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The ability to recognize single letters, an important step in reading, is traditionally assumed to depend only on visual processes. However, as many of the objects surrounding us, letters are learnt through a matching between a visual configuration and movements. We review arguments suggesting that the characteristics of writing movements impact visual recognition of letters, at both a behavioral and neural levels. This impact might be especially strong when the orientation of letters has to be processed.  相似文献   

The Rorschach Comprehensive System is a very powerful tool for understanding the dynamics of psychopathological conditions and describing personality. Recent literature indicates a promising new area of research, that of evaluating psychotherapy processes and outcome. Clinical psychologists can therefore bring a unique and complementary perspective to the traditional psychiatric field by introducing it to proper psychological diagnosis as opposed to psychiatric diagnosis. The validity and reliability of the method having today been well established in the USA, it is incumbent on French researchers and clinicians to verify them locally and eventually make the necessary adaptations.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the results of an experimentation that explores the cognitive dimension of gesture involved in many situations of social communication. The method is based on a protocol structured in four experimental modalities, with video sequences. The results from 82 subjects suggest that the role of this component of nonverbal behavior exceeds the apparent transmission of information. It clarifies the verbal speech of the locutor, and also allows to share his own representations, and to direct those of the interlocutor. This impact is all the more effective as the visual-spatial aptitudes of the later are high.  相似文献   

The authors adopt a historical perspective and exhibit the debates held within Health Psychology in the Anglo-Saxon universe since the 1980s. They show how the development of the North-American mainstream approach has aroused several objections. These objections were firstly methodological (qualitative methods) then, theoretical and epistemological. This evolution has allowed the creation of two main approaches: Qualitative Health Psychology and Critical Health Psychology. While this course is not yet well-known in France, it illustrates, however, the present developments and the richness of the discussion within Anglo-Saxon Psychology. The conclusion shows that these debates should be known and accepted if we intend to improve our models in Psychology, so that they take into account the situated nature of the human being, its dynamics, its temporality as well and its complexity. Hence, Health Psychology perspectives as a whole will gain in pertinence in the fields of research and intervention.  相似文献   

Integration of capacity (Just and Carpenter, 1992) and componentiel (Baddeley, 1986) conceptions of working memory in models of text composition (Hayes, 1996 ; Kellogg, 1996 ; McCutchen, 1996) has allowed studying several facets of the role of working memory in writing acquisition and in expert management of the writing processes. This article presents these two conceptions and examines their respective contribution in the field of writing research from two perspectives: The demands of the writing processes (in terms of processing and transient storage) and the influence of working memory capacity on the control of production. The conclusion underlines the importance of investigating the on-line management of text production, the role of the visuo-spatial sketchpad, and to link strategies for allocating the working memory resources with text quality.  相似文献   

The subjective duration of an event can be influenced by the modality of the signal demarcating that event. For example, auditory signals are often judged as of longer duration than equivalent duration visual signals. Within the framework of pacemaker-accumulator models of timing, such modality effects raise the question of whether the internal clock is modality specific or amodal. The answer to this question is quite important for the development of cognitively and neurologically realistic models of timing and time perception. Here, we argue that the internal clock has both modality specific and amodal components. Specifically, we claim there is a common amodal pacemaker, but the switch-accumulator systems are modality specific. Moreover, we also posit that long-term memory representations of duration are stored amodally.  相似文献   

A sample comprising 41 couples and their adolescent daughters participated in a study on the association between marital conflicts and mother‐daughter communication. Observational measurements and questionnaires were used to evaluate the level of the quality of communication between the couple, the marital satisfaction of the parents and the quality of the communication between mother and adolescent daughters. The results show that: (a) conflicts observed between the parents are positively associated with the level of confrontation observed between the mother and the daughter and (b) the marital satisfaction of the mothers plays a mediatory role between the conflicts in the couple and the level of mother‐daughter confrontation. The marital satisfaction of the mothers would be the link in the process of propagation of the affects and the negative behaviour of the couple and the mother‐adolescent daughter relationship.  相似文献   

One experiment examined free recall memory performance for bizarre and common pictures. Bizarre pictures were designed either deleting some components (SB pictures) either adding some components (AB pictures). A classical bizarreness effect was only obtained for AB pictures. Indeed no facilitative effect of bizarreness was obtained when incomplete fragmented pictures were used. Results were discussed in light of theories interested by the explanation of the bizarreness effect in memory.  相似文献   

