task conditions (ME+COG, MI+COG) in addition to control conditions. Results indicate that (Exp 1) tactile stimulation impaired performance in ME but not MI. Dual-task conditions (Exp 2) were not shown to impair performance in either practice modality. Findings suggest that while somatosensory processing is critical for ME, it is not for MI. Overall we indicate a functional equivalence between feedforward/back mechanisms in MI and ME may not exist.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported that support the hypothesis that categories that require a multiple-unit, as opposed to a single-unit, representation lead to worse initial acquisition but better generalization. On the basis of the constraints imposed by the procedural-based learning system thought to mediate information-integration categorization, we argue that the need to train multiple units during initial category acquisition slows the procedural-based category learning process and adversely affects learning performance. However, we speculate that better generalization occurs because of the increased likelihood that a novel stimulus will activate at least one of the multiple units needed to represent the category. Relations to other findings in the literature and the implications of this work for training and clinical assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

An explicit, rule-based, category-learning task with abstract visual stimuli was administered to 50 healthy older adults and 48 younger adults. Accuracy and reaction time (RT) were examined for the effects of age, perceptual abilities, rule memory, rule complexity, stimulus novelty, and response competition. Older adults performed at equivalent levels to younger adults when applying a simple rule, but showed performance decrements when applying a more complex rule. The age effect interacted with both stimulus novelty and response competition, and was not eliminated after controlling for basic perceptual abilities and rule memory. The authors suggest that older adults show category learning deficits in conditions that require enhanced cognitive control. These results are discussed in reference to the growing body of literature regarding age-related change in executive abilities and frontal lobe function.  相似文献   

Information-integration category learning was examined in older and younger adults. Accuracy results indicated that older participants learned less well than younger participants in both linear and nonlinear conditions. Model-based analyses indicated that both groups in the linear condition tended to use information integration but that later in training younger participants were more likely to do so. In contrast, the 2 groups in the nonlinear condition were equally likely to use information integration. Further analysis indicated that younger adults were more accurate than older adults when an information-integration approach was adopted, whereas fewer age-related differences were observed when a rule-based approach was used, suggesting that age can have a negative impact on information-integration category learning processes but less impact on rule-based learning.  相似文献   

When learning rule-based categories, sufficient cognitive resources are needed to test hypotheses, maintain the currently active rule in working memory, update rules after feedback, and to select a new rule if necessary. Prior research has demonstrated that conjunctive rules are more complex than unidimensional rules and place greater demands on executive functions like working memory. In our study, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while participants performed a conjunctive rule-based category learning task with trial-by-trial feedback. In line with prior research, correct categorization responses resulted in a larger stimulus-locked late positive complex compared to incorrect responses, possibly indexing the updating of rule information in memory. Incorrect trials elicited a pronounced feedback-locked P300 elicited which suggested a disconnect between perception, and the rule-based strategy. We also examined the differential processing of stimuli that were able to be correctly classified by the suboptimal single-dimensional rule (“easy” stimuli) versus those that could only be correctly classified by the optimal, conjunctive rule (“difficult” stimuli). Among strong learners, a larger, late positive slow wave emerged for difficult compared with easy stimuli, suggesting differential processing of category items even though strong learners performed well on the conjunctive category set. Overall, the findings suggest that ERP combined with computational modelling can be used to better understand the cognitive processes involved in rule-based category learning.  相似文献   

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