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Words and famous faces were tachistoscopically presented in bilateral view to normal right-handed subjects. A left visual field advantage was obtained for famous faces whether naming or recognition from an array was required and a right visual field advantage was obtained for words. While the finding of a left visual field advantage for the recognition of famous faces is consistent with studies of face recognition deficits in brain-damaged patients, a right visual field advantage for the recognition of famous faces has recently been reported in normal subjects. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Asymmetries of emotional facial expressions in humans offer reliable indexes to infer brain lateralization and mostly revealed right hemisphere dominance. Studies concerned with oro-facial asymmetries in nonhuman primates largely showed a left-sided asymmetry in chimpanzees, marmosets and macaques. The presence of asymmetrical oro-facial productions was assessed in Olive baboons in order to determine the functional cerebral asymmetries. Two affiliative behaviors (lipsmack, copulation call) and two agonistic ones (screeching, eyebrow-raising) were recorded. For screeching, a strong and significant left hemimouth bias was found, but no significant bias was observed for the other behaviors. These results are discussed in the light of the available literature concerning asymmetrical oro-facial productions in nonhuman primates. In addition, these findings suggest that human hemispheric specialization for emotions has precursors in primate evolution.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to investigate hemispheric asymmetry in color processing among normal participants. In Experiment 1, it was shown that the reaction times (RTs) of the dominant and non-dominant hands assessed using a visual target presented at the central visual field, were not significantly different. In Experiment 2, RTs of ipsilateral hands to lateralized chromatic stimuli revealed that the processing time was 17 ms shorter in the right hemisphere (RH) than that in the left hemisphere among the right-handed participants, whereas no significant difference was found among the left-handed participants. On the other hand, RTs to lateralized achromatic stimuli showed no such asymmetry among both the right- and left-handed participants (Experiment 3). These findings strongly suggest RH superiority for detection of color among right-handed individuals.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the right hemisphere's contribution to lexical semantic processing is greatest when it is "disinhibited." Skilled reading may require the controlled modulation of interhemispheric interaction: the left hemisphere (or some other control mechanism) may regulate the subprocesses of reading by selectively "inhibiting" and "disinhibiting" right hemisphere function. Right-handed undergraduates concurrently performed two tasks: a lateralized semantic or rhyme task and a verbal memory task. It was hypothesized that right hemisphere reading processes would be disinhibited when the left hemisphere was "occupied" with the memory task. This hypothesis was supported for a subgroup of subjects who showed evidence of inhibition of right hemisphere function (i.e., left hemisphere dominance for lexical processing) when the lateralized semantic task was performed alone. Across subjects, there was a strong correlation between the degree of left hemisphere dominance in the single-task semantic conditions and the degree of disinhibition of right hemisphere function in the dual-task semantic condition.  相似文献   

Influence of imageability on hemispheric processing difference is studied in a lexical decision task with semantic priming. Homographs and ambiguous words were biased according to the prime toward their low or high imageable meanings and unilaterally presented in the visual field. A right visual field (RVF) superiority was observed; it was nonsignificant for the high imageable (HI) meaning but significant for the low imageable (LI) meaning of the ambiguous words. Thus the results seem to favor a bilateral hemispheric representation of HI words and a unilateral left representation of LI words. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed to the various models of ambiguous word access processing.  相似文献   

Right-handed adults were asked to identify bilaterally presented linguistic stimuli under three experimental conditions. In Condition A, stimuli were three-letter pronounceable nonwords (such as TUP), and subjects were asked to report them by naming them. In Condition B, stimuli were three-letter pronounceable nonwords, and subjects were asked to report them as strings of letters. In Condition C, stimuli were more or less unpronounceable letter strings (such as UTP) created by rearranging the letters of pronounceable nonwords, and subjects reported them as strings of letters. Pronounceable nonwords were found to be better identified from the right visual hemifield irrespective of the way in which they were reported. Unpronounceable letter strings did not produce any visual hemifield difference. Nonwords are of interest because they can be seen as potential words that lack both specific semantic properties and entries in the subject's internal lexicon. The results of the experiment are consistent with the view that both the left and right cerebral hemispheres are able to identify letters but the left hemisphere is more sensitive to the pronounceability of the nonwords. This may happen either because the left hemisphere can make better use of resemblances to real words or because it has access to spelling to sound correspondence rules.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the neural network supporting the semantic processing of visual words in a patient with large-scale damage to left-hemisphere (LH) language structures. Patient GP, and a control subject, RT, performed semantic and orthographic tasks while brain-activation patterns were recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In RT, the semantic-orthographic comparison activated LH perisylvian and extrasylvian temporal regions comparable to the network of areas activated by non-brain-damaged subjects in other neuroimaging studies of semantic discrimination. In GP, the same comparison activated homologous right-hemisphere regions, demonstrating the ability of the right hemisphere to subserve visual lexicosemantic processes. The results are discussed within the context of the normal right hemisphere's capacity for semantic processing of visual words. Examining results from functional neuroimaging studies on recovery in the context of innate hemispheric abilities may enable reconciliation of disparate claims about mechanisms supporting recovery from aphasia.  相似文献   

Recent research regarding hemispheric lateralization has suggested complex interactions among observed asymmetries, subject coding strategies, and sex differences in the utilization of and access to information codes. Prior to tactile perception of ambiguous figures, subjects were instructed to use either a verbal (left hemisphere) or imagery (right hemisphere) strategy. A non-instruction control group was included. Although a significant overall relationship between instructed strategy and tactile asymmetries was observed, this largely was due to males' privileged access to right-hemisphere imagery codes.  相似文献   