According to the structural approach to reading (Psychon Bull Rev 1 (1994) 345-356), the extraction of structure precedes the analysis of meaning and is partially influenced by parafoveal information. We propose a new experimental design to examine, on the one hand, the implication of parafoveal information in the establishment of structural frames and, on the other hand, the size of these structural frames - from nine to 27 signs. We show that readers can be sensitive to the syntactic skeleton of the sentence until a distance of 27 signs from the fixation point. We discuss the results in the perspective of the structural model of reading and of the unconscious utilization of information (Cognition 80 (2000) 215-229).  相似文献   

This paper aims at analysing different theories about text content elaboration. In the literature, the conceptual processing is considered through its relationships with long-term memory and the retrieving process during planning. It has been shown that knowledge availability and organisation influenced the writing progress. The task environment, which contains both the text that is currently written and documentary sources, equally plays an important role during text content elaboration. In this framework, the question concerning the double influence of knowledge from long-term memory and information from environment on the dynamics of writing processing is raised. The working memory, the activation theories and the analysis of the writer's eye movements are studied to answer this crucial question.  相似文献   

Depuis trente ans, la majorité des recherches concluent que la qualité de la relation conjugale est affectée négativement par la naissance et par la présence de l'enfant. Un portrait détaillé des couples, qui permettrait de comprendre les processus impliqués dans une baisse de la qualité de la vie conjugale, fait encore défaut. La présente étude introduit un nouvel instrument afin de réévaluer cette question sur plusieurs aspects. Premièrement, est-ce que les couples avec enfant (N = 39) perçoivent une moins bonne qualité de la relation conjugale que les couples sans enfant (N = 45)? Deuxièmement, est-ce que les femmes sont davantage affectées que les hommes, notamment à l'égard du partage des rôles et des tâches? Troisièmement, quelles sont les caractéristiques des processus conjugaux selon les deux types de couples? Les résultats confirment l'impact négatif de la présence de l'enfant sur la relation conjugale. Les hommes et les femmes sont également touchés par la présence de l'enfant et cela dans la plupart des dimensions de la vie de couple telles que l'intimité, la cohésion et la satisfaction conjugale. Chez les femmes, un partage égalitaire des rôles est associé à leur perception de la qualité de la relation conjugale. L'analyse détaillée montre que les aspects positifs de la vie sexuelle, de l'implication et de la négociation sont plus typiques chez les couples sans enfant. En contrepartie, les conjoints avec enfant rapportent des processus de négociation plus difficiles, caractérisés par l'évitement des conflits ou par l'affrontement menant à des échanges négatifs.  相似文献   

A Twenty Questions problem solving Task was given to 30 mentally retarded adults, 30 mentally nonretarded adults matched on chronological age, and 12 mentally nonretarded children matched on cognitive efficiency. Four strategies were identified on the basis of a subject-by-subject analysis. Results showed group differences of frequency in the use of the strategies. Moreover, results indicated that the more frequent strategy used by the mentally retarded adults is the one which consists in identifying the categories without using them to efficiently reduce the problem space. The interpretation of the results as reflecting a conceptual deficit or a chronicle cognitive sub-functioning of the mentally retarded adults depicted in the literature is discussed.  相似文献   

Comparing two independent experiments following the same paradigm, the present article ponders the influence of constraints on graphic activity. A first study realized by Athènes et al. (2004) on the reproduction of simple graphic shapes revealed the presence of five preferential shapes when the effector was not constrained. With the forearm fastened, our results suggest that four only shapes are preferential when reproducing these same shapes. Overall, our findings suggest that the addition of a constraint related to the effector does not necessarily imply a negative effect on the graphic landscape. Were this assumption to be confirmed by full-fledged studies, it would be then possible to reveal new preferential shapes that are not spontaneously reproduced without additional constraints.  相似文献   

Cet article présente les résultats de deux études ayant pour but de développer et de valider un instrument de mesure de la justification de la violence que le parent exerce envers l'enfant. L'instrument, la Mesure de la justification de la violence envers l'enfant (MJVE), évalue trois composantes de la justification: une conception restreinte de la violence faite à l'enfant, une tolérance envers cette violence et une attribution biaisée qui nie la responsabilité du parent ou l'innocente. Les propriétés psychométriques du MJVE ont été évaluées auprès de 896 parents. Les résultats montrent que le MJVE est formée de six facteurs reflétant les trois composantes de la justification identifiées. La validité de construit du MJVE est appuyée par une analyse factorielle confirmatoire et l'étude des corrélations entre les échelles. Des indices de cohérence interne acceptables sont observés pour le MJVE et ses échelles. Au total, les résultats soutiennent la validité et la fidélité de l'instrument. La discussion souligne l'intérět de poursuivre la validation du MJVE qui pourrait se révéler un outil d'intervention et de prévention utile en matière de violence in fligée à l'enfant.  相似文献   

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