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管仲观的变迁对《管子》的一个看法《管子》的经济思想关于《管子沙成书的几个看法《管子》的“心术”篇和“内业”篇《管子》“轻重”篇沦《管子》“九败”篇臆解《管子》“幼官”篇考论《管子》“轻重”篇《管子》书中的“人性论”研究论《管子》“弟子职”篇—古代专制体制和 社会各集团的关系的研究《周礼》的泉府和《管子》的轻重敛散法《管子》“轻重”篇考管子 小林升 《历史学研究》4卷6期1935 小林升 《东洋思想研究》2 1938 穗积文雄 《经济论丛》52卷4一号1941 木村英一 《支那学卷》10特号1942 武内义雄 《支那学卷》10特号1942…  相似文献   

在1992年8月下旬举行的“海峡两岸齐文化学术讨论会”上,我作了关于《管子》轻重理论的简短发言。因时间关系,未能作深入的讨论。现草此文,进一步阐述我的观点,以期有利于讨论的深化。一、《管子·轻重》同《管子》其他各篇不属于同一经济思想体系《管子》各篇观点并不完全一致,这是多数学者的共识。我想进一步指出的是,《管子·轻重》同其他各篇,不只是一般的不一致,而是属于根本不同的两种经济思想体系。今本《管子》为刘向所编。刘向将《管子》各篇分成八个组,第七组是《管子解》,这  相似文献   

《管子·轻重》的写作时代与理论源流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西汉末年刘向在编定八十六篇本《管子》时,把它分为《经言》《外言》《内言》《短语》《区言》《杂篇》《管子解》《轻重》等八个部分。其中排在最后的《轻重》十九篇(今亡三篇),学术界对它的时代特征与理论倾向争议最多。...  相似文献   

《管子.轻重篇》古奥难懂,“简篇错乱,文字夺误,不易董理”。传抄过程中,多有增删,后之研究者也多有不查而致误的现象。本文从训诂和校勘的角度,对《轻重篇》误增误删进行了部分辨析。  相似文献   

《轻重》篇是《管子》书的一个部分,集中讨论了经济问题。但就体系来言,与《管子》其他有关各篇,虽有共同之处,从其总体看,还是自成体系。因此本文只就《轻重》篇立论,不待外求。一般来说,篇中讲的多是商业行为,大多数人都说它反映了重商思想,本文却说是重农抑商,分歧点究竟在哪里?笔者愿为它的辨别做出努力,就正方家。  相似文献   

今存《管子》书中的轻重诸篇,具有诸子百家中独立的子书的若干特征,试述如下。一、刘向编轻重诸篇为《管子》的外篇即觉察到轻重之术有别于管氏之学刘向从散乱无序的中外管子书中辑出轻重诸篇,并把该组文章名为“管子轻重”,且编为一组,是以学术思想为准标的慎重公允之举。刘向校书之前,轻重诸篇无专书行世,而是单篇别行之什。直接的证据是司马迁读到的管子书,所列篇名中有《轻重》篇,指的是单篇,非轻重诸篇的辑录,且和其他篇目混编。其他轻重之篇,或者被编入别的版本的管子书中,或者大量的以单篇形式流传。刘向收到的管子书,合计中外书共564篇,剔除重复者484  相似文献   

文章疏通了帛书《衷》篇的若干处文意,并试图从思想史的角度分析其内涵。如《衷》篇认为《周易》是巫史和文王共同完成的作品,巫史完成其数术部分,文王加入卦爻辞部分,这是对《周易》成书过程的较早表述之一;《衷》篇透露出先秦易学中关于人性的讨论与孟子、荀子都有极大不同,它将文人、武人作为两种人格来讨论也是传世文献中少见的;《衷》篇很多句子可与其它帛书《易传》的篇章合读,它们都很重视阐发《周易》中的德义。此篇帛书中有些句子的思想接近思孟学派,这说明其中有些内容不会早于战国中期。  相似文献   

