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刘同舫 《哲学研究》2021,(12):25-34
马克思主义哲学要发挥"批判的武器"功能,需要以恰当的方式面向实践。马克思主义哲学及其实践在整体上具有统一性,但其自身也内蕴"理论阐释"与"实践行动"之间的张力。这种张力在马克思主义哲学"主体-实践"关系的本体论中呈现出来。从理论与实践的内在张力出发,马克思主义哲学应当采取两种看似矛盾却符合其理论特质的方式面向实践:通过拉近与实践之间的距离,以"回归实践、切中实践"的方式,对研究中日益脱离实践的纯粹理论旨趣和"停留于文本"的抽象逻辑演绎取向加以纠偏与拨正,进而确立理论服务实践的宗旨意识;通过"拉开"与实践之间的距离,以"立足实践、跳出实践"的方式,对理论研究沦为实践附庸的现象加以反思,以理论作为"解释世界"的依据和"改变世界"的导向,进而推动实践的创新与发展。马克思主义哲学面向实践是基于科学有效的方式不断推进、永无止境的历史过程。  相似文献   

即将过去的20世纪,无论对世界,还是对中国,都是一个取得了有史以来最为辉煌成就的世纪,是一个哲学前所未有的大发展的世纪。20世纪中国发生三次社会革命:旧民主主义革命;新民主主义革命;社会主义革命及改革。与此相应的是,20世纪中国发生三次哲学革命:资本主义的哲学革命;无产阶级的哲学革命;无产阶级哲学的自我革命。第三次社会革命和哲学革命正在进行之中,预计要到下世纪中叶才能完成。  相似文献   

在20世纪上半叶,马克思主义哲学大众化的显著特征就是通俗化。于光远曾称艾思奇的《大众哲学》"是一本通俗宣传马克思主义哲学的优秀著作",他进而解释了"通俗"的意思:"通俗者,沟通世俗世界,用现代语言来说,即沟通群众之谓也。"[1]尽管于光远在这里没有对"群众"进行界定,但  相似文献   

王光松 《现代哲学》2006,(6):99-104
哲人的多种面相是其政治哲学之所以复杂的深层原因,该文以孔子与《论语》中四类人的关系为线索,通过分析孔子对四类人的看法以及自己与他们的关系定位,旨在呈现孔子在其中所表现出来的多重面相,并由此进而把握孔子式哲人与政治的关系。  相似文献   

应用哲学在当代西方正日益为哲学界以及整个社会所关注。这里的“应用哲学”概念包括了通常所说的“实践哲学”、“公共哲学”等,是指直接关系到实践领域问题的哲学研究,它表明,公共生活领域中的许多话题都可以用哲学分析和批评的方法加以处理,这些话题必然直接涉及到价值问题。  相似文献   

冯建华 《学海》2004,(5):175-178
对马克思主义哲学研究对象 ,既要作认识论研究 ,又要作解释学研究。在解释学视野里 ,要反思马克思主义哲学文本的量和质 :“量”是指马克思主义哲学文本的范围 ,“质”是指此范围内的文本是绝对具有、还是相对具有“马克思主义哲学”性质 ,马克思主义哲学教科书、恩格斯等经典作家的著作、马克思本人的全部著作不能绝对地、确定无疑地认定为马克思主义哲学著作。  相似文献   

“田野哲学”是美国近来兴起的一种从事哲学研究的新理念,它的出现与当今美国哲学界倡导的跳出书斋、走向社会、服务社会的新思潮具有密切的联系。“田野哲学”不是“田野调查”方法向哲学领域的简单移植,也不是为哲学开辟一个新的研究部门,而是在新的时代语境下对如何进行哲学研究的元哲学层面的思考。“田野哲学”的定位是元哲学层面的哲学方法论,它主张对哲学进行“去学科化”,提倡“跨学科”的研究模式和“自下而上”的研究进路,以非哲学家人群为读者对象,增进哲学的社会参与度。  相似文献   

现在,我们进入马克思主义孕育故事的最后一大章,情节在此我已标明为自由主义的“哲学”思想。当然,这具体涉及到黑格尔的哲学,黑格尔被马克思和恩格斯看作是“资产阶级”思想之最高最终表达和代表。但随即,我们必须注意马克思主义与黑格尔关系中的一种根本的——也是最迷人的—  相似文献   

先驱者的印记:李达传播马克思主义哲学的理论特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李达选择了"专做理论的研究与传播"的马克思主义者角色,在中国孜孜不倦且卓有成效地传播马克思主义.这一工作极大地影响着中国马克思主义学说体系的建构和学术特色的形成.  相似文献   

This response to Richard Shusterman's Philosophy and the Art of Writing focuses on his concern that philosophy is, first and foremost, a way of life, illustrated in the West by the Socratic ideal of the philosopher and in the East by the example of the scholar-artist-gentleman. This paper examines the process of Buddhist meditation and the process of creating novels, supplementing the authors Shusterman carefully examines with examples from Black American literature, the author's own teacher John Gardner, and artistic colleagues the author has known. The basic thrust of the response is that the skillful means used in writing can indeed be a form of self-creation, but it can also be a means of liberation from the self.  相似文献   

