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认知风格对大学生不确定条件下判断和决策的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王惠萍 《应用心理学》2006,12(4):340-346
通过3个实验,研究了认知风格对大学生不确定条件下判断和决策的影响。结果表明:(1)认知风格影响大学生在不确定条件下的判断和决策,表现在概率推理中,场依存型比场独立型更容易受“代表性启发”影响。在赌徒推理中,场独立型更少受“赌徒谬误”影响。在风险决策中,场独立型倾向选择受益大、风险也大的决策,场依存型倾向选择稳妥、风险较小的决策。(2)大学生在概率推理、赌徒推理和风险决策时存在显著的性别差异。(3)概率知识学习有助于克服“代表性启发”,但对“赌徒谬误”影响不大。  相似文献   

The remote association test (RAT) has been applied in various fields; however, evidence of construct validity for the original version and subsequent extensions of the RAT remains limited. This study aimed to elucidate the dimensionality and the relationship between item features and item difficulties for the RAT—Chinese Version (RAT-C) using the Rasch model and the linear logistic test model (LLTM). The revised 30-item RAT-C was administered to 475 undergraduates (263 women and 212 men) in 8 universities in Taiwan. Item features (including types of associations among stimulus words, and frequency and concreteness of target words) were recoded. The analysis found that the RAT-C measured a single latent construct, with all 30 items conforming to the Rasch model’s expectation. Furthermore, according to the LLTM analysis, most item features predicted Rasch item difficulty, suggesting that these features can explain why some items were more difficult than others and can be used to create new items with known item difficulty to tailor the difficulty level for different groups of participants in the future.  相似文献   

This study examines the cross-cultural validity of the Cognitive Style Indicator (CoSI). Measurement equivalence tests were performed on data collected from a Belgian (n = 300) and a South African (n = 246) sample of students and employees. Confirmatory factor analyses within each sample showed the best fit to the data for a three-factor model underlying the CoSI. Measurement invariance tests, using multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, indicated that the relationships among the scales showed equivalence across cultures. Although the study is an important first step toward the cross-validation of the CoSI, further research in other international samples is particularly needed to strengthen these results.  相似文献   

认知风格分析测验(CSA)修订及大学生样本的划界尝试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以大学生为对象,对“认知风格分析测验”(Cognitive Style Analysis,CSA)进行了项目分析、信度、效度检验等一系列研究,并通过大学生样本划界尝试。项目的区分度检验表明测验中所有项目都具有较好的区分度,两个维度间的相关分析进一步确证了CSA的结构效度。进一步的信度分析表明CSA具备可接受的内部一致性信度和重测信度。跨文化比较结果表明,我国大学生认知风格的划界与英国常模具有显著差异。  相似文献   

The extent to which decision-makers are willing and able to purposely expend cognitive effort in resolving ethical issues is an important area of study in the ethical decision-making literature. In this article we describe the role that cognitive expenditure is expected to play in the ethical decision-making process by presenting an integrated model of ethical decision-making. This model provides the foundation for a series of research propositions suggesting the manner in which purposive cognitive expenditure is expected to influence the ethical decision process and, ultimately, the likelihood of engaging in moral behavior.  相似文献   

许思安  郑雪 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1207-1211
认知方式是人们在对信息和经验进行组织和加工过程中表现出来的个别差异, 是一个人在感知、记忆和思维中经常采取的、受到偏爱的和习惯化了的态度与风格。少数民族认知方式的跨文化研究集中在认知方式的发展规律、认知方式的性别差异、民族间认知方式的差异, 以及与其他变量相关程度的探究上。  相似文献   

SCORE-15 (Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation) is a 15-item questionnaire for completion by family members aged 12 years and older to assess outcomes in systemic therapy. This study aimed to investigate (a) the psychometric properties and the internal consistency reliability of the Italian version of SCORE-15, (b) clinical responsiveness, and (c) normative (Italian) criteria. Furthermore, (d) the study sought to evaluate the participants’ representation of both their family and their problems, analyzing open-ended questions included in the SCORE-15. Data were collected from two clinical centers for 208 families (n = 507). Results confirmed the three-factor structure (i.e., strengths, difficulties, and communication), a good internal consistency reliability, and indicated a cutoff threshold for the Italian version. Furthermore, results showed that SCORE-15 is a good instrument for clinical responsiveness and that it can be used to explore the way in which family members describe their families and problems. Overall, SCORE-15 is a brief, psychometrically robust family assessment instrument that may be used for both researchers and practitioners in several domains of clinical and social psychology.  相似文献   

