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Impairment in social skills is one of the few criteria that all individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia must meet. Successful social skills require the coordination of many abilities, including social perception, which involves the decoding and interpretation of social cues from others. In this study, we examined the potential for virtual reality (VR) in social skill training. We attempted to determine if VR can be used to measure social skills and social perception, and to determine which VR parameters are related to schizophrenic symptoms. Some of these results have clear clinical relevance, while other observations need further study. The VR system appears to be useful in assessing the social perception of schizophrenics and normal people, and could be more widely used in the future for social training and in the assessment of social problem-solving abilities, assertiveness skills, and general social skills.  相似文献   

Immersive virtual reality systems employing head-mounted displays offer great promise for the investigation of perception and action, but there are well-documented limitations to most virtual reality systems. In the present article, we suggest strategies for studying perception/action interactions that try to depend on both scale-invariant metrics (such as power function exponents) and careful consideration of the requirements of the interactions under investigation. New data concerning the effect of pincushion distortion on the perception of surface orientation are presented, as well as data documenting the perception of dynamic distortions associated with head movements with uncorrected optics. A review of several successful uses of virtual reality to study the interaction of perception and action emphasizes scale-free analysis strategies that can achieve theoretical goals while minimizing assumptions about the accuracy of virtual simulations.  相似文献   

Psychophysical functions for perceived roughness, relating ln (magnitude estimate of roughness) to ln (groove width), were obtained for blind and sighted participants in virtual reality using the PHANToM force feedback device. The stimuli were sinusoidal surfaces with groove widths between 0.675 mm and 20.700 mm. Group functions showed a similar nonlinearity to those obtained in physical reality using rigid probes (Klatzky, Lederman, Hamilton, Grindley, & Swendsen, 2003; Lederman, Klatzky, Hamilton, & Ramsay, 1999). Individual functions gave a different picture. Of 23 total participants, there were 13 with wholly descending linear psychometric functions, 7 with quadratic functions similar to the group function, and 3 with anomalous functions. Individual power law exponents showed no significant effects of visual status. All analyses gave a power law exponent close to -0.80. The implications for theories of roughness, methodologies of data analysis, and the design of haptic virtual reality interfaces are considered.  相似文献   

We have developed a virtual reality (VR) system that integrates a three-dimensional tracking device with a video-capture VR platform to record upper limb movements. The influence of target velocity on planning and execution of reaching movements was studied in five healthy subjects. Our initial results suggest that a target's velocity is considered when planning an interceptive action and that a hand reaching toward a moving virtual target is controlled in a similar way to how it is in the real visual environment.  相似文献   

The present study investigated depth perception in virtual environments. Twenty-three participants verbally estimated ten distances between 40 cm and 500 cm in three different virtual environments in two conditions: (1) only one target was presented or (2) ten targets were presented at the same time. Additionally, the presence of a metric aid was varied. A questionnaire assessed subjective ratings about physical complaints (e.g., headache), the experience in the virtual world (e.g., presence), and the experiment itself (self-evaluation of the estimations). Results show that participants underestimate the virtual distances but are able to perceive the distances in the right metric order even when only very simple virtual environments are presented. Furthermore, interindividual differences and intraindividual stabilities can be found among participants, and neither the three different virtual environments nor the metric aid improved depth estimations. Estimation performance is better in peripersonal than in extrapersonal space. In contrast, subjective ratings provide a preferred space: a closed room with visible floor, ceiling, and walls.  相似文献   

If virtual reality systems are to make good on their name, designers must know how people perceive space in natural environments, in photographs, and in cinema. Perceivers understand the layout of a cluttered natural environment through the use of nine or more sources of information, each based on different assumptions—occlusion, height in the visual field, relative size, relative density, aerial perspective, binocular disparities, accommodation, convergence, and motion perspective. The relative utility of these sources at different distances is compared, using their ordinal depth-threshold functions. From these, three classes of space around a moving observer are postulated: personal space, action space, and vista space. Within each, a smaller number of sources act in consort, with different relative strengths. Given the general ordinality of the sources, these spaces are likely to be affine in character, stretching and collapsing with viewing conditions. One of these conditions is controlled by lens length in photography and cinematography or by field-of-view commands in computer graphics. These have striking effects on many of these sources of information and, consequently, on how the layout of a scene is perceived.  相似文献   