书写和阅读是在文字的基础上发展起来的, 二者存在共享的神经网络。书写能影响阅读, 阅读不仅依靠视觉加工, 还依赖书写运动表征。不同书写方式对阅读的影响不同, 传统书写对阅读有促进作用, 电脑打字对阅读产生了一定的消极影响。对汉字来说, 传统书写能加强汉字的正字法表征, 促进汉字阅读; 电脑打字对汉字阅读的影响尚无一致结论。未来研究可以考察传统书写与电脑打字神经机制的差异, 以及电脑打字对汉字认知加工的影响及神经机制。  相似文献   

邱小燕  葛艳莹  胡超 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2799-2808
疫情等社会灾难时期, 创伤经历者急剧增加, 加之交通阻断, 传统的心理救援很难及时应对大范围的灾民心理危机; 而表达性写作便于心理学工作者大规模实施, 且可通过电话、网络等远程通讯工具进行指导, 治疗PTSD等心理创伤, 改善生理、心理健康。社会灾难时期表达性写作的机制复杂, 涉及暴露脱敏、意义重建、自我抽离—自我调节、工作记忆优化和认知神经机制正常化; 其疗效受到作者特质、干预时间和写作形式等潜在因素的影响。相应地, 未来应结合本土社会文化因素, 重视在线干预研究, 探索表达性写作相关的认知神经机制, 综合不同的生理、心理健康指标评估表达性写作的疗效。  相似文献   


In this article I discuss the ways in which writing poetry and reflecting on its meanings may be a valuable tool for promoting an educator’s reflexivity surrounding issues of reconciliation. As Canada embarks on the work of healing the difficulties its colonial past has caused its original inhabitants (i.e. Indigenous peoples), educators must explore ways in which they can contribute to a more socially just, democratic, and healthy society. By utilising the theoretical framework of Dialogical Self Theory (DST) to describe and explore identity and the writing of poetry as an exploration of self, it becomes possible for myself, as an educator, to unearth my own biases and begin to create safe spaces for identity exploration, learning, and healing.  相似文献   

Approaching a milestone in his teaching career, the author set out to document his observations on mentoring reflective journal writing with the aims of capturing his own learning journey and providing insights into future practice. Such recollections of teachers’ learning from experience in the higher education context have been subject to relatively little investigation. Some key points emerge: reflective journal writing is considered fundamental to advancing the core principles of the liberal arts tradition, specifically by allowing students to articulate their understanding of the more abstract concepts fundamental to undergraduate learning. Over time, mentoring of journal writing can provide rich individual and collective portraits of learner development. At the heart of this discussion is the belief that the ‘art’ of mentoring good journal writing lies in taking cues from the students, and acknowledging and incorporating their insights and first-hand experience of the process into classroom instruction. It is hoped that these reflections may be beneficial for teachers beginning or continuing their reflective journal mentoring.  相似文献   

This paper is a call to geographers, a call for evocative understandings of complicated places and times, for writing practices that foreground feelings, embrace experiential considerations, and privilege embodied relationships with text during periods of struggle, protest, and resistance. I anchor this call in a formalist reading Sunil Yapa's Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist. Drawing from poetic impulses, my formalist reading of the novel includes attention to the novels' grammatical structures and lineated assemblages: I extend my reading of the novel into a call for geographers to experiment and emote in our writing practices, whatever those practices might be. The paper also draws on poet Don Paterson's writing about textual work done by the lyrical and the lyric. Paterson suggests poetry offers opportunities to make writing an ingestible project, one with the potential of being physically manifest in a reader. In this paper, I suggest there is much potential for social change if geographers consider emotionally evocative writing and knowledge as opposed to information being conveyed in expected forms. Ultimately, and circling back to Yapa, I call to geographers to consider our writing as activist work, with the emotional potential of making a new and better world.  相似文献   

徐素华先生文章把我提出的“中国马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“党的指导思想形态”,“在中国的马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“学术研究形态”,这不符合我的本意。“马克思主义哲学合法性问题”的讨论确实存在。“中国马克思主义哲学”是在中国实践中学习、运用,在总结实践经验、发扬中国优秀哲学文化、升华人民群众智慧的基础上发展了的马克思主义哲学。它是中国哲学的一个现代形态。它既是一个创新的哲学理论体系,又是党的指导思想的哲学基础。  相似文献   

与时偕行趣时变通--《周易》"时"之观念析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文围绕着<周易>经传中关于"时"的观念问题进行辨析,综合考察了易学史上对"时"之观念进行象数模拟和义理思考的主要形式与内容,并分析了<周易>"时"之观念的现代启示意义.  相似文献   

In recent years, ethnic minorities have experienced an increase in acts of exclusion. In two studies, we demonstrated how ingroup members' felt shame about such immoral behavior explained their desire to pro‐socially object to this immorality by distancing from the perpetrating ingroup and by wanting to support the affected minorities. We showed how the desire to pro‐socially object varies as a function of national identification. As expected, nationally attached identifiers' felt shame for the immoral behavior was linked with greater willingness to pro‐socially object to it. The opposite pattern was found for nationally glorifying identifiers. In the second study, we found that anger directed at the ingroup partially explained the relationship between group‐based shame and the pro‐social desire to object. The results contribute to the literature on shame and pro‐social motivations by showing that distancing from the perpetrating ingroup can be considered as a pro‐social strategy rather than a defensive one.  相似文献   

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