该研究采用2×2的被试间实验设计,探讨了认知风格和信息呈现方式对认知负荷的影响。研究结果表明:信息呈现方式对学习时间有显著的影响;认知风格对学习者的认知负荷有显著的影响;认知风格和信息呈现方式无显著的交互作用;学习时间、心理努力量和材料难度具有一致性,但它们可能对不同的认知负荷敏感,即学习时间可能反映了总认知负荷量,心理努力量和材料难度可能分别对内在和有效认知负荷敏感。  相似文献   

以114名大学生为被试, 采用Mittenecker指向测验和粘贴画任务考察了认知抑制能力与艺术创造力的关系, 并采用镶嵌图形测验考察了认知风格在其中所起的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)认知抑制能力与艺术创造力之间呈现负相关, 认知抑制对于个体的创造程度、沟通传播水平和艺术创造综合印象可以起到显著的负向预测作用, 对于个体艺术创造的可爱程度和想象水平可以起到边缘显著的负向预测作用;(2)认知风格在认知抑制能力与艺术创造力的关系中起着调节作用, 主要表现为认知抑制能力对于场依存个体的创造程度、想象水平和沟通传播水平具有显著的预测作用, 对于场独立个体的艺术创造力则不具有预测作用。  相似文献   

The authors designed a cognitive restructuring intervention for individuals having difficulty with career decision making and compared the intervention to a decision skills intervention and a no-treatment control. The cognitive restructuring intervention was more effective than were both decision-making training and the control condition in reducing anxiety about career decision making and in encouraging vocational exploratory behavior. Cognitive restructuring clients also reported more use of the skills they had learned, were more satisfied with the decisions they made, and found the treatment program more useful in making career decisions than did clients in the other two groups.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted in order to investigate the psychometric properties of Italian version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ). Results from Study 1 (N = 401) provided support of the factorial validity of its four facets (self‐efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience), as well as of its composite factor measure. Results from Study 2 (N = 465) attested the measurement invariance of the PCQ across one year. Study 2 also explored the relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction, work engagement, and job performance. Limitations and practical implications are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

人们完成各种空间任务时都表现出了显著的个体差异, 空间认知风格可以帮助解释这种差异。空间认知风格分为三种类型:界标型--只能表征显著的视觉特征, 不能表征相关空间信息, 空间能力最低; 路线型--可以表征显著的视觉特征和继时性的空间信息; 整体型--能够表征显著的视觉特征、继时性和同时性的空间信息, 空间能力最高, 且男性和低焦虑感水平的个体更多的属于该类型。根据空间认知风格, 更有针对性地指导学习者, 将有助于提高人们的空间能力。  相似文献   

在言语-表象认知风格模型中, 视觉表象认知风格一直被视为单一的结构, 且在此基础上发展出的各种测量方法均存在效度上的缺陷, 导致了研究者对该认知风格模型的普遍质疑。随着对视觉认知加工研究的深入, 尤其是对视觉客体表象与视觉空间表象在功能和解剖上的双分离的理解, 为进一步区分表象型认知风格提供了理论和实证依据, 进而促进了客体-空间表象和言语(Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal, OSIV)认知风格模型的提出, 而在此基础上开发的新测量工具(Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire, OSIVQ)具有良好的信、效度, 有力地支持了OSIV认知风格模型。OSIV认知风格模型及其测量为研究人类的认知风格以及视觉认知拓展了新视野。尽管如此, 两种不同视觉表象子系统并存于个体的视觉表象系统中, 因此, 它们分离的原因、相互作用及其与视觉注意之间的关系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