李冀 《宗教学研究》2017,(1):111-119
《太上感应篇》是道教第一部劝善书,它对中国古代社会产生了深远影响,但学界在其文本来源、成书时间等问题上尚存分歧。本文以《太上感应篇》文字为依据,探讨其与宋徽宗注《老子西升经》、《上清金匮玉镜修真指玄妙经》、《太上金柜玉镜延生洞玄烛幽忏》、《赤松子中诫经》、《抱朴子内篇》等道经之关系,并得出如下结论:《感应篇》文本的编纂以《赤松子中诫经》、《抱朴子内篇》等魏晋道书为底本,沿用了宋徽宗注《老子西升经》语句,摘用了《上清金匮玉镜修真指玄妙经》的部分文字,抄袭了《太上金柜玉镜延生洞玄烛幽忏》,《感应篇》编纂者应是收集、整理《万寿道藏》的道士或官员,该篇成于政和六年(1116)十月至政和八年(1118)十月之间。  相似文献   

《国蓄》篇在《管子·轻重》诸篇中占有特殊重要地位。一是从文体形式而言,与《轻重》其他篇章用桓公、管仲对话体裁不同,《国蓄》通篇是论说财经管理的论文;二是《国蓄》所论用轻重术管理政府财政经济的学说,与《轻重》其他篇章声息相通,成为“轻重”  相似文献   

《周易》学术讨论会于1983年10月25日至29日在长沙举行。这次讨论会由湖南师范学院发起,与会者有来自全国九个省市的专家、学者40余人。讨论会收到论文十多篇,还收到湖南师院宋祚胤近著《周易新论》。会议就周易的成书年代、性质、思想内容和研究方法展开了热烈的讨论,并评价了宋著《周易新论》。关于《易经》的成书年代近年来学者有四种观点,即殷末周初说、西周前期说、西周末年说,春秋战国说。这次讨论会学者多数持西周末年说。其理由是:(1)《易经》的文  相似文献   

和前代相比,宋代学者对《管子》"轻重"内容的分析,更为深入细致;对"轻重"的总体评价与年代作者的认识,也发生了变化。宋代学者对"轻重"近乎一致的否定评价,受到当时理学思想的直接影响;他们对"轻重"著作年代与作者的辨伪,与当时的疑古思潮密切相关。  相似文献   

巩曰国 《管子学刊》2008,(3):122-125
《管子·轻重》是我国古代经济史上的重要文献,其著作年代的研究,是近百年来学界广泛关注的课题之一。上世纪80年代以前,“汉代说”占主流地位;80年代以后特别是90年代以来,学界逐渐倾向于“战国说”。“汉代说”的流行,无疑受到“疑古”思想的影响;近年来“战国说”得到普遍认可,与“走出疑古时代”的学术思潮密切相关。  相似文献   

儒家是要成德的。儒家为什么要成德 ?这就是儒家之所以为儒家的精神动力问题 ,从心理学看则是动机问题。儒家成德的精神动力源于孔子“以德配天”的天命思想。“以德配天”的思想一方面为成德找到了外在本原依据 ,另一方面也彰显了人的主体性。但面对天不应德的现实 ,孔子虽然以盲目命来化解 ,但儒家的成德内在合理性毕竟受到怀疑。先秦儒家通过“时”来化解这种质疑。后儒则逐步从外在预设向个体内在、本然性方面转换 ,逐步形成了以张载为代表的人的内在本原成德观。虽然如此 ,面对成德过程中的诸多不确定性 ,外在的盲目命思想一直保留下来。这样内在本然成德动力和外在“际命”化解的思想从内外方面使儒家成德动力得以维系和作用  相似文献   

轻重学说是封建政府加强财政收入的理财理论。本文在简要分析唐代财政状况的基础上,分别论述了刘彤、刘秩、第五琦、刘晏、陆贽、白居易对轻重学说的理论接受与财政实践。  相似文献   



This study examined how proactive personality interacts with inter-role conflict, measured as work?Cfamily conflict and family?Cwork conflict, to predict burnout, measured as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment.


Participants were 171 clerical employees. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to test whether proactive personality moderated the relationship between inter-role conflict and forms of burnout.


Family?Cwork conflict was not associated with burnout, but work?Cfamily conflict explained 30% of unique variance in emotional exhaustion and 9% in depersonalization. Proactive personality explained 12% of variance in personal accomplishment. Three-way interactions indicated that at high levels of work??family conflict and family??work conflict, proactive individuals reported lower levels of emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment and higher levels of depersonalization than less proactive individuals.


