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One problem in forgiveness research is the reliance on one method (i.e. having people recall an offense and complete self-report measures). Thus, we present two strategies for studying forgiveness-related behavior. First, we adapted the Cyberball paradigm, which is a game of toss where two computer players (ostensibly virtual players) exclude the participant from play. We adapted Cyberball to include a second round that gave participants the opportunity to retaliate or forgive the player who excluded them. Self-reported forgiveness predicted the first toss and total number of tosses to the offender in the subsequent round. Second, we had participants describe an offense (as is typical with the recall method), but then also complete an activity in which they listed as many positive qualities as they could about the offender. Self-reported forgiveness predicted the number of positive qualities listed. We discuss the contribution of these studies to the multimodal study of forgiveness.  相似文献   

Executive dysfunction has been extensively described in schizophrenia and has been found to correlate with the negative symptoms of the disease. However, executive dysfunction is usually assessed by cognitive tests, and these are not necessarily good predictors of an individual's daily functioning. This study aimed to discover whether executive dysfunction in schizophrenia can be measured by analyzing a daily routine such as cooking a meal. Behavior was scored on the basis of the optimal sequence of macrostructures (order of dishes) and microsteps (order of actions) that must be performed to prepare the meal in a minimum of time and with the smallest delay between the completion of the first and last dishes. The results showed that patients with schizophrenia make macrostructure but not micro-step sequencing errors. The number of repetitions and omissions and the delay between the completion of the first and last dish were all greater in patients than in control subjects. In patients with schizophrenia, but not in normal controls, these behavioral malfunctions were significantly correlated with both negative symptoms and performance on the executive tasks. Poor performance on the memory tests was not correlated with the behavioral malfunction. Therefore, daily functioning in schizophrenia may be specifically influenced by executive dysfunction in schizophrenia, and this can be quantitatively assessed with a behavioral scale of action sequences.  相似文献   

The current research methods of behavioral economics are characterized by inadequate empirical foundations. Psychologists involved in the experimental analysis of behavior with their research strategies and their experimental technology, particularly that of the Token Economy, can assist in providing empirical foundations for behavioral economics. Cooperative research between economists and psychologists to this end should be immediately fruitful and mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

This study examined the acceptability of four behavioral staff management techniques: instruction/ modeling, reinforcement, punishment, and self-management. Staff working with developmentally handicapped clients were randomly assigned to these conditions, which were presented in role-plays with a handicapped confederate, while the experimenter directed the management techniques toward the reinforcing behaviors of staff. Dependent variables included number of reinforcers delivered by the staff person, number of problems attempted by the confederate, and ratings of acceptability from staff. Instruction/modeling was most acceptable, followed, in order, by self-management, reinforcement, and punishment. A significant interaction showed number of reinforcers to increase only for instruction/modeling and self-management conditions.  相似文献   

Treatments for disruptive behaviors are often guided by parent reports on questionnaires, rather than by multiple methods of assessment. Professional observations and clinic analogs exist to complement questionnaires, but parents can also collect useful behavioral observations to inform and guide treatment. Two parent observation methods of child aggression and noncompliance were compared: the Parent Daily Report (PDR) and Behavior Record Cards (BRC). Parents tracked misbehavior for 2 weeks using the PDR or BRC. BRC data proved to be more accurate, though both systems yielded strong reliability and moderate validity. The BRC is recommended to clinicians on empirical and conceptual grounds.  相似文献   

Three coefficients of factor similarity were examined with regard to their behaviour within four sets of data. Two simple methods using Pearson r correlations and Tucker Congruence coefficients were compared with a more complex method given by Kaiser, Hunka and Bianchini (1971). Three of the data sets involved the use of 100 random data matrices, the fourth was that provided by the Eysencks' work on cross-cultural differences in personality using the EPQ. Drawbacks with each other coefficient were apparent from the results, with the Kaiser et al. coefficient being capable of the most misleading results overall. However, use of the mean solution cosine in addition to the variable pair cosines was suggested as a method of validating the Kaiser et al. coefficient. It was concluded that using the three coefficients simultaneously as a multiple indicator yielded the best solution to the problem. In addition, it was suggested that other psychometric indicators should be employed to increase the degree of certainty of factor similarity.  相似文献   

Several frameworks exist to help science in organizing known information, connecting previously disparate phenomena, promoting understanding, and identifying gaps in knowledge. This paper integrates previous frameworks that have been used in the behavioral sciences to produce a more comprehensive, specific, and complete framework, consonant with the process of scientific discovery as based on multiple, independent, and converging lines of evidence. This multi-level convergence framework is designed specifically for the analysis and understanding of human cognitive/behavioral traits, in contrast to more general frameworks that are designed to be applied relatively widely (such as across all information processing systems or across all biological organisms). This integrated framework overcomes gaps in prior frameworks, provides a more complete picture of the interrelationships between various aspects of the behavioral sciences, and can aid in evaluating theories, both for comparison and identifying gaps in evidentiary support.  相似文献   

Active supination and pronation range of motion of the right forearm by 10 men and 21 women were measured with a goniometer using three methods. For Method One the moveable arm was aligned with a pencil held in the hand; for Method Two the moveable arm was placed over the anterior and posterior surface of the distal forearm for supination and pronation, respectively; and for Method Three the moveable arm was aligned parallel with a visualized line connecting the distal ulna and radius. Supination range of motion was greatest for Method One, followed by Methods Three and Two, respectively. Pronation range for Method One was less than for the two other methods. Intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from .81 to .97 for three trials within the test session and from .86 to .96 between the test and a 1-hr. retest session for both actions using all three methods. Method One was the most reliable but appeared invalid for measuring supination because of movements of the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. Methods Two and Three appeared appropriate for clinical application but not interchangeable.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the factorial validity of a four-factor model of gender stereotypes in 888 subjects (97% Anglo-Australian Caucasian). The scale reflected the constructs desirable masculinity, desirable femininity, undesirable masculinity and undesirable femininity. LISREL analyses showed that this four-factor model fitted the data better than either a two-factor model consisting of overall masculinity and femininity or an one-factor bipolar model. Furthermore, the study highlights the utility of studying both desirable and undesirable gender traits as they generally predicted different behaviors for males and females.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Consistent with social comparison theory (SCT), Blanton, Buunk, Gibbons, and Kuyper (1999) and Huguet, Dumas, Monteil, and Genestoux (2001) found that students tended to choose comparison targets who slightly outperformed them (i.e., upward comparison choices), and this had a beneficial effect on subsequent performance—a behavioral assimilation effect (BAE). We show (Studies 1 and 2) that this apparent BAE is due, in part, to uncontrolled measurement error in pretest achievement. However, using simulated data (Study 3), these phantom BAEs were eliminated with latent‐variable models with multiple indicators. In Studies 4 and 5, latent‐variable models were applied to the Blanton et al. and Huguet et al. data, resulting in substantially smaller but still significantly positive BAEs. More generally in personality research based on correlational data, failure to control measurement error in pretest/background variables will positively bias the apparent effects of personality variables of interest, but widely applicable approaches demonstrated here can correct for these biases.  相似文献   

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