采用Jacoby加工分离程序,以无意义音节字母串为材料,对场依存型、场独立型和中间型被试的内隐、外显记忆进行分离,考察不同认知风格类型的个体,在加工信息过程中,对与其认知风格类型匹配或不匹配的材料的编码和提取上是否存在不同的方式和策略。结果表明:1)场依存型个体的意识性提取成绩好于场独立型个体,场依存型个体的外显记忆好于场独立型个体。2)场独立型个体的自动提取成绩高于场依存型个体的成绩,场独立型个体的内隐记忆好于场依存型个体。3)无论在意识性提取还是自动提取方面,中间类型个体的成绩总是介于场依存型个体与场独立型个体之间。  相似文献   

Discrete choice experiments—selecting the best and/or worst from a set of options—are increasingly used to provide more efficient and valid measurement of attitudes or preferences than conventional methods such as Likert scales. Discrete choice data have traditionally been analyzed with random utility models that have good measurement properties but provide limited insight into cognitive processes. We extend a well‐established cognitive model, which has successfully explained both choices and response times for simple decision tasks, to complex, multi‐attribute discrete choice data. The fits, and parameters, of the extended model for two sets of choice data (involving patient preferences for dermatology appointments, and consumer attitudes toward mobile phones) agree with those of standard choice models. The extended model also accounts for choice and response time data in a perceptual judgment task designed in a manner analogous to best–worst discrete choice experiments. We conclude that several research fields might benefit from discrete choice experiments, and that the particular accumulator‐based models of decision making used in response time research can also provide process‐level instantiations for random utility models.  相似文献   

The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ; Garnefski et al., Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1311–1327, 2001) is a multidimensional questionnaire that was developed to assess cognitive emotion regulation strategies people use after experiencing negative life events or situations. The purpose of the present study was to develop a Turkish version of the CERQ and to examine its psychometric properties in a sample of Turkish university students. The English version of the CERQ was translated and back-translated prior to its administration to 396 participants recruited from several universities in Turkey. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, inter-scale reliability, construct and criterion-related validity of the Turkish version were analyzed. The results indicated that the data collected with the Turkish version do also support the original nine-factor model; with reliability and validity measures comparable to the original one.  相似文献   

场依存性认知方式对问题表征及表征转换的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从238名初一学生被试中筛选出场依存组和场独立组各64名,对两组被试在线索提示前后解决表述明确问题、隐含信息问题、含误导信息问题进行比较.结果显示:隐含和误导信息会导致被试问题表征错误增加,线索提示可从总体上改善被试的信息提取与识别,但其对问题表征及表征转换的促进效应均受到被试场依存性认知方式的影响.场独立性者不善于接受提示,场依存性者能在线索提示下更有效地识别与纠正问题表征错误.在有误导信息时,场依存性者对表征错误的识别与纠正存在困难.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in how genes affect political beliefs. To better understand the role of genes in politics, we examine the relationship between cognitive style (the need for cognition, the need for cognitive closure) and various measures of political attitudes (issue‐based ideology, identity‐based ideology, social ideology, economic ideology, authoritarianism, and egalitarianism). We show, for the first time, that the need for cognition and the need for cognitive closure are heritable and are linked to political ideology primarily, perhaps solely, because of shared genetic influences; these links are stronger for social than economic ideology. Although prior research demonstrated that Openness to Experience shares genetic variance with political ideology, we find that these measures of cognitive style account for distinct genetic variance in political ideology. Moreover, the genetic Openness‐ideology link is fully accounted for by the need for cognition. This combination of findings provides a clearer understanding of the role of genes in political beliefs and suggests new directions for research on Big Five personality traits and ideology.  相似文献   

认知风格结构模型的发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
该文全面阐述了认知风格研究的历史与现状 ,认为认知风格结构模型的发展经历三个阶段 :⑴ 70年代以前认知风格结构模型的发现增殖期 ;⑵ 80年代认知风格研究的停滞与理论综合期 ;⑶ 90年代认知风格理论的成熟与认知风格结构模型的定型期。文中对最新的认知风格结构模型及其测量做了叙述 ,并对已有的认知风格结构模型进行了分类 ,最后对认知风格研究发展的趋势做了述评。  相似文献   

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