This study investigated if training in a virtual reality (VR) environment that provides visual and audio biofeedback on foot placement can induce changes to spatial and temporal parameters of gait during overground walking. Eighteen healthy young adults walked for 23 min back and forth on an instrumented walkway in three different conditions: (i) real environment (RE), (ii) virtual environment (VE) with no biofeedback, and (iii) VE with biofeedback. Visual and audio biofeedback while stepping on virtual footprint targets appearing along a straight path encouraged participants to walk with an asymmetrical step length (SL). A repeated-measures, one-way ANOVA, followed by a pairwise comparison post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni's correction, was performed to compare the step length difference (SLD), stance phase percentage difference (SPPD), and double-support percentage difference (DSPD) between early and late phases of all walking conditions. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the VE biofeedback system for training asymmetrical gait patterns. Participants temporarily adapted an asymmetrical gait pattern immediately post-training in the VE. Induced asymmetries persisted significantly while later walking in the RE. Asymmetry was significant in the spatial parameters of gait (SLD) but not in the temporal parameters (SPPD and DSPD). This paper demonstrates a method to induce unilateral changes in spatial parameters of gait using a novel VR tool. This study provides a proof-of-concept validation that VR biofeedback training can be conducted directly overground and could potentially provide a new method for treatment of hemiplegic gait or asymmetrical walking.  相似文献   

In a wide variety of tasks, choice reaction time (RT) is reduced for repetitions of the previous response. However, when the task itself or a relevant physical feature that successive trials have in common changes, costs for response repetitions can be observed. In a series of three experiments it was investigated whether the repetition of a response results in costs if the stimulus category changes. Furthermore, it was asked whether there need to be informative physical task features that successive trials have in common to produce response repetition costs. In alternating runs, participants had to respond to either one of four symbols or one of the letters with a binary choice reaction: Results suggest that a change of stimulus category is a sufficient condition to produce response repetition costs. It is hypothesized that any change of a task feature that is part of the task representation participants adopt leads to a disruption of repetition-based facilitation and tends to facilitate a response alternation.  相似文献   

Spatial navigation requires a well-established network of brain regions, including the hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and retrosplenial cortex. Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) is a condition with predominantly memory impairment, conferring a high predictive risk factor for dementia. aMCI is associated with hippocampal atrophy and subtle deficits in spatial navigation. We present the first use of a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) navigation task in aMCI, using a virtual reality analog of the Radial Arm Maze. Compared with controls, aMCI patients showed reduced activity in the hippocampus bilaterally, retrosplenial cortex, and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Reduced activation in key areas for successful navigation, as well as additional regions, was found alongside relatively normal task performance. Results also revealed increased activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in aMCI patients, which may reflect compensation for reduced activations elsewhere. These data support suggestions that fMRI spatial navigation tasks may be useful for staging of progression in MCI.  相似文献   

Many studies showed the ability of movies and imagery techniques to elicit emotions. Nevertheless, it is less clear how to manipulate the content of interactive media to induce specific emotional responses. In particular, this is true for the emerging medium virtual reality (VR), whose main feature is the ability to induce a feeling of "presence" in the computer-generated world experienced by the user. The main goal of this study was to analyze the possible use of VR as an affective medium. Within this general goal, the study also analyzed the relationship between presence and emotions. The results confirmed the efficacy of VR as affective medium: the interaction with "anxious" and "relaxing" virtual environments produced anxiety and relaxation. The data also showed a circular interaction between presence and emotions: on one side, the feeling of presence was greater in the "emotional" environments; on the other side, the emotional state was influenced by the level of presence. The significance of these results for the assessment of affective interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of cross-task priming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waszak F  Hommel B 《Memory & cognition》2007,35(5):1175-1186
Two lines of research on cross-task priming yield opposite results. Research on repetition priming observed positive priming, whereas research on the role of priming in task-switching observed negative effects. We combined the two types of design. In the transfer phase of our paradigm, subjects performed task B either as a pure block (BBB) or as a switch block (ABAB). We presented items which were either unprimed or primed by prior presentation during a preceding priming phase performed on task A. Amongst others, the priming effect is determined by two factors: First, the more operation time the system needs during the probe event, the higher the likelihood to obtain priming. Protracting operation time by reducing stimulus quality favors positive priming, whereas providing more operation time by making subjects switch between tasks favors negative priming. Second, the strength of the memory trace of the prime event determines whether that trace can possibly yield negative priming, in that only strong traces can be retrieved together with the associated task/response.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of external recommendations on memory attributions. In two experiments, participants were led to believe that they were viewing the responses of two prior students to the same memoranda they were currently judging. However, they were not informed of the reliability of these fictive sources of cues or provided with performance feedback as testing proceeded. Experiment 1 demonstrated improvement in the presence of reliable source cues (75% valid), as compared to uncued recognition, whereas performance was unaltered in the presence of random cues provided by an unreliable source (50% valid). Critically, participants did not ignore the unreliable source, but instead appeared to restrict cue use from both sources to low-confidence trials on which internal evidence was highly unreliable. Experiment 2 demonstrated that participants continued to treat an unreliable source as potentially informative even when it was predominantly incorrect (25% valid), highlighting severe limitations in the ability to adequately discount unreliable or deceptive sources of memory cues. Thus, under anonymous source conditions, observers appear to use a low-confidence outsourcing strategy, wherein they restrict reliance on external cues to situations of low confidence.  相似文献   