While previous research has generally documented the virtues of proactive personality, our research indicates that when simultaneously faced with work?Cfamily and family?Cwork conflict, individuals with proactive personality experience more depersonalization and less personal accomplishment relative to less proactive individuals. Overall, results of three-way interactions imply that while a certain level of proactive personality may be necessary to buffer feelings of emotional exhaustion, beyond a certain level, proactive personality may lead one to experience higher levels of depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment.


This study extends previous research by examining the influence of two types of inter-role conflict on all three dimensions of burnout. It also responds to calls for additional research on potential moderators, buffers, or even antidotes to stress by examining how proactive personality interacts with stressors.  相似文献   

George Psathas 《Human Studies》1999,22(2-4):139-162
A current set of concerns in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis includes the question of how conversation analysis (CA) can deal with studies of social structure or studies of talk in institutional settings.In this paper a focus is placed on how the accomplishment of "work" and "categorization" are interrelated. Two particular instances are examined: a ski school and a package delivery service. Membership categorization is shown to be a complex, on-going, interactive accomplishment. The parties act in ways that are "predicatively-bound" (i.e. predicates of action, rights, obligations, etc.) which allow inferences to be made by each of the parties about the other based on these actions; these enable each to accept/confirm/validate the other's self-categorization and to produce, via their own actions, activities that are congruent with the other's self-categorization. Activities of the parties are category-relevant and category-generative. Thus, "work" or "the work of the organization", (e.g. for Choice, a package delivery service), is being accomplished in and through the talk and interaction of the parties.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Earned Income and work accomplishment were determined at age 41 for 89 adults whose mothers had been interviewed for their child-rearing practices when the adults were 5 years old. At age 31, in spontaneous thought but not self-report, n Achievement predicted earned income and socialized power motivation predicted work accomplishment at age 41. Hardships (or "bad breaks") during childhood and adolescence predicted work outcomes for both men and women, as did education for men. Parenting achievement pressure in the first 2 years of life was associated with adult n Achievement and earned income, while moderate encouragement of assertiveness by mothers who were warm to boys and cool to girls was associated with adult socialized power motivation and work accomplishment. Controls for social class of origin, IQ, temperament, and education did not explain the relations between parenting, motivation, and work outcomes, although education played a larger role for men than women who worked both inside and outside the home.  相似文献   

21世纪的新大众保健观,应及时反映科学发展的新成就,以更好地服务于大众不断提高健康需求.为此,高度重视重构和宣传"以人为本"的新大众保健观,理应成为全面小康社会公共卫生建设的一个重要话题.  相似文献   

This is an existential-phenomenological reading of Max Weber’s “Class, Status, Party” that seeks a fuller understanding of meaning accomplishment in a stratified World. I appropriate stratification as a single meaning structure ontically defined by domination, intersubjectivity, and life-chances and ontologically determined by the power-to-be (Seinkönnen), There-being-with-others (Mitdasein), and potentiality (Möglichkeit). I then discuss the significance of these structures in finite transcendence (There-being, Dasein) and describe ways they factually unfold in World achievement. I conclude with logotherapeutic reflections concerning meaning accomplishment in a stratified World and a summary of key questions facing existential-phenomenology in light of the likelihood that There-being must embrace, indeed, live, the inherent equality of Being (Gleichheit des Seins) among Daseins to accomplish its authenticity.  相似文献   

In his Authentic Happiness Theory, Seligman describes three orientations that lead to happiness: The life of pleasure, the life of engagement, and the life of meaning (in Authentic happiness, Free Press, New York, 2002). The Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire (OTH; Peterson et al. in J Happiness Stud 6:25–41, 2005) has been developed as a subjective measure for these three orientations. In 2011, Seligman revised his theory and added two new components; i.e., positive relationships and accomplishment. These five are the basic tenets of his well-being theory. The present set of studies describes the construction and initial validation of two short scales for the subjective assessment of the endorsement of positive relationships and accomplishment. Their relation with the OTH-scales is also tested. Study 1 describes the scale construction and provides evidence for the factorial, convergent and divergent validity in three samples (n = 233, n = 336, and n = 125). Study 2 showed that the new scales have high test–retest reliabilities over a period of 1, 3, and 6 months (r = .68–.78), respectively. Study 3 examines the malleability of positive relationships and accomplishment in an intervention study that shows that the scores of both new scales increase in the intervention condition. Overall, the three studies show that the new scales have satisfactory psychometric properties—also when used together with the OTH-scales—and possible applications are discussed.  相似文献   

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