The role of the left cerebral hemisphere for the discrimination of duration was examined in a group of normal subjects. Two tasks were presented: the first required a reaction-time response to the offset of monaural pulse sequences varying in interpulse duration, and the second required the discrimination of small differences in durations, within a delayed-comparison paradigm. In each task a right-ear advantage was obtained when the durations were 50 msec or less. No ear advantage was obtained for the larger durations of 67 to 120 msec. Since the perceptual distinctiveness of phonemes may be provided by durations approximating 50 msec, the nature of the relationship between the left hemisphere's role in temporal processing and speech processing may be elaborated.  相似文献   

We described a 56-years-old man with a diagnosis of "non-fluent primary progressive aphasia" (NfPPA). An accurate neuropsychological, neurological and neuroimaging evaluation was performed in order to assess clinical and behavioural features of the patient. From a neuropsychological point of view, the patient showed a typical cognitive profile of subjects affected by NfPPA: a prominent language deficit, associated with impairments in several cognitive domains after three years from the onset of the symptomatology. The most intriguing feature is that SPECT revealed hypoperfusion in the right frontal cortex, albeit the patient is right-handed. This unexpected finding shows that NfPPA may arise not only from cortical abnormalities in the language-dominant left hemisphere, but also from right hemisphere involvement in a right hander (crossed aphasia).  相似文献   

This study investigated individual differences in the ability to automatically access simple addition and multiplication facts from memory. It employed a target-naming task and a priming procedure similar to that utilised in the single word semantic-priming paradigm. In each trial, participants were first presented with a single digit arithmetic problem (e.g., 6+8) and were then presented with a target that was either congruent (e.g., 14) or incongruent (e.g., 17) with this prime. Response times for congruent and incongruent conditions were then compared to a neutral condition (e.g., X+Y, with target 14). For the high skilled group, significant facilitation in naming congruent multiplication and addition targets was found at SOAs of 300 and 1000?ms. In contrast, for the low skilled group, facilitation in naming congruent targets was only observed at 1000?ms. Significant inhibition in naming incongruent multiplication and addition targets at 300?ms, and addition targets at 1000?ms, was found for the high skilled group alone. This advantage in access to simple facts for the high skilled group was then further supported in a problem size analysis that revealed individual differences in access to small and large problems that varied by operation. These findings support the notion that individual differences in arithmetic skill stem from automaticity in solution retrieval and additionally, that they also derive from strategic access to multiplication solutions.  相似文献   

Investigation of lateral performance asymmetries in the early stages of face processing was conducted using a task which avoided the need either to memorise or to compare two faces. Subjects were merely required to decide whether or not a laterally presented stimulus constituted a face. Analysis of the latencies indicated a LVF advantage for this task which is interpreted, in conjunction with the evidence from patients suffering from prosopagnosia, as indicating a right hemisphere superiority in synthesizing facial percepts.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the right hemisphere advantage reported in the literature for single Chinese or kanji characters is the result of perceptual factors rather than unique linguistic features of the orthography. However, no similar right hemisphere advantage for two-character words has ever been found. This study reports on a right hemisphere advantage for high stroke number low frequency two-character Chinese words with short exposure time and low luminance. While there is support for the perceptual-factors explanation for some findings of right hemisphere advantage for Chinese, it is suggested that linguistic factors can still play a part.  相似文献   

The specificity of face recognition is usually related to the hypothesis that it could be based mainly on global processing of the whole face. However, this does not mean that more analytic processes, like the local processing of some features, could not play a role in the recognition process in some circumstances. An experiment was conducted with 18 normal subjects in order to evaluate the role of analytic processes in the recognition of faces viewed from different angles. Makeup was applied to eyes and lips to enhance local processing (local cue). We found a positive effect of the makeup cue, which could be due to better recognition when the shape of eyes and lips are highlighted. Also, we found better recognition with left-sided views compared to right-sided views. Finally, the makeup effect was significant in left three-quarter views but not in right three-quarter views. If this effect is due to analytic processing of some facial features, it could be related to a left hemisphere operation.  相似文献   

Hoch L  Tillmann B 《Acta psychologica》2012,140(3):230-235
While previous research has investigated the relationship either between language and music processing or between language and arithmetic processing, the present study investigated the relationship between music and arithmetic processing. Rule-governed number series, with the final number being a correct or incorrect series ending, were visually presented in synchrony with musical sequences, with the final chord functioning as the expected tonic or the less-expected subdominant chord (i.e., tonal function manipulation). Participants were asked to judge the correctness of the final number as quickly and accurately as possible. The results revealed an interaction between the processing of series ending and the processing of the task-irrelevant chords' tonal function, thus suggesting that music and arithmetic processing share cognitive resources. These findings are discussed in terms of general temporal and structural integration resources for linguistic and non-linguistic rule-governed sequences.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the internal processing mechanisms of relatively independent visual-form subsystems. Participants first viewed centrally presented word pairs and then completed word stems presented beneath context words in the left or right visual field. Letter-case-specific priming in stem completion was found only when the context word was the same word that had previously appeared above the primed completion word and the items were presented directly to the right cerebral hemisphere. This pattern of results was not found when participants deliberately recollected previously presented words when completing the stems. Results suggest that holistic processing, not parts-based processing as assumed in many contemporary theories of visual-form recognition, is performed in a subsystem that distinguishes specific instances in the same abstract category of form and that operates more effectively in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

Three hemifield tachistoscopic studies of a right-handed patient with acquired Broca's aphasia and deep dyslexia, but with intact visual fields, are presented to support the hypothesis of right hemisphere (RH) participation in deep dyslexic reading. A systematic comparison of this deep dyslexic with the disconnected RHs of two patients with complete cerebral commissurotomy disclosed a similar, but not identical, pattern of abilities. The results demonstrate partial reliance on the RH for accessing the meaning of single words, but not for phonological encoding in this patient.  相似文献   

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