Aim: To explore therapists' perceptions of the relative benefits and pitfalls of group work and individual counselling for bereaved clients. Method: Semi-structured interviews with nine experienced bereavement therapists from a range of different contexts generated data which was analysed using grounded theory methodology. Findings: Groups were perceived as having a normalising influence, helping members make new social contacts and practice social skills. Individual counselling was seen as facilitating the initial telling of the story and the expression of extreme emotion. Discussion: The findings suggest that individual counselling may be useful as a primary intervention easing ‘emotional loneliness’ caused by the death of a spouse or attachment figure. Group work may be of more benefit later in the bereavement process, facilitating an engagement with the outside world and alleviating ‘social loneliness’. Implications for practice: This suggests that bereavement services might usefully combine group and individual provision. Initial assessment could help clients clarify their needs and facilitate their choice of service. This would be more cost effective and potentially ease clients' bereavement experience.  相似文献   

Tests have been shown to improve the later recall of tested information, a result known as the testing effect. Tests, however, can also impair the later recall of related information, an effect known as retrieval-induced forgetting. Although retrieval-induced forgetting has been demonstrated using a wide variety of materials, recent work suggests that learning information in the context of a coherent text passage may afford protection from retrieval-induced forgetting. In four experiments we explored the conditions under which retrieval-induced forgetting does and does not occur with such materials. We found that two factors-the coherence of the to-be-learned material and the competitiveness of retrieval practice-are important in determining whether retrieval-induced forgetting does or does not occur. Furthermore, even if retrieval-induced forgetting does occur, having the opportunity to restudy the forgotten information can prevent that forgetting from persisting. Taken together, these findings provide greater understanding of the costs and benefits of testing text materials, with possible implications for the optimisation of testing as a tool for learning in educational contexts.  相似文献   

Tests have been shown to improve the later recall of tested information, a result known as the testing effect. Tests, however, can also impair the later recall of related information, an effect known as retrieval-induced forgetting. Although retrieval-induced forgetting has been demonstrated using a wide variety of materials, recent work suggests that learning information in the context of a coherent text passage may afford protection from retrieval-induced forgetting. In four experiments we explored the conditions under which retrieval-induced forgetting does and does not occur with such materials. We found that two factors—the coherence of the to-be-learned material and the competitiveness of retrieval practice—are important in determining whether retrieval-induced forgetting does or does not occur. Furthermore, even if retrieval-induced forgetting does occur, having the opportunity to restudy the forgotten information can prevent that forgetting from persisting. Taken together, these findings provide greater understanding of the costs and benefits of testing text materials, with possible implications for the optimisation of testing as a tool for learning in educational contexts.  相似文献   

The texton theory of preattentive texture perception was recently adopted over a prior model based on the global computation of dipole statistics. It is shown here that the dipole model remains a necessary adjunct unless the texton theory is modified to distinguish real from virtual features of texture perception.  相似文献   

This commentary briefly reviews the history of virtual reality and its use for psychology research, and clarifies the concepts of immersion and the illusion of presence.  相似